Zhang Hao said goodbye to her roommate in a hurry and ran to the financial gate, while secretly scolding this Song Ren for being too obscene. When did he call himself to eat, and now he dares to deceive Jingyu? It is definitely a bad intention.

"Hi Jingyu" Zhang Hao rushed to the school gate and saw a beautiful woman in white. Naturally, Jingyu was late, and today’s dinner was specially made up.
"Well, let’s go. It’s just ahead of the Dynasty Hotel."
Zhang Hao didn’t tell Jingyu the truth. He wanted to see what Song Ren was playing. Fortunately, Song Ren and several people were talking at the gate of the hotel before he arrived at the hotel.
Seeing Jingyu’s arrival, Song Ren’s eyes lit up, but looking back, Zhang Hao’s appearance made him instantly confused. He didn’t tell Zhang Hao.
"What?" Song Ren was in a hurry. Zhang Hao appeared, but he destroyed his plan, but he was ready to meet him.
"Song monitor told us to come."
"Nothing, nothing, have dinner, meet new friends."
Looking at Song Ren’s hypocrisy, Zhang Hao despised Song Renzhen for calling Zhang Hao because Jingyu didn’t know the situation.
A very imposing western man looked at Jingyu and asked Song Ren, "This is your friend. It’s beautiful. Then this is."
"I’m Song Ren’s classmate and Jingyu’s boyfriend." Zhang Hao said it without thinking, making Song Ren have something to say.
Jingyu didn’t react well. One more boyfriend also widened his eyes. I don’t know what’s wrong with Zhang Hao, but I’m embarrassed to say anything when I look at so many people I don’t know. This makes others think it’s the default, and it makes the west man look at Song Ren meaningfully.
This meal is very inexplicable and interesting. However, during the chat, Zhang Hao learned that this western man turned out to be Huang Haobo, president of the student union of Caida University, which shocked Zhang Hao. It was a bit interesting for Song Ren to sign a long-term meeting after learning.
"When will you and Jingyu find that Zhang Hao?" Song Ren really can’t stand it. Finally, he has to be prepared to debunk Zhang Hao.
Zhang Hao’s face is not red and he doesn’t jump. "Yesterday!"
"Yesterday was so fast"
"Why do you still need Song Ban’s consent?" Zhang Hao listened to Song Ren’s questioning and showed it as realistic as he was looking for Jing Yu.
"Jingyu didn’t inform me that it was too secret." Song Ren was very unwilling. He couldn’t figure it out. It really shouldn’t be.
"Things haven’t come yet last night. Besides, it’s nothing new, so I didn’t say anything." It’s hard to ride a tiger and Jingyu has to act with Zhang Hao.
After eating this meal, Zhang Hao was very proud to pull Jingyu away and leave a pack of people to continue drinking. Song Renxian pulled a long face.
At this time, Huang Haobo, the president of the student union, looked at Song Ren and wondered, "That’s not to say that I brought a pure one. I found you and told me what."
"Brother Huang really didn’t do it before."
"Forget it, forget it." Huang Haobo was disappointed and waved his hand. Song Renxiao, who had no social experience, saw the extreme in his heart.
Song Ren was called Jingyu because Huang Haobo said that he wanted to meet a pure girl and let him introduce him. He promised to give Song Ren a small position in the student union.
Although Song Ren had a good impression on Jingyu, Jingyu’s lukewarm attitude made Song Ren uncomfortable. When Huang Haobo spoke, he thought of Jingyu and coaxed that Zhang Hao would also be there, so there was a scene where Jingyu called Zhang Hao.
Out of the gate of the Dynasty Hotel, it was already dark, and Jingyu pursed her mouth and walked forward at losing. Zhang Hao chased her and just wanted to talk, but she was dragged down by Jingyu and walked on.
"Hey, hey, don’t be angry. What’s the matter?"
"What did you say you were my boyfriend? I agreed, bad guy."
"That you listen to me."
"Don’t" Jingyu walked on. Zhang Hao Nai Avenue was out of the truth
"Song Rengen didn’t call me."
