Chapter ninety-nine The Emperor

Born in a dark cloud, life is like dirt …
Zhang Lan is certainly not the first rebel ruler in the world, nor is she the first object of social persecution.
People who can’t live in Qian Qian because of the group, the expensive and the weak came to Xiaoyao City by smuggling, picking up cars, selling their bodies or selling their kidneys.
Suddenly, I found that I didn’t have the potential or roots, and I couldn’t get up in this happy city. There was no formal way to enter the city, and the first thing I did was to be pulled out clean.
The only way to live is to sell cheap labor to do the most tiring and dangerous life. This degenerate refugee street has become a ghost floating around.
The whole degenerate refugee street has 1% of the free and unfettered urban area, but it is crowded with 3% of the population. They have to live by committing crimes, begging, plundering and working hard, and the dirtiest trade and the most evil addictive drugs also eat into their lives.
The truly carefree city is too expensive to come here, but the people are afraid to come here. On the contrary, pawns like Xin Bug are frequent visitors here in the wolf camp.
They can also degenerate with the lowest military card, and the street is regarded as a grandfather. The lowest price is even a piece of moldy bread, which can be exchanged for a fairly clean woman to spend the night.
Obviously, it is difficult for a proud soldier sister like nightingale to connect with the degenerate street. Xin Bug naturally doesn’t know why they are coming here.
Looking out the window, the fluorescent paint along the street says "casino", "chicken farm" and "base field", so-called entertainment places and those who insist on wearing coarse linen and fleas. princesa Zhang Lan is in a trance, and there is an illusion of returning to the slums of the third federal city. It should be said that slums are more advanced than here
"What is hidden in the nightingale’s fallen street?" Zhang LAN asked lightly
"A group of walking dead and some big bosses pretending to be dead, some businesses are too conspicuous to do outside, and it is king to bury meat in the rice," explained the nightingale.
"Are you going to take us to see the big brother?" Zhang Lan smiled.
"He doesn’t like people calling him that. Hunters call him’ evil ghost’, a one-year-old master. When I was a child, I found good goods and came to him for a change of food. For hunters, he is the God of Wealth." Nightingale shared her past experience.
"Your god of wealth seems to be respected here."
Zhang Lan looked out of the window, whether it was a roadside beggar or a person enjoying the cool on the balcony of a second-floor tulou not far away, the broad cloak vaguely hidden the "guy", and it was obvious that he had fallen into the eyes of evil spirits when he entered the degenerate street from the truck.
"I’ve heard of that guy, too. It’s said that he and Humber in Xiaoyao City are sworn brothers, and the backstage is as hard as death, but they have never seen a real person." Xin Bug said with relief.
"Evil spirits or good people, we are here to do business, nightingale. Do you know what I want?" Zhang Lan is lazy and leans on the car seat.
"Lan Night Team is growing day by day, and your goal is also the stars and the sea. The demand for weapons and equipment in the future is definitely not a mortgage warehouse in Anle Pavilion. I think it is necessary to take this opportunity to take you to meet him. After all, if heaven is the king of Xiaoyao City, then evil spirits must be regarded as Xiaoyao City Dihuang."
The nightingale looked at Zhang Lan. "But don’t say that I didn’t wake you up. Evil spirits are always unpredictable. You must pay attention to bargaining. If you don’t ask for as much as he says, you won’t be able to leave the degenerate street alive. Everyone here is likely to be his bomber. Even if you are expensive, no one dares to trace him."
"I really want to meet this boss." Zhang Lan didn’t notice the danger in the nightingale’s words at all
Soon, the truck arrived at the dilapidated iron railings in front of a courtyard deep in the degenerate street, and garbage cans piled up in the corner of the courtyard, and waste products and cars piled up like hills, which made Zhang Lan have a kind of intimacy back to her old garbage dump.
Three big men with micro-shocks stopped a big brother in the truck and climbed into the cab. They looked at them coldly and asked, "What are you doing?"
"Hunting outside has got a batch of sharp goods to find evil spirits to disappear," said the nightingale. Only hunters can understand nonsense.
"Evil spirits have long stopped doing this kind of business. Go home." The captain didn’t good the spirit to send a way.
"Don’t accept it?" The nightingale really didn’t expect to be so surprised.
"Friend, since we are here, we might as well inform you that we are bringing all good things!" Xin Bug was sensible enough to take out two hundred-dollar bills and pass them to you. You know, you can find two beautiful women for two hundred dollars in this degenerate street.
"Fuck off! Who is your friend? You official dogs! Get out of here! " The big fellow directly crumpled two bills into garbage and threw them into Xin Bug’s face and jumped off the car.
"Hello, what’s your name?"
Zhang Lan hit the door from the other side and jumped to the ground to keep the door. The other two guards immediately picked up machine guns and aimed at Zhang Lan’s famous bee magnetic submachine gun. Here, however, the launch speed of advanced goods per second can instantly sieve Zhang Lan.
"Who let you car? Get out! Go! Otherwise, I will let you reimburse here! " The big fellow a face of disgust call scold a way
"Since you are not a friend, let’s talk about the law. Just now, you maliciously damaged the federal currency and committed the crime of insulting the currency. It is reasonable to say that you need to go to the security hall with me to accept the interrogation of the seven killers." Zhang Lan said politely when facing the machine gun.
"Breaking the law? What are you? A greedy German shepherd dares to bark here and die? Give you one last chance. Get out of here right now. You can still get out of the degenerate street alive. "
Zhang Lan, a big fellow, was taller than him by a head and muscles, and yelled at Zhang Lan like a knife and stone, as if he had taught his father a lesson.
"I’ll give you one last chance. Come with me now and we can solve this misunderstanding." Zhang Lan said quietly.
"You paralysis! Drink! " The big fellow took a mouthful of thick phlegm in his throat and directly vomited Zhang Lan’s face.
It’s almost the disgusting mucus that comes into contact with Zhang Lan’s skin. Zhang Lan’s 1-degree lateral rotation flies up, which is a foot that looks like a foot with 2 pounds of big fellow. He just got kicked out and slammed the iron fence door behind him and fell heavily in the yard.
"Insulting official personnel …" Zhang Lan waved and wiped her face with thick phlegm and still smiled. "Now it’s no problem to kill you if you are charged with something big."
Chapter one hundred S-class mechanical prosthesis psychic eye
Just in the past second, Zhang Lan was covered with laser sights, and there were as many red dots as a hornet’s nest. The street next to her rushed out of the rags and the undead surrounded the truck and the door.
Their clothes are hung with the most earthy suicide bomber decoration, but the equivalent of mixing and detonating together is enough to blow the surrounding 5 meters into a deep pit and turn the body into a coke shovel, which can’t be shoveled.
"Don’t move! Get back! Stand back! " The nightingale jumped down from the car and pulled the bowstring and quickly posted Zhang Lan’s back.
"We are all brothers! Say something well! Don’t move the knife, the gun and the bomb! Life is precious! Old expensive! Cherish cherish! "
Xin bug jumped out of the car, too. He was a little brain. In this case, no guns were recognized as the most effective. He immediately raised his hands to signal calm.
At one time, the scene was dangerous and embarrassing, and I felt that there was trouble. This group of people was going to reimburse here.