Zhao Pu and Fan Zhi walked in the store and looked at the cloth for a while and the silk for a while, while Ma Yun enjoyed the artificial fan in front of the shopkeeper. When Ma Yun entered the store, Fan Zhi took the lead, and Zhao Pu followed. The shopkeeper was Ma Yun’s big customer. As a result, the shopkeeper, who was half squinting, enjoyed the cool breeze and was not interested in buying cloth, immediately transferred the object to Zhao Pu and Fan Zhi for the cool breeze. Without Ma Yun, he should take Zhang Shun and AG with him when he went out.

Zhao Pu looked at it for a while and was very enthusiastic. "Boss, how much is this khaki cloth?"
The shopkeeper laughed. "You really know the goods, sir. This batch of cloth just came in from Wangcheng County yesterday. As you know, Wangcheng County produces the best cloth. It’s true that one side of the soil and water keeps the other side of the silkworm in Wangcheng County."
Ma Yun is too hot to die. How can he be in the mood to listen to this shopkeeper’s poor work? Plus, this man was too thoughtless just now. When he arrived, he stopped, "Eat mulberry leaves and spit them out, but silk. Tell me how much it costs."
The shopkeeper still smiled and said, "It’s not expensive, it’s not expensive."
Zhao Pu saw that Ma Yun was impatient and didn’t bargain, saying, "That’s not expensive. How much should this 3-dollar silver be?"
One side Fan Zhi said, "Brother Ping should be three iron coins." Then he turned and shouted at Zhao, who stood outside the door, and said, "Give the shopkeeper three strings of iron coins."
Zhao Hanhou should "bang" from pushing a car and struggling to move a heavy parcel. After putting the parcel in the store, he carefully counted three strings and handed them to the shopkeeper. He labored to move the iron money to the counter and carefully counted them. A string of one article, a total of three strings, was a little surprised. Ma Yun looked at those iron money. No wonder Zhao Pu wanted people to push a car? It turns out that this iron money is really worthless
After two quarters of an hour, the shopkeeper finished counting the iron money and said with an apology, "The number is right. I’m sorry to have kept the guests waiting. There’s nothing I can do. Who made our money too worthless?"
Ma Yun laughed at the side. "Although this money is worthless, isn’t it good for everyone to sneak around such a string of streets every day to exercise? Hehe, there are advantages and disadvantages." At this moment, Ma Yun’s heart suddenly moved and he was a little white. The two men pulled him out to go shopping. These guys wanted him to experience the disadvantages of this iron money personally.
He glared at them and said, "Go home. You two mean we’ll discuss it in vain."
Yangmin temple
"Master Xu, you adults, Mr. Fan, you have all read the memorial. What do you think?" Ma Yun asked.
After going back yesterday, Ma Yun asked Fan Zhi to write a paper on the reform of the currency system and discuss it in six small meetings of Jiuqing.
TaBaHeng bluntly said, "Great King Fan’s discussion is good, but it is not feasible. What are the disadvantages of this copper coin? I think everyone knows that otherwise, how could Wu Mu Wang Ying abandon copper coins and iron coins? There are two reasons for this: first, we don’t produce copper in Dachau, and we don’t have so much copper to make coins; Second, although the place in Dachu is widely known, the goods are not tea and lake brocade. We want more goods from outside and less goods from heaven. If the merchants come to buy things with copper coins and leave with them, won’t our Dachu lose money? "
Xu Zhongya also said, "Your Majesty Tuoba is right. At present, if we force copper coins, we will be unable to do it ourselves. After a long time, I am afraid it will not only hurt the government, but also hurt the merchants and the people!"
Copper mine? Ma Yun thought about it as if he remembered that there were copper mines in Yunnan, but now it should be Duan Yu and his ancestors in power in Yunnan, right? The place is rugged, sparsely populated, and it’s not too close to walk. What if it’s a quagmire to send troops by itself across some separatist minorities? As the saying goes, the persimmon should be picked up first, and this southern Han is just a chopping board. You can chop the pork as you want. At this time, it is better not to rock the boat for the time being.
Fan Zhi said urgently, "Your Majesty, it is true that we are short of copper, but we can exchange with Li Tang and them, Li Tang."
"Fan Daren’s statement is different. Li Tang, how can they give us copper if they are not enough?" Liu Zhaoyu said
"Is Li Tang also short of copper?" Ma Yun asked
"King Li Tang is not short of copper, but Li Tangduo believes in Buddhism. This temple is full of bronze statues, buddhas and bodhisattvas. Li Tang is also short of copper. Their ratio of copper to silver is 662 to 1." Zhao Pu explained at a side.