Hearing that Jingyu stopped instantly, he wondered, "I didn’t call you, so what did you say, I called you, and you still went?"
"You’re stupid. You didn’t call me. I told you that I didn’t just want you to let your guard down and go to the party. There must be something wrong with that Huang Haobo, a financial student. I don’t think he is normal.
Zhang Hao analyzed everything, and Jing Yu stopped talking. Song Ren was really a bit odd, but he was still very upset about Zhang Hao’s self-styled boyfriend.
"Hey, I heard that overseas beaches are beautiful. Let’s go and have a look."
"Who wants to go with you?"
"Well," Zhang Hao was slightly lost.
"Hey, where is it? Take me there."
The rhythm of the twists and turns made Zhang Hao’s little heart a little overwhelmed. I heard that Jingyu promised to go around Zhang Hao with him and just jumped into the Huangpu River to thank God. That’s half the battle.
After all, the narrative is pale. When Zhang Hao and Jingyu went to the Bund in person, the shock in their hearts came to life. At night, the lights on overseas beaches were glittering and the whole people were intoxicated by the breeze blowing on the riverside.
The night scenery is dressed in white, which makes Zhang Hao infatuated with it like a fireworks fairy who doesn’t eat people.
Looking at the scenery on the Bund, Jingyu couldn’t help exclaiming, "It’s so beautiful."
"Yes, it’s beautiful."
"Hee hee Zhang Hao, you think so, too. The sea is so nice."
"I said it was you, Jingyu. You are charming."
Emotional words, eyes and eyes hammered hard in Jingyu’s heart. She didn’t expect Zhang Hao to be so outspoken. Although she had thought about it, it was difficult to panic when the day really came.
"Why do you say so disgusting?" Jingyu quickly left aside to ease her nervousness, but the words still made her messy.
"Jingyu, are we going to have a good relationship?" Zhang Hao swore that he had put the next two years of cheekiness on tonight before saying this sentence. His heart thumped and thumped, and he had already reached the speeding range. He confessed for the first time in his life and regretted it in an overseas beach.
Now every second is suffering. Zhang Hao is uneasy and waiting for a response. Jing Yu thinks fiercely. At this moment, at night, a pair of young people on the Bund face a trial and a choice needs to be made.
The breeze brushed Jingyu’s cheek and brought up a few strands of floating hair. Zhang Hao looked at Jingyu’s pretty face for a moment and bit her red lips. She had never been confessed. Jingyu was also hesitant. This tall boy was so affectionate before him.
Zhang Hao’s right hand stretched out a big hand and covered Jingyuyu’s hand, holding a soft and silky little hand, which made people linger.
"Yu promised me"
Zhang Hao knew that if he failed tonight, I’m afraid it would be difficult for both of them to face it. Zhang Hao also gave up enough courage to speak his mind tonight.
Looking back, I have known Jingyu for so many years, and I feel that I have always been in my heart. Finally, today, this situation makes him confess.
Jingyu has already felt that Zhang Hao seems to be interesting, but when it comes to facing it, she is also scared to death, just like doing bad things and being afraid of being discovered.
Looking at Zhang Hao’s tender eyes seems to melt everything. Jingyu is afraid that she will fall into Zhang Hao’s enthusiasm.
"Hao, can you give me some time? I’m not prepared to calm me down."
"Don’t think about promising me now."
Although Zhang Hao is stupid, he also knows that once he calms down, he will no longer be in control. Now it seems that he has to press hard.
There was a moment in the offensive in Zhang Hao when Jingyu almost gave up her line of defense and promised Zhang Hao, but she was still reserved in her heart, and after all, she failed to make up her mind and still hesitated.
"The ice bucket challenge is popular in Zhang Hao recently."
"Well, yes," Zhang Hao wondered why he said this at this time.
"Jingyu, do you want me to do it again? No problem. I’ll do it. Don’t say one barrel. I want you to promise me ten barrels." Zhang Hao instantly felt hopeful.
"No, ten buckets is too much, or you can challenge it with a bucket of water."
"Monitor Jing, this may not be so good."
"Hee hee tease you" looking at Zhang Hao some become speechless Jingyu smile quickly adjust mentality.