"Adjust the turret height to launch!" Before the commander commanded the tank shells to fly out, there was an explosion immediately ahead.

"Damn it! What can’t be higher when you hit the foot of the mountain? " The flying shell didn’t hit the building, but hit the surface of the building. The captain of the rock driver opened his mouth and scolded.
"The captain is already the maximum elevation angle!" Our shells can’t hit so high, "replied the gunner Nye in the car.
Soon, more and more armored vehicles found them here, except when the live target was rooted, the ancient city of Pagman was guarded in the northwest of Kabul. On the day when the city was built, it was designed according to the fortress. The fortress was as dense as a spider’s web, easy to defend but difficult to attack. The armored forces were separated by the narrow roads of the city. Soon, they were shot at close range by the enemy. In the narrow tank method, they turned around and took rpg jihadists and fired rockets at armored vehicles at a distance of almost 50 meters. After a while, Soviet and Afghan government armored vehicles were destroyed one after another.
What’s more, with a large number of troops leaving Kabul, they have been hiding in the city for a long time, and the sheng fighters have also taken action. There have been explosions in the city one after another, and the situation is getting out of control.
More and more injured Soviet soldiers and Afghans have been sent here in Jiangshi Hospital. Eva has come to the hospital to accompany him every day. At this moment, her hands are covered with blood. A Soviet soldier who was hit by a car bomb is stopping bleeding, and his comrades are crying.
"What hasn’t the doctor come to see him? He’s dying! " The Soviet soldier looked at his comrade-in-arms convulsed by excessive blood loss and asked angrily, but there were too many injured people and not enough doctors
Eva, who can’t come, seems to have made up her mind and said to Karim and the injured comrades, "I can’t wait any longer. It seems that I can perform the operation. Hold him down for me!"
"How can you operate? Are you a nurse?" Karim asked with a suspicious face.
Eva didn’t answer. She soon started the operation like a doctor. She found the bleeding place from the disinfection knife and sewed up the blood vessels. She performed better than the doctor. Did Karim get scared by the bloody scene of the operation? She had a big question in her heart. How can Eva have such a good medical skill? Who is she? Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w
Chapter 47 Difficult decisions
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC The Soviet Red Army and the Afghan government armored forces were caught in a scuffle in the ancient city of Pagman. More and more tanks were destroyed. There were no strong fortresses in the intricate alleys of the ancient city of Pagman, which made the armored forces helpless. Soon they found that these jihadists not only had rpg but also advanced anti-tank missiles * pop-ups? @++www * c Tanks are stuck in narrow streets and have to bear the enemy’s ceaseless attacks.
The trouble ahead soon arrived at the Kabul Theater Command, and Commander-in-Chief Wan Nai had to let the armored troops who suffered heavy losses retreat to a room first. The senior staff could not do anything about the sand table and the map. If the former sheng fighters only relied on ak47 and rpg, they couldn’t keep Pagman, but now it’s different. sheng fighters don’t know where to get high-grade goods such as heat-tracking missiles and anti-tank missiles, and relying on Pagman terrain, it’s simply a problem to solve. However, the only thing that Chinese troops can do to help armed helicopters for besieged Soviet soldiers is to watch their comrades-in-arms being besieged by more and more sheng fighters.
13 Many wounded armored troops from the front line were sent here in the drop-off hospital. The sudden situation made this hospital a little unprepared, and there were not enough plasma, doctors and even nurses. The corridor was full of wounded soldiers who were crying because of the pain. Karim couldn’t help but feel more and more worried when she saw the terrible situation here. Eva was busy soon. Although she was short of hands, she was too tired. Karim sent her home to take a bath and relax. Now her clothes are full of blood from the wounded. Eva is wooden and went into the bathroom. Karim is outside to prepare.
