"Well, I can see that Xuner is very handsome!" Chu Ruxue gave such an evaluation to Xuner’s appearance.

Generally speaking, this sentence is very perfunctory to ordinary people, but many years later, the world gave such an evaluation to Zhong Li’s son Zhong Li Xun-he is probably the most handsome man in the world!
These two children are a combination of Luo’s and Chu’s, and their appearance is natural and unusual. Even if they are so smiling, they can afford a "handsome" word.
As for the moon as early as snow, I didn’t say anything about looking at her.
Because the gauze had just been removed as early as snow, Luo Xiao Hammer took the two children to sleep safely.
The next morning, Churu got up at midnight. They agreed to go to Zangjie Mountain to see the sea of clouds, and it was not very convenient to take them with them. Churu didn’t ask Xuner and Yuer to get up. They left in a carriage.
It is the first time that you can’t see the strong light like snow, so you wear a thin hat and a gauze to keep out the sun.
"I haven’t seen the light for many years, but now I suddenly see it, which is a bit uncomfortable!"
As early as snow, listening to the carriage creaking regularly, the mood seems to have changed, and many people have grown a lot.
"In the future, we will go to all the places we promised to go ―― to see the desert in northern Xinjiang, to go to the Jiange Pavilion in Shushan and to see the fireworks in Yangzhou … Now it is the first place to hide the mountains and the sea of clouds."
Clock from her hand holding the first as snow suddenly feel calm.
All these years, he has felt a sense of wandering, lonely because he has no relatives around, and he feels placed in a place.
He feels very comfortable now that it is like snow at first.
This kind of peace is not indifferent in life, but peace of mind in my heart gives me more motivation to face everything in the future.
"There are probably many things we will do in the future! These are just some of them! "
As early as snow, close your eyes in Zhong Li’s arms and try to keep your eyes away from light.
Although she longs for light and can’t wait to see the limits of this world now, she knows that her light is hard to come by and she can’t squander it casually.
Zhong Liyi nodded. "Well, we still have a lot to do in the future!"
These things, big and small, are kept in their respective minds and will be taken out one day
Zangjie Mountain is lush, like a deep forest in the southwest. At first glance, it is full of green colors and some beautiful flowers.
Chu Ruxue was shocked to see the tomb of Princess Jingnan ―― the tomb of Princess Jingnan is almost a funeral for half the queen. Her tomb is built around the Tibetan Ring Mountain and is very spectacular.
"But it turns out that there was once a princess’s tomb in the Tibetan Ring Mountain, but it is true."
Chu Ruxue has never been to Zangjie Mountain, and he has never seen the tomb of Princess Jingnan. Now he has seen it, and this tomb is folded.
It was during the heyday of the imperial clan that the old prince was establishing military exploits in southern Xinjiang, and both in Kyoto and southern Xinjiang enjoyed a good reputation. At that time, the princess died and the prince promised not to marry the emperor Jiadi again, so it was natural to express it.
It’s better to give kung fu to the dead than to benefit the living. Jiadi has always known this.
So what’s the use of gold to build a tomb for the princess? Besides, it is impossible for King Jingnan to be loyal to Jia Di again when the tombs are repaired.
"It was also at that time that you and I miscalculated, and now it is called Princess Wang, who is separated from each other."
As early as snow, her eyes drooped and her eyes looked serious.
Zhong Liyan’s eyes flashed a trace of sadness but smiled. "Most of these things are beyond your control. Now the ending is not perfect, but it is not the worst!"
"My dad said that she usually doesn’t like drinking very much, so I thought about it and brought some realgar wine, which was just about to be cleared, so she could taste some wine before."
Pour the wine to the ground and the clock will read these words.
"I thought I’d give her a good sacrifice in a few days, but I didn’t want to know what’s going on now. We’ll probably have to leave southern Xinjiang in the next two days."
"But also the original is my unfilial didn’t come to see you over the years! Now that I have brought Cher to see you, you are probably glad that Cher is the love of my life. "
Churuxue knew that he was talking to the people in the grave, so he didn’t interrupt him. Listening to him, Zhong Li said a lot until he spilled the last bowl of wine, and then he slowly got up and pushed Churuxue along the path.
Keep walking up the mountain.
Tibetan ring mountain sea of clouds looks the best at sunrise for half an hour. The color is gorgeous and the fog is rolling beautifully.
As early as snow, I looked at the layers of rolling clouds and waves through the veil dimly, and my mood became calm.
"Generally speaking, being together is nothing more than looking at each other and seeing the most beautiful scenery with each other and then getting old slowly."
As early as snow, I thought it was because she knew that she and Zhong Li had no power to "grow old slowly"
Behind them is the face of the Daxu dynasty, which is full of holes and ruins, and is eyeing the eyes of all countries.
The dust finally settled.
? Spring of the second year of junior high school
The sea of clouds in Zangjie Mountain is really beautiful. At sunrise, the clouds and waves roll and are illuminated by the sun, showing different colors and splendor.
It’s like snow at first in northern Xinjiang, but it’s energy-saving to see mountain fog in late autumn, but it’s never seen such a vast cloud. And it’s like a ladder to surround the mountainside of Zangjie Mountain halfway up the mountain, so that Zangjie Mountain can go straight into the sky.
Occasionally, a few birds rush out of the clouds and waves, and the lark sounds clear and silent, showing the tranquility of the Tibetan ring mountain
"When I was in Yujie Mountain, I was lucky enough to see a cloud and mist that was not as strong as here."
As snow at the beginning in accordance with the light way around the clock from her.
She used to think that it was just a dream between the two of them. Where can there be such a good chance to realize these wishes?
But now it’s really like snow, and I feel that it seems to be a dream without fetters, fetters and responsibilities, just to dream without trying.
This sea of clouds to see fog is probably the first time in my life when I have no burden.
She felt refreshed because she didn’t have to worry about having that person around her for the time being.
Besides, this is the first scene she saw after her reply.
Zhong Liyi finally did not make any grand worship and offered an altar of wine to the princess.
Later generations generally have a lot of complaints about this matter, recognizing that Zhong Li is not filial and disrespectful to his elders.
As early as snow, it is meaningless to know that no matter how much money the deceased spends, the sacrifice is always for the living, but it is not much for the dead.
Even if the fruit of offering sacrifices to the gods is eaten by vagrants at night, it will also be eaten. If the sacrifices are not found, there is probably nothing to do.
In the end, no one has ever heard of any disaster caused by the theft of a sacred object.
Chu Ruxue didn’t express any opinion on Zhong Liyi’s practice. She knew that he knew exactly what to spend his money on.
Zhong Lishi and Chu Ruxue visited Zuwu in Miaojiang, Liu Wei, respectively before leaving southern Xinjiang.
Liu Wei made some preparations for the first recovery as snow. He knew that the clock would not come all the way, so he dedicated it to the princess.
Liu Wei has nothing to teach him about being an emperor, knowing that Zhong Liyan can do it well.
Zuwu looked at the face as thin as snow and said nothing. She was told to bring some tonic medicinal food and told her not to say anything else.