As the economic situation in Chu improves, iron money is always not a solution. First, it is too heavy. Second, it is too easy to rust. After rusting, it is easy to be scrapped. Isn’t this also hurting the people?
On reflection, Ma Yun said, "Mr. Fan, you adults have no outsiders today, so let’s be honest. In my opinion, what about this iron money? It is inconvenient to carry, but there is one thing: this iron coin is cheap to cast, and others can’t profit from it, but copper coins are different. According to the official position of Dajin, a copper coin with a copper content of 71% can make three copper coins, but it takes a hundred copper coins to buy a catty of copper, so unscrupulous businessmen will gather up copper coins and cast them into copper to sell them for profit, which leads to the lack of copper coins. However, if the copper coin content is reduced, the copper coins will be easily polished and become worthless. However, according to the situation in Chu, we have the spare capacity to pass the copper coins.
Ma Yun paused and continued, "I want to exchange silver or goods in Li Tang for copper coins to hoard them, so that the ratio of copper coins to silver in Li Tang will be lower and prices will soar. People can’t afford anything, and when paying taxes, people can’t afford to pay copper coins without silver, but the price will rise after the lack of copper coins, which has already hurt the people. Moreover, barter people sell food for copper coins, and unscrupulous businessmen will definitely take the opportunity to lower food prices, which will increase people’s taxes for a long time. Won’t Li Tang be furious?"
Xu Zhongya clapped her hands and laughed. "Wonderful, King, this plan is wonderful."
Zhao Pu carefully looked at Ma Yun and said, "I’m afraid this is the first step for the king, right? When I was in Jinling, I heard that Zhou Zong and others were lobbying Li Jing to make a lot of money and become the top ten kings. If we send people to converge copper coins now, when Li Tang implements a lot of money, we will melt copper coins and buy Li Tang materials in large quantities. If more copper coins are issued, it will become less and less valuable. In fact, now Li Tang’s dignitaries are all silk and silver, and ordinary people are not rich. There are not many copper coins in their hands. On the contrary, the first step of those small landowners who are slightly wealthy is to hurt tenants and poor people. Step injury is that those small landlords with thin property completely turn the copper coins saved in their hands into worthless, so that the middle class in Li Tang will become poor. At that time, your majesty, you will personally coach a brigade division to conquer grain and grass in Li Tang, Li Tang, and pay for reinforcements. Isn’t it a good thing that people will be angry and complain? "
Everyone looked at Zhao Puya in unison. You are too young and too dark, but I like it.
Li Xiang said at a side, "But it’s hard to do this without the background of the etiquette in the Li Tang court."
Everyone is one leng. Li Tang’s group of people are not stupid. They have to collect copper coins and prepare to make Canadian dollars. If there is no local background, wouldn’t it be easy to be found out?
Ma Yun’s face sank and said, "I mean to set up a coin department in Zhongmen Province to take full-time charge of this matter. If you can’t smash twelve thousand pieces of silver for old money in Li Tang, you must pull one or two ministers to cover for us."
Zhao Pu eyes turn a smile "the king will go in a hurry to find someone? There is a ready-made candidate."
Ma Yun glanced at him and asked, "Brother Zhao, who did you say it was?"
"Grandpa Zhang!"
Mr. Zhang Ma Yun instantly remembered a person who came to zhangqian. This person is Li Tangchen’s father-in-law Zhou Zong, and Zhou Zong is not only a meritorious veteran, but also a relative of Li Yu’s father-in-law and the Li Tang royal family. Who dares to check? But Feng Yansi Ma Yun couldn’t help but look at Zhao Pu again. Does Zhao Pu want to deliberately reveal this matter to Feng Yansi when Li Tang’s economy is about to collapse? Then Feng Yansi and Zhou Zong will be hurt when they compete with each other. Isn’t Li Tang more "chaotic"? Dude, you’re a thief
Chapter 5 The Khitan Destroys Jin ()
Update and read quickly!
Time flies in an instant. In June of this year, Sun Fang, a minister of Jin Dynasty, remonstrated against the rebellion in Langshan and attached to the Khitan Khitan Xiongzhou Secretariat, thus violating the border. Shi Zhonggui ordered Li Shouzhen to deploy a righteous army to our camp in the north (now hua county, Hebei Province), and Huang Fuyu deployed his deputy to defeat the Khitan in Yizhou.
In July, the heavy rain continued. The Yellow River burst in Yuchi County, and then the houses in Yangliu, Chaocheng and Wude burst in Shandong Province, Hebei Province. The fields were flooded. After the famine was born, the Jin court had different ideas about relief. Feng Yu, the prince’s uncle, and the Tang dynasty’s envoy sang Weihan. In the end, Feng Yu defeated the idea that military food was the most important. Sang Weihan was disheartened and closed the door. If the Jin court formally implemented limited relief, it would be impossible to save. As a result, there were many thieves everywhere.
