"I’m a woman. How can I have no secrets? I’m afraid of you looking at me like this …"

Joe looked at her coldly in the previous step "poria cocos"
The heavy voice and his serious tone hardly gave Poria room to relax and retreat. "Women do have some secrets, but if they really belong to you, you must get up in front of me." After all, I have a wife. I know exactly what she thinks, and you haven’t answered me. Do you have secrets in your heart with Xiao? "
Poria cocos was scared to take a step back and stared at him.
"So you’d better tell me something. Manager Xiao, I have to be careful."
At this time, she has to say something to calm Qiao Tezhu, and it can’t be something trivial, because Cong is like Qiao Luo, and he won’t believe it.
As time goes by, the parking lot in the open space can obviously hear the rain outside, which seems to hit Poria’s heart.
After a long time, the two men were still deadlocked. Poria fell into the palm of her hand, and her nails were almost punctured. Her heart was like being pressed by a time bomb waiting for the final countdown.
She really wants to slap herself now. Why do you owe her so much?
Shopping malls are like battlefields, and so are colleagues. Although I have worked with Qiaoluo for so long, it is clear what Qiaoluo is, and it is not everyone.
Finally, she couldn’t help tuckahoe biting her teeth with her eyes closed tightly. "I … I like Mr. Xiao. I don’t know when I like it, but I just like it …"
It’s quiet all around. Poria can hear her teeth fighting. She first opened one eye, then slowly opened the other eye and looked up at Qiaoluo with pale face-
Qiao Luo tightened his brow and lips and made a straight line. "Poria, are you serious?"
Poria cocos instantly bowed his head and said nothing.
Qiao Luozhong told "Poria, you and I are working with him. He is a very trusting person. If you are not serious, I can forget what you said just now." Qiao Luo’s voice paused and then continued, "But if you are serious, I advise you to nip this idea in the cradle before it is too late. You know better than me who it is. You can weigh Wei Qinglan and the early Song Dynasty."
"What else won’t let you talk to him recently? I don’t even let you go to the office this time. I think Xiao always has his own considerations. Maybe he knows your mind and advises you to dispel this unrealistic idea as soon as possible."
Poria cocos is still silent with his head down.
"Besides, when I went there just now, Xiao’s general office was about to develop into a love base dedicated to talking about love, and everything was accommodating to her. What chances do you think you have?"
The first volume Chapter 27 Trouble Xiao Zong, please poke my eyes blind.
Some objects belonging to Anyan are put on the sofa without scruple, and they don’t mind the outsiders’ eyes. Let him speak a little less openly. What did these say?
Qiao Luo looked at Poria’s extraordinarily old-fashioned hairstyle. Although he could not bear it, he added, "Besides, Poria doesn’t say Xiao Zong, but just walks around Xiao Zong. None of the other career men may respect you. If you don’t change it, there is no comparability between you and your wife."
When he finished this sentence, Poria was frustrated and looked up with bitterness. His voice was extremely low. "Joe helped me know that I am bad, but it’s not as bad as you said, is it?"
At last, she sighed bitterly. "What you said is too hurtful."
Qiao Luomo immediately said, "Poria cocos should learn to accept the reality. I know the truth is ugly. After all, good medicine tastes bitter and good advice is good for illness."
Poria rolled her eyes and looked at him. "All right, I’ll nip this fantasy in the bud. Thank you, Joe."
Is to belittle her. It’s almost worthless
Qiao Luo lifted his foot and walked to the car, saying, "It’s good that you know." Then he turned and looked at his eyes, and said with a little doubt, "But you said this is the secret?"
Poria’s heart was pounding. Looking at him, he asked, "Don’t you think so?"
He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I mean, since you know how much you weigh, you shouldn’t have this kind of idea about manager Xiao. It’s nothing to keep in your heart and say it. It’s nothing to go looking for trouble."
Is it true or not? Isn’t she allowed to fantasize a little?
After all, regardless of Mr. Xiao’s own conditions or hard conditions, it completely meets all the aesthetic requirements of contemporary women.
It doesn’t matter if he is divorced, which means that he has more experience in love, which is not a big problem.
But ah, how can Mr. Xiao be so infatuated?
Even a fairy can’t get into Xiao Jingfa’s eyes.
An Yan slept for a while, but she couldn’t find anything else to do except sleep. She didn’t wake up naturally, but was woken up.
This man is Xiao Jing.
She almost woke up in an instant. The handsome face of the man with his eyes open was in her positive air, and his hand was resting on her face. Even when she woke up, she started to do it … Pinched it?
An Yan directly reached out and knocked him off in her face. Her voice was extremely cold and hoarse. "What are you doing?"
Xiao Jing’s finger hooked his lip "Go home after work"
She was in a trance. The more she slept, the more her head swelled and she asked, "What time is it?"
"five o’clock in the afternoon"
Five o’clock … "You haven’t arrived at work at five o’clock, have you?"
Xiao Jing has conveniently dug her up from the quilt and said, "Well, if you stay too long, I’m afraid you won’t be comfortable and go home early so that you can eat at noon and see if your appetite will be better."
An Yan grabbed his wrist and smiled. "You are afraid that I will be uncomfortable if you stay too long … why didn’t you think of this when you took me out? Now you have the nerve to tell me … that I’m not comfortable? You’re proud to be late and leave early with me openly, aren’t you? "
"Now I’m afraid I’ve become the target of your company. Maybe … that’s how the femme fatale came from ancient times."
Section 47
Since ancient times, beauty has been in trouble with women, but it is actually a man.
Xiao Jing’s face was not chapped by her words, but he smiled deeply. "I am the boss who is late and leaves early. There is nothing that no one dares to say."
"I’m afraid people have poked your spine behind your back."
It was said that he would put the clothes on her, then the scarf, and then he squatted down to put on her shoes himself.
She looked down at her finger and asked him, "can I take off my hand gauze?" It should be enough to be melodramatic for a day and a night. "
Xiao Jing patted her fingers and stood up and looked at her condescendingly. "Do you think it is hypocritical for me to wrap this gauze for you to protect your hands?"
She looked Xiao Jing in the eye and burst into a smile on her lips. "Don’t you think it’s not melodramatic enough?"
It’s just a rub on the asphalt road. Maybe it’s a little hard. Does he need to wrap her finger into a dumpling in such a big way?
"If you take good care of our snacks, there won’t be these things."
The consequence of Anyan’s stubborn talk with him is that he promised to remove the gauze for her when she got back late.
Unlike at noon, Yan Yan walked quickly this time. Of course, Xiao Jingcheng followed her and wore a black hat, and no one could see her face clearly.