Mo Yuling turned to look at Jin Jing and asked, "Sister, is this true?"

Jin Jing’s little hand wiped her tears with a nod and said, "Well, I can always accompany you."
Mo Yu Ling laughed through tears. "That’s great. Jingjing promised her sister that she would never leave me again. Do you know that I have you as a relative now?"
Jin Jing listened to Mo Yuling and cocked his head for a moment and said, "What about the brother-in-law?"
Mark aside, I didn’t expect Jin Jing to ask such a thing and sloped out with a smile.
Mo Yuling also didn’t expect Jin Jing to ask this question, and heard the trace laugh. He immediately punched his thigh and growled, "You must teach me not to discount your leg."
Trace ran and said, "It’s really not me. How can I teach her to be right? Where is my brother-in-law?" Trace while running mouth also kept playing fun that Mo Yuling is a crazy chase.
Come out with Dong Fangshuo and others, and smile when they look at Mark’s heart and Mo Yuling’s pursuit. The pressure is really too great for him, especially Song Zhiqian. There is no news yet. Every morning when everyone meets Mark, careful people can see that Mark is calm on the surface, but it is actually white from his bloodshot eyes. How painful he is to go back to his room every night.
After watching them frolic for a while, Dong Fangshuo said, "All right, Yuling, tell me about your trip to Beijing this time."
Mark at this time, the force is already much higher than Mo Yuling’s. After chasing for a while, he couldn’t catch it. He heard Dong Fangshuo calling himself Mo Yu Ling. He made a face at the mark and said, "This time it’s cheaper for you." Then he walked beside Dong Fangshuo.
Mark smiled and walked beside Jin Jing and said, "Jingjing, look how fierce your sister is. Do you think your brother-in-law and my brother-in-law will want her?"
Jin Jing smiled sweetly and said, "I’m sure my sister is the best."
Mark nodded wildly. "Yeah, yeah, you’re absolutely right. No woman can catch us in the rain."
Mo Yuling was talking about Feng Xiao in Dong Fangshuo when she heard the trace words. "Don’t you dare say that, I’ll tell your sister-in-law."
I heard Mo Yuling coughing gently next to Song Zhiqian.
Mo Yuling suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the field after saying this, only to find that Song Zhiqian didn’t show up and asked Dong Fangshuo, "Yes, where is Master’s eldest sister-in-law?"
Dong Fangshuo just didn’t know what to do, such as the answer mark. She came over with a calm face and said, "Yuling was rescued by a person because she was poisoned, but I don’t know where she is now."
Mo Yuling asked eagerly, "How did this happen? Tell me quickly."
There is no trace of a horse. The answer is, "We can’t let everyone stay with you outside if we go in first, and you have to tell me about this trip to Beijing."
After listening to the story of Mo Yuling, Song Zhiqian was worried. After all, she was poisoned by poison, and she was the enemy and their adversary.
Mark looked worried about Mo Yuling and said, "Yu Ling, don’t worry yet. I know she will be fine. I can feel that the most important thing for us at present is to call Baidicheng and catch their culprit."
Mo Yuling also knows that she is now able to nod "yes"
Mark went on to say, "Yuling, I’d like you to meet these people. This is Liu Feifei, the owner of Qixiufang, this is the owner of Ruyi Hall in Shu, and this is wu-tang clan Sun Daochang."
I heard wu-tang clan Mo Yuling ask quickly, "By the way, how about going to Wudang? Are you injured in light rain?"
Xiao Yu told him what happened in Wudang, which made Mo Yuling cry and then asked, "What about your injury?"
Xiao Yu said with a clap breast, "I am very hard. This time, you are every cloud has a silver lining. Not only have you healed your injury, but you have also become a disciple of Master."
Sun Biyun said with a smile, "Yes, Master once said that there would be another cousin, but I didn’t expect it to be you."
Mo Yuling envied and said, "Xiao Yu, you are really lucky. First you married a beautiful daughter-in-law, and now you have a martial arts master. I envy you to death."
Xiao Yu smiled and made no answer.
Trace then introduced her to a few people she didn’t know. When introduced to Sixiang, Mo Yuling Ma happily went over and took Sixiang’s hand and deliberately looked back at Trace and said, "Should I call you sister-in-law?"
Mark but I didn’t expect Mo Yu Ling to say so. Look at her eyes immediately. At this moment, she is retaliating for playing tricks on her just now, but she can’t find the right words to turn her head to one side and pretend not to hear.
Si Xiang smiled and said, "I’m younger than you, so I’d better call my sister."
Mo Yuling is not good enough to laugh too much in front of Si Xiang and say, "Well, I’ll call your sister. That’s great. I have another sister. That’s a great thing."
Dong Fangshuo saw that after they got to know each other, he asked, "Yuling, you’d better tell me something about Beijing."
Mo Yuling hurriedly said, "Yeah, yeah, I listened to you. I almost forgot that the big monk and Feng Xiao were already on their way, but …"
Mark saw that she seemed to hesitate in the middle of her words and quickly asked, "But what?"
Mo Yuling said angrily, "But that damn dog emperor actually sent 50 thousand people to Feng Xiao. How angry you are."
Mark never thought that Zhu Di sent so few people. After all, now that Baidicheng has Zhou Tao to lead tens of thousands of people to defend, how can such a small number of people be sent? It is difficult to succeed if it does not exceed more than half of the guarding city.
Mo Yuling went on to say, "I think this dog is the emperor’s heart, whether we are not …" Speaking of which, she remembered Zhu Yunwen and Gu Xingguo, who didn’t know what to do with them later. The two sides were already like fire and water, but fortunately Feng Xiao and Feng Yuanshan were not with them.
See she said half know that she is thinking of the Zhu Yunwen mark at that time also don’t know how to exhort now the situation is really much more severe, according to all the clues, the masked man has united the enemy and Zhu Yunwen and Gu Xingguo, once really let them succeed, even if they really want to take it away, this time the mark is inevitable, if you can’t let him succeed.
Mark said, "Anyway, we must succeed this time. We also expect Zhu Di to send a large number of troops to help us. I’m afraid we have to rely on ourselves this time."
Dong Fangshuo asked, "What are you going to do?"

Two swords intersect and 84 Chapter 84 The last battle (5)

In an instant, a flaming flame burst out of the sword like a volcanic eruption.
When you are heavy, you feel a wave of coercion, just like black and white often strangle your neck and make him unable to breathe.
He was shocked and thought that it was not good!
This damn beast has exhausted the Excalibur and the Excalibur Prajna sword, and formed a magic sword of killing.
See the flame wrapped around two people showing six dragons.
The mighty flame came like a flood discharge.
The epee pulls the breeze and the spirit force erupts all over. The same hoses leap from the tip of the sword.
Sharp pleasure heaven and earth is a tremor.
Dark clouds cover the moon and the wind howls
When fire and water met, they suddenly jumped out of the flames from Yun Qing and Bai Liyi.
This move was so sudden that even the weight did not respond.
Seeing that a long sword has penetrated his body, he has shown signs of defeat!
Heavy corners of the mouth oozing a bit of blood flame chest burning "you … you …"
From Yun Qing and Bai Liyi, one person held the handle of Prajna sword in one hand and saw her with murder in her eyes. "Maybe I can’t do it alone, but don’t forget that I’m not alone. I still have him and me together."
Bai Liyi heard a warm current in her heart when she said this. Did she ever say such a thing? ?
Regardless of the past!
When this is over, he wants to abandon all her memories.
Grabbing the body of Prajna with one hand, the flame wrapped around his body, and he suddenly smiled with a strange voice. "You underestimate me …"
At that moment, suddenly, the gas churned and a ShaQi shook the two people.
Bailiyi stretched out her hand and spun herself away from Yun Qing’s arms.
At that time, the sword in the heavy hand rushed into the sky and went straight into Jinghu-
"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Yun Qing tried to stop him before drinking, but he has come.
See jinghu suddenly a black gas, the whole shrine trembled.
"Ha, ha, ha ….." When he fell to the ground, the magic smile resounded through the cold of heaven and earth. "Demons make fun of it …"
He was unconscious after a black smoke spilled over his body and fell to the ground.
There was a huge roar around Yun Qing’s hand, one higher than the other.
At this time, the two of them have a feeling in their hearts.
Just this one night
The moon is high and the stars are shining.
There was a burst of wind blowing on the ground and the wind roared to the roadside vendor’s stall.
There was a burst of shouting among the people, and the whole continent was in a state of horror. Everyone looked up at the Milky Way.
Just like the last days, several stars suddenly appeared in the sky, which made people feel safe.
"It’s so strange that it’s not yet the season of stars flowing fire?"
The Temple of Priscilla stood on the windowsill, and he looked anxiously up at the Milky Way and murmured
A sudden vision is a sign of this?
"I’m afraid it’s going to change?" Yun Yan’s eyes are bigger than Han Xing’s behind him and he asks, "It’s time for the temple to rest. Don’t hurt yourself. In a few days, it will be the enthronement ceremony."
Remains have been removed from prissy, and in just a few days, Cang Zhenmin’s tax reduction has won a lot of people’s hearts and been recognized by the people. Now he is definitely the emperor and the emperor. Chapter 843 The last battle (6)
Yun Yan is also very grateful that prissy doesn’t care about what Yun Wan did, so that she can redeem her sins by Buddha for the rest of her life.
"I hope they can be safe." Look at the fire that flashed across the sky. Prissy was slightly relieved.
Prissy looked at the sky with deep eyes and a heavier heart.
Just now, it was good, and now there is filariasis, which can’t help but make his heart panic …
After destroying the dead body, the three men said goodbye to Mo Chi and went back to deal with the heavy family fort, while Mo Chi also rushed to the front.
It is even more complicated to have a deep eye and a deep mood in the middle of the night.
I feel as if there is a chill around me, which makes him stiff all over.
Heavy Li with behind him looking at the strange and changeable scenery in the heart say a word.

