Logan’s head, which represents the great golden blue light wheel, keeps flashing. Although the man is sitting in the saddle dejectedly, I don’t know why this light wheel has appeared more and more frequently recently. Now Logan is too lazy to look up from the weeds on the road to take a look at the wooded low hills on the roadside.

The other two women walked a little further ahead. Shi Wang rode a long-haired Bella clumsily, while Lian manipulated her grey mare with her knees flexibly. There was a long stretch in the dense forest, which showed that there used to be a road to grow here. The weeds in this land had withered, and the horseshoes kept falling leaves and cracking. The thick branches blocked the noon sun a little, but the air still didn’t feel the slightest cool. Although there was an occasional breeze blowing from behind them, the face was covered with sweat.
It’s been fifteen days since they left Lugard and marched southwest. Shi Wang didn’t know where they were going. Of course, she wouldn’t tell them what she was thinking. Both Shi Wang and Lian clenched their teeth like a bear trap, and they were not sure whether Lian knew that Shi Wang’s plan had passed for fifteen days. The towns and villages along the way became less and less separated, and now there are no signs of human habitation in this place. Logan’s shoulders will be more depressed with each passing day. And with each passing day, the nimbus above his head will appear more frequently-Logan will mumble a few words that they are chasing after a thousand fog, but Shi Wang has regained the leadership of this team without objection, and he has become more and more withdrawn. In recent six days, it seems that he has no strength to worry about where they are going or whether they can reach their destination.
Swan and Lian are talking in a low voice right in front of them, and their ears are not clearer than the rustling of the leaves by the wind. If she wants to urge the horse to approach them, they will tell her to look at Logan or stare at her without saying a word until a wooden fool knows that he should go further. Both cases are enough. However, Lian will turn from the saddle to look at Logan from time to time.
Finally, Lian slowed down the pace of the moonlight flower and came to Logan’s black stallion. Although the hot weather made Lian’s bronzed skin ooze a layer of sweat, she seemed unaware of it and let the wild rose step aside to make way for Lian.
"It won’t be long," Lian said in a provocative voice. "Logan still hasn’t raised his head from the weeds. Lian came closer and grabbed Logan by the arm and pressed his weight." Hold on for another generation of Lin and you will have a chance to get revenge. "His eyes were still staring at the road.
"Even a dead person wouldn’t be so slow" said she was telling the truth. She remembered Lian’s every move and talked to her all night, but tried not to reveal the reasons for her understanding. She could never be like Lian-unless I drank enough wine to lose my mind-but she still wanted to learn some skills from Lian. "Maybe you will kiss him for a while?"
Lian gave her a cold stare, which almost froze the flowing stream, but looked back at her flatly. Lian never made her feel breathless and stressed like Shi Wang, and left the White Pagoda less frequently than Shi Wang did. After talking about men together, it’s almost complete. How can you feel pressure from a woman who seriously tells you that there are 17 ways to kiss and 93 ways to touch a man’s cheek? It seems that Lian really believes these statements.
There is no irony in actually suggesting that Lian kiss Logan. Ever since Logan had to be dragged out of the blanket instead of being the first to get up and give orders to them, Lian has been smiling at him and flirting with him. I don’t know if Lian really has any feelings for this man (although she knows it’s very unlikely), or to make him have the desire to continue living so that Swan can help him complete his plan.
Lian never stopped flirting with men outside Logan. From Lugard, she and Shi Wang obviously reached a certain tacit understanding. Shi Wang dealt with women. Lian dealt with men. On two occasions, the innkeeper said that after the house was full, Lian smiled and winked at them. On the other two occasions, Lian used the same method to make them sleep in the barn instead of the bushes, and their accommodation was often reduced. However, on one occasion, the four of them were blown out by a farm housewife waving a grass fork. Another time, they were thrown a pot of cold cereal in front of them at breakfast, but Lian thought these episodes were very interesting, although others might not think so. In recent days, Logan has no longer responded to her as a man. In fact, he has no longer responded to people.
Swan pulled Bella back stiffly. She kept looking at the ground with her elbows propped out, as if she would fall all the time. The hot weather didn’t affect her. "Did you see any visions of him today?" So she didn’t go to see Logan.
"It’s still the same" said patiently as much as possible. How many times did Swan still refuse to understand and believe that Lian had seen the illusion even without Tavalon? Even though Logan was still angry because of being tamed, he was willing to bet on what he had. He would get up again and a two-performer would appear and treat him. What she saw was true. Just as when she first saw Rand Arthur, she knew that she would be trapped in other ways and love her. She also knew that she wanted two other women to share his destiny. Will Logan get it?