In the strong typhoon month, the rain range is ready to swim to the Yellow River, which causes the water level in the middle reaches of the Yellow River to skyrocket again. In early September, the Yellow River once again burst in Mengzhou (Luoyang North), Huazhou, Weizhou and other places, and the middle reaches of the Yellow River completely fell into one side.
In September, the autumn wind withered the plants and trees together, and the crops that had not been harvested in the fields were completely ruined. The people were short of clothes and food, sallow and emaciated, and the people who walked around were begging for help along the way. If you can’t walk, you can eat some bark and Guanyin soil, looking forward to the court’s relief. Many people have never seen the court’s relief of a grain of food until they die. After the flood, the plague has resurfaced throughout the Central Plains. The roads and bridges in ten rooms and nine fields were destroyed. The population was originally dense, and no one was seen in Huaizhou and other places for more than a dozen miles. According to archaeological statistics, before the Yellow River burst, there were more than 700 families in Huaizhou, and after the flood was completely over, less than 90 families hung white coffins.
Compared with the floods in the Central Plains, the prairie beyond the Great Wall has encountered a rare drought. In many places, the vegetation has completely died, and the Qidan people’s cattle, sheep and horses have starved to death. The unique robber thought of Qidan has gradually turned its attention to Xiongzhou and Yingzhou in the Central Plains, and the Qidan people have been harassing and testing in the south
At this time, Li Shouzhen, who is stationed in the northern frontier, and others are going to reward the country for their meritorious service. They will constantly ask Shi Zhonggui for the so-called victory report, and Shi Zhonggui will give it if he wants, but he will just give it to the northern camp, and all of them will recruit uncle Du Wei to take into account Dewey’s war. It’s not good, but if he gives something to Liu Zhiyuan, he may not dare to move. Since it is a reward for Li Shouzhen, he will not hesitate to deduct a lot of Li Shouzhen’s anger.
On the other hand, in order to fully guarantee the stationing of army rations on the northern border, Shi Zhonggui reduced taxes by half in flood-stricken areas, but doubled taxes in non-flood areas. From Yizhou and Dingzhou in the north to Anzhou and Fuzhou in the south, people’s resentment boiled throughout the Jin Dynasty’s ruling area. Even so, the rations were extremely reduced to September, and the troops in the north of the Yellow River would have at most three months’ food.
In fact, at this point, Dajin was walking a tightrope and dancing tango on the edge of a cliff, leaving only one heartbeat. The situation was so bad that Shi Zhonggui also wandered around. He was worried but there was nothing he could do. At this time, his big uncle Feng Yu gave him an idea, an idea that directly led to the demise of the State of Jin-wooing Qidan Zhao Yanshou and others who had already surrendered to return to the embrace of the motherland.
Feng Yuting is clever, and he also sees that the state of Jin is full of contradictions now. If we play with the youngest son of Qidan Yeludeguang, it is estimated that the state of Jin will be finished, but Yeludeguang thinks highly of himself. If Yeludeguang won the war last year or the year before, it is possible for the state of Jin to make peace with Qidan, and now Yeludeguang will definitely find a way to get this face back.
Now the situation in Dajin is so bad. If Yelvdeguangnan confronts Dajin, he may still win. If he starts a war of attrition, he may not be able to support it. However, this year’s Khitan Day is also hard for Qidan South. I am afraid it is inevitable, so Feng Yu thought of a traitor-made Khitan idea.
This traitor refers to Zhao Yanshou, a member of the later Tang Dynasty, who worshipped Lulong to make our time. When Shi Jingtang fought against the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Yanshou was ordered to conquer Shi Jingtang. On the way, he heard that Shi Jingtang had surrendered to Qidan. Zhao Yanshou turned his head and sent messengers to be loyal to the table. Like Shi Jingtang, he also recognized Yelvdeguang as michel platini, but Shi Jingtang sold his filial piety. Tian Xin gave up sixteen States, including Yanzhou and Yunzhou, to Qidan.
Shi Jingtang’s move was quite malicious. On the one hand, he flattered himself. On the other hand, michel platini sold Zhao Yanshou completely. What do you mean by that? The reason is that Zhao Yanshou is under the jurisdiction of Lulong our time. It is in sixteen prefectures. After Yelvdeguang established Shi Jingtang, it is estimated that he felt a little sorry. The filial son Zhao Yanshou also brought Zhao Yanshou back to Qidan to seal the prince and become our time in Qidan Youzhou.