After entering Buyuan Mountain, Wang Foer was relieved to finally lure these two great masters away without worrying about going after their own land, but he didn’t know what method Qu Hanhan had with Zhang Xu. He had no problem all the way to the east, but if he turned around and walked back, he would immediately find traces for two people, making Wang Foer go deep into the land of Dagan Dynasty and find it difficult to return home.

"Hum, I can’t escape directly from the East China Sea. If you have something to do, chase me to Tianfangzhou!" Wang Foer cursed in his heart and unconsciously came to the Wulaofeng Waterfall, which is a scenic spot in ten days. Wang Foer practiced here with his master Kumara Gupta, and he also encountered a battle between Sula Wong and the Flying Bear Army. This time, he also revisited the old place.
This time, Wang Foer changed into an ugly boy with a dark face, and all the breath was hidden. Don’t plan to go back to Da Lei Yin Temple for a few days before planning.
When Wang Foer came, Wu Laofeng was alone, but this time he saw a middle-aged warrior with three teenagers meditating in a waterfall and remembered that he had done this practice. Wang Foer couldn’t help smiling.
Seeing another person coming, the middle-aged warrior got up and walked out of the waterfall with a smile and said, "It’s the coach of Maoshan Academy. Are these three students’ little brothers also coming to practice in this waterfall?"
Wang Foer shook his head and said, "I have other things not to practice."
Look at Wang Foer. It seems that Mu Na’s middle-aged warrior is not much to talk about. He is kind enough to say, "There are many beasts in the mountains, so you should be more careful when you are alone."
Wang Foer’s heart said, "I’m not afraid if I don’t meet these two beasts, Zhang Xu." But he wouldn’t have told this middle-aged warrior that Wang Foer is going to go directly through the Buyuan Mountain to reach the stag and our time to cure Yunzhou. I believe there won’t be any danger. After thanking the middle-aged warrior, the middle-aged warrior suddenly felt a little sigh with emotion. "The in-situ child is really little. Although the Buyuan Mountain is not a remote mountainous area in the middle of the Dagan Dynasty, there are many beasts infested by resin soldiers, and many even I dare not go deeper! These three young brothers heard that there was a light smoke beast stepping on the moon recently in Buyuan Mountain, and they also wanted to catch it. I told them that it would take the waterfall four hours to take them into the mountain. "
Wang Foer’s eyes swept away the waterfall and the three teenagers casually said, "Is there really a light smoke beast on the moon in Buyuan Mountain?" These three teenagers are about to break through the ninth repair, which is not far from their own practice here. Many Wang Foer also denied that they could not achieve their goals.
Whether these three teenagers are as lucky as he is depends on God’s face.
The middle-aged warrior said with a wry smile, "It’s not bad that Yuanshan produces several kinds of wind horses and beasts, but it’s not a large number of producing areas that can make them catch a few ordinary ones."
After chatting for such a while, Wang Foer’s tone to this middle-aged warrior was a little strange. He was quite humble to these three brothers, but when Wang Foer carefully looked at the three teenagers in the waterfall, their clothes were quite gorgeous, while this middle-aged warrior was rather shabby.
"These three teenagers must be wealthy people. This middle-aged warrior has to be so careful to offend!"
"I survived four hours in coach. You can’t stop us from catching the light smoke beast!"
A straightforward teenager rushed out of the waterfall with a drink, although he was soaked, but he was very excited. The other two teenagers seemed to be washed away by the waterfall water, and their hands and feet were numb, but they were very wilting.
The three teenagers showed disdain when they saw Wang Foer’s side. The straightforward boy pulled out a huge axe from the grass and called his two companions to go to the mountains.
Yu Jiaotou smiled bitterly at a pair of Wang Foer and said, "I think you are alone, little brother. You might as well take care of yourself with us for the time being!"
Wang Foer shook his head and was about to reject the straightforward boy. He said impatiently, "We are going to catch the best wind, horses and beasts. Isn’t it a burden to bring someone who doesn’t know anything? Don’t worry about the coach! "
Wang Foer smiled brilliantly, and it was also interesting to feel any antipathy to what this straightforward young man said. He was the world’s strongest fighters in China, and this young man had no weight to care about.
Yu Jiaotou did not think like Wang Foer did, but immediately angered, "Si Zhai Mao Shan Yuan has never taught you less truth and how to be a man and talk so inconsiderate?"
The rude teenager Si Zhai looked a little dissatisfied and said, "Since he dares to enter Buyuan Mountain alone, why are we worried about him!"
Wang Foer said with a smile, "Brother Si said that although there are not many martial arts skills, I used to go through Buyuan Mountain to visit my relatives in Yunzhou, and I must not be in any danger!"
The coach exclaimed, "isn’t it dangerous to cross the mountain?" You kid really don’t know how to live or die. You just have to go to Yunzhou and go around from the south. Although it’s a long way, Amdo is not sure if he wants to cross Buyuan Mountain, even a thousand soldiers and horses! "
Wang Foer ha ha a smile in his heart, but said, "No, Yuanshan is afraid of fierce beasts without me. It is dangerous to go around the mountain all the way."
Two other teenagers gently pulled Si Zhai’s skirt, and a young man with a pale face said to the coach, "In this case, we are just traveling with this brother, but our goal is not that we can send it to the middle of the mountain."
The coach didn’t want to dissuade Wang Foer, but when he saw the boy’s face, he didn’t have any fear. He thought, "Now, it’s better to persuade him that he won’t listen than to wait until he enters the mountains and sees the danger. It will get twice the result with half the effort." Thought of here, the coach will no longer say more and lead the four teenagers straight to the depths of Nanyuan Mountain
The young man who spoke just now is called Li Yu, and the other is called Ma Pangguang, who is good friends with Si Zhai, a rough-hearted man. They are almost 14 or 15 years old with Wang Foer, and they also chat very quickly.
Si Zhai saw Wang Foer’s hands and asked, "Seven ignorance! You’re too bold not to bring a weapon. Do you want me to lend you a temporary self-defense? "
This time, Wang Foer not only dared not use his real name, but also dared not use Wang Shifang’s pseudonym. He made another alias, Fire Seven. When Si Zhai asked, he smiled and replied, "I have a weapon with me to clean it up."
Si Zhai does not believe that Wang Foer has to take it out and have a look. Even Li Yu and Ma Pangguang are curious. Wang Foer smiled and shook his sleeve and rushed out of a green rattan whip. He cracked and shook a whip and took it back.