"Don’t talk to me like that," Swan said. "Those blue eyes have become sharper." It’s bad enough that we have to feed this hairy carp spoon by spoon. I don’t want you to get angry like an osprey in winter. Maybe I have to put up with other girls, but if you want to give me trouble, you’ll soon regret what I said. Are you clear? "
"It’s Malai", please add some sarcasm to your words! She blames herself for thinking that you don’t have to be as docile as a goose! You have blamed Lian to her face. At last, the Aladorman woman in the village suggested an internship as a farrier-they discussed that it was a tall, The handsome man has strong hands and a slightly dull smile, but she still … "I will try not to be so grumpy." The most annoying thing is that she finds herself still trying to make her voice sound sincere. Shi Wang has such ability. I can’t imagine how Shi Wang talks about smiling at men. Shi Wang will look at a man in the eye and tell him what to do and wait for him to finish the order immediately. She has the same attitude towards everyone. If she changes her attitude towards others as she did with Logan, it will be because she needs brute force to solve the problem.
"It’s not far away, is it?" Lian’s tone is bright and clear. She puts away her tone for men. "I don’t like him like that. If we have to sleep out for another night … Well, if he is more depressed than this morning, I don’t know if we can get him into the saddle."
"Not far away, if the person who showed me the way didn’t say anything wrong," Shi Wangyin was annoyed. Two days ago, she finally asked some questions from the village. Of course, she didn’t let her hear it and Logan lost interest in everything around her. But now she is very reluctant to go to those villagers. She doesn’t know what it is. Shi Wangyin can’t recognize those villagers as Elida in the background!
I hope the road won’t be too long. She doesn’t know how far they have gone south since they left for Jahan Road. Most villagers probably know the relative position of their nearby towns, but just before Swan led them away from the road, they crossed the Man Eselain River and entered Atala. When they crossed the river, the gray-haired old boatman somehow was studying a tattered map, which extended to the misty mountains. According to the judgment, they may meet another big river soon, which means they have entered Haidan, where the prophet and his mob are gathered. Or the Ada River, where Amadeus and the White Robes are on the other side.
Bet it’s Haidan, whether a prophet or a fool can get close to Amadiya and find two performers, but whether they are Haidan or Ata Amadiya is not far away.
"Now we must be gentle with him." Shi Wang also lowered his voice. "If he can hold on for a few more days …" She said nothing if the woman didn’t want to listen to her.
Shi Wang shook her head and kicked Bella back to the leading position. She gripped the reins with both hands as if the stocky mare would come out like a meteor. Lian talked to Logan in that amorous voice. Maybe she did have feelings for him. It wouldn’t be more strange than her choice.
Grown round hills pass by them one by one, with trees, grass and bushes. Everything seems to never change. The traces of the old road go straight ahead like an arrow. Lian said that the soil here is different from the road they walked, as if it should be white. These squirrels with fluffy ears occasionally squeak at them from the branches. Sometimes they hear birds. I don’t know what they are. Compared with Kemlin, Hillan or Balun, it may be a city, but people in the city always think that they are a city girl. Just as she can’t distinguish the soil where weeds grow.
She suspected that once again, after leaving Keer Spring, these doubts surfaced in her heart more than once. Originally, she could easily drive them away, but from Lugard, they emerged more and more frequently, and found that she had never dared to evaluate Shi Wang in a way before. Of course, she didn’t have the courage to confront Shi Wang head-on, although she was ashamed to admit it to herself. Now she suspected that Shi Wang didn’t know where they were going. Shi Wang had already lied. Maybe Shi Wang still hoped that if she broke the three vows because of silence. If she keep searching, she can always find some trace that she has been desperately searching for. Lian has chosen a kind of potential, strength and Rand life, which may not be true, but after all, Swan is different from denying Swan, and life can be as different as Lian’s. Baita and reincarnation are the life of Swan’s department, and she will hold on to them tightly even if she has to lie to herself.
The forest suddenly turned into a big village, which made me stunned by a sweet gum tree. Outside the oak tree and the hard-haired pine forest (this is an identifiable tree), there are many round rivers and thatched huts with walls in the low hills. I am willing to bet that it was a forest not long ago. Now some houses are still growing with many big trees and shrubs, some of which are directly attached to the walls. Besides, there are many stumps obviously just cut down beside the houses. It can be seen that the streets are all paved with new soil instead of being trampled by generations. Men in shirts are laying bundles of new grass. To the three large stone square houses, it is obviously a faded signboard with wind and rain marks hanging on the door of a village inn, but you can see that all thatched roofs are men in the new village. Compared with here, there seem to be too many women and the number of frolicking children and women is pitiful. The smell of lunch in the air is the only normal thing in this place.
