Feel the change of chakra injected into the blade, and Chu Yun waved his hand again.

Very smooth, very smooth, and I don’t feel any resistance.
This smooth feeling made Chu Yun a little obsessed, so he waved it for a few times and couldn’t help but increase the delivery of chakra
Cut off "cool!"
Chu Yunxin decided to make this sword for himself.
However, when the blade swept across the opposite wall in the middle of the road, it suddenly lit up a spell
Then there was a scratch on the mantra, and then the mantra was broken.
"Uh …"
"It seems that something has been broken …"
Kadong has arranged medical ninja for Chu Yun and is planning to take medical ninja to see Chu Yun.
Suddenly don’t want to see Chu Yun.
I’m afraid to be precise.
So he came to the monitoring room to secretly observe Chu Yun.
However, Chu Yun looked at him with a grimace of a grin, and then the picture was gone
Responsible for the implementation of monitoring workers immediately get up and drink scold a way "depend! What person! Do things, right? "
Turn around and go to that box to deal with things. When I look back, I see them *oos.
"Well, I’ll take care of it right away!" The person in charge of monitoring is cursing in his heart why it happened that something went wrong when the leader inspected it. You are finished and wait to feel my anger.
Card east was just that scared out of consciousness that Chu Yun is deliberately this heart thumping.
Listen to the hand to find trouble again. Kadong almost directly angered and rushed to find something for himself.
"Stop! Sit down for me! "
The employee’s face lost face blink flaccid.
"I’ll go" Kadong dared not stop for a moment and hurried to the box with the medical ninja.
After seeing the boss leave, the employee silently said, "If my anger is over, I will beat you up and pay for it. If the boss goes, you will lose your life. Poor guy."
Chapter one hundred and ten Spoiling Swift is the most beautiful
Pretending to be uchiha madara Uchiha Obito, he left Wuyin Village.
Chu Yun was waiting for Kadong to arrange a medical ninja at the local exchange when he received the news.
"Why at this time?"
Although Chu Yun had predicted that Daitu would leave Wuyin Village in recent days, it was unexpectedly today.
Even in the sky.
The most important thing is that the narcissistic man’s body has not yet been reincarnated.
Chu Yun originally planned to turn the narcissistic male corpse into a five-turn corpse, and then he took back the leaves.
In this way, he also has an extra means of self-protection.
But now … it’s a little urgent.
Turn into ordinary undead? No, I’m going to kill my head this time.
"Knock, knock!" Cardon knocked politely before entering the room.
"Death Pavilion, this is a medical ninja belonging to our exchange department. You can arrange for her to help you do what you can, but she must return to her original post after one month."
A month!
Chu Yun surprised eyes looked down Kadong’s introduction.
At first glance, Chu Yun raised a sentence in his heart, "What a watery little girl."
It’s really beautiful. The height is 1.6 meters, which is shorter than that of Chu Yun. It has short silver hair, dark brown eyes and fair skin. Although it has no chest and no ass, it is graceful and refreshing.
It’s a pity that I won’t be here this month …
Tucao as an idea after Chu Yun nodded a greeting.
"Code name Death is usually called Chu Yun."
The girl is timid, but she is not really shy. She bows 90 degrees to Chu Yun politely. "The code name is paper kite, which is also called paper kite."