On other islands and buildings, almost all practitioners share the common sense that the flying sword is the hardest substance in the realm of ascension, and the world can’t stop it if it is given enough aura and speed.

This kind of self-confidence didn’t realize that he had finally found an indestructible flying sword until Samadhi controlled the dry finger by changing the virtual stone.
However, the destruction of Ganyang refers to a huge cost, that is, huge reiki consumption. It often takes reiki to destroy a sword in high-speed battles. Ten flying swords can be bought in the ordinary market.
But this common sense has been challenged again and again after entering this strange "forbidden area"
The huge reiki input of the indestructible flying sword did not cut the room as easily as imagined, and the whole forbidden area scene appeared.
When the sword hits the wall, it bounces back easily like wood hitting a stone.
This makes Samadhi real people feel a kind of icy fear again.
This fear has been far more than once.
Samadhi real people can’t tell what they are afraid of. Is this the way to break the wall?
Maybe there are some, but compared with the unique skills of the nine sects, this root is nothing
Facing him, Samadhi real people never had the slightest fear and fear … Even before Samadhi real people became famous, they never had such fear when they faced many carriers in the nine schools at that time.
Is that the "nuclear bomb" that destroyed the whole Ganyangmen? In terms of power alone, it is more real for a real person to deny a nuclear bomb than for him to dry his finger. More importantly, he has probably known from the videos he showed him that this nuclear bomb is a very expensive and complicated weapon to control.
I really want to count up and take out all the nine schools’ accumulated lingshi. The energy released by the Ministry must be far more than ten times, one hundred times and one thousand times that of a nuclear bomb.
Or can you shield the soul-eating array of gods? The soul-eating array is terrible, but its shortcomings are equally obvious. After being imprisoned in the forbidden area, Samadhi real people observed a detail-it was very simple to destroy the front door of Ganyang, but it became a very cumbersome gadget after being destroyed-the soul-eating array needed a long line to connect with some channels for losing aura.
He now knows that Ganyangmen is the source of the aura of the whole ascension realm. Ascension realm can no longer get aura from qi-this is the same for both the nine sects and the mortals in the forbidden area
And the nine sects are still reliable after losing their reiki supplement, and their overall combat capability will not be affected too much, but these mortals-they are in big trouble.
That is to say, this * has been reduced from a very real multiplier to almost a waste, but now it can be closely connected with reiki transmission equipment to get rid of the spirit zone created by the soul eater.
These things are not really bad, but they are just "strange skills and cunning" when taken out alone, but what bothers Samadhi most is not the physical power of these things, but the ordinary people behind these things seem to clearly understand some hidden rules, which the practitioners of ascension can’t predict at all
For example, they have long known that such as making and making soul-eating arrays-this kind of new multiplier has never appeared before the ascension to heaven, and this kind of manufacturing obviously does not depend on a few people’s whim-they have even made the corresponding multiplier for controlling and making flying swords in the spirit zone.
This kind of ability is not available to people who ascend to heaven and fly.
Even though many people have been using these instruments for hundreds of thousands of years, it has always been a mystery that these instruments work as if they were real.
Not to mention, it is not a secret among the nine schools that recognize the main technical link, but for his small school, this technology is always a huge problem that puzzles their source of flying swords.
For thousands of years, messengers have accumulated a set of experiences. Take the flying sword as an example, it is almost a sect, which makes routines. Some of these routines can explain each other, while others are irrelevant, but these sects are still normal and continue.
Take the dry-yang finger as an example. What is the red light in the dry-yang finger? How can it be so powerful? No one ever knows.
Even the owner of Samadhi, a real person, couldn’t tell the truth for six or seven hundred years, but after he entered the forbidden area, he just said a few words to this mortal old man and knew everything. The so-called dry yang refers to nothing more than a light emitter-it is the light intensity that has reached a certain extreme.