Next to the coach, he said, "The fire is seven, and your whipping seems to be from the wood family! I rarely make this weapon in the middle-earth compound. "
Wang Foer explained that "my ancestral home is of wood descent and martial arts."
The coach immediately became suspicious. He wanted to know that the appearance of the Terran in Dagan Dynasty was very different from that of Sidi Demon. However, due to many contacts between the two sides, there were many mixed-race people. Some Terrans had a certain demon lineage, and many people, Wang Foer, escaped from the cold and cold, and Zhang Xu pursued the changing black and ugly teenagers, but it was the authentic appearance of the Terran in Dagan Dynasty.
Chapter 295 actress camp green butterfly rattan
Just like the Bai Yue demon clan will be a stick if it chooses a weapon, the Oriental wooden clan will be a rattan whip if it chooses a weapon. Moreover, there is some kind of secret skill in the clan that can cultivate vines into a whip with essence and blood. This rattan whip is not only deeply spiritual, but also can grow continuously and repair itself even if it is damaged. It is the easiest to cultivate into a soul soldier integrated with the master’s spirit.
However, the rattan whip of the wood family is divided into several grades just like the original materials of the magic weapon such as the green wood and the golden scale wood. Wang Foer got a green butterfly vine from the hand of the filial piety dragon, and he has grown six or seven feet in length after several months of cultivation, which is far longer than that of the filial piety dragon. After thousands of years of cultivation, it has become a miracle.
This rattan whip is not a big deal for the five masters to fight, but Wang Foer is here to hide his identity, and it’s not a magic weapon.
Si Zhai wanted to catch the wind, horses and beasts. Naturally, he had already made some preparations for the geography of Buyuan Mountain. Five people left Wulaofeng Waterfall and found traces of beast fighting. Si Zhai was very excited to recognize it. "This is a white rhinoceros fighting with a red tiger. Although Bai Lingxi is slower, the red tiger is a good beast!"
Li Yu and Ma Pangguang are also overjoyed, and the three men immediately chased them all the way with their spears and flying skills.
Wang Foer smiled in his heart and said, "These three teenagers seem to have no firm goal. When they have a white spirit and a red tiger, they forget to step on the moon and smoke the beast."
This white spirit is extremely slow, and the fastest speed is just Fan Jun, but the strength is great. It is a little slow to walk instead of walking, but it is quite good to pull a cart and fight a beast.
The red tiger is just between Jing Jun and Ling Jun. Although the burden is a little worse, it is quite imposing.
Wang Foer doesn’t even care about the speed of the dragon vulture, which is far faster than that of the God Jun’s riding animals. How can he understand the animals like the white spirit and the red tiger, so he is not in a hurry to walk slowly behind the coach?
"When am I going to walk slowly at an average speed, so when can I climb the Mount Buyuan? I’m afraid I’ll be caught by Qu Hanchan Zhang Xu when I fly. Why don’t I catch a riding animal? I wonder if there will be any animals with the rank of Shenjun Tianjun in Buyuan Mountain? "
Wang Foer’s mind fell behind before he knew it. Suddenly he heard the wind coming, and he was surprised that the light step had already escaped the fatal blow from the ancient trees behind him.
A slim and tall masked assassin in black happened to send out two dodge-shaped hidden weapons.
Seeing Wang Foer, he just escaped his long-awaited sneak attack. The assassin whisked out a pink powder and was about to hide.
"The guy with such a bad skill is too lazy to chase him. Who did the killer want to kill? It won’t be for me, will it? " Wang Foer was just about to continue on his way when suddenly more than a dozen black masked slim assassins reappeared in the trees on both sides. This time, together, they whisked away dozens of exotic styles, and hidden weapons actually posed as a storm.
In Wang Foer’s sleeve, the ivy whip shook out and knocked down the close-quarters hidden weapons one by one, and then she heard several charming and angry assassins jumping from the tree and shaking soft sword’s sword net all over the sky.
Face smiled Wang Foer’s eyes appeared a nebula-like silver vortex. Every step of the dozen assassins cooperated with every change. His eyes were all exposed in a short time, and he had calculated the best tricks for him.
It is the Yan family sword tactic.
After he was promoted to the position of barren god, Yan’s sword tactic also improved greatly, until Wang Foer realized the last knowledge of the five Yin knowledge, and finally entered the country again, which was quite limited.
At the beginning, he couldn’t use the sword tactic to calculate the tears of the whole city. At that time, the martial arts were beyond the scope that his sword tactic could calculate. Since he couldn’t make Wang Foer in a duel with two masters, he gradually lightened his note.
Today, he really didn’t want to expose his martial arts, so he was reluctant to make it once.
Green Butterfly Rattan has shaken a flaw in this dozen assassins’ kill array. Let’s cooperate with the assassination of the sword array and turn it into a mess. Four assassins exclaimed that soft sword involuntarily touched all his companions around him, so that the target of wearing more than a dozen blood holes could still be safely embarrassed with a muddy lazy smile.
"If you leave now, I promise you won’t be able to kill me. If you don’t know what to do, you’ll die!" Wang Foer’s faint threat is like not seeing this dozen black assassins moving forward.
"This man is really not an ordinary man. I don’t include you this time. If the man doesn’t intervene, we can let the police leave!"
A beautiful voice came from the depths of the jungle. Wang Foer heard his eyebrows jump and said with some ridicule, "It seems that you don’t understand what I mean and need me to demonstrate!"
Wang Foer read "move at will" and suddenly a fire exploded in the dense forest. When he was shocked, he was angry and drunk. Obviously, the man hiding in the forest had been injured.
"Twenty-four solar terms swordsmanship. You are from Songshan Academy!"
Wang Foer shook his head and sighed and said, "I think you should know that you are not qualified to ask me questions because of the lack of manpower in this forest!"
Being in a wild god’s position will also have some powers of Xiaotian robbing the master. Although the subtle abyss may be a lifetime for ordinary people, it may not be able to become a magical skill, but for Wang Foer, he can use it at any time if he likes it.
Of course, he will never know how to master this martial arts. The martial arts will always be the most powerful in be adept at.

Now two pairs of dragon wings have grown on Su Li’s back.

