Yan Yun and Mu Chongshan, two great deities, came to escort them. How many guards were killed? They have not made much noise yet. They armed themselves and connected the waist kettle.

"begin! Burn as much as you can. Don’t continue to fight after you get up and go directly to our scheduled place. "Muqingfeng said and poured kerosene in his hand into the towering grain store.
As the torch in Muqingfeng’s hand fell to the ground, a raging fire immediately rose. It didn’t rain in Xiling these days. It was when the sky was dry and the things were dry. The whole grain camp became a huge torch to illuminate the whole camp.
"It’s water!" The guard at the door found something wrong and shouted loudly, at the same time, Siming rang the gong to the realm
At the same time, three girls and a group of them also came to a camp outside. To be honest, it’s a cinch for those cavalry at the end of the kite to let them charge on the battlefield, but it’s not good for them to assassinate, but Muqingfeng didn’t expect them to do anything. It’s just for them to meet the dog eggs and the kite.
* * The kite is a small weapon, so she can carry the Emei thorn with her. When she sees her, she takes a deep breath and leaps high like a dexterous nightingale. She turns into a well-guarded tent. He doesn’t have such dexterity to meet outside.
"General, we just do it, waiting to let the world know that we will let his sister make risks alone and will not tidy up us? Besides, isn’t it ridiculous that we don’t even have a weapon? " An excellent fighter of Xiling asked carefully, knowing that this strong man and the soldiers around his family all paid tribute.
"It’s okay to kill more enemies later. My brother won’t be so petty." The dog egg said that he didn’t believe it either. Think about it. Except for the three girls, they are all unarmed
* * Emei, the kite, stabbed a seam around the tent and went straight into it when people weren’t looking. Before the Nangong army came, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. The last thing he saw before he died was a graceful soldier rummaging through his tent.
The fire in the grain camp soon alarmed all the soldiers. Everyone knows that "the three armed forces have not moved the grain and grass first". If the grain and grass were burned clean, I am afraid this army would not be broken.
Hearing the fire in the grain camp, the general directly rushed out naked and shouted, "Everyone is going to put out the fire without food and grass and always treat you as dry food!" !”
Just as everyone was busy, a general with his own relatives found a group of people sneaking around outside the camp.
"What are you guys doing outside General Wang’s account without sleeping in the middle of the night?" The first general shouted
"Don’t you think this weapon is coming to the door?" Dog egg Han Xiao said, pointing to these people in front of him
engage in a battle of wits
No matter how stupid the general is, he knows that there is something wrong with these people. The whole barracks are dressed in rags. There are those prisoners who have been released. God knows what they are going to do. In their own opinion, they will kill them. No one will say that they are not ideal, but the reality is cruel. The general’s broadsword has just been pulled out, and he feels a strong breeze coming head-on. Before he reacts, he feels that his chest is like being hit by two sledgehammers, and the bones in his chest are trapped at a speed visible to the naked eye. Seeing it, he can’t live.
This time, disguised as a dog’s egg, I can’t take my pride in Wujin Jiandun, but after years of practicing Cangshan strength, I have practiced it perfectly. He really doesn’t need any weapons to kill people. He took the broadsword of the dead general and threw it directly to a Xiling fighters. Although the cavalry didn’t have a horse or a weapon, his excellent military accomplishment was not comparable to these barely first-class army soldiers. After receiving the weapon, the soldiers in Nanyue Wangfu across the street were beheaded, and his weapon became another weapon in the hands of Xiling fighters.
There is a dog egg, the evil spirit, who is here to help. Not long after, this team, together with the general and the pro-guard, will die. If they make such a noise, many people will certainly be alarmed. It’s a pity that Muqingfeng’s fire has made everyone lose their footing and most people are busy fighting the fire. Even if the dog egg is killed here, no one knows.
When * * found the map MuQingFeng wanted, the kite came out from the gap contentedly and saw the bodies all over the floor, but it was a big jump. Then look at this and that, smiling at her, and her heart was released.
