For China people who have experienced colonial rule and have not benefited from colonial rule, the new continent is both a pain and a memory.

Finally, he didn’t lose his head and asked, "Chen Yi, what do you want?"
"You’ll know when you see the West China."
Sima Jian was taken away by the students’ inspectors when he had to say anything.
Three days after the goods arrived.
A total of more than two large and small ships were crammed into the subway, with a gross tonnage exceeding 10,000. These are some used old ships bought by Chen Yi, and some of them are river shipping ships. They are too slow to run in Jiangning and are on the verge of elimination, but they are all rare goods in the western mainland.
The big ship docked at Xijiang pier is only 200-300 tons, and the 1 ton seagoing ship is already boasting about 5 tons and 10,000 tons after dinner. The big guy has to go straight to the sea from the canal to be safe.
Sima Jian was well prepared, but he was taken into a ship’s cabin and stuffy for almost two days before he came out of the cabin. What he saw was a pure tropical scenery.
"How do I know this is not a tropical rain forest like Amazon?" His first question drew bursts of laughter.
"You can look for evidence. Maybe you can meet two friends. Do you have to abide by Jiangning city-state laws and China laws here?" The naked bear gave him a shove, and his attitude was quite impolite.
"Know" Sima Jian looked at the surrounding environment like a baby.
Xintong Canal is 4 kilometers wide, and concrete is poured on both sides to install machinery and equipment. There is no doubt that if the dock is on the earth, it will not escape the satellite eyes.
No more words. This canal pier alone is much whiter than him.
Chapter five hundred and fifty-five Facing the country
Sima Jian returned to Jiangning after staying in the west mainland, especially immersed in various shocks for a long time and could not extricate himself.
He was frantic when he heard the news. He touched and asked more like a favorite than a follower, Sima Yun. He was also busy greeting and said, "My master asked to see him as soon as you came back."
"Something happened at home?" Sima Jian immediately drove to the airport.
"Everything is fine at home, and the company is a little unhappy, and the ship rent has risen, and the oil price has soared. Recently, business has become a bit high."
"Well," Sima Jian immediately thought of the 1-kilometer-long port of the West Continental Wharf. If it is full of ships, there must be hundreds of large-tonnage ships. Don’t say that oil prices and rents have risen. After the ship price has risen, the prices of steel and machinery will also rise all the way until the lowest profit in the West Continental is drowned.
This is a series of price increases.
Sima Jian unexpectedly thought that gold bonds are more valuable than issuing unrestricted national trust currency, such as gold, and the devaluation of national trust currency in the inflation pattern will not cause bad money to drive out good money. On the contrary, good money should be sufficient, and people will choose to get good money, which will have a positive effect.
Thinking of this, he suddenly asked, "What is the price of gold?"
Sima Yun fumbled through a notebook and hesitated for a moment, then said, "The week rose by 3%."
"Quite a few"
"Do you want to buy?" It is common for trading companies like them to do futures and currency trading. Although the risks are great, there are many ways to make profits in the loss outside the dike and to make up for the risk.
Sima Jian shook his head and hesitated. "You prepare a plan and we will stock up a batch of shipping steel plates."
Sima Yun glanced at his brain screen and hesitated, saying, "Steel stocks have risen sharply, and both steel prices and iron ore have risen by 1%. Will it be a little late to stock up and ship steel plates now?"
"I’m not afraid that you can buy it at ease." Sima Jian replied calmly. He only went to the West China for a few days, and he could conclude that the price was rising. His Chen family must have planned it long ago.
The 1% increase must also be the result of their deliberate control. Once the price of heavy-duty steel plates soars to 1%, it is not surprising.
How many ships can a western continent alone accommodate? When major shipyards receive numerous orders for emergency work, the price of raw materials will rise sharply.
It’s past evening when the special plane arrived at Xijing airport, but there was a car waiting for it, and the journey was very fast.
Back to my old house, the reception room was unusually quiet in the past, and Sima Jian was directly led to his father’s room.
See Sima Zhong, a member of Sima Committee at the table, upturned his neck and looked out the window at two marble players going round and round as he thought quickly about his brain.
Sima Jian didn’t dare to disturb and gently sat on the sofa opposite the desk.
"went to the west continent?" Sima Zhong suddenly turned the chair and trembled with wrinkles on his cheeks. Even he smiled.
"It was the day I went to Jiangning Jiangbei Wharf that I happened to meet Chen Yi. He invited me to the western mainland but didn’t say why." Sima Jian said with caution that it was a bit of an understatement.
"How do you feel?" SiMaZhong drinking green tea water vapor covered her face expression.
"It’s a bit like a fake". Before Sima Jian came, he had already thought about the words. It’s natural for his family to be strict and afraid of being old, but it’s natural for his grandfather and grandson to laugh more when they meet.
SiMaZhong "well" a meditation and don’t know what to think.
Sima Jian is sitting with his eyes looking straight at him, frowning slightly-he seems to be getting older when he doesn’t see his father in ten-day months, and brown age spots in his eyes always portend something like shadows.
Reminiscent of seeing Chen Yi and depending on Chen Zhongguo’s company Ma Jian this time, I can’t help feeling extremely surprised that the Chen family is ready for the alternation of old and new, but what about the Sima family? Father and many family leaders are indecisive because of similar judgments, right?
"Did Chen Yi ask for it?" In Sima Zhong’s voice, there are two long wrinkles on his lips forever, like a pair of brackets. With the increase of age and workload, the brackets in the small brackets have finally expanded to today’s brackets, and it is often funny when you suddenly see them.
However, since the brackets came to Sima Zhong, I seldom went to see those people who are easy to laugh.
Sima Jian withdrew his elegant thinking and replied, "He didn’t ask for anything."
"I didn’t speak when I met you when I went," added Sima Jian, feeling very embarrassed.
"He’s letting us," Father Sima suddenly sighed. "Do you think the western continent is profitable?"
"It’s absolutely profitable," Sima Jian said firmly. "It’s just that the channel controls their hands a little under the control of people’s feelings."
Sima Zhong, a learned man, gave him a Gherardini look and asked, "Do you agree to join?"
This is the core issue. Sima Jian didn’t hesitate to say, "The western mainland must be the future development trend. I read the report from Xijiang that their order volume this year is almost the same as that of half of the southeast province. The light industry system consumes more than that of a European country. So the problem is solved, and the other mainland has a large agricultural developed population and strong health. Just ploughing farmland can make us have surplus food …"
He gave an organized account of his view for almost two minutes.
Sima Zhong listened quietly, and did not move or leave.
When he had finished, Sima Zhong nodded lightly. "Since you support joining, let’s talk about it in the name of the company first, and we will decide according to the conditions."
"Good" Sima Jian breathed a sigh of relief and knew that it was not easy for Torre to make this decision. If the Sima family entered the western continent, it would be the first non-Chen heavyweight family. What would outsiders think of them and what decisions other forces would make? It is difficult to determine by guessing.
That night, Sima Jian was unable to sleep. When it came to dawn, he got out of bed and fell to the table and listed the outline.
He listed the possible requirements of the other party and the conditions that we can agree to, and the pens with different colors marked the importance and loss of the conditions … It was easier said than done, and it should not be false to others.