Feng Yu’s idea of writing a letter from the perspective of national justice can influence Zhao Yanshou, so that Zhao Yanshou can make the Great Wall in the north of Dajin resist the Khitan attack for Dajin. After the paper was handed over, Shi Zhonggui looked at it for a long time and hesitated for a long time. Finally, he agreed with the idea of giving it a try. The year before last, Shi Zhonggui was angry with his uncle (Shi Jingtang), and this year, Sang Weihan, a military adviser, few of them were able to take the helm and take the pulse for Dajin. Now it is very difficult for Shi Zhonggui to listen to different opinions.
Zhao Yanshou smiled at you after reading Shi Zhonggui’s letter. Shi Zhonggui is too naive. Your uncle and I are sworn enemies. Your family was abruptly taken from Zhao’s hand. Now I can’t get along. Think of me. Lao Zhao came. Why did you go early?
Zhao Yanshou immediately handed this letter to Yelvdeguang, who said that he was loyal. After reading this letter, Yelvdeguang suddenly had an idea to let Zhao Yanshou do his best. He also promised to make Zhao Yanshou sit as the emperor of the Central Plains once he perished in Dajin.
At the end of September, Zhao Yanshou’s reply finally came when Feng Yu was eager to see him. In the letter, Zhao Yanshou first reviewed his revolutionary friendship with Shi Jingtang when he was in Tang Zong, and expressed his hope to return to the embrace of the motherland. Finally, he expressed his remorse and hoped that Shi Zhonggui would let bygones be bygones and readmit him. Feng Yu gave the reply to Shi Zhonggui to see Shi Zhonggui, which was also unbelievable and overjoyed at the moment.
It is often said that yes man Zhao Yanshou’s reply has just arrived in Xiongzhou, Qidan (sixteen prefectures is near Dingzhou and Yizhou), and Gao Mouhan, the secretariat, secretly expressed that he wanted to offer the south of Xiongzhou to Dajin Jinting, which was a cheer. The two sides agreed that Dajin would send Dewey and Li Shouzhen to Xiongzhou to meet Zhao Yanshou and return to the motherland to occupy Xiongzhou at will.
Dewey and Li Shouzhen each led a group of people and arrived in Xiongzhou with great interest. This time, they just took a casual activity and waited for Shi Zhonggui to reward them. Who knows that after meeting in Xiongzhou, the situation of the two people is not right. This Xiongzhou is still there, but Zhao Yanshou and Gao Mouhan’s army are not seen at the gate. It happened that such a strange thing happened. Although the two men looked at each other and were not pleasing to the eye, they still walked together to discuss it. When they were discussing it, they reported that it was in the north of Xiongzhou that a 5ooo army was marching north with a high flag.
Dewey pondered whether to eat or not. He was actually going to send someone to see if Gao Mouhan casually asked what had happened to Gao Mouhan.
Li Shouzhen’s head should be like a rattle. He couldn’t help but advise, "Let’s hurry to withdraw from this place. I’m afraid there will be an ambush in Qidan. If you don’t leave later, you will regret that you won’t be able to come." He came and doubted this succession of defections. Now, when he looks at Xiongzhou again, his heart will retreat.
Dewey mainly thinks it’s strange that Xiongzhou has four big doors and now Gao Mouhan’s army. To be fair, he should be a little skeptical in his heart, but after Li Shouzhen said this, Dewey strengthened his view. "Don’t worry, send someone to see if we defeated the Qidan army with 40 thousand people last year?" We can have ten thousand people this year. "And he looked at Li Shouzhen.
As soon as Li Shouzhen’s eyes droop, she won’t pick up any more. Do you always recruit and deploy officials who are lower than you? You are whatever you say. There is no need to be serious with you in this matter. Besides, Dewey is right. We have nearly 100 thousand people anyway.
Without saying anything, Dewey sent Liang Hanzhang, our time commander of the Yongqing Army, to talk to Gao Mouhan. As a result, Liang Hanzhang was brought to life and never came back. He was ambushed and killed from noon to evening, and was shot to death in Levin City.
In fact, when Liang Hanzhang was in ambush, it was still possible to save Liang Hanzhang from the decisive battle of the Qidan army in Levin if Dewey supported the troops from the north. However, Dewey withdrew his troops and fled all the way from Xiongzhou to Wuqiang County in Dajin Jizhou.
Xiongzhou is a trap. Because Xiongzhou has a flat terrain, the best ambush site can be Yelvdeguang, Gaoyang County, northwest of Xiongzhou (now Hebei River), and the tiger misses a deer by mistake. Moreover, this deer bit him, so he changed his attack strategy and attacked Hengzhou (Shijiazhuang) O in two ways.