"Fight hard and trust you."

"thank you"
Zhang Hao’s hand is shaking slightly at the moment. I heard a word that I believe you, and Zhang Hao has also relaxed a lot. lpl letter is poor power.
"get ready for a game. ogn will definitely change. We have to guard against it."
Yan Liang’s words are right. Everyone remembers that in s3, the royal team was still struggling in the time of strong heroes. South Korea has already shipped out all kinds of unpopular heroes and achieved remarkable results. People have to admire the strong personal ability of the Korean team.
"Blind monk, let’s ban it off. It’s really unbearable."
Xiliang Ma Chao listened to Yan Liang’s opinion. It’s true that Zhang Hao played wild well, but the blind monks of the South Korean team did have outstanding strength. This is not a recognition of the opponent’s strength. ogn is also constantly banning lpl and playing very slippery heroes. Both sides just contain each other.
"And then who is better for us to ban?"
"Big tree and bull’s head are all hot spots in ban’s list." A’s singles are like the back of his hand about the powerful heroes on the road.
"It’s true, but we can let go of these strong singles. Let’s pay attention to the Korean team’s selection from ban." Zhang Hao expressed his thoughts
"What do you mean?"
Yan Liang saw that Zhang Hao had his own ideas and was ready to see what Zhang Hao meant.
"Nothing is to give up a ban quota."
"Give up the ban quota"
A suddenly froze. Now the world is thinking that the number of ban people is not enough. Zhang Hao actually gave up a number of ban people. This idea must have made A not think of it.
"It’s to give up a ban quota because the Korean team will choose the first person in a game so that we can see what they are doing."
"If we win the tree, we will have Rambo. If we win Rambo, we will have Ritz. We always have a hero to deal with. Even if they don’t choose, we can choose Ritz or Rambo to achieve the goal of containment."
"Good idea"
Yan Liang has understood that Zhang Hao means to restrict ogn from selecting candidates from the root or to set restrictions on single candidates, and to give up the number of ban people to coerce ogn to choose the lpl expected list, which is very beneficial to tactical arrangement.
Although other positions are uncertain, it is easy to say that everything else is determined by a single position.
"So that’s it."
A also suddenly realized that she felt compelled to admire Zhang Hao’s method. At this moment, she could form all things in one sentence.
This sentence is reasonable. A has to.
"Then we feel explosive in the middle of the road, and our strength is not bad. There is no need to always fight hard in the later stage. I think it is no problem."
Yan Liang also saw that ogn’s personal ability is not bad, but lpl technology is not bad. These confrontations have not suppressed the rhythm in the early stage, and there is still not much difference between lpl Middle Road Exercise and ogn.
It is very cooperative with Zhang Hao to fight wild and suppress ogn.
"yeah, explosive and ogn have a good fight."
Luky will breathe a sigh of relief when he reaches the explosive output position, and I’m afraid he will go crazy if he continues to die singing this kind of developmental hero.
"The rest of the position depends on the situation. It is good that the key position has been pre-selected."
"Yeah, that makes sense."
Zhang Hao did not continue to study whether the bursts were dead or alive. If all the good things were arranged, it was not too rigid, and there was no place where people would be disastrous if they targeted them.
Lpl, on the other hand, is trying to relax, except for the desire for the championship. I’m afraid the rest is the thrill of the bonus.
You know, there is also a bonus in the Star Contest, and this year’s bonus has risen to 10,000 US dollars. Because it is the official organization team of China and does not belong to a club, this bonus will be directly distributed to the players’ respective accounts.
On average, everyone will get 20 thousand advanced awards, but that’s more than 120 thousand r awards in dollar terms
This is simply a great opportunity for Zhang Hao to turn over. You know, until now, he is still burdened with 150,000 debts. Apart from the bonus awarded to sk by the League at the time of the National Games, Zhang Hao still owes 130,000 debts to the League.
If you win the championship this time, then Zhang Hao’s debt will be 10,000. This opportunity is really not white, and it’s even worse. For Zhang Hao, the championship is really within reach.