Lily looked up at her bitterly and stared at her.

"Beautiful sister palace will help you find a witness. The palace will definitely let you die."
Liu chenfeng?
It’s not the big bodyguard who is in charge of the young and beautiful bodyguard who is also the object that ladies-in-waiting like to discuss in the harem.
It’s no surprise that Xu Yi called Liu Chen Feng Chu Yu. Xu Yi caught her emperor’s husband’s reaction out of the corner of his eye and lamented in his heart that this guy was too good at acting. Liu Chen Feng was sent to her side. If he didn’t know what Liu Chen Feng had done, he wouldn’t believe that Xu Yi had just cooperated with Lily to tell on him, but Xu Yi really surprised Xu Yi with his acting skills. If he was not an actor in modern times, who would be qualified to be an actor?
Everyone thinks that the figure shakes and takes a look at Liuchen’s wind, which has fallen in front of Chuyu and Xu Yi and is saluting the emperor and queen.
"Yi Er, why did you call Chen Feng out?" Chu Yu is asking when he knows the past.
Xu Yi didn’t answer Chu Yu, but said to Liu Chen Feng, "Liu’s adult, you saw it in Yuxian Palace on the 15th. Say it out. My sister has a bad heart."
Liu Chenfeng respectfully said to Chu Yu, "On the 15th day of my report to the Emperor, you all came to the Fengyi Palace to say hello to the Empress. When the Empress saw that the Empress had a cute little white wolf, she asked for a hug. When the Empress had just hugged the little white wolf, the little white wolf was very docile. The Empress warned that it was not allowed to hurt people. It seemed to understand the words of the Empress, so it would not hurt people easily. However, when everyone was not paying attention, the main wife violently tugged at the little white wolf, and the little white wolf ate pain out of her ability.
Liu Chenfeng likes to hide on the roof, and people can see more from high places.
Others don’t know that the little white wolf’s claws hurt his wife angrily, but Liu Chenfeng saw it.
"Afterwards, the Empress asked Pearl to bring the medicine. The Empress also wanted to help her. The main medicine, the Queen, refused the Empress and excused herself and went back to Yuxian Palace where she lived. The maid-in-waiting Ziying took out a sharp dagger and rowed it into the meat to aggravate the injury of the back of her hand. At that time, even Ziying was frightened by her actions. She asked the Lord what she wanted to do. The Lord said that the small white wolf claw injury was too light. She came to the emperor and told the Empress that there was something wrong.
"Liu’s adult, I’m close to you. You want to set me up like this? The emperor’s male and female servants didn’t have male and female servants and didn’t do those things. "
Liu Chen wind ignored her and continued to say to Chu Yu, "Master Li Ai aggravated the injury on the back of her hand, and then ordered Ziying to call a pot of clear water. Ziying added a lot of salt to the clear water. Master Li Ai then dipped the injured hand into the salt water, which was tantamount to sprinkling salt on the wound. Liu Tai-yi came to help Li Ai with the medicine, which was not very medicinal. She simply didn’t want to put the medicine on the wound so that she could sue the emperor for the sin of Empress Liu Tai-yi later found out.
"Everything the emperor said is true. On the day of the incident, I followed the Lord Li Ai back to Yuxian Palace and hid on the roof to see clearly what the Lord Li Ai, the master and the servant saw."
Liu Chen’s gossip surprised everyone. Seeing that her eyes have changed, I can’t believe that she is so cruel to herself. She sued the queen for self-harm.
And Liu Chenfeng, the best flying bodyguard, is commanded by the emperor to secretly protect the Empress, who likes to hide on the roof and make other people feel sad. However, they’d better hurt the Empress, otherwise they don’t know how to die.
Chapter 119 The first step of Qing harem
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"The emperor’s male and female servants were wronged by Liu’s adult." Lily climbed to the front of Chuyu’s feet and hugged Chuyu’s feet. At this moment, her face was pale and covered with tears. "The emperor’s male and female servants were really wronged. Their hands were hurt by a small white wolf’s paw. They didn’t hurt themselves. The emperor’s male and female servants know that you love the queen, but they are also your women. You can’t be so eccentric."
"Male and female servants are individuals. The white wolf is an animal. How can the emperor be partial to the animal?"
Chu Yu looked down at holding his leg and crying, and there was no pity in his eyes. He looked at Zi Ying, who had collapsed to the ground long ago. Chu Yu coldly asked Zi Ying, "Is Lord Liu telling the truth?"
Ziying’s face was so swollen that it was difficult to speak. She looked at Lily and then suddenly kowtowed to Chuyu.
Chu Yu-li asked again, "What are you asking me, bitch?"
Ziying is even more afraid that she will point to her mouth and Chu Yu will scold her. "You can’t even nod and shake your head?"