"You see, e-mail, I’m not good at doing those meticulous jobs to clean up the periphery for you." The dog’s egg is covered in blood, but look at his face. It’s absolutely unexpected that the man just blocked the killer Buddha from killing the Buddha.
Looking at the dead bodies all over the ground, the kite’s little head turned quickly, and it’s a pity that the saint said that she would be very clever when she came, since the fighting capacity of dog eggs and Xiling fighters is so high.
"The elder brother of the dog egg, you and your brothers quickly change the corpse clothes" * * said the kite.
"What? Wearing dead clothes? Sister and brother, although my clothes are a little worn, I don’t want to rob the body. "The dog egg scratched his head."
"You big idiot let you wear their clothes. Just pretend to be the enemy. In the whole barracks, we are in rags. Others can see the problem at a glance. If you wear their clothes now, you can do something in this camp. Who can find that it is really stupid to say that you are stupid? * * The kite stretched out its green fingers and pointed at the dog’s eggs.
In fact, a master in Xuanjiamen is qualified in martial arts status and human mind. God knows what, he became this virtue as soon as he saw Mu Qingfeng and three girls.
The bodies were quickly stripped clean, and the naked bodies were thrown into the * * kite, which just entered the camp. Anyway, I don’t worry about being seen for a while.
Actually * * the kite is going to set a fire here, too, but it’s a pity that all the kindling things have been handed over to his brother, and it’s a little too ostentatious to light the fire here.
The rest is very simple. Although there is some blood on the clothes, fortunately, it’s getting late and no one pays attention to these details. However, it’s interesting that the dog egg is too tall to wear the general’s armor so that he can continue to play the role of a soldier. When he sees a large number of generals, he bows his head and pretends that he doesn’t know. If a few troops appear around him, he will eat them directly. Anyway, now there are noisy people everywhere. She has already separated herself from them. It is much more convenient for a person to find information than a group, especially in this chaotic situation.
After another general fell to the dog’s paw, the dog’s egg stopped everyone. It was the third team that was wiped out by itself just now.
"General, should we continue to kill them now? Maybe we can kill their marshal with good luck in the depths of their barracks." The cavalry pretending to be a general asked, saying that everyone felt like Mu Chongshan beat them tonight.
"No, we’ll retreat now, according to my eldest brother’s plan, and we’ll act while their camp is disrupted." The stupid words surprised everyone around us
"General, what? I don’t think anyone can resist your three moves. Isn’t it silly not to take advantage of this opportunity to get more military benefits?" Xiling fighters around obviously didn’t kill enough.
It’s almost like two people if the three girls are not here. He whispered, "No, haven’t you noticed that there are fewer and fewer individual teams now? If I didn’t miscalculate, they should all go to my brother’s place now. If we kill in this way, we will encounter large enemy troops sooner or later. If we don’t help them put out the fire or resist, we will get away with it sooner or later."
It’s really reasonable for everyone to think about it. It’s really this reason that they haven’t met a large-scale enemy until now. If they walk, I’m afraid they won’t have such good luck. In fact, it’s rare for Mu Qingfeng and his only 100 people to cause such a big loss to Nanyue Wangfu army. Since they understand this, no one has any objection to retreating.
Muqingfeng, they didn’t continue to fight. They saw that the fire had burned up and didn’t stay. They left the camp directly with Mu Chongshan. Although the fire certainly couldn’t burn all the hay, even if it was rescued, it would be difficult to maintain the Nanyue Wangfu army to continue to advance.
"Brother, I have found you a map of the 67 th branch army. Do you think it is appropriate?" Just when everyone was worried about what the kite had not come back, the pleasant sound of the kite finally made everyone tighten their strings.
You know, a general has one piece of information, which means that * * kite took at least six or seven generals’ lives. It seems that she is really a born assassin.
In the middle of the night, the troops of Nanyue Wangfu finally put out the fire caused by Muqingfeng. It is roughly estimated that at least one third of the food and grass were lost this time.
General Chen Mi’s face is as black and terrible as burnt grain. The problem is that the defeated soldiers in the Nangong have probably fallen to the ground if it weren’t for years of military literacy, but even so, he doesn’t intend to let the Nangong simply spend these things.
