Watching Chen Zhong rush away, Li Yuanqing narrowed his eyes slightly and slowly vomited an one mouthful polluted air.

Zhenjiang Guard Battle Although Li Yuanqing made a very careful plan to "attack the enemy camp at night" and escaped from the world, Mao Wenlong Jing would not guess that it was tricky
If Li Yuanqing escapes alone, Mao Wenlong will not punish Li Yuanqing, but I’m afraid there will be a knot in my heart.
But Chen Zhong also escaped, and this matter changed.
This is not that Li Yuanqing is afraid of death, but that the governor can’t make a choice unless he has to.
Just as Mao Wenlong made a choice at that time.
For Chen Zhong’s side, Li Yuanqing doesn’t want to charge anything. Mao Wenlong’s understanding of Chen Zhong’s sexuality is probably much deeper than that of Li Yuanqing’s. It is beneficial for him to say more about this lean man.
Chen Zhong prepared the boat in the evening, and Li Yuanqing did not refuse Chen Zhong to go straight to the vast sea through the night …
Two days later, Chen Zhonghe Li Yuanqing arrived at the temporary residence in Mao Wenlong.
The station is located in a valley not far from the sea. The entrance is made of thatch and branches. Although there are many people, this dilapidated appearance is almost worse than that of later African refugee camps. Many people are still surrounded by light clothes and shivering in the cold wind.
Although I didn’t go to Longchuan in Li Yuanqing before, Longchuan has been gathered by Mao Wenlong as a follow-up fulcrum since Zhenjiang. Many refugees and young people are not ten thousand people.
After Chen Jisheng and Mao Chenglu took over, they absorbed many armed forces and’ guerrillas’ who retreated from the northern battlefield, and the number further expanded. But at this time …
Neither Li Yuanqing nor Chen Zhong looks good.
Although I don’t know the casualties in Longchuan, I can guess it only by looking at this station.
Zhang Pan learned that the two men arrived and quickly came out to meet them in person. It was three people who looked at each other for a long time and had nothing to say.
Since Mao Wenlong came from Quang Ninh, it has reached the freezing point of the Mao Wenlong Military Corps.
"General Chen Yuanqing is glad to hear that you are here. Let’s go there waiting for you." The three men were silent for a while and Zhang Pan took the lead in breaking the silence.
He would like to invite two old brothers, Chen Zhonghe and Li Yuanqing, to have a drink, but the conditions are unrealistic now.
Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong also understand Zhang Pan’s situation. Li Yuanqing shook Zhang Pan’s hand heavily. "Zhang Dage, let’s go to see the general first. Everything will be fine."
Zhang Pan nodded heavily and said nothing more.
Mao Wenlong lived in a shack. On that day, most of his ordnance materials were left in Longchuan, Zhenjiang City, and the limited tents left were given priority to the wounded.
The shack Mao Wenlong is staring at the wall map carefully.
Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong came in and quickly kowtowed to Mao Wenlong.
Mao Wenlong turned to look at the two men, and his face was full of the sea, showing a gentle smile. "It’s good to see you come over, Chen Zhongyuan."
Chen Zhong can’t help crying. "General …"
Mao Wenlong smiled and waved his hand. "It’s common for a military commander to cry about what wins or loses this time. We’ll call back this time."
Looking at Mao Wenlong’s old face, Li Yuanqing couldn’t help secretly nodding his head. Lean is lean, but strong force did not defeat Mao Wenlong. His mind remained as firm as ever, even in such a dilemma.
Mao Wenlong asked the two men a few words of household words and asked about the Zhenjiang war situation that day. He didn’t know what happened after he left Zhenjiang.
Li Yuanqing didn’t have a mouth but let Chen Zhonglai describe it.
Chen Zhong’s mood has been better. He is busy recounting the follow-up situation of Zhenjiang Guard War to Mao Wenlong. The facts are different, but Chen Zhong is not a stupid place or a hidden place. Some authentic things have not been hidden, but they have become raids.
Mao Wenlong smell speech long spit out a mouthful of polluted air. "It’s my fault. If I had been more decisive at that time, maybe our army wouldn’t have such a big failure and there wouldn’t have been another Longchuan defeat. Chen Zhongyuanqing, it’s a pity that you did nothing wrong, but Zhang Yuan Zhijun …"
Chen Zhong’s tears came out again. "The general has a great potential to build slaves, and our army is really unable to compete with them now. Only when we have accumulated enough strength can we get back this blood debt with them."