The first pair of dragon wings is the condensation of Gu Long’s strength contained in the tears of the mythical gun, and the second pair of dragon wings is the manifestation of this dragon’s precious blood energy.
The wingspan of the two pairs of dragon wings reached six meters.
After digesting and absorbing this drop of dragon’s precious blood, I feel the earth-shaking changes in my body. Su Li converges the dragon wing and the big monty dragon body to restore their original appearance.
Looking at these utensils with labels attached, I am naturally shocked by the powerful blood of this dragon, and on the other hand, I think that there are so many treasures in the mysterious library of the old Terran. What about its race?
For example, now the only super clan, the original Terran, the powerful Terran and the Magic Terran, should also have similar mysterious treasures, but they don’t know what will be beyond imagination.
I mused that Su Li walked on along this row of stacked vessels, and then saw a large number of stacked vessels, at least dozens of which were already there, and more than half of them contained Dan medicine wrapped in energy.
When Su Li saw the label, he immediately saw the words "Nature elixir", "Human elixir", "Yishen Xuanyuan elixir", "Taiqing elixir" and "Yangyuan Jingxue elixir".
Su Li made a third eye and carefully looked at the data. He found that these pills have wonderful effects, such as nourishing essence and blood, replenishing vitality and nourishing the soul. Among them, the "Nature Elixir" and "Human Elixir" attracted Su Li’s attention most.
Nature’s elixir captures the heavens and the earth, and it will only be effective at the moment when nature will die. The first "nature’s elixir" can prolong life by 100, the second and the third, and there will be more after one year.
There are still many "elixirs of nature" in this vessel. It’s a pity that there is no shortage of these sacredness, that is, to prolong life by 111 years.
After the human elixir is very overbearing, it can squeeze all the potential of the human body in a very short time, and the human anti-immortal can gain almost immortal strength, but this elixir can also be called poison. After all the potential explodes, the oil is exhausted and the lamp is not far from death.
"God’s Dan Bao medicine … more or less … has a certain vice … if it weren’t for … bad …"
The hoarse and weak voice slowly sounded, and Su Li heard white in his ears. This was to let himself not make these pills.
This is God’s will. Su Li can nod slightly without taking these pills, and then he has reached the right end of the hall. There are all kinds of treasure vessels in the last pile on the right.
These are piled up at the base of the vessel, leaving only the last vessel with a mass of energy light.
Su Li glanced at the labels of these vessels and immediately saw a large number of labels such as "Soul Grass", "Shuang Bao Milk", "Soul Nurturing" and "Fairy Spirit". Unfortunately, it was only after looking at the last energy light group that it was "too empty and exquisite".
Su Li’s third eye immediately captured this illusory information.
"The name is too empty, and the spirit is born in too empty, and the gods can nourish the strong soul. When you have enough too empty spirits to nourish the soul, you can finally make the soul too empty, and even if the body is completely destroyed, the soul will be immortal."
Sensing this information, Su Li’s heart vibrates slightly. This too empty spirit is definitely a treasure of heaven and earth. Look at this information. If you have enough too empty spirit to nourish a strong soul, it seems that it can make the soul too empty to merge and become immortal.
Although I don’t know whether this information is true or not, I can be sure that this empty spirit is definitely a soul-nourishing sacred object, which makes him feel a little excited.
"These … treasures can nourish the soul … powerful spirit … such treasures are very rare … it’s a pity that Yu … is too ethereal …"
"Because … this kind of treasure … involves the soul … a little careless … will be itself …"
"Only by sanctifying … can we merge …"
This hoarse and weak sound made Su Li disappointed. This means telling myself that it is necessary to achieve holiness by combining the present with the present.
"Can I take it now? I won’t merge for the time being. If I can make the sacred tower sacred, I’ll merge then. "
It’s hard to come to the mysterious library. Looking at this kind of soul fetish, it’s too empty to take it. Su Li’s heart is unwilling. No matter how good the Dan medicine is, he always calls it a three-point poison.
However, his thinking domain involves the spiritual soul, which is a great complement to him.
Listen, Su Li asked God to be silent for about ten seconds, and the hoarse voice sighed.
"Remember … not sacred … not … drop blood … make …"
"If … method … acknowledge the Lord … remember to return it …"
Then a physical force appeared and lifted the vessel with too much spirit.
Su Li held out her hand to take this empty spirit in her hand, slightly excited.
It can be seen that this god seems to have a yearning for the too-empty spirit, but perhaps it is that the too-empty spirit did not recognize his master’s reason, that God kept the combination of the divine and the divine.
"Please rest assured that if my blood fails to recognize the Lord, I will definitely return it to the mysterious library."
Su Li put away the empty spirit and said respectfully
The old voice with a sigh "if … even you fail to become … the old Terran … this mysterious library … I’m afraid I can’t keep it …"
"This is too clever … whether you become … keep it …"
There is a deep tiredness in this old voice, and God changed his mind, which is to give him too much spirit completely.

Kuang Yuanzhou’s mouth twitched, "It seems that 60,000 meters is easy to run. Do you have something to run for me?"

In fact, this distance is not unheard of when he is training at ordinary times, but training at ordinary times and finishing the real game are two different things, okay!
Besides, the thought of Mo Tianyuan’s calm face at the end of the game can’t help but make a whisper in Kuang Yuanzhou’s heart. Is it that this little boy hasn’t reached his limit at the end of the game?
After thinking about this, Kuang Yuanzhou couldn’t help but feel a palpitation. At the same time, he still had a little regret in his heart. It is certain that he lost in the game, but it would be good to have a bottom in his heart if he could see where the little boy could go farthest in the stadium.
But seeing that he not only lost but also his opponent won seems easy, how can this not make him feel strong!
"And you! Tang Liang, I usually raise you for nothing! Do you mean that you are a professional player just because you run a little distance on the field? I can run that far without running 10 thousand meters! Don’t call yourself a member of the imperial club after you stop coming to the club today! "
Soup cool smell speech face suddenly depressed to "? Don’t, Mr. Joe. Don’t kick me out. I’m leaving. Who will stay to be your cow and horse? "
"All right! You don’t have to say much. I’ve decided that since I’ve said it, I won’t take it back! You go now! " Qiao Yongfu face looks very firm and said
Soup cold nose a smoke almost didn’t wipe out a tear in the face to sad face back out.
Dongfang Hao saw that this worthless little boy was finally saved except for his great heart, and he was the only one who won the game of extinction. At the moment, seeing Qiao Yongfu holding Kuang Yuanzhou and Tang Liang was a scolding, he couldn’t help but quietly breathe a sigh of relief.
"Oriental hao! What are you laughing at? ? Can you still laugh at the poor performance of our club? "
See this little instead of a little uneasy consciousness, a person laughed there Qiao Yongfu face great anger immediately scolded way
Oriental hao leng leng sad face woke up "? Joe always I can win a game … "
"You win the game have a fart? In the end, we lost! How dare you say it? At that time, you were there to see how scared you were after seeing Xiaojun’s rabbit cub. If he hadn’t made a mistake at the last point, it would have been difficult for you to win. "
Qiao Yongfu’s words said that Dongfang Hao was speechless, but his heart was full of grass mud horses.
After asking Zhen-Guo Zhao for a while, Mo Tianyuan realized that Xie Xiaofeng had gone back to his hometown for vacation these two days.
Although I didn’t see him on this voyage, it was full in a few days, especially breaking the dream of Qiao Yongfu, the imperial club. Although it can’t shake his position in the field of national competition, I am afraid he won’t be able to eat these days.
Qiao Yongfu didn’t take away the large and small bonuses that the team once won in foreign competitions. However, instead of being grateful, he took a contract and blackmailed them a lot after the team was dissolved. For this vampire, several people have long wanted to find a chance to find him unlucky, but after this competition, several people suspected that they had a long bite.
However, Mo Tianyuan knows that the strength of the imperial club is still difficult to face alone. Take Dongfang Hao and Kuang Yuanzhou for example. Although their real strength may not be themselves and Xiaojun, Mo Tianyuan does not guarantee that he can compete with Ling Han in the imperial club.
If the flurry team is reorganized, they may be able to compete with each other, but the split theory of the eye team is that he or Xiaojun and Sun Yue can suppress the arrogance of the imperial club, and it is only in the aspect of mobile competition
Toward Xiaojun, Sun Yue and Lengyu, several people sued Mo Tianyuan for stepping back to Tiancheng. Before leaving, Lengyu, a train, and other bad boys in the mobile competition club of many universities in the sea urged him to invite Mo Tianyuan to come to Dalian after the college entrance examination one year, if the score line allows.
Looking back at this oriental magic capital, he doesn’t know when he will come again. After one year, the college entrance examination is over. Or just not sure, in a few months? Mo Tianyuan doesn’t know
However, he remembers that these friends can take the initiative to shoulder the debts as high as hundreds of thousands. If they have an organic conversation, they must give them a helping hand.
Eye because Sun Hua’s illness Mo Tianyuan can see that Sun Yue’s economic situation is not very good. He is still willing to help himself carry a burden. What reason does he have not to ask about their life and death?
"I’m back!"
Just entered the house Mo Tianyuan shouted toward the inside.
Zhang Menghe came out of the kitchen and smiled. "A friend of yours came to see you two days ago, but you didn’t come back then."
"friends?" Mo Tianyuan leng leng
Is it Liu Xintong? Hey, hey, hey, hey. This little girl hasn’t seen me for a few days, so she misses me so much?
Mo Tianyuan narcissistically thought, well, well, it seems that it is worthwhile for me to help you with your homework this year!
"It’s a man," Zhang Menghe continued
"male?" Mo Tianyuan has some doubts.
Listen to Zhang Menghe continued, "Yes, he claimed to be your former team Xie Xiaofeng. It seems to me that it is a bit like …"
Mo Tianyuan’s face was a little surprised. "Thank the boss for coming?"
I’m going to run to the sea to see them myself, but I didn’t expect that Xie Xiaofeng actually made a special trip to Tiancheng to see himself after he arrived at the sea! Although he knows that Xie Xiaofeng’s hometown is not far from Tiancheng, it is also across a city, okay?
Mo Tianyuan can’t help but shake his head and give a wry smile. This unfortunate pass sighed.
36 Chapter 36 Selection
During the summer vacation, Tiancheng, a small city in the north, seemed a little hot and dry. Fortunately, this hot and dry did not last long until the third year of high school. For this year, many young people are afraid of tigers and many schoolmates are full of expectations. I feel cold all over.
Zhang Shaotian has also rolled up his bags and returned to the Ming Dynasty. He is determined to be a schoolmaster for one year to make up for the indulgence in the past two years. However, Mo Tianyuan knows that this small school is estimated to be just a talk. Although many scum have successfully counterattacked in the third year of high school, Mo Tianyuan knows that this counterattack is often a chicken soup for the soul. The reason is that his indulgence heart can’t be recovered.
And Xia Qiu also went to Seattle at the beginning of the summer vacation. Mo Tianyuan saw him off at the airport. He left in such a hurry that he couldn’t help but wonder if he ran to the United States for the summer …
It’s Mo Tianyuan’s premonition that several large and small exams will come this year in senior three.
Although Liu Xintong, a small deskmate, is amazing in her own training, Mo Tianyuan knows that she may not be her opponent in the past two months, but he is a little uncertain in his heart. After all, he is more at home in the past two months, and God knows if the little beauty who has always cherished it will take advantage of this two months to greatly improve and then give herself a big surprise after the first mock exam in senior three.
In the third year of high school, Yu threatened to counterattack into a learning god, Mu Yang Mo Tianyuan. When he heard that he wanted his own goal, he just gave him a warm expression …
Mo Tianyuan and Liu Xintong, who used to be in Class Four, Grade Two, have now become the original class of Class Four, with a slight adjustment, transferred to key high schools, and several have also been transferred from key high schools.
The international practice of the first week of school weekend is to have a holiday. Just when Mo Tianyuan was going to take advantage of this weekend to go home and sleep a full lie-in, he was dragged up by Liu Xintong and went to Hua Mao Mall.
With a puzzled face, I asked her if she wanted to buy a mobile phone, but I got the news that there would be a game there today.
Mo Tianyuan still remembers this place where he made great achievements six months ago. Looking at the hustle and bustle in front of the mall, Mo Tianyuan shook his head and watched a game in this hot day.
Thinking of this, he stepped forward quickly and wanted to occupy a favorable terrain and watch the game.