If the first impression of this village is a little surprising, when we look at it carefully, she almost fell off her horse. Those young women are wearing simple wool skirts, whether it’s the window shaking carpet or running quickly to finish some errand, but in terms of scale, there won’t be so many women wearing silk and high-quality wool riding clothes, and the colors and tailoring of these clothes can be said to be various. These women and most men are flying around with all kinds of constantly changing flashing images and halos, which most people can’t see. Phantom always appears around two performers and guardians. Those children must all belong to the White Pagoda. Servants rarely get married, but if they know that they need to escape, they will try their best to bring out their servants and their families. Shi Wang finally found her and wanted to find a place for two performers to gather.
When they hurried their horses into the village, the village immediately fell into a strange silence. No one spoke. The two teachers stood and watched them. So did the girls who were supposed to be apprentices and even beginners. A moment ago, the men moved back and forth like wolves. They also stopped. They put their hands into a pile of thatch, and some reached into the door. There were weapons hidden in those places. The children had disappeared. They were all driven away by adults who were supposed to be servants. They were stared at by so many people and felt that their back hair stood up.
Lian looked very uneasy as she walked forward, glancing at the people around her, but Shi Wang kept a calm and calm expression and went straight to the biggest inn. Her ambiguous signboard tied Bella to an iron ring that had obviously just been erected. Shi Wang never helped Logan, even if she moved a finger, Lian helped Logan to help the horse. Everyone looked at them involuntarily. "I didn’t expect to be as popular as a daughter who had been away for a long time," Shi Wang said to Lian.
Before Lian could reply (if she had something to say), Swan added, "Well, since we have reached the shore, don’t stop the paddle and bring him in!" With that, she disappeared into the inn door, and Lian and I still led Logan to the door. Logan walked fairly easily, but when the two women stopped urging him, he took one more step and stopped.
The inn hall is completely different from the hall I have seen before. Of course, there is no fire in the wide fireplace. There are many holes in the fireplace after the stones fall. Plaster painted the ceiling, which looks very worn. Some of the boards inside are exposed. Several girls are cleaning the floor, which has been damaged due to age. There are several tables with different shapes and sizes. Some women with age and indistinct appearance are sitting at the table reading documents and giving orders to others. Among them, there are several dharma protectors and novices wearing color-changing cloaks. Some of them have gray hair and their faces clearly show the years. There are also some men who are not protectors, and people keep running fast as if to reach something; Another two artists sent new documents or wine. This hasty scene reveals a kind of satisfaction that something has been solved. All kinds of illusions keep flying in this room. People are hovering overhead. If there is no way to ignore them, they will be swallowed up immediately. It is not easy to ignore them, but since she has to have so many artists in the same room, she must learn this skill.
For me, seeing the familiar face is like going home after being lost for a long time.
Xue Ryan raised her green eyes to her forehead and immediately stared at the silver-blue light shining. Her fiery hair and a soft golden light don’t know what that means. At this moment, Xue Ryan is a little plump and wearing a dark blue silk skirt. It seems to be the embodiment of severity. "I’m glad to see your child, but I also want to know how you found out what else is here. You would come up with that stupid idea to bring him here." Six dharma protectors stood by them with sharp eyes on the hilt, but Logan didn’t seem to see them at all.
Took a deep breath. What do they want to ask her? "I have no brain-"she couldn’t say more.
"If he is as dead as he heard," Karina interrupted coldly, "it would be much better." Her voice was cold, not because of anger, but because of cold feelings. Karina was a Bai Zong two-performer, and her ivory dress had been worn very badly. For a moment, she saw a crow floating next to her black hair, which was more like a bird drawing than a living bird, but she didn’t know what it meant. She focused on people’s faces and tried not to look at anything else. "But he looked like death."
Swan and Lian exchanged a proud look, and few people looked at them in the shock they brought.
Mairiel is a dark-skinned beauty, wearing a corset embroidered with twill green silk skirt. Usually, her perfect oval face always has an intellectual smile, and her charm is no less than that of Lian now. But now there is no smile on her face. She walks up behind Karina and says, "Come on, don’t stay there like a puppet." Mairiel, a green teacher, has always been famous for her hot temper.
"You must tell us," said Ai Naiya in a more friendly tone, but there was also anger in her voice. She is a tough-looking woman. Although she has the defects of two performers, she looks more like a mother, and she looks more like a mother who is trying to restrain herself from getting a whip. "We will find a place for you and these two girls, but you must tell us how you got here."