After the battle in Zhenjiang, Chen Zhongxian has matured a lot and is no longer as reckless as before.
Mao Wenlong nodded and looked at Li Yuanqing again. "You won’t blame me for being sorry for you, will you?"
Looking at Mao Wenlong’s sincere and elder-like vision, Li Yuanqing was dissatisfied with Mao Wenlong before, but at this time it melted away and quickly knelt down and said, "How can General Yuan Qing blame you? Can you blame the slaves for being too strong and our army is too weak? If we are evenly matched, how can we allow slaves to be so rampant? "
Mao Wenlong long spit out one mouthful polluted air "Yuan Qing you and Chen Zhong are good boys who wronged you these days".
Two people can’t help but cry.
Even though there are thousands of things wrong with Mao Wenlong, he created the army of Zhenjiang, just like the flesh and blood. How can Zhenjiang break him without heartache?
It is this man who is as firm as a rock, but he never shows this emotion.
The same man is facing this man who is under great pressure, facing this man who is almost single-handedly shouldering the great national luck, and facing this man who is single-handedly shouldering the fate of the entire Han nation. The last bad feelings in Li Yuanqing’s heart are slowly dissipating.
Mao Wenlong is not easy.
Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, the officers, can just March and fight, but he has to face the sky, the court, the officers, the soldiers and other people.
After all, Mao Wenlong is not a fairy. How can he never get tired? Make sure that every decision he makes is correct?
"Ha ha Chen Zhongyuan celebration you are all my hero crying? Where did you go when you told me about this period when you came to Yuanqing? " Mao Wenlong smiled at Li Yuanqing way
Mao Wenlong has apologized to the two men. How can Li Yuanqing be ungrateful? Busy will these days in GuangLu island accomplishment things to Mao Wenlong narrative again.
After that, Li Yuanqing carefully explored: "The general’s potential to build slaves at this time is irreversible. If our army wants to build slaves, even if it retakes Zhenjiang, it will still be the same as Zhenjiang’s guard war. Chen Dage and I were deeply impressed by the fact that the general’s slave cavalry is strong but not good at water warfare, and the slave construction in southern Liaoning and western Liaoning has implemented a sea ban policy. This is a great opportunity for our army."
Li Yuanqing said, carefully looking at Mao Wenlong’s face, and seeing Mao Wenlong’s frown, Li Yuanqing carefully said: "After all, the general’s attitude towards the Longchuan campaign will surely shift the decision-making attitude of the high-level officials of the DPRK ~ fresh. It’s really unwise to leave our main force in the DPRK ~ fresh and pin our fate on other people’s hands. It’s the root to keep the vitality in the eyes of the general."
Li Yuanqing said, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing desperately to Mao Wenlong.
Chen Zhong is also white. Li Yuanqing means kneeling on the ground and kowtowing desperately with Li Yuanqing.
Looking at the front two love Mao Wenlong long spit out a mouthful of polluted air "Yuan Qing Chen Zhong, you get up and talk first"
And he personally came to help two people.
Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong dare not stand up with great power.
Mao Wenlong said, "In fact, some people have thought about this for a long time. It’s the imperial court … and the people’s hearts in Liaoning. We can’t just walk away and leave them alone."
Li Yuanqing said, "General, it’s already a cold winter, and our army’s ordnance trench is uneven. It’s really not a good opportunity to fight. If we rush like this, I don’t know how many brave men will be bloodied on the battlefield. I want the general to truthfully report our army’s situation to the governor’s adult, who will certainly understand the general’s difficulties, and we will have a stronger foundation for the people. They will have a direction to go to. We will survive the cold winter and make a comeback next spring. It’s unknown how many talents General Jiang Dongdi will make a comeback."
Mao Wenlong one leng looking at Li Yuanqing eyes for a moment he suddenly smiled "yuan qing this poem is good should be Du Mu, du thirteen poems? Good, very good. "
Li Yuanqing looked a little relieved at Mao Wenlong’s expression, saying it was so white. Even if Mao Wenlong can’t be urged to move to Pidao now, I’m afraid there should be a core adjustment in his strategy after him.
"General, this is exactly Du Mu’s poem."