Because they know that dry yang refers to light, this kind of multiplier also relies heavily on normal target locking-so in the end, they trapped themselves in a dreamland for nine days, which completely restrained the power of this multiplier.
By the same token, these ordinary people also know the most important goal of Ganyang Gate’s ascension to heaven-Ganyang Island, and the whole ascended people have no idea about this.
Ganyang Island is full of aura, which is a fact that the whole ascension realm knows-but no one has ever made it clear what is abundant, and now all the answers are known-but it is too late.
At present, this door is just an extension of these problems, just like when he pointed his finger at the forbidden area and tried to cut it into pieces and completely destroy the place, but it failed inexplicably.
The answer to this question has not been told by the other party until now-maybe they will never say that they will never know.
And the unknown is always the biggest source of fear.
Although the sword in his hand is still firmly in the handshake, Samadhi is sad to feel that this sword is breaking away from his own control, and his gods and sword are getting less and less control-not because of the soul-eating array, but because the blade refuses to respond to himself.
In the input, reiki is no longer converted into speed. Finally, the flying sword is completed as before. Holding a piece of iron samadhi, the real person can wave him in vain with muscle strength, just like a child waving wood to make a sword. Finally, when the old man entered the room, samadhi was not so much an attempt to resist as to vent his anger.
Yevgeny walked to the front of the flying man and gently took the sword from his hand. The flying man didn’t resist, and his eyes stopped looking at him. He was quietly staring at the air. When yevgeny left the room with a sword, he heard the flying man say a word to himself
Yevgeny waited patiently for a second until the search and rescue team repeated his words in Russian.
Samadhi said, "Do your conditions still count?"
"What?" Yevgeny came late and didn’t know the details of the negotiation with him.
But the search and rescue team has answered by voice, "Do you have any good suggestions?"
"I can help you talk about it," Samadhi said. "I will persuade them to accept it."
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After this sentence was said, Samadhi closed his eyes.
Ascending to heaven, the first master and the first strong master sent the door master to say this kind of words, which is almost equal to direct surrender. Samadhi real people feel dirty as if they were stabbed by a sword.
As soon as this sentence is said, it means that the prestige accumulated by Ganyangmen for nearly a thousand years will be destroyed. Samadhi real people can imagine how much humiliation they will suffer when they show up at nine big parties and tell them these requirements and persuade them to accept them.
What is even more frightening is that when these people talk, they will go back to various sects and tell their words and deeds separately …
However, this is another big gamble.
Before gambling, he and Yan Xiu made a big gamble. He felt that Yan Xiu could not be the winner of the nine schools-he felt at ease and waited for his opponent’s final fear and fear.
But that time, he lost miserably, and his opponent’s cards were turned out one by one in front of his face. He repaired the nine factions of Yangmen Resources …
In the end, I became a prisoner in the gambling game, and the whole sect of Ganyangmen was almost ruined. Bai Feng took hundreds of people to Yanling Island to work and dry Yangdao to ashes, and the aura of the whole ascension was exhausted.
This time, he gambled with the nine factions.
He bet his life that the nine factions would lose the battle.
"In the final analysis, this Samadhi real person is still a realist." The search and rescue team simply told yevgeny his decision-making thinking. "The so-called ascension to heaven is a law of the jungle world. These flying people still know current affairs or have a lot of arrogance in their bones-just like him."
The search and rescue team smiled gently. I have to say that the search team’s mastery of language is higher than that of most normal human beings. He smiled and yevgeny felt that he had a cold sweat on his back. "What makes him think? You still have the value of being profited by us? If most of the strength of Ganyangmen is returned, it may be reliable to surrender in exchange for some information-but now … the loss of the army general is just a staff officer and decoration. "
"So we should refuse him?"
"Don’t even give him an answer," the search and rescue team said. "Refusal will stimulate his self-esteem and cause trouble to our management. If he doesn’t answer, let him ponder over it himself, Professor. Let’s talk about your son’s problems now."