Karim pushed the bathroom in. Eva sat naked on the ground. She buried her face in her knees and kept shaking. Karim hurried forward to comfort her. Just as her hand was about to touch Eva’s hair, Eva suddenly grabbed him. She cried and said to Karim, "It’s all my fault! Xie took a dead man! It’s all my fault! "
Karim frightened to disgrace hurriedly asked "how! What the hell is going on here, Eva! "
"Xie took trapped by guerrillas in the valley they can’t come back! This is all my fault! " Eva said with a face of guilt
"Eva, what the hell is going on? We have to do something. You like Xie Liaosha so much. Do something!" Karim panicked and said
"There is no way out, Karim! There’s nothing we can do! The only thing I can do now is to take you away from this country with guilt and leave for us now! " Eva said that and immediately went out of the bathroom to pack her bags. Soon he came to the building with Karim, who was struggling constantly, and got into the car prepared in advance.
"Let me go. Where are you taking me? Who the fuck are you ? Let me go! " Eva ignored Karim’s resistance and started the car and left the hospital. Unfortunately, there was chaos and disorder everywhere in Kabul today, and Eva’s car was quickly blocked in the road.
"Where is Xie Liaosha now?" Karim kept asking
"I don’t know, maybe he has died in Pageman Mountain. This fool, I once hinted that he would not take part in this operation. This fool! Doesn’t he want to think that I will quarrel with him inexplicably? " Just as Eva kept blaming herself, Karim accidentally knocked on the door and jumped, and soon disappeared into the street.
Eva quickly looked around the car and shouted, "Karim, come back!" There is no hope for this country … "
When the morning sun rose again on the horizon the next day, it had resisted for a day and a night, and Xie Liaosha felt that hope was getting more and more dim. From time to time, Soviet helicopters shouted to Xie Liaosha and them.
"Heroic soldiers! Hold on one more time! The rescue team will arrive soon! The motherland and the Red Army won’t abandon you … "These words were believed by Xie Liaosha a day ago, but now he feels upset when he hears these words. After a simple inspection, Lebed found that his leg was broken, and the other things are fine. Now Xie Liaosha gave the command to Lebed. Unfortunately, it is a pity that it is difficult to cook with more and more wounded people and less ammunition. Lebed can’t do anything.
There is no way out for this army, even the sheng fighters have seen it. Hafezola has shouted to them more than once to hand over their weapons and surrender. He promised to abide by the Zhiwa Convention. Once the speaker was called back by everyone, but now they are not allowed to continue to be extravagant with hand ammunition.
Lebed sat with his injured leg in his arms. Now he doesn’t want to think about military matters. The helicopter is still hovering over their heads. Although it is close at hand, it is a pity that as soon as it is lowered, the missile in the hands of sheng fighters will hit it without mercy. Most soldiers have been in isolation for a day and a night. They have been brave enough and have long been worthy of the Soviet Union. But what can the Soviet Union do and send a plane to tell them to continue? A battle that should have ended in three hours has been going on for a day and a night. The soldiers didn’t carry enough physical objects and water when they left. Everything was prepared according to the three-hour battle. I didn’t know in advance what the sheng fighters had anti-missile in their hands. There was no intelligence to show that Hafezola had so many soldiers.
Lebed was quickly interrupted by Xie Liaosha. Lebed persisted in spite of his own pain. He wanted to see his comrades who fought with him. He Lebed could personally end his life, but he could not ask his comrades to do so.
"Lebed, you must make a decision." Xie took a hoarse voice and said to Lebed. He knew that Xie took his life and death decision to him. He was very moved and blamed himself. He dragged his injured leg out of the room and everyone was watching him.
Lebed said with tears in his eyes, "comrades-in-arms, thank you for your efforts, but we have run out of ammunition. I am responsible for the failure of this operation. You are brave enough. I will bear it together no matter what happens in the future!"
At noon, a white flag was slowly raised on the roof of the building occupied by Soviet soldiers. Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w
Chapter 40 Ask questions about east and west
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC Hafezola proudly watched the surrendered Soviet soldiers walk out of the house one by one. Their weapons were confiscated and their heads were quickly put on the car with black cloth covers. @++www * c Those dejected comrades are different. Xie Liaosha has been constantly feeling the surrounding environment. With the darkness in front of him, Xie Liaosha feels a little familiar feeling, just like when he was in Lubyanka.
