"There is no shame!" He stretched out his hand to hold her hand and looked at her shy expression thoughtfully. "This is a boudoir interest. How can you lose face if you know me?" And, oh, I heard that it will be better to have a baby when you are in two of a kind and have a high degree of passion. "

"baby?" Shen Xintang paused, stretched out his hand and consciously caressed his belly. He just fought with passion and forgot such an important thing?
I heard that forbidden sex in the first three months of pregnancy may cause miscarriage.
Did they just get so intense?
Shen Xintang frighten hurriedly sat up.
"What’s the matter?" See her nervous expression Hua Wenxuan quickly asked
"I … I’m not sure." She suddenly regretted her carelessness. "I seem to be pregnant …"
"Really?" Hua Wenxuan was overjoyed and couldn’t help looking at her abdomen. "Are you sure?"
She shook her head in dismay.
"I’m not sure it’s because you said in front of your mother yesterday that my period didn’t come. It suddenly occurred to me that it seems that my period didn’t come this month, so I went to buy a pregnancy test and the result was positive, but it’s best to wait for a week and then go to the hospital for a check-up. It will be more reliable after two weeks …"
"auntie auntie!" Hua Wenxuan was so excited that he wanted to touch her face as if he felt wrong. He took back his hand and grabbed her. He put her hand on his face and was overjoyed. "Are we going to have a baby?" I’m going to be a father, too? You are so great and amazing! Do you think it will be a boy or a girl? What’s the name? Oh, by the way, I have to call my mother quickly. She will be so happy when she hears the news. She told me when she sent her away today. She said that if you are pregnant, let us get married early, not because she cares about her grandchildren, but because she thinks it is not easy for every mother. Since I like you so much and have children, she will not stop us from getting married again. "
"Is it true?" This news made Shen Xintang overjoyed and a little touched. "I didn’t expect your mother to cherish the elderly so much. I must be filial to her later."
"I’m so glad to hear that." He grabbed her hand and kissed her on the mouth. His eyes were glowing. "Then I’ll call her!"
"Don’t!" She grabbed him. "Let’s wait another week to make sure it’s really pregnant! Now, after all, it’s still a short time … And I forgot about it just now and told you that "her face is worried now" I don’t know if it will affect … "
"Well, it’s all my fault!" He slapped his forehead and walked around the bed with remorse. "It’s all my fault that I couldn’t help wanting you. I’m so damn dear. Do you feel uncomfortable? Does your stomach hurt? "
"Not yet." She shook her head gently.
"God bless!" He put his hands together and prayed, then knelt on the bed and looked at her eagerly. His voice was so tender that he wanted to drop water. "If you feel a little uncomfortable, tell me what you want to eat and tell me at once!" Don’t move back, just live here. You don’t have to work from day to day. Have a good baby at home and have Chen Yi take care of you during the day. "
"What is this?" She looked at him in distress situation. "Didn’t you say wait another week?"? It’s only been a week now, and I can’t finalize it. Aren’t you going to be disappointed if I find out that I’m pregnant? Besides, even if you are pregnant, how can it be that serious? Several mothers in our company are quite pregnant to give birth, or are they all born naturally? "
"That won’t do. People are people, you are you," he insisted with a serious face. "Anyway, I can’t allow you to make a mistake. Then call your company and ask for a week’s leave, saying that you have something to do, and wait until the result comes out a week later."
"Please don’t do this!" Shen Xintang gently pulled his hand. "Even if I’m really pregnant, it’s nothing. I’m not that delicate. Don’t make me a flower in the greenhouse."
"I won’t make you a flower in the greenhouse," he said, sliding his slender fingers gently across her cheek. "I just want to make you a flower in the palace."
"What bad logic?" Shen Xintang felt funny and retorted, "Is the palace more suitable for flower growth?"
"Anyway, no matter how much you say, just watch me do it." He held her hand in awe and promised, "I will definitely work harder to be a man worthy of your trust and dependence. After waiting for me for a hundred years, I hope to hear you say,’ I will be your wife’; Our children say,’ I will be your child in the next life!’ "
The moment Shen Xintang nose slightly sour eyes also involuntarily moist.
☆ Chapter 14 Ecstasy ☆
Shen Xintang still went to work early the next day.
Pregnant women are excited, and her feelings should be the first consideration. After two people argued for a long time, Hua Wenxuan still compromised.
But he insisted on sending him to class.
Shen Xintang’s class is in Hongkou District, so he has to send her to class first and then back the car.
Shen Xintang repeatedly said that he could take a taxi himself, but he didn’t want to deliver it himself.
She also can endure him to go.
After seeing her off at the company building, he promised to pick her up again in the afternoon.
Shen Xintang nodded and agreed to watch his car leave, and the one in his heart who wanted him to have a baby wanted to go deeper.
In the afternoon, I received several text messages from him asking if she felt particularly hungry, tired or not. Shen Xintang thought he was wordy, but he felt very happy.
Towards noon, she received a greeting from Qing Ye.
"Xintang, when you came to my house yesterday, you didn’t send anything other than the kissing fish, did you?" Qing Ye Huan Yin was a little nervous in the words.
"No, why?" Shen Xintang seemed to realize something and asked tentatively, "Is there anything unusual? I mean, I want to surprise you with something special. "
"There is nothing unusual," Ye Qinghuan denied. "There were a lot of friends at home yesterday. It seems that someone left something behind. Why don’t you call and ask what you lost?"
"No," Shen Xintang was calm, but her intuition told her that Ye Qinghuan must have found something that worried her.
That Lu Bai acted so fast? They just got back from abroad.
What the hell does he want?
Is he in the sea now?
Regret why I didn’t leave him a mobile phone number at that time.
It suddenly occurred to me that she had the key to the little dragon girl’s house in her hand, so she should come back with him, right? If we want to find Little Dragon Girl, can we find Lu Bai?
We must find Liu Bai quickly and try to dissuade him.
This man is really full.
She was already going to give up lobbying the little dragon girl, but he took the initiative to wade into this muddy water.
The lunch break is an hour, and her round trip is just right, but it’s a little tight.
I don’t care so much now. She doesn’t care what the little dragon girl’s past is, but now Zhuang has married Ye Qinghuan. She doesn’t want Ye Qinghuan to get hurt for her own reasons.
Qing Huan is not bad for her.
You see, I gave her a pair of expensive shoes yesterday and kindly found her a spare tire.
Even if she is not a friend, she doesn’t want to cause any accidents by herself.
There are still ten minutes before lunch break. Shen Xintang left early without discipline. He secretly took the stairs through the toilet machine and stopped a taxi outside the building.
Fierce sun, burning fire and hot summer.
Shen Xintang waited by the side of the road with the diabolical sun for a long time and didn’t see a car.
It’s really strange. When you don’t need a car, you often see cars passing by. Now she wants a car, but she can’t stop one.
When she was in a hurry, a Mercedes-Benz commercial car slowly stopped in front of her.