Shake your head and shut up. Of course, the other two girls in their eyes are ordinary girls. She has been with them for so long that she forgets how much they have changed. Swan and Lian have definitely not met these two performers since they were thrown into the Baita dungeon. Lian now looks like she wants to laugh. Swan shakes his head angrily at these two performers.
"I’m not the one you want to question" said to Xue Ruian, "Let those two girls be questioned by these people! "You can ask Shi Wang or Lian." Both the performers stared as if she had gone crazy until they nodded to their two companions.
The four performers turned their eyes to the two women, but Shi Wang and Lian were not immediately recognized. The performers studied them carefully, frowned and looked at each other, while the protectors kept staring at Logan’s palm and firmly grasped the hilt.
"Static disconnection may have such an effect," Merrill finally murmured. "I have read about this literature."
"Judging from many features, faces look very similar," Shirley said slowly. "Maybe someone can find women who look similar to them, but what is this?"
Swan and Lian no longer seem so proud. "We are us," Lian Gao said. "Ask us questions! An impostor won’t know what we know. "
Swan didn’t wait for them to ask questions. "Maybe my appearance has changed, but at least I know what I do. I bet I am better than you."
Shi Wang’s stiff voice made him groan for a while, but Mairiel nodded and said, "This is Shi Wang Sang Chen, and it’s her."
"Sound can be trained" Karin Yayin is still cold.
"But how far can memory be trained?" Aeneas frowned sternly. "Swann-if you are Swann-we had an argument on your 22nd naming day. Where did the argument between you and me take place and what was the result?"
Shi Wang smiled confidently at the woman with a motherly face. "That’s what you taught the trainees about the Artoo Eagle Wing Empire. By the way, when he died, he would split into so many small kingdoms. I still don’t agree with some of your views today. As a result, I had to work in the kitchen for three hours every day for two months,’ I hope the hot air there can cover your anger’. I think you said so."
If Swann’s answer can satisfy them, then she is wrong. Ai Naiya asked these two women more questions, and then Karina and Shirley Ryan. They obviously used to be beginners and apprentices with Swann. They asked many questions before they could know that things had been in trouble. Success or failure: Bad dramas have different opinions about their two masters and tutors. I can’t believe that these two women, a jade throne and a historian, have gone through so many disasters. There is also a feeling that what they say now is just the tip of the iceberg, and it sounds that Shirley is not much better than them. She is the youngest of these people and a few years younger than them. She didn’t actually question them until Shi Wang talked about a trout that was put into the bathtub of Saloya, a master of two ceremonies. She was warned by her to be cautious for half a year before she occasionally said a few words. She sneaked out of the White Tower to go fishing? Even interns need permission to leave the Baita if it’s not at a specific time. Swann and Lian together cooled a bucket of cold water to near freezing, and then it became a trap. As a result, the head of a two-instrument teacher was knocked down, and they all thought it was unfair. It’s really a good thing to infer from Ai Naiya’s eyes that they were not discovered at that time. According to their understanding of beginners and interns, these two women were lucky to stay in the Baita until they became two-instrument teachers and were not completely skinned.
"I’m satisfied." Finally, the mother-in-law teacher said while looking at others.
Merrill nodded with Sheridan, but Karina said, "There is still a problem to deal with her?" Her eyes were fixed on Shi Wang without blinking, and others suddenly showed an uneasy look. Mailer bit his lip. Ai Naiya was looking at the floor. Snow Ryan seemed to be trying to avoid seeing these newcomers.
"We still know all the information before," Lian told them, and she also showed some concern. "We do."
Swan’s face sank. Lian might be interested in describing the bad things and punishments she had done, but Swan didn’t like them, but her expression was a little tense compared with her voice. "You want to know how we found you. I got in touch with a secret agent who is still a blue master. She told me about Sally Della."
I can’t understand what Sally Della is-who is she? -But Xue Ruian and others immediately nodded to each other and realized that Shi Wang had his meaning besides telling them that he could find the way here. She let them know that she could still make the jade eye line.
"You sit there," said Xue Ryan, pointing to a table in the corner. "Or do you still call Ildeida? Take Logan with you. "She and three other people gathered around Swan and Lian and surrounded them and walked to the back of the hall. When they disappeared behind a new wooden door, two women in riding clothes joined them.
Sighed, then grabbed Logan’s arm and led him to the table, where he sat on a thick wooden bench, and himself sat in a chair with a rickety ladder back. Two dharma protectors leaned against the wall, and their eyes were not on Logan’s body, but they knew that Gaiding never let go of clues, and even when they were asleep, they could draw their swords without a heartbeat.