Yan Yun and Mu Chongshan, two great deities, came to escort them. How many guards were killed? They have not made much noise yet. They armed themselves and connected the waist kettle.

"begin! Burn as much as you can. Don’t continue to fight after you get up and go directly to our scheduled place. "Muqingfeng said and poured kerosene in his hand into the towering grain store.
As the torch in Muqingfeng’s hand fell to the ground, a raging fire immediately rose. It didn’t rain in Xiling these days. It was when the sky was dry and the things were dry. The whole grain camp became a huge torch to illuminate the whole camp.
"It’s water!" The guard at the door found something wrong and shouted loudly, at the same time, Siming rang the gong to the realm
At the same time, three girls and a group of them also came to a camp outside. To be honest, it’s a cinch for those cavalry at the end of the kite to let them charge on the battlefield, but it’s not good for them to assassinate, but Muqingfeng didn’t expect them to do anything. It’s just for them to meet the dog eggs and the kite.
* * The kite is a small weapon, so she can carry the Emei thorn with her. When she sees her, she takes a deep breath and leaps high like a dexterous nightingale. She turns into a well-guarded tent. He doesn’t have such dexterity to meet outside.
"General, we just do it, waiting to let the world know that we will let his sister make risks alone and will not tidy up us? Besides, isn’t it ridiculous that we don’t even have a weapon? " An excellent fighter of Xiling asked carefully, knowing that this strong man and the soldiers around his family all paid tribute.
"It’s okay to kill more enemies later. My brother won’t be so petty." The dog egg said that he didn’t believe it either. Think about it. Except for the three girls, they are all unarmed
* * Emei, the kite, stabbed a seam around the tent and went straight into it when people weren’t looking. Before the Nangong army came, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. The last thing he saw before he died was a graceful soldier rummaging through his tent.
The fire in the grain camp soon alarmed all the soldiers. Everyone knows that "the three armed forces have not moved the grain and grass first". If the grain and grass were burned clean, I am afraid this army would not be broken.
Hearing the fire in the grain camp, the general directly rushed out naked and shouted, "Everyone is going to put out the fire without food and grass and always treat you as dry food!" !”
Just as everyone was busy, a general with his own relatives found a group of people sneaking around outside the camp.
"What are you guys doing outside General Wang’s account without sleeping in the middle of the night?" The first general shouted
"Don’t you think this weapon is coming to the door?" Dog egg Han Xiao said, pointing to these people in front of him
engage in a battle of wits
No matter how stupid the general is, he knows that there is something wrong with these people. The whole barracks are dressed in rags. There are those prisoners who have been released. God knows what they are going to do. In their own opinion, they will kill them. No one will say that they are not ideal, but the reality is cruel. The general’s broadsword has just been pulled out, and he feels a strong breeze coming head-on. Before he reacts, he feels that his chest is like being hit by two sledgehammers, and the bones in his chest are trapped at a speed visible to the naked eye. Seeing it, he can’t live.
This time, disguised as a dog’s egg, I can’t take my pride in Wujin Jiandun, but after years of practicing Cangshan strength, I have practiced it perfectly. He really doesn’t need any weapons to kill people. He took the broadsword of the dead general and threw it directly to a Xiling fighters. Although the cavalry didn’t have a horse or a weapon, his excellent military accomplishment was not comparable to these barely first-class army soldiers. After receiving the weapon, the soldiers in Nanyue Wangfu across the street were beheaded, and his weapon became another weapon in the hands of Xiling fighters.
There is a dog egg, the evil spirit, who is here to help. Not long after, this team, together with the general and the pro-guard, will die. If they make such a noise, many people will certainly be alarmed. It’s a pity that Muqingfeng’s fire has made everyone lose their footing and most people are busy fighting the fire. Even if the dog egg is killed here, no one knows.
When * * found the map MuQingFeng wanted, the kite came out from the gap contentedly and saw the bodies all over the floor, but it was a big jump. Then look at this and that, smiling at her, and her heart was released.
"You see, e-mail, I’m not good at doing those meticulous jobs to clean up the periphery for you." The dog’s egg is covered in blood, but look at his face. It’s absolutely unexpected that the man just blocked the killer Buddha from killing the Buddha.
Looking at the dead bodies all over the ground, the kite’s little head turned quickly, and it’s a pity that the saint said that she would be very clever when she came, since the fighting capacity of dog eggs and Xiling fighters is so high.
"The elder brother of the dog egg, you and your brothers quickly change the corpse clothes" * * said the kite.
"What? Wearing dead clothes? Sister and brother, although my clothes are a little worn, I don’t want to rob the body. "The dog egg scratched his head."
"You big idiot let you wear their clothes. Just pretend to be the enemy. In the whole barracks, we are in rags. Others can see the problem at a glance. If you wear their clothes now, you can do something in this camp. Who can find that it is really stupid to say that you are stupid? * * The kite stretched out its green fingers and pointed at the dog’s eggs.
In fact, a master in Xuanjiamen is qualified in martial arts status and human mind. God knows what, he became this virtue as soon as he saw Mu Qingfeng and three girls.
The bodies were quickly stripped clean, and the naked bodies were thrown into the * * kite, which just entered the camp. Anyway, I don’t worry about being seen for a while.
Actually * * the kite is going to set a fire here, too, but it’s a pity that all the kindling things have been handed over to his brother, and it’s a little too ostentatious to light the fire here.
The rest is very simple. Although there is some blood on the clothes, fortunately, it’s getting late and no one pays attention to these details. However, it’s interesting that the dog egg is too tall to wear the general’s armor so that he can continue to play the role of a soldier. When he sees a large number of generals, he bows his head and pretends that he doesn’t know. If a few troops appear around him, he will eat them directly. Anyway, now there are noisy people everywhere. She has already separated herself from them. It is much more convenient for a person to find information than a group, especially in this chaotic situation.
After another general fell to the dog’s paw, the dog’s egg stopped everyone. It was the third team that was wiped out by itself just now.
"General, should we continue to kill them now? Maybe we can kill their marshal with good luck in the depths of their barracks." The cavalry pretending to be a general asked, saying that everyone felt like Mu Chongshan beat them tonight.
"No, we’ll retreat now, according to my eldest brother’s plan, and we’ll act while their camp is disrupted." The stupid words surprised everyone around us
"General, what? I don’t think anyone can resist your three moves. Isn’t it silly not to take advantage of this opportunity to get more military benefits?" Xiling fighters around obviously didn’t kill enough.
It’s almost like two people if the three girls are not here. He whispered, "No, haven’t you noticed that there are fewer and fewer individual teams now? If I didn’t miscalculate, they should all go to my brother’s place now. If we kill in this way, we will encounter large enemy troops sooner or later. If we don’t help them put out the fire or resist, we will get away with it sooner or later."
It’s really reasonable for everyone to think about it. It’s really this reason that they haven’t met a large-scale enemy until now. If they walk, I’m afraid they won’t have such good luck. In fact, it’s rare for Mu Qingfeng and his only 100 people to cause such a big loss to Nanyue Wangfu army. Since they understand this, no one has any objection to retreating.
Muqingfeng, they didn’t continue to fight. They saw that the fire had burned up and didn’t stay. They left the camp directly with Mu Chongshan. Although the fire certainly couldn’t burn all the hay, even if it was rescued, it would be difficult to maintain the Nanyue Wangfu army to continue to advance.
"Brother, I have found you a map of the 67 th branch army. Do you think it is appropriate?" Just when everyone was worried about what the kite had not come back, the pleasant sound of the kite finally made everyone tighten their strings.
You know, a general has one piece of information, which means that * * kite took at least six or seven generals’ lives. It seems that she is really a born assassin.
In the middle of the night, the troops of Nanyue Wangfu finally put out the fire caused by Muqingfeng. It is roughly estimated that at least one third of the food and grass were lost this time.
General Chen Mi’s face is as black and terrible as burnt grain. The problem is that the defeated soldiers in the Nangong have probably fallen to the ground if it weren’t for years of military literacy, but even so, he doesn’t intend to let the Nangong simply spend these things.
In Chen Mi’s view, the commander of the operation tonight must be a resourceful man who has been wandering around the battlefield all the year round. He will retreat immediately after seeing the fire, and he will never be slow. You know, he arranged people to guard the exits at the first moment of fire fighting, but he still got something, which means they got out early.
Haven’t come to deal with the hay camp. The intelligence has made Chen Mi more atmosphere. At least seven generals were killed in chaos. Some people were stabbed in the throat directly. Some people were directly trapped in the sternum. It seems that the enemy didn’t just come for the hay last night.
"General, you look at …" A general said carefully that even an idiot could see that Chen Mi was in a bad mood at this time.
Chen Mi took a deep breath and then said slowly,’ Come and look at some dead generals and see what they are missing, especially maps and intelligence.’
Chen Mi is not the kui is a battle-hardened veteran. Just thinking about it, I will know that this matter is absolutely unusual. Maybe they are not rooted in their own food and grass. I want to go to Chen Mi and feel that I can get something from them.
After all the people searched all the places carefully, they found that all the fallen generals were missing one thing, that is, they were to command the battle map. Chen Mi’s face was finally relieved at the news.
It seems that this battle commands the drunkard’s sake. I have a whole army of 100,000 who want to eat their department. It’s different from wishful thinking. This behemoth can be defeated with food and grass, but after all, there are too many people. Even with the help of kindling yesterday, one-third of them were burned. Although it’s a little difficult to move on, there is still no problem in self-protection. The second step is that they must have made a follow-up idea to cut off food and grass. It’s a pity that the efforts of Nanyue Wangfu for more than ten years will fall apart. Chen Mi found clues from the
"I order everyone to stop pushing forward. Every general draws out half of his troops to ensure that our food and grass can be delivered to the front line continuously. Everyone is equipped with fireworks. There will be a large-scale enemy army, especially the enemy cavalry, and they will ask for support." Chen Mi admitted that he was the most accurate order, and he wanted to slowly and steadily do not believe what Xiling people could come up with.
At the same time, Mu Qingfeng also reached an order: "Now it’s time for all of us to go to Arong City to call Xiling fighters and give these invaders a lifelong lesson."
External humiliation
"From the map, where are you going to attack them first? Is it their camp or their food supply route? According to my idea, we want Xiling fighters to meet to ensure that they can’t transport a grain of food to the front. "Yan Yun is also an experienced commander who knows how to maximize the cavalry effect.
Muqingfeng didn’t say anything. He took out the fire from his arms and slowly lit them in the surprised eyes of everyone. Muqingfeng’s face was very calm with the fire burning. "No, we won’t harass them for providing foodstuff. When our staff are here, I’ll take you around Daliangzhou."
Muqingfeng intends to surprise everyone. Does he have worked so hard to get enemy information, especially when the three girls are unhappy and blind?
"Well, girl, don’t be careless. I asked you to find their map. It’s not that they didn’t pass the map. I know what their military strength is generally distributed. The reason why they don’t attack their grain routes or strongholds is very short. Their strength is too strong. If they give up advancing the defense in disguise, we can hardly get any cheap. Don’t forget that every day of our Xiling war, the people will suffer more. If they break the army into many parts and keep attacking our Xiling town, even if we have four children. I’m afraid my legs are too busy, but since they are so big that Liangzhou guards are bound to be weak, I can’t believe that Nangong Jinyu and his hands will care whether his father lives or dies. "Muqingfeng finally gave everyone a convincing reason that its passive defense is not as good as taking the initiative to attack Muqingfeng, which will save the enemy.
Mu Qingfeng and his party finally arrived in Rongcheng Xietian Boss Shady, the most prosperous town in Xiling, in two days, but despite this, the city people were still worried because the main reason was that Ling Wang could not find the person in charge after being arrested.
The guard at the gate saw Mu Chongshan and Yan Yun coming back, so don’t get excited. He was a little hoarse and shouted, "Come on, the grand marshal of the city gate and General Yan are back! !”

When it comes to this Su orange, all kinds of things are pulled. Yes! She just can’t get used to the wool left pig. This dead girl is flying in the game one day. She watches a soap opera and sometimes she doesn’t feel at ease.