"The emperor … ah!" Lieberman’s words haven’t been finished when ChuYu pushed her. According to ChuYu’s personality, he wanted to kick Xu Yi’s presence in Xu Yi. Even if Lieberman really played, she didn’t want to see too bloody scenes, at most, it was a small occasion of slapping her hands.
"Ziying, I’ve always been kind to you, so you must be fair." After being pushed back by Chu Yu, Lily hurriedly said to Ziying that she hoped Ziying would help her deny what she had done.
Ziying kowtowed to her with tears in her eyes.
ChuYu saw Ziying still don’t talk and don’t nod. He was furious when he wanted to tell people to put Ziying up, but he saw Ziying suddenly get up and rushed to a rockery not far away. Xu Yi realized that it was not good to call "Stop her".
Liuchen wind shape flashed, but it was still half a step late. I heard a bang. Ziying had bumped into the rockery and then fell back. The heavy bump made her head break. When she fell, her sight was looking towards Lily.
First, Li Ai was dumbfounded, and then she began to cry.
Ziying didn’t betray her. She would rather die than betray her!
Liu Chenfeng squatted down to explore the purple English breath. Xu Yi came over and asked him, "Are you still alive? Please cure too much Liu, please come and see quickly."
Liu Cure too much replied "Empress is dead" before Liu Chenfeng moved.
Xu Yi stayed for a while. This handmaid is a loyal one. She would rather die if she was not forced by the emperor to betray her master.
At this time, Li Ai came crying to help Ziying, crying "Ziying Ziying, wake up! Ziying"
Ziying’s death made Chu Yu furious. He said angrily, "Drag that bitch out and throw her into a mass grave to see who else in her family dares to conspire with the Lord to frame the Empress. I want to copy her house and destroy her family!"
Xu Yi … That’s how he easily destroys his property.
Have a bad impression on Ziying Lai. Xu Yi was moved by Ziying’s loyalty when Ziying was killed. Ziying is dead, and her family didn’t suffer?
Xu Yi turned back to Chu Yu and tugged at his sleeve to persuade "Huang Ziying, although she didn’t answer, is loyal to her master. Now that she is dead, the emperor will spare her. For her loyalty to the Lord, let her be buried, and her family will not be punished. She is usually a legal person in the deep palace, and everything she does in the palace is her own. Let her do things alone."
"Instrument" ChuYu low call.
Xu Yi’s eyes were clear.
Chu Yu angered, "Yi Er, she helped her master to hurt you. If you hadn’t seen through their plot long ago, you had arranged Liuchen Feng to monitor them. Now you have been framed. I can’t help you in front of the evidence. At that time, your little white wolf will be slaughtered, and you will be grounded by me."
"The emperor’s male and female servants know, but slaves also have slaves. They are slaves. They have to listen to the Lord for everything. It’s not the slave who really blames her." Xu Yi turned and looked at her crying. "Li Zi Ying died because of you."
Lily let Ziying’s body stumble up and glared at Xu Yi, scolding, "I don’t think you’re fake and kind. You’re the one who stole the emperor’s pet and loved you. We are also the emperor’s women. It’s even difficult to see the emperor. What about you? You’re the only one who has the favor of the emperor. You don’t need to fight. You don’t need to rob. You can have everything. What do we do by all means? But Ziying died because of me. What did I do to hurt you? What did Ziying do to help me hurt you? It’s all because you stole the emperor! "
Chu Yu was furious when he wanted to tell someone to take Li Ai.
Xu Yi stopped him. She walked up to her and looked at her with poisoned eyes and said, "I know you hate me, and all the women in the harem hate me. I don’t want to compete with you. I want to live quietly. The emperor doesn’t allow me to change all this, so I can fight for my husband in Xu Yi. I won’t share my man with women. If you want to hate me, hate me. Hate this world is unfair to us women."
"Ha ha ha ….."
Lily laughed sarcastically. "Xu Yi, you are so naive. The emperor is the 95 th statue. He is a monarch with three palaces and six courtyards. How can he have you as a woman? After you can defeat me today, there will be more people entering the palace. Prepare them to fight in your life, and never think about enjoying the emperor alone. "
Xu Yi said word for word, "If the emperor can’t afford it, I want to ask me to leave the palace, and I would like to cut my hair, and I will not share my husband with others."
"Instrument son" ChuYu listened to the willies and quickly came over and pulled Xu Yi into his arms and hugged him tightly for fear that he would not let go until he was thirteen years old and ran away.
His move made Lailai hurt her heart, and Liedi was even more chilling.
Now that she knows that the emperor is really in love with the queen, it’s true love, not a momentary infatuation. It’s ironic that the emperor and the royal family should have true feelings, isn’t it the most loving emperor and royal family? The emperor loves the queen so much. How can they be in her eyes? No matter what they do, the emperor won’t notice them. What is she fighting for? What else are you robbing? In the end, Ziying was hurt, and she herself was in danger.