That means no one here will welcome them with open arms, even after Swan and Lian are recognized. Well, what can she expect? Swan and Lian used to be the two most powerful people in Baita. Now they are not even two performers. Others probably don’t know how to treat them worse. They also have a tamed pseudo-dragon. Swan had better stop lying or expect altruism to deny Xue Ryan and other two performers to be as patient as Logan.
Little Snow Ryan recognized her and got up and looked into the street through various glass windows. Their horses were still tied to the horse post, but before she could touch the wild rose reins, a dharma keeper would definitely catch her. In the last section of her white tower, Shi Wang made great efforts to hide her identity. Now it seems that this did not happen, but she denied that these two performers knew what she saw. Shi Wang and Lian kept this secret, hoping that they would keep it a secret. If those two performers knew this, they would cling to her like Shi Wang did in the past. If they wanted to go to Rand forever.
It’s very important to help Swan find this gathering place and help her lead the two performers to Rand Arthur, but she still has her own goal to make a man who has never looked at her twice fall in love before he goes crazy. Maybe she will go crazy before him. "In that case, we will be a good couple," she muttered in a low voice.
A girl with freckles and green eyes who is obviously a beginner came to her desk. "Would you like something to eat or drink?"? We have stewed venison, wild pears and maybe some cheese. "She tried not to look at Logan and rolled her eyes as she spoke.
"Pears and cheese sound very good" and told her that they spent the last two days of their journey in hunger. Swan once caught some fish in the stream. When they couldn’t get food from the inn and farm, it was Logan. In the concept of hunting game, dried beans could never be regarded as a meal. "And some wine if you have it, but I want to know something first. Where are we? Is this a secret? This village is called Shalida? "
"A mile to the west of Atra is the Ada River, and Amadisia is on the other side of the river." The girl clumsily imitated the mysterious expression of the two performers. "Where can the two performers hide more secretly than where they shouldn’t be?"

In the end, although it looked awkward by this hot heat wave, it did not suffer any decent damage.

"Snow Qing ….." Looking at the figure revealed from behind the flame, there was a faint bad feeling in Guqing Ning Tian Qi Xin, and hurriedly walked quickly to Ye Xueqing’s side. "This place should not stay long! We’d better leave here as soon as possible! "
"From! ?” Ye Xueqing caught a glimpse of Ning Tian Qi, but his eyes still fell on the battlefield of flame burning.
"Xue Qing, let’s go back to the palace first, and then we’ll decide after we return to the palace!"
Before Ye Xueqing could say anything to protect Ye Xueqing, Zhang already grunted coldly, "What’s the matter, this Erhuang Temple doesn’t trust our ability?"
Ning Tianji frowned. "I am also thinking about the snow …"
"Hum my sincere brother hand has more than two fire operators, and his Xuan Jin Jian handle is not equal to flying swords! That flying sword was made by my master from a copper mountain. It has the spirit of cutting iron like mud! This little surprise killed my brother Zhang De, but his luck ended here. Brother Cheng will avenge his death and hand this little boy over to the princess! "
"good! I won’t treat you brothers and sisters badly after this is done! "
"Thank you, Princess!"
Ning Tianqi can’t persuade Ye Xueqing to know that his hesitation just now has caused some cracks in their unstable feelings. When he stopped talking, he quickly summoned a bodyguard next to him and ordered, "Immediately inform General Wang Shendu to order him to order three thousand bloody fighters to wait outside!"
"Yes, the temple" guards answered and hurriedly ran to the residence of General Wang Shendu in the north of the city.
See this bodyguard left NingTianJi just a little sigh of relief to look into the battlefield again.
At the moment, the battlefield situation has changed greatly.
When the dazzling light hasn’t completely dissipated, Mr. Zhang’s flying sword was directly killed from the light with a flame cover and directly cut to the front of Gu Qing. The flying sword without a blade has made Gu Qing shudder at first!
There is no handle and it can compete with this flying sword. Gu Qing has to choose to retreat to one side!
His step of retreating from the attack was disrupted, and he immediately lost his stable figure. Before he came, he stopped his steps and cut it out. The flying sword suddenly turned sharply again and cut it horizontally, but the sharp sword didn’t respond to him.
"Give me death!"
In the face of such a potential, if the thunder sword Gu Qingshen’s color is fiercely, he should blink his eyes so quickly!
Close your eyes! ?