"Uh-huh" is very clever for the rise of Su Orange Zuo Tangtang. He nodded one by one and didn’t directly push Su Mama away like the past.
Until Su Orange’s speech ended as usual, she looked at her eyes and listened carefully. Zuo Tangtang hesitated and swallowed and asked, "Tangtang, what happened to you today?"
"Nothing." Zuo Tangtang smiled naively and waved his hand. "It’s nothing. Why don’t you believe it?"
"So …" Looking at Su Orange with suspicious eyes, he said with some uncertainty, "So come out with me now?"
"No, I’m waiting for someone."
"Wait for someone?" Sue orange some scratching their heads "wait here? Is anyone coming? Wait a minute? "
"No, it’s not," Zuo Tangtang said. "When the Internet says something, oh, you always leave me alone today."
"But you …" Sue orange also want to say something.
⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ 931
"Okay, okay, it’s okay. Why don’t you get out of here?" Zuo Tangtang found that Su Orange had to be sent away as usual, otherwise it would really nag.
"Oh, oh," Sue orange didn’t react and felt that she always had any questions. She took a step back and walked towards the door.
"So I’m leaving?" Almost at the moment when the door was closed, Su Orange turned around and shouted.
Zuo Tangtang really didn’t want to talk to her this time.
I really don’t know how she can find a boyfriend with this sex.
Just that … If she’s not dazzled, Zuo Zhu, this is going to …
Sue orange can’t stop worrying about the thought behind the door. Anyway, from now on, pay more attention to this girl’s behavior, just in case …
The desktop alarm clock is walking bit by bit. Zuo Tangtang looks out of the window from time to time or looks at the black screen from time to time. Let’s end it today.
He cried, he laughed and lived in the world he gave. She let today have a result. Should she go on and let go? She wants an answer.
Holding it in her hand all the time, the mobile phone records her determination
Let’s talk alone today.
Responding to her is short, and I can’t see a word of feelings.
Okay, to be continued
[223] Chapter two hundred and twenty-five My heart never dies]
Or the peach tree.
In front of me, the peach blossoms are flying and the flowers are dazzling. Zuo Tangtang is in a tree, and the pink look on his screen is not trance.
This used to be a place where she hid in the bottom of her heart.
At first, when they were so close, they were flustered and found that his goal was aimed at her, which made them blush and ambiguous. Finally, he told her that he would be by her side, and he could not help but be shy and ignore his heart …
Probably at that time, she had already planted it.
Zuo Tangtang smiled bitterly.
Isn’t there a saying like that?
It’s always good that you end up in it.
Little by little, the past is like a shadow, and it is so clear that people are scared. There is still a big circle of new players around the tree. Players are meditating, practicing martial arts or playing the piano in front of him, or bending over and grinding herbs.
Look at these familiar scenes, Zuo Tangtang couldn’t help but smile. At that time, she heard about it and smelled it everywhere. What about grinding bean curd every day? She just got the favor of "Mr. Feng Si" and disappeared into the Jianghu for a long time. But what happened later? It seems that you are impatient or want to revolve around him? She is not interested in the so-called adventure, and Xiaofeng thinks that she is not willing to brush it.
What did she think at that time?
Oh, by the way, what did she want to brush a np favor for? Why don’t you be a little tail that sticks to her house and washes his favor?
She can’t forget her sly smile when she thought about this question, and her heart secretly throbbed.
Zuo Tangtang’s memory is the same. He is very picky. He likes not only good weapons and clothes, but also food that he can’t usually eat.
Perhaps these new players who have come here haven’t tried it one by one as she did at the beginning, and figured it out. One after another, they complained on the nearby channels and left Zuo Tangtang one after another. They also smiled indifferently and couldn’t see a trace of expression.
Take it out and throw it in the package, and there are still soybeans left. The farmer’s skills are like this. From the end to the end, the physical strength is reduced a little, and the tofu in the package is increased a little.
When the last soybean was ground into tofu, Zuo Tangtang ordered the tofu he had just made and gave it to Feng Si in one breath.
Looking at Feng Si’s smiling face rising above his head, his goodwill increased.
Zuo Tangtang is slightly dazed.
Xiao Fengsi has not changed, and she still likes to eat tofu made by her as before.
But I liked her at the beginning, but now it has become like this?
Keep one’s original heart
I suddenly thought of the word Zuo Tangtang, but I felt that my eyes were sour at this time.
It seems that the golden beans are going to be dropped again.
Pat on the cheek and slow down. Let yourself turn pale and ruddy. Zuo Tangtang glanced at the screen and turned away from the peach tree that came back to the house again.
One-step two-step jump
One-step two-step jump
Ah ….. It’s falling again. Zuo Tangtang shook his head. It’s very kind of him. I couldn’t jump at the beginning. I still can’t jump now. I’ve become much worse than before. What would happen …

Wu Zong’s outer brother is the first person to single out all the outer brothers in the North Courtyard. As soon as they step into the innate realm, they leapfrog to challenge the innate gathering spirit realm. Hu Xiaolong, who is more courageous than Wu Zong?