Sitting in a bumpy car, Xie Liaosha pricked up his ears and listened to everything around him. He silently estimated the driving route of the car. Every turn, parking and acceleration Xie Liaosha remembered it. After about an hour, Xie Liaosha suddenly heard running water in his ear and smelled a pungent smell in his nose.
"Cheep" Xie Liao Sha’s car finally stopped, and they were taken outside one by one, and then their hoods were removed. Xie Liao Sha’s eyes changed from darkness to bright environment, and he felt very uncomfortable, but he still forced himself to open his eyes and observe the surrounding environment carefully.
The first thing you see is a huge plane. At first glance, you can tell that it is the hijacked An-22 heavy transport plane. Xie Liaosha’s eyes didn’t stay on this side too much. He looked around at the things outside the plane. He saw a winding river flowing into the distance. In the distance, it looked like drying cloth combined with the pungent smell in the air. Xie Liaosha was sure that it must be a dyeing workshop.
Xie Liao Sha just wanted to see the surrounding environment again, and those who were in charge of guarding them, sheng Warrior, drove them to the plane. Xie Liao Sha felt a little surprised. Why did Xie Liao Sha board the plane with a lot of questions in a place like this? Unexpectedly, there was not one person in the plane, and a blond young man dressed as a pilot was sitting inside.
More than 100 prisoners were quickly driven into the plane. Everyone watched the pilot silently. The pilot got up awkwardly and introduced himself. "My name is Anton, and I am the pilot of this plane, just like you." Anton swallowed the second half of the sentence in everyone’s angry eyes.
"It seems that it is spacious enough for so many of us to live together!" As he spoke, Xie Liaosha walked towards Anton. He held out his hand and said, "Nice to meet you. My name is Xie Liaosha!" "
Anton was moved by Xie took’s enthusiasm, and some tears came to his eyes. In recent days, he has been afraid that he will die here, that he will never return to his hometown, and that he will never see his beloved lover again. He warmly greeted everyone. "I am glad to meet you. I am a little excited and have no malice …"
"Can you tell me something about this neighborhood? It’s best to tell me everything you know! Why did they put us here? " Selyosha didn’t listen to Anton’s nagging. He knew everything here as soon as possible.
"As far as I know, they are afraid that our army will suddenly attack and blow up this plane. After all, there are less than 100 interested people in this plane world, and even if it is disassembled, it can fetch a good price!" A lot of Anton’s words are that he guessed that he didn’t know. In fact, the guerrillas actually thought so. Someone did see the plane. Maybe the Americans didn’t think it was Pakistani, Iranian and China. More and more bidders asked Hafezola to sell it at a good price.
Xie Liaosha thought Anton’s analysis was very reasonable, but he saw something with dangerous chemical marks neatly placed in the middle of the fuselage and covered with canvas, so Xie Liaosha asked again, "What’s that over there?"
"Those are white phosphorus bombs that were shipped to the front, but this time they also fell into the hands of the enemy!" Anton replied.
"White phosphorus bomb? Why don’t the guerrillas get rid of it? " Xie took puzzled asked.
"This kind of thing is very powerful, but it’s just a plane bomb. The guerrillas are not only expensive, but I think they may want to smuggle them to Pakistan to sell them for a good price." Anton said this because the guerrillas asked Anton about the cost of these things. At that time, the answer was about 20,000 rubles. There is almost one here, which is more than two million rubles. This is not a small sum of money.
The principle of the white phosphorus bomb is very simple. When it is dropped, it will disintegrate in the middle of the explosion. In the bomb, white phosphorus will be evenly spread into the air, and once it meets the air, it will burn violently and burn everything he touches. Xie Liaosha saw Boris smoking a cigarette and was with such dangerous things. Xie Liaosha felt that the guerrillas were not afraid of them detonating these white phosphorus bombs at all. If they wanted to die, everyone would not surrender, but they would watch these bombs carefully. These sheng fighters really made a good plan.