This moment theory of green ping infanta, two emperors NingTianJi or cut out this sword Mr. Zhang Department some doubt that this little self-knowledge can’t hide from this sword and be scared to close your eyes to die?
Especially qingping infanta’s heart is associated with the scene of the banquet that day, and she can’t help but be cold-grunted.
When this sword was officially beheaded to the top of Guqing’s head, his eyes were only closed for a second, but suddenly he opened for a moment again. A substantial spiritual force suddenly burst out from that sudden opening, just like two sharp swords that were born with strength, and his right hand took advantage of this spiritual force to burst out and dissolve the power of the sword. Instantly, the sharp flying sword was firmly grasped!
"This is …"
Seeing this sudden change, several people’s eyes showed a little shock at the same time. Obviously, the method is white, and cutting off the sword will make the ancient green and clear at a glance!
Didn’t give a few people too much reaction when a swordsman GuQing has suddenly turned with his foot out of shape suddenly accelerated sharp blade instantaneous to consternation in Mr. Zhang attack and kill!
Although this sword doesn’t contain anything that makes people feel powerful and angry, it has an incomparable speed, ancient green, quick attack and killing, cold light flashing, sword shadow blinking and killing Mr. Zhang’s front.
Mr. Zhang pulled out for the first time with a flash of his feet, and suddenly he quickly retreated back and blinked, and he had already withdrawn from more than ten meters away.
At this moment, the sword stabbed Gu Qing, and the calm, calm and slaying momentum suddenly converged and was absorbed by this Xuan Jin Jian in his hand. When the momentum it absorbed reached a short-term limit, the original castration was exhausted. This sword suddenly shook and brazenly broke out into a powerful sword!
This sword potential bursts out and instantly withdraws from a distance of more than ten meters. Mr. Zhang suddenly feels an unprecedented sense of crisis, which makes the tie suddenly look up!
He looked up at the moment but found with horror that since the sharp than Xuan Jin Jian burst into a shock wave than terror, before he came to make a decent response, that powerful shock wave had penetrated his brain from his soul with a shock that could resist the sharp impact on his consciousness!
Sword potential!
Is the sword-holder, and a generate comes out after the sword is United!
The stronger the sword, the stronger the momentum of the sword holder, and the more terrible it is to explode.

Of course, the media have also contributed a lot to this. They have never been positive about the fact that Hertha is all kinds of brain blackness, which makes many people think that Hertha’s success is accidental, lucky or unsustainable, so they can continue to look at Hertha with peace of mind.

In the end, it is natural to lose even worse.
Nowadays, many talents suddenly wake up and find that the media are lying to themselves.
So they re-collected information from Hertha and re-examined this unfamiliar and familiar opponent …
It has been found that this Hertha is different from the season. After careful analysis of each player, their performance is also better than the season.
But when they realized this, Hertha was far ahead in the league standings.
Kate Gracie’s actions proved that he didn’t eat for free.
When Chang Sheng came back from Compostela with his team, he found that he was about to get a commercial sponsorship contract.
It’s an advertisement for a supermarket in Hertha.
This famous Garbo supermarket hopes to use Hertha’s image to advertise its store.
Jiabao supermarket is not the largest local store in Hertha. They hope to expand their influence by winning their image and fame.
This advertising sponsorship contract has a one-year term and the income is not much.
But it was the first commercial contract that Chang Sheng won after becoming a coach.
This means that now he really has the strength to make money with his fame and image.
"It’s only ten thousand euros a year after tax, but I think it’s a good idea, isn’t it?" Kate Gracie smiled at Changsheng with the intention of the contract.
Chang Sheng looked at him with some surprise. I didn’t expect that this little talent could really find him a real contract.
Changsheng’s weekly salary in the team contract is 100,000 pesetas after tax, which is about 1,000 euros a week. In the past year, he can get 52,000 euros from the club. The after-tax salary tax is paid by the club to others without spending a penny.
In this way, a hard year’s income is not as good as this light contract …
Ten thousand euros, that’s one hundred thousand RMB …
My parents have worked hard for most of their lives and failed to earn so much money!
Changsheng now thinks it’s right to spend some money to hire this Kate Gracie.
"The horse can sign a contract with them to see you, and at the same time, they have made a request, hoping that you can participate in their special business promotion activity, um … that is, let you wear their supermarket system to ordinary customers in the supermarket for half a day."
However, every business activity partner will definitely make various demands while paying money.
Shooting advertisements is the most basic, and there are still many activities that need spokespersons to cooperate with.
It’s a creative idea to let Changsheng be a supermarket clerk.
Changsheng thought about it. Ordinary people are no big deal.