In Chen Mi’s view, the commander of the operation tonight must be a resourceful man who has been wandering around the battlefield all the year round. He will retreat immediately after seeing the fire, and he will never be slow. You know, he arranged people to guard the exits at the first moment of fire fighting, but he still got something, which means they got out early.
Haven’t come to deal with the hay camp. The intelligence has made Chen Mi more atmosphere. At least seven generals were killed in chaos. Some people were stabbed in the throat directly. Some people were directly trapped in the sternum. It seems that the enemy didn’t just come for the hay last night.
"General, you look at …" A general said carefully that even an idiot could see that Chen Mi was in a bad mood at this time.
Chen Mi took a deep breath and then said slowly,’ Come and look at some dead generals and see what they are missing, especially maps and intelligence.’
Chen Mi is not the kui is a battle-hardened veteran. Just thinking about it, I will know that this matter is absolutely unusual. Maybe they are not rooted in their own food and grass. I want to go to Chen Mi and feel that I can get something from them.
After all the people searched all the places carefully, they found that all the fallen generals were missing one thing, that is, they were to command the battle map. Chen Mi’s face was finally relieved at the news.
It seems that this battle commands the drunkard’s sake. I have a whole army of 100,000 who want to eat their department. It’s different from wishful thinking. This behemoth can be defeated with food and grass, but after all, there are too many people. Even with the help of kindling yesterday, one-third of them were burned. Although it’s a little difficult to move on, there is still no problem in self-protection. The second step is that they must have made a follow-up idea to cut off food and grass. It’s a pity that the efforts of Nanyue Wangfu for more than ten years will fall apart. Chen Mi found clues from the
"I order everyone to stop pushing forward. Every general draws out half of his troops to ensure that our food and grass can be delivered to the front line continuously. Everyone is equipped with fireworks. There will be a large-scale enemy army, especially the enemy cavalry, and they will ask for support." Chen Mi admitted that he was the most accurate order, and he wanted to slowly and steadily do not believe what Xiling people could come up with.
At the same time, Mu Qingfeng also reached an order: "Now it’s time for all of us to go to Arong City to call Xiling fighters and give these invaders a lifelong lesson."
External humiliation
"From the map, where are you going to attack them first? Is it their camp or their food supply route? According to my idea, we want Xiling fighters to meet to ensure that they can’t transport a grain of food to the front. "Yan Yun is also an experienced commander who knows how to maximize the cavalry effect.
Muqingfeng didn’t say anything. He took out the fire from his arms and slowly lit them in the surprised eyes of everyone. Muqingfeng’s face was very calm with the fire burning. "No, we won’t harass them for providing foodstuff. When our staff are here, I’ll take you around Daliangzhou."
Muqingfeng intends to surprise everyone. Does he have worked so hard to get enemy information, especially when the three girls are unhappy and blind?
"Well, girl, don’t be careless. I asked you to find their map. It’s not that they didn’t pass the map. I know what their military strength is generally distributed. The reason why they don’t attack their grain routes or strongholds is very short. Their strength is too strong. If they give up advancing the defense in disguise, we can hardly get any cheap. Don’t forget that every day of our Xiling war, the people will suffer more. If they break the army into many parts and keep attacking our Xiling town, even if we have four children. I’m afraid my legs are too busy, but since they are so big that Liangzhou guards are bound to be weak, I can’t believe that Nangong Jinyu and his hands will care whether his father lives or dies. "Muqingfeng finally gave everyone a convincing reason that its passive defense is not as good as taking the initiative to attack Muqingfeng, which will save the enemy.
Mu Qingfeng and his party finally arrived in Rongcheng Xietian Boss Shady, the most prosperous town in Xiling, in two days, but despite this, the city people were still worried because the main reason was that Ling Wang could not find the person in charge after being arrested.
The guard at the gate saw Mu Chongshan and Yan Yun coming back, so don’t get excited. He was a little hoarse and shouted, "Come on, the grand marshal of the city gate and General Yan are back! !”