
So handsome, so good-natured and very gentle.
It’s so happy to be taken care of by him.
Jiang Jiang looked at him a little thirsty and a little flustered and could not help but lick his dry lips.
Yanshaoqing eyes rested on her shallow rice lips.
Hanging by my side, I couldn’t help but curl up with one hand, holding back my sudden desire
Section 251
Ning Jinxiu came in and saw such a picture.
Looking stunned, I coughed twice and hurried to the bed with a smile. "Why hasn’t Dr. Yan been working yet?"
"Well" YanShaoQing straight body looked at her light way "come and see Jiang Jiang"
"Heart" Ning Jinxiu polite way
Yan Shaoqing smiled faintly "should"
Lying down, Jiang Jiang looked at the two of them and talked to each other. I was still a little depressed and asked, "Mom, how did you come back so soon?"
"…" Ning gave her a splendid look.
I suddenly heard a little bit of disgust in her tone.
The alarm sounded in my heart.
Glancing at Yan Shaoqing, he said with a smile, "There are still some things to ask. Shall we go out and talk?"
"Good" Yanshaoqing glanced at Jiang Jiang and nodded.
Jiang Jiang was a little depressed and flat-mouthed with strength. "Goodbye, Dr. Yan. Remember to come and talk with me someday."
Ning Jinxiu "…"
It’s only been a few minutes, and the two people are familiar with each other again.
She was in a bad mood and went outside to watch Yan Shaoqing see the mountain road. "I have been lying for more than ten days. This girl has some active words. Don’t take her words seriously when you are busy."
Yan Shaoqing smiled without a word.
Ning Jinxiu thought about seeing that scene just now and felt headache.
I feel that Yan Shaoqing seems to have hit the doom of Jiang Jiang.
When two people get along with each other, they feel ambiguous and soft, as if they are about to have feelings for a moment.
Of course she’s going to stop it
Thinking together, Ning Jinxiu simply asked, "Is it convenient to transfer her to another hospital?"
Yan Shaoqing finally recovered and looked at her unexpectedly. "Transfer?"
"It’s a transfer," Ning Jinxiu nodded and explained. "If you say something, it’s a promise to this marriage. I think you should transfer it to the hospital so that you can get it back."
"Are you afraid that she will think of me?" Yan Shaoqing frowned slightly.
"Yes" Ning Jinxiu is also outspoken.
"I don’t agree." Yan Shaoqing hung on his side and held a light hand slightly. "I don’t agree to see her recover when I transfer to another hospital."
"You have promised, haven’t you?"
"Yes," said Yan Shaoqing, "I promised not to get up in front of her, but …"
He intoned "with one additional condition"
Ning Jinxiu leng one.
"I need to watch her recover." Yan Shaoqing was concise.
Ning Jinxiu "…"
Watching her recover?
What if you look at two people and see the feelings?
"I know what you are worried about." Yan Shaoqing looked at her with a solemn face. "If I don’t tell her, I can remember to prove that she is not determined to escape this relationship. She loves me and I love her. They should be together, shouldn’t they?"
Ning Jinxiu "…"
She suddenly felt a little big.
Yan Shaoqing is more calm and prudent than his peers.
Where is it like a junior?
How can she continue to push her luck when she has already pushed her limits?
Ning Jinxiu nodded and looked at him with a solemn face. "I can promise you this thing, but as you said, if she hasn’t remembered you by the time she leaves the hospital, I hope your things can be completely over."
Yan Shaoqing was silent for a long time and whispered "good"
"Then I’ll go in first."
Ning Jinxiu voice fall to the ground turned into the door.
Yan Shaoqing didn’t go outside for the time being. It was very quiet, listening to the ginger chuckle inside.
Listen, listen, feel uncomfortable again, and have some way to bear it.
Although such a ginger has suffered, the whole person seems relaxed and straightforward, and his eyes are clear and still clever. The most important thing is that he is softer and more lively than before.
What can he say?
He said a lot of things when he was deliberately forgotten.
Yan Shaoqing walked slowly away.
As night falls, the street lights outside the hospital are all on.
He felt
It’s like being in a wilderness