I tried to get some information from my father-in-law all the way, such as what the emperor wanted him to do, but my father-in-law kept his mouth shut and answered so tightly that I could be angry silently.

"My son has seen my father" met the queen and tried to quietly observe the emperor’s face as good as before making preparations.
However, the emperor didn’t give him this opportunity to shift his sight from the table chessboard to the emperor’s body, and his eyes were sharp and his heart was watching the emperor closely, so this should be what happened.
"Recently, there have been many rumors in Beijing and China, especially for you. I don’t know what you think of this matter?" The emperor asked faintly, but there was a dangerous smell.
It doesn’t matter if the rumor that the pupil is too constricted is related to himself, but the problem is that it has actually reached the emperor’s ear, so this matter will be big.
"I don’t know that they leave messages at will. This rumor is the most untrue." I can’t say anything else. After all, there are some things that he doesn’t know how to refute.
And the emperor naturally won’t stop there because this root doesn’t explain, and he is ready to continue to ask, but he heard the imperial secretary inform the queen that she is coming.
"I got up today and wanted to come and have a look at you. I didn’t expect to be here, but it’s unfortunate that I came." The queen walked to the emperor with a decent smile.
Too silently relieved in my heart, now that the queen has come, someone has backed him up, and his pressure can be relieved a lot.
"What’s the matter? Why are you kneeling here? Why don’t you tell me? So that I can share some worries for you. "The queen pretends to know nothing."
The emperor was silent for a moment, so that the eunuch in charge told the queen what happened back and forth. The queen looked at the emperor in surprise after hearing it.
"You just let too kneeling here because of this thing? This is not too much to make a mountain out of a molehill. "The queen looked at her wife in silence and dared not speak.
"You also know that there are the most rumors in Beijing, and it is difficult to be criticized if you sit in this position. It is not a miracle that there will be more rumors, don’t you think?" The queen threw the words back to the emperor.
How can the emperor not know what the queen means? There was silence and no answer, which made the queen feel a little embarrassed, but she quickly adjusted.
"Well, let’s end this matter first. You should pay more attention to it and go home." The emperor waved his hand and motioned for them to leave.
And the queen nature is too close with too away from the emperor also sat in situ after a long time to look at the main eunuch.
"What do you think of Tai?" The emperor seems to ask the eunuch in charge casually, and he is afraid to comment at will even if he is bold one day.
"It’s too natural and wonderful for you to choose, and it may take some time to grow up, so at some point it’s not as good as other emperors." The eunuch in charge leveled this philosopher with a bowl of water to preserve his health
And the emperor is naturally white, thinking about the eunuch in charge with some trepidation and asking what a terrible question.
"I just don’t want to see them fratricidal." The emperor sighed as if to say an impossible sight wish.
Chapter 26 Luzhou Flood
It’s too late to go back to the mansion, and I lost my temper, but for Tai, it’s a good result to expose this matter.
However, I didn’t think that the real storm was still waiting for him early the next day.
"I think I’ve been too arrogant to come to Taiwai’s ancestral home recently, and I didn’t take you seriously!" The two emperors and their ministers were present. Action against Tai was taken.
Too surprised in my heart, I never thought that this group of people would take this kind of thing directly to the surface. After all, this is a tacit thing for everyone.
"I think so, too. In recent days, the yamen has received too many reports from the ancestral home. It can be said that it is rampant and has great scruples about the law!" Another minister immediately seconded it.
One has two, naturally, three has four. The Great God has talked about grievances in succession, and he is very flustered in his heart. He has scolded these people half to death, but he can’t show it on the surface, which can be described as extremely wronged.
Of course, it’s natural that it’s easy to expose too much and don’t worry too much, and the arrangements for the two emperors and ministers are naturally more than that
"It has long been said that no matter what they say, there is no problem, and they will solve these things for them. I think you should pay attention to it or it will be a great disaster for the people!" Ministers pointed the finger at Tai in succession.
At this time, there is a feeling that something unexpected is coming. Although these things are common, now I don’t know what kind of decision the emperor will make when I take them to the court. He feels that he may not be able to afford this accident.
Yesterday, things may not be in the past where the emperor is, but today, this kind of thing comes out again, which makes me feel that someone must have done something.
"It is absolutely unacceptable for officials to protect each other from the wind. If the law breaks the law, the common people should be guilty of the same crime, so as to convince the people and better consolidate our country." Ministers gradually made things more and more serious and tried to get the emperor to deal with this matter seriously.
It seems that if the emperor doesn’t deal with this matter seriously, then I’m sorry. What is the terrible thing for the people? It also makes people feel that it is mixed with some coercion.
"In my opinion, it’s not appropriate to say this. It’s obvious to all of us. It’s natural to believe that he won’t do such a thing." The second emperor’s talk at the moment really shocked everyone
After all, it is impossible for these two people to fight to the death, but the two emperors are very calm and can’t see anything strange, which is even more so.
"I don’t know if those things are displayed by my grandfather’s family. It’s just a name, but I don’t know how it can be implicated?" The second emperor calmly continued to say that he didn’t care about everyone’s eyes. It’s really good to look at himself.
However, Tai didn’t think it was for his own good, but felt that there was a bigger conspiracy. It must be uneasy and kind to wait for him. If he really promised his help, he might not have anything to do. It would be more determined to think of it here.
"Now that things have happened, I naturally have an unshirkable responsibility, and I am not someone who can’t afford it. This matter won’t bother you." The atmosphere between them was tense again and again, and the smoke filled every corner of the court.
However, this situation is just the last thing the emperor wants to see. The emperor chose to brush this matter aside. After all, there are some things that need not be too concerned.
"Since you are all so interested, why don’t we talk about Luzhou boss? This is a recent national disaster." The emperor changed the subject.
"I think you must be quite insightful in this matter, and I hope you can think of a good way together." The emperor continued without changing his face.
No one dares to provoke the Luzhou flood. After all, it has been difficult to deal with it for so many years. Maybe it will endanger itself. No one will pick up this rotten stall.
It was lively just now, but the hall was quiet in an instant, as if it had been something.
And although the emperor won’t allow this to happen, after all, it always takes one or these people’s energy to make these people have no time to engage in those who have to let these emperors stop and don’t do anything that is fratricidal.
"You how all don’t say? What’s your idea? Don’t worry about it. I will never blame you for it. "The emperor continued when he saw that everyone was silent."
The ministers looked at the emperor at this time and felt that he would not give up until he reached his goal. Suddenly, his heart sank and he felt that it would be another hard battle today.
No matter who ends up with this job, it will definitely make people feel headache, and of course, there will be a good show.
However, Taiyi pulse people don’t think so. Isn’t this a good opportunity for them?
Just now, those people of the Second Emperor’s faction were still arrogant against Tai, so now it’s a good time for them to fight back. If the Second Emperor wants to take over this matter, then they can stand on the sidelines.
They don’t think Erhuang is capable of solving this problem, but this doesn’t delay them from recommending Erhuang to push him into this puddle.
"I think it’s better to let the second emperor manage it. I believe that the second emperor will be able to hand over an answer sheet that will satisfy you." Minister Taiyi Pulse proudly looked at the second emperor.
The two emperors gnashed their teeth but couldn’t help it. They couldn’t say that the two emperors didn’t have this ability. Wouldn’t that be a slap in the face?
"I believe that the Second Emperor’s Hall will be able to properly handle this matter to your satisfaction, which is really the best choice." Another minister also hurriedly answered.
In this way, everyone held the second emperor to the forefront, and everyone was staring at him to see if he would take the hard job.
Or he can find something good to get rid of it, but this is obviously unlikely.
Chapter 27 woo