Anyway, he did a lot of work in his previous life, including the salesman in the supermarket …
So he nodded, "But I’m fine."
"That’s when you decided."
"Just the day after the game on the weekend. I’ll have a holiday for the team then, too." Changsheng thought about it and said.
"All right, I’ll call each other later."
Chang Sheng was so readily agreed to make Kate Gracie happy. He would have been dissatisfied with it …
Chapter one hundred and forty-two The first bucket of gold endorsement for the first time
Hertha finally didn’t continue their winning streak in the weekend league, but they didn’t lose either, which disappointed those malicious journalists.
Hertha drew 11 with Compostela away from home.
This game has just been eliminated by Hertha in the King’s Cup. Compostela is full of fighting spirit and revenge.
Hertha, on the other hand, thinks that since even their substitutes can eliminate their opponents, it is even more no problem for them to play and win the game.
Be somewhat contemptuous of your opponent.
As a result, they lost the ball as soon as the game started.
This is the first time Hertha has fallen behind in the season.
Chang Sheng felt very sorry when he watched this scene on the sidelines. He didn’t choose the [tenacious fighting spirit] competition skill, otherwise we can see how much this skill can be played.
The winning choices before the game are [sharp counterattack] and [iron man]
Hertha finally equalized the score by relying on tough defense and sharp counterattack.
Compostela failed to defeat Hertha for revenge, but the winning team failed to continue the winning streak, so they also let the winning team suffer a little.
Although it failed to complete the five-game winning streak, the media did not sneer at the draw after the game, such as a Hertha loss
It is clear to reporters that if you laugh at Hertha now, maybe you will be slapped by Hertha and Changsheng next weekend.
Besides, even if they are tied by Compostela, they are still the first in the league.
This result is really nothing to laugh at.
You know, if you can still rank first in the league after a draw, maybe everyone in the other 21 teams wants a draw to change to the first in the league.
Not winning the game made Changsheng severely criticize the players in the dressing room after the game.
Nevertheless, he gave the team a day off as usual.
Because the team’s performance is not the same
It is not always better to say that they all know how to work hard after realizing their mistakes.

Xia Dongdong couldn’t help laughing. "Poop, Luan, I’m not worried that the boss’s heart is not really bleeding because I just bribed the 5 thousand gold coins of Shuntian prefect!"

"I know everything!"
"Hum!" Feng Dance said, "Did you just lick your face and say that you would repay that corrupt official in the future? !”
Nine heavy gave a fist "thick newspaper … old, of course, want to thick newspaper him! Waiting for me to let him spit out all my old money with interest one day! !”
"A-choo!" Shun Tianfu is counting money prefect sneezed end to end "uh huh … who is thinking about me? !”
They came to Jiumen Prefectural Office to find the official. Because there is no threshold for meritorious service here, in other words, anyone who is not afraid of death can pick it up! And Jiuzhong happens to be this kind of daredevil, and all of them will take dozens of your honour hands!
These feats are all one exception, that is, there is a difference between suppressing bandits and targets, such as minions, bandit soldiers, bandits generals, third-class bandits, second-class bandits and so on!
In addition, the feat belongs to the redemption category, and there is no requirement to kill the number of targets, that is, you can limit hunting and then the target head can redeem the corresponding feat value! Exchange standard minions five points meritorious service value bandit soldiers ten points bandit will be 100.3-level bandit leader 1,000.2-level bandit leader 2,000.1-level bandit leader 5,000-level bandit leader 10,000!
After receiving Jiuzhong and his party, they set off from the misty city and went into the mountains to fight bandits!
When everyone arrived at the destination of this trip-Dieyun Peak, they had been fighting for six or seven hours at two or three o’clock in the morning, and everyone was tired, so they decided to rest here for a while and fight again tomorrow!
When everyone left the game and went back to the real world, they rushed to bed for a night!
The next morning, when they were asleep, they were woken up by the Dragon Tooth Guard and told that breakfast was ready. When they heard the word "breakfast", they suddenly cried "goo goo". They quickly got up and washed, and then came to the living room to find a seat at the table!
"Hey, beautiful women get up early!" Nine heavy blunt side seat is indifferent to eat breakfast Shen Yue greeting way
Shen Yue finished eating with his head down when he was angry with Jiuzhong.
I asked for a boring nine-fold pie-pie, and my attention turned from the beautiful woman back to the front. The food immediately moved my index finger for a moment, regardless of the image, and I wolfed it down!
"The earth leopard … is simply spoiling such good food!" See nine heavy aside eat Shen Yue cold way a sentence
This time, it’s Jiuzhong’s turn to make Shen Yue angry, and his ears automatically cover up and isolate Shen Yue’s coldness and self-care and eat like crazy!
