Two swords intersect and 84 Chapter 84 The last battle (5)

In an instant, a flaming flame burst out of the sword like a volcanic eruption.
When you are heavy, you feel a wave of coercion, just like black and white often strangle your neck and make him unable to breathe.
He was shocked and thought that it was not good!
This damn beast has exhausted the Excalibur and the Excalibur Prajna sword, and formed a magic sword of killing.
See the flame wrapped around two people showing six dragons.
The mighty flame came like a flood discharge.
The epee pulls the breeze and the spirit force erupts all over. The same hoses leap from the tip of the sword.
Sharp pleasure heaven and earth is a tremor.
Dark clouds cover the moon and the wind howls
When fire and water met, they suddenly jumped out of the flames from Yun Qing and Bai Liyi.
This move was so sudden that even the weight did not respond.
Seeing that a long sword has penetrated his body, he has shown signs of defeat!
Heavy corners of the mouth oozing a bit of blood flame chest burning "you … you …"
From Yun Qing and Bai Liyi, one person held the handle of Prajna sword in one hand and saw her with murder in her eyes. "Maybe I can’t do it alone, but don’t forget that I’m not alone. I still have him and me together."
Bai Liyi heard a warm current in her heart when she said this. Did she ever say such a thing? ?
Regardless of the past!
When this is over, he wants to abandon all her memories.
Grabbing the body of Prajna with one hand, the flame wrapped around his body, and he suddenly smiled with a strange voice. "You underestimate me …"
At that moment, suddenly, the gas churned and a ShaQi shook the two people.
Bailiyi stretched out her hand and spun herself away from Yun Qing’s arms.
At that time, the sword in the heavy hand rushed into the sky and went straight into Jinghu-
"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Yun Qing tried to stop him before drinking, but he has come.
See jinghu suddenly a black gas, the whole shrine trembled.
"Ha, ha, ha ….." When he fell to the ground, the magic smile resounded through the cold of heaven and earth. "Demons make fun of it …"
He was unconscious after a black smoke spilled over his body and fell to the ground.
There was a huge roar around Yun Qing’s hand, one higher than the other.
At this time, the two of them have a feeling in their hearts.
Just this one night
The moon is high and the stars are shining.
There was a burst of wind blowing on the ground and the wind roared to the roadside vendor’s stall.
There was a burst of shouting among the people, and the whole continent was in a state of horror. Everyone looked up at the Milky Way.
Just like the last days, several stars suddenly appeared in the sky, which made people feel safe.
"It’s so strange that it’s not yet the season of stars flowing fire?"
The Temple of Priscilla stood on the windowsill, and he looked anxiously up at the Milky Way and murmured
A sudden vision is a sign of this?
"I’m afraid it’s going to change?" Yun Yan’s eyes are bigger than Han Xing’s behind him and he asks, "It’s time for the temple to rest. Don’t hurt yourself. In a few days, it will be the enthronement ceremony."
Remains have been removed from prissy, and in just a few days, Cang Zhenmin’s tax reduction has won a lot of people’s hearts and been recognized by the people. Now he is definitely the emperor and the emperor. Chapter 843 The last battle (6)
Yun Yan is also very grateful that prissy doesn’t care about what Yun Wan did, so that she can redeem her sins by Buddha for the rest of her life.
"I hope they can be safe." Look at the fire that flashed across the sky. Prissy was slightly relieved.
Prissy looked at the sky with deep eyes and a heavier heart.
Just now, it was good, and now there is filariasis, which can’t help but make his heart panic …
After destroying the dead body, the three men said goodbye to Mo Chi and went back to deal with the heavy family fort, while Mo Chi also rushed to the front.
It is even more complicated to have a deep eye and a deep mood in the middle of the night.
I feel as if there is a chill around me, which makes him stiff all over.
Heavy Li with behind him looking at the strange and changeable scenery in the heart say a word.