Selyosha’s hesitation and help mentality compare with that present, Hafezola is warmly hosting his new ally, Hazayi and Tajik, and the three tribes have won such a great victory for the first time, which no one expected beforehand. Now Hafezola’s name has resounded through the land of Afghanistan, and even as far away as Pakistan, many people know him. He has become the leader of the Coalition forces of the three tribes.
And the worst part is that Hafezola also captured a Soviet heavy transport plane, and more than 100 Soviet prisoners defeated the armored forces in Kabul theater. All this is beyond the expectation of other sheng fighters, but Hafezola is now facing a new problem, that is, he has no money to set up a Coalition in three tribes. Hafezola relies on the Americans to help his soldiers with weapons. Now his defense zone is bigger and more responsible, and he needs more money to exchange better weapons from the Americans. Just like this time, anti-missile and anti-tank missiles are simply guerrilla killers.
Everyone at the banquet was full of hope for the liberation of Afghanistan and confidence in the prospect of the allied forces. Djarrar was a little depressed. He felt sick when he saw those Hazards. These damn pagans Djarrar left the banquet alone regardless of the eyes of the people around him. Then he went straight back to his cave and took out a satellite interview from his luggage when he left home. There was a number. It was not his parents and relatives, but a life mentor who was regarded by Djarrar as a result of jds being expelled from his motherland. A great prophet who dreamed of building a kingdom of God in Afghanistan. Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w.
Chapter 49 Karim life experience
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC "Teacher Hafezola insisted on uniting with Hazare despite our dissuasion …" After the connection, Djarrar reported the situation here to his most trusted teacher. @++www * c Although Djarrar is in his twenties, he has been friends with his teacher for almost ten years. When Djarrar was ten years old, he immigrated from Egypt to the United States with his family. He rebelled and was soon sent to a military school by his family, but he didn’t stay there for long. Soon, he was expelled from school because of violence, except that year when he was sixteen, he met his teacher when he was confused about what he would be like in the future.
Djarrar became more humble and polite when he was taught by his teacher. However, Mr. Djarrar had an unknown secret. He came to the United States after being expelled from his motherland. He always dreamed of building a country that strictly abided by ysl rules and eliminating all military schools that did not conform to God’s will. Djarrar gradually gained the respect of his teacher. He was sent to a special forces school to learn more military knowledge and tactics. After the outbreak of the Afghan war, Djarrar was sent here by his teacher to join him. There are other members who belong to the same organization. Everyone has never been masked on the surface, but in fact, they are under the command of teacher Djarrar. Djarrar is naturally the spokesperson of the teacher here. He wants to ensure that Hafezola is armed into the ideal and faithful executor of the teacher. But now it seems that Hafezola is drifting away from them.
"It seems that we have misjudged the wrong person. Hafezola is really capable and talented, but he is not a qualified sl. Now he has become a stumbling block to our career. I think it is necessary for us to take some actions, Djarrar."
"It was the teacher who gave you the ideal that I would do," Djarrar said devoutly, putting his hand on his chest.
Hafezola sat in a cool place in his residence and accompanied him with a pot of strong tea with Afghan characteristics, which is the only hobby of Hafezola and also the hobby of most Afghans. Unfortunately, Hafezola is getting more and more busy now, and it is a bit extravagant to spend his afternoon drinking tea like this, but today Hafezola has a difficult thing in his heart, that is, he found five people with his brother’s photo among Soviet prisoners.
If only Hafezola had killed them in the past, it would be a pity that he is not a simple soldier now. He is still an anti-Soviet hero in the hearts of Afghans. A politician who has been paid attention to by the United States and the international community can’t just go back on his word and kill his prisoners just after he has promised to abide by the Zhiwa Convention. Not only will Americans refuse, but even their allies will feel disbelief.
Just when Hafezola was in trouble, his bodyguard suddenly came up to him and said, "General, there is a girl who said that you have arrested her husband and he wants to see you."
Hafezola is a little strange. Why do you have to find yourself in such a small matter? He wondered and looked out the door. A thin girl slowly came over. She was dressed in a robe and covered from head to toe. Even so, it can be seen that this is a stunning beauty.