But it’s good for her. Dong Yuling likes Guo’s father-in-law to say "please" as "let" and so on. Anyway, in some places, changing one or two words will completely change the meaning and attitude.

"Ling Xin has met the Empress Dowager". Dong Wei is blessed with a blessing, and thanks to the emperor for changing the kneeling ceremony. Generally speaking, it is not a gift to kneel.
"Ha ha, the little spirit is coming. Come and give a quiet look at the house of mourning." The queen mother smiled and waved at Dong Yuling and really liked her.
Not only did Dong Yuling save the emperor and the imperial concubine, but also the emperor’s various aspirations in the past two months.
The queen mother was brought together by the first emperor and the mother princess of Qin Ruwang in those days, and this is where she is today. She is also very concerned and caring for Qin Ruwang.
Now the emperor is the empress dowager, who has been saved by Lian Yan Jiing for many times. She also has a lot of gratitude and guilt, and expressed great kindness and love for the empress dowager Dong Ling.
Dong Yuling replied and walked over and saw that there were already many people in the main hall of Cining Palace. They all looked at 164. Chapter 164 had a foot in it.
In particular, the queen mother sat on the left hand side dressed as a princess and smiled sincerely with gratitude.
If you look closely, isn’t it jade imperial concubine?
"On that day, everyone was so flustered that they couldn’t take a closer look. Now, this girl turned out to be so good!" The queen mother walked over and actually had an accident. She really didn’t know that Dong Yuling was so amazing.
There is no gorgeous and luxurious jewelry to dress up the whole body, but it is rare for the queen mother to read all over Beijing. I can’t help but be amazed.
If I didn’t know the details of Dong Ling, I really couldn’t see that she was born in a peasant family.
"The Empress Dowager Empress praised the table without the gift of the Emperor!" Dong Yuling said modestly
"The queen mother empress, you see the county Lord’s mouth is sweet." Jade imperial concubine smiled and echoed.
"What a talker!" The Empress Dowager was more happy and satisfied. She paid more attention to Dong Yuling when she kept quiet. "Can you get used to being a county magistrate?"
"Lao Empress Dowager Empress’s heart is good, but there are too many rules. Ling Xin and her little sister remember dizziness." Dong Yuling teased the Empress Dowager Dowager’s heart and pulled her sister to the Empress Dowager by the way.
"Palace to see the county master learned very well. I don’t know if the county master needs to raise his mother? Why don’t you let the palace choose one for you? Is to know the rules "ranging from dong ling around words jade imperial concubine is straightforward.
Yu Guifei said very softly, that is, she gave Dong Fengling a chance to refuse at will, and at the same time, she told Dong Fengling that she was not a stopper, but sincerely. She considered a kind heart, and the man sent it over. Naturally, if Dong Fengling was not satisfied, he could dispose of it at will.
Since the birth of your daughter in Beijing, there has been at least one educated mammy, and there are as many as four uneducated mammies. That’s not a nice name.
Dong Yuling naturally understood that he should be full of words. "Thank you, Empress Gui, for loving Lingxin but being disrespectful."
Speaking, Dong Fengling looked at Yu Guifei for a while, and his face was slightly pale. He was fine and radiant, but he didn’t have all kinds of discomforts when he was producing.
And the most surprising thing to Dong Yuling is that the jade imperial concubine doesn’t have makeup, so she doesn’t mind her face being so white.
"Sister Ye, from now on, you can follow the county Lord. She is your Lord." Jade Guifei turned back and said to a woman that she was obviously ready.
Before Dong Yuling, Xie Liyu, the imperial concubine, explained that "Mammy Ye is a distant relative of Mammy Ye, who has been following the palace for many years, and now she has a good place to go with the county magistrate. There is a wave around the palace."
Yu Guifei’s words are a thorough account of Mammy Ye, not to make Dong Yuling fear, but to make her feel at ease.
"It’s the imperial concubine, the handmaiden, Ye’s visit to the Lord." Sister Ye bowed to Dong Yuling and sincerely recognized the new Lord.
"Get up, Lingxin comes from a peasant family and doesn’t know many rules. I hope Mammy Ye will take more care of her." Dong Yuling thought to herself whether this Mammy Ye could be given to her sister?
Sister Ye did not dare to say anything, and then he respected Dong Yuling behind him.
Seeing this, the queen mother laughed. "There is a mother Yu around Ai’s family who is going to put her in the palace for the second time to go home. If the county magistrate doesn’t dislike it, why don’t you give her a bite to eat?"
"The queen mother empress joking ling xin where there is such a thing? But if Sister Yu doesn’t mind the small temple of the county main house, go and live in the house! " Dong Yuling raised her eyebrows and was surprised. Why did the Queen Mother join in the fun? Listen to that tone. It’s also a sincere gift, not a fortress. Cloth eyeliner.