Far away, several servants and aunts all pointed and talked.

I heard a collapse and cried in the room.
With the vase landing.
Six o’clock in the afternoon
YanShaoQing out of the operating room.
I didn’t rest for a few minutes, but I went to the conference room to attend an emergency meeting.
Come out at 7: 30 p.m. again.
Look slightly dignified.
He is a backbone of brain surgery with high academic qualifications, short service life and excellent medical skills.
In particular, being single and familiar with several foreign languages, the medical rescue team for Qin ‘an earthquake was set up by the brain surgery representative appointed by the hospital and left for the epicenter with other colleagues in the hospital by special plane at noon.
Recalling the meeting, Yan Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the office with worries.
A woman suddenly came behind "Dr. Yan"
Chu Qiao quickly went to his side to do judo. "I turned around and you disappeared."
"Well hurry home" YanShaoQing light way
"I can’t bear to part with my girlfriend," Chu Qiao said with a look at him. "There’s nothing I can do to save lives. It’s a doctor’s duty to go back and comfort her. She will definitely support it."
"Well, that girl is more clingy." Yan Shaoqing couldn’t help laughing at the thought of Jiang Shao’s appearance.
Eyes bent than gentle.
Chu Qiao looked at him and smiled, sipping his lips and saying nothing.
The number of people going to the epicenter by special plane is limited, because women doctors are not considered very much
The required departments each deploy a male doctor to form a medical team.
She volunteered and strongly requested, and was approved to form a medical team with Yan Shaoqing’s brain surgery representative.
Nervous and excited.
For her, this is really an opportunity to get close to Yan Shaoqing and it comes once in a blue moon.
There’s still a long way to go.
Chu Qiao walked beside him and didn’t mind his indifference. Don’t go to change clothes and prepare for class first.
Compared with her—
Yanshaoqing speed is much slower.
In the process of changing clothes, he has been thinking about Ruxiang Jiangkou.
That girl was a little scared when the earthquake happened today.
If you hear the news that he is going to the epicenter, will you be worried and afraid to cry?
He has a little imagination.
She has the same eyes as the Jiang family.
Is it safe that he’s gone?
It’s good for Jiang Yu to buy that neighborhood in all aspects, but it’s not right for her to live alone with a girl.
He can be long or short when he goes away.
Should she be left alone for the New Year in case she hasn’t come back yet?
Yan Shaoqing’s paranoia is tolerated.
Go out the building with a heavy face and drive back first.
Slow thinking all the time.
It is common for his master to go on business trips when he is old. Why don’t you just keep it from him first?
It’s better for Jiang Jiang not to live for half a mile alone.
He put on headphones to make a phone call to Yan’s mansion and asked Liu Bo, Aunt Li and Xiao Deng to pack their things and go to Evian’s capital later.
Just let that girl live there.
At least three people take care of him, so he can rest assured.
I’m afraid she’ll talk alone
Jiang Jiang is not just twenty years old, but he is still a child.
So dependent on people
Yan Shaoqing thinks about it at will, feels distressed and feels that she is really lonely just leaving her at home.
Holding the steering wheel with one hand and sighing heavily.
It is the first time for him to feel so worried for so many years.
This taste is really uncomfortable.
He thought it over and over again for a long time, and his look suddenly froze.