These names are not for fun, but have been tempered by dozens of battles.
"Brother Daolin, an outsider, you went out to experience, but you don’t know what attracted you to appear in this remote town all the way." Zhou Qiang was also curious in his heart
"Ha ha, this thousand-line town is my hometown. There are three families in Thousand-line town. The Lins are my former family. Why do you think I’m here?" Lin Yuan quietly looked at the boundless earth outside by the window in the house.
Lin Yuan doesn’t say much about other three families who believe in this natural Bailinzhuang village in Zhou Qiang. If they want to enter Qianxing Town, they will naturally find out the situation.
"ah! I didn’t expect Brother Lin to be the younger brother of Lin Guzhuang. "I heard Lin Yuan say that he was the younger brother of Lin Guzhuang and suddenly Zhou Qiang’s face changed."
He is very clear about this matter, but Zhou Jia wants to break into Qianxing Town this time just to annex Qianxing Town, which is controlled by Zhou Jia after being merged by all families.
"Brother Linyuan didn’t expect you to be the one who rescued Linjiazhuang Linyuan six months ago. It was just a coincidence of names. I didn’t expect it to be brother Linyuan." Zhou Qiang immediately said with a smile.
"Ha ha that’s just a small matter" Lin Yuan said with a smile, but her eyes still didn’t look at Zhou Qiang.
Zhou Dong is not particularly brilliant in Wuzong East Hospital. His younger brother has always been diligent, and his younger brother is also a man of the hour. After all, he is in the ranking monument.
But to say that Zhou Qiang is not qualified to enter the forest edge now, after all, the forest edge is already a congenital realm fighter.
I can’t believe that I can see Lin Yuan Zhou Qiang in this place today. I’m really very happy in my heart.
If we can take this opportunity to get closer to the forest edge, then maybe we can enter the forest edge circle after returning to Wuzong.
The innate fighters are powerful symbolic roots for the outside brothers, not what they can imagine.
"Brother Lin, if you have time, go to our Zhou family. Our Zhou family will definitely be the highest etiquette to welcome Brother Lin Yuan."
After a little hesitation, Zhou Qiang finally couldn’t help but send an invitation, hoping that Lin Yuan could go to Zhoujia and let himself do his best to host and clap his chest to ensure that "Brother Lin Yuan please rest assured that it is a misunderstanding that we Zhoujia will definitely handle this matter well in Qianxing Town and Dugu Family."
Zhou gentleman he naturally clear things now after finish hurriedly explained.
"Our Zhou family won’t come to Qianxing Town for development again. I will tell the householder to evacuate Qianxing Town immediately." Zhou Qiang said once again that Lin Yuan didn’t do it.
Lin Yuan turned and looked at him and smiled.
"Teacher Zhou’s kindness is appreciated, but I don’t want to let others know that there are still some trivial matters left here. I’m really sorry that I didn’t have a chance to visit my uncle and aunt at Zhoujia in Fenglin County. Please give my regards to Teacher Zhou. If sometimes, I will definitely go to Zhoujia in person. Don’t take it amiss."
Zhou Qiang heard Lin Yuan say that he was slightly disappointed in his heart and laughed repeatedly. "How can it be that we will wait for brother Lin Yuan at that time?" Zhou Qiang said with a smile.
Although Zhou Qiang didn’t get Lin Yuan to pay this time, since Lin Yuan said so and expressed Lin Yuan’s position, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Supposedly, Zhou’s family is also a fighter in this innate realm, but Zhou Qiang knows very well that an innate fighter is important, but Zhou’s family is still attached to Wu Zongnan’s courtyard. That’s why the master of Wu Zongnan’s courtyard is beyond innate, and I’m afraid that one person can destroy the whole Zhou’s family.
Chapter one hundred and sixty-two-puzzling
Merry Christmas! Ask for a ticket
Chat for a while again Zhou Qiang see Lin Yuan no longer speak and be well-advised to leave.
Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Thousands of towns and dugu’s things are troublesome for teacher younger brother. After all, I can’t do well here."
Zhou Qiang naturally listens to Bai Linyuan saying this sentence, which means that we Lins and Dugu are allies. If you go your own way, I won’t do it.
Zhou Qiang even said, "Since it is Lin Yuan’s brother’s family and alliance, I will definitely let the householder break this idea immediately after I go back."
"Thanks a lot, and Dugujia gentleman Dugujian loves kendo. I’m going to introduce him to Wu Zong, and I’ll take more photos of Teacher Zhou." Lin Yuan smiled. "And I don’t want others to know that I’m here and my identity. Please ask Teacher Zhou to keep it a secret for me."
Lin Yuan also saw that Dugujian was crazy about kendo, and his own talent was absolutely not bad. Without a good training system and a good teacher, if he entered Wu Zong, he would definitely make rapid progress.
Dugu family courtyard
Whether it’s Zhou Jiawu, such as Zhou Dong, who was arrogant before, or Dugu, Dugu bully and big elders, etc., they have always stood quietly and unconsciously wanted to look in the direction of Lin Yuan’s residence
Everyone is waiting for the conversation between the two teenagers among them.
There is no doubt that this dialogue will determine the fate of the Dugu family.
As time went by, the anxiety in the crowd became more and more intense.
Zhou Dong some worry eyes swept in dugu bully make a determined effort to grind his teeth. "Dugu bully you’d better not make any tricks to cheat my eldest brother, otherwise I promise I will let you Dugu disappear completely from Thousand Lines Town."
Dugu bully ignored his actual heart is also extremely nervous.
Just then—
The two figures in front are slowly coming to this side. It is Zhou Qiang who goes in and Dugujian who is outside.
"It’s a gentleman!" A Zhoujiawuzhe Avenue
Zhou Dong saw his eldest brother Zhou Qiang come back and breathed a sigh of relief. He hurriedly took people to the past and said, "Eldest brother, are you all right? Who the hell is in there? Actually such a big fight wants you to go in person … "
"Shut up" Zhou Qiang hurriedly stopped his reckless second brother’s words for fear of being provoked by Lin Yuan’s hearing. "Second brother, don’t talk nonsense. The people here are not from our Zhou family. Don’t blurt out that my Zhou family is causing disaster."
See yourself for the first time the eldest brother so nervous expression Zhou Dong moment also know that things are serious xing hurriedly honest to heart also can not help but bouts of weak bass asked "then let’s pick up? Is this fertile land and industry still painted or not? "
"Don’t talk. Everything is at my disposal." Zhou Qiang ordered for a while
Arrange everything. Zhou Qiang, the younger brother of Wu Zong’s outer door, walked to Dugu Ba and others with a sincere smile. "It’s really a flood that washed the Longwang Temple. I didn’t expect that you Dugu’s family had this noble person to offend before sitting in my second brother’s recklessness. Please don’t mind!"
"It’s very kind of you, Mr. Zhou." Although I saw Zhou Qiang’s attitude was very sincere, I dare not have the slightest thanks to the bully.
At this moment, the family members of Dugu also know that it may be because of the forest edge. Now Dugu Ba doesn’t know what it is like in his heart, and there is still a trace of doubt in his heart.
Although I don’t know what happened to them, I don’t know what Zhou Qiang would be so respectful to Lin Yuan. Maybe he doesn’t know the true identity of Lin Yuan, but it can make Zhou Qiang, the disdainful brother of Wu Zong, so degrade his status. It is enough to say that this Lin Yuan is by no means as simple as it seems. His origin is extraordinary, and everyone in the lonely family is so excited that his face can’t hide his smile.
I didn’t expect to climb such a lofty branch unexpectedly. Did fate finally care for the family of Dugu?
Zhou Qiang eyes rested on the blade of Dugu and laughed. "Master Dugu, you are really lucky to be able to be taken by the honorable Wu Road after optimistic about Ri. It is only a matter of time before you join Wu Zong. Maybe we will be worthy of other disciples."
This a bully dugu and big elders face expression is going to shock stiff.
At the back, the two elders heard Zhou Qiang’s words, and their faces instantly changed. A face was paler than he knew that his dreams were gone, and the middle part was full of loneliness.
But at this time, the two elders showed that no one saw that it was time for the eyes to join Dugujian and Zhou Qiangshen to ask Jianzong.
That forest edge has so much energy?
Maybe he looks young, and if you can investigate his identity, you will know that he is not a real Lin Guzhuang. Is he a brother or a brother of a great man since Wu Zong?
This forest edge is even more mysterious in people’s hearts.
Du Gujian’s eyes were glazed when he heard the news, and then he came with a happy face and a bright smile and slowly asked, "Do we still have to draw a bet?"
"Ha, ha, ha, nature is not" Zhou Qiang laughed and felt that the future little teacher younger brother was innocent and lovely. "Teacher younger brother, if you need anything after ri, you can send someone directly to Fenglin County to find me. From now on, all your cultivation degrees can be answered by our Zhou Gulai."
"How dare you?" Dugujian was startled.
"Just think of it as a gift from my future brother to my younger brother." Zhou Qiang was very generous and tunnel.
He also made up his mind with Dugujia and others. Since Dugujian is a promising candidate for Lin Yuan, he said that talent must be extremely out of Se, and that Dugujian should be smooth sailing in Wu Zongzong if he has Lin Yuan. No one dares to oppress him. Maybe he will still achieve something in the future. Today, it is considered that Zhou Jia has formed a good relationship.
This world … Don’t bully the poor young people!
After that, Zhou Qiang said a few words in Zhou Dong’s ear. The latter hesitated for a moment and finally turned around and came to the residence of the forest edge to bow to the end. "Zhou’s brother Zhou Dong was ignorant of Taishan yesterday, and he made a lot of offenses. Please don’t take it amiss!"
In fact, the place where the forest edge lives is not too far from this courtyard, and it is only a few tens of meters.
Actually went to apologize.
Zhou Zhou Dong is waiting for the hot and stubborn to apologize!
No one believed such a thing when I told Ri that I was afraid of Fenglin County, but now it happened in front of so many people.

few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together

With a quick mind, Fang Yun continued to plunder other places and collect herbs.
“Red jade is a blessing!”
Fang Yun in the air, saw a few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together, gently swept, it is necessary to transplant this medicinal material into the “universal clock of heaven and earth”.
As soon as the news passed, Fang Yun was about to collect another piece of medicinal materials. All of a sudden, in front of me, this piece of “Red Jade and Fuze” disappeared.
Fang Yun dazed: “This …”
The front is empty, but there is a silver-haired man in front of him. His look is indifferent and his eyes are like starry sky. There are countless stars in it, which are born and died. Just a look, it seems that people’s souls will be sucked in. And his hand, is holding the Fang Yun just to collect “red jade Fuze”.
“Unexpectedly, someone like me, look at these strains of red jade. Little friend, come out. ”
Silver-haired man looking down at the front, a void. It was empty, but the man’s eyes seemed to have penetrated all the secrets and saw the tiny dust in the depths of space.
Fang Yun mind trembling, the silver-haired man didn’t how powerful momentum, but give the feeling of Fang Yun, but extremely dangerous. With his current strength, he can still feel threatened. This kind of person, for absolute reached, ghosts and gods unpredictable terrible realm.
A strong breath, cold as snow, locked in the space. Fujiki evil gentleman uses the magical power of “the best size” to change the dust. Fang Yun immediately know, he see is broken.
Void vibration, a grain of dust fiercely Yishan, suddenly stretched sharply, blink of an eye, revealing the appearance of evil Fujiki Jun, standing on the earth.

Chapter 664 The first person in Daomen
“Who are you?”
Rattan wood evil gentleman feet don’t touch the ground, gently floating, back several zhangs. After a distance, I looked at the silver-haired man in front of me This man makes him feel too dangerous, so it’s better to stay away.
“Xuan Xuan.” Silver-haired man indifferent blinked, calm way.
Fang Yun was shocked, and could hardly believe his ears. It’s him! Fang Yun didn’t expect to go to Junnian’s master here.
The first master of Taisu School, Yu Xuan. This name is well-known in the sectarian world. Fang Yun also found out that Yu Xuan was the master of Junnian. But this one never went down the mountain, so Fang Yun never saw him.
Fang Yun didn’t expect, would be in a place like this, see the first master YuXuan.
“Turns out to be danger elders, surprisingly, the elders, like me, are interested in these few strains of red grass. A gentleman doesn’t steal people’s love, since Elder Yu also takes a fancy to it. I naturally dare not worry about the elders. ”
Fang Yun didn’t discover the identity of “Red Jade and Fuze”, only that it was a red grass. He bowed his hand and flew upside down, then he wanted to leave: “Elder Yu, I have work to do next. Don’t bother, leave! “