Just when I was in the mood, suddenly Shen Yue slapped a dozen documents on the table and forcibly interrupted Jiuzhong’s eating. "This is the first account you will handle this quarter in the meeting!"
Be Shen Yue this sudden scared nine heavy choked a horribly beat my chest for half a day just slow to come over and you looked at Shen Yue "you mean it? !”
"You just mean it!"
"You are now an important account in the Dragon Club. It is necessary for you to review it!" Shen Yue corners of the mouth slightly bent a gherardini way "you don’t say you can’t even check the accounts? !”
Jiuzhong looked at Shen Yue blinking and didn’t get angry. The old god was asking, "Who will take care of the accounts in this meeting at ordinary times?" !”
"I have a question? !”
"Of course … no problem!" Nine heavy ate and said, "you are my most trusted person in the Kowloon Fair. I can rest assured that you will do things! These accounts are no problem for you to look at, then there is no problem! "
"Hum …!" Shen Yue sneer at a way "you will believe me? !”
"Of course ~! Think about it. Your father was killed. You must want revenge, but it is obviously not enough to rely on your own strength. You need to use the strength of the Kowloon Club! Since you want revenge with the help of the power of the Kowloon Club, you can’t let it collapse, can you? !” Jiuchong grinned and said with a smile, "To put it bluntly, I am a rope grasshopper now. I can’t lose you and I can’t run away!"
"Shame …! !”
"Ho ho, I’m ashamed, but you’ve had enough! We are equal in weight ~! "
"Hum …!" On playing tricks on a dozen Shen Yue, it’s not a nine-fold opponent who stomps his foot hard and Shen Yue leaves angrily!
"live!" Nine heavy suddenly stopped Shen Yue.
Chapter 17 Come to live
"Why? !” Shen yue angrily said
Nine fingers pointed to the table and said, "Take these accounts away. It’s so annoying to put them here. It hurts when I look at my brain!"
"You …! !” Shen Yue was so angry that he raised his hand to use force!
Jiuzhong shook his head and looked at Shen Yue’s chest with malicious intent. "I advise you not to start work or you will suffer!"
"Ah ~ ~ ~! !” Shen Yue let out a scream and picked up the table account and turned away!
Looking at leaving in anger, Shen Yue Jiuzhong didn’t forget to add two more sarcastic remarks: "Beauty must work hard. Don’t let me down. I am optimistic about you ~!"
"whoosh!" An account book is broken!
"I flash ~! Oh dear! !” Jiuchong didn’t flash, but it was a good thing that it was just slapped in the face by the flying account.
"What a suck!" In the distance, Shen Yue is very refreshing.
"This dead girl …!" Jiuchong rubbed his monkey’s ass like a face. "His mother … is hot enough, but she always likes it ~! !”
Xia Dongdong endured the smile and looked at the nine red faces. "Eldest brother, are you okay? !”
"Nothing to eat!"
The two swept away the breakfast table like a breeze, and then rushed back to the room to pick up a comfortable position, lay in bed, put on a game helmet and entered the game!

Anyway, the food organization will reimburse you, and no matter whether the body or the cat can go-after all, it will take turns to keep an eye on the room, so it won’t be long before the mask is stuck.

It’s a pity that Baishi’s wish has fallen.
The interview for an interview went against him. He was not only successfully admitted, but also skipped the probation period and entered the state of skilled old employees as soon as he entered.
On the second day of class, An Shitou recommended Baishi to the boss.
The boss listened to An Tou and boasted about Baishi, who was the same level as An Tou, and immediately agreed to save the interview.
Baishi still changed her hair into a pair of brown glasses when she went.
This time, he didn’t stick a scar on his face-it would be noticeable if he didn’t specifically want to hide from someone.
In the afternoon, there were not many guests. An Shi Tou took the opportunity to teach materials in the store.
Although Song Tian Heiye said that he had no working experience, An Shitou felt that a person who can learn how to cook fast food well even if it is exploding is not the same as playing. "Just follow the recipe step by step."
Baishi flipped through the book and felt really easy to understand.
The peach-heart cupcakes in the shop are the signature desserts. Baishi made a plate first, and all the previous steps went smoothly. Soon he pushed the tray into the oven and adjusted the oven door.
During the summer vacation in high school, Baishi suddenly wanted to learn to cook.
A few days later, he learned that his family had a psychological shadow and resolutely refused to let him go into the kitchen again. Baishi himself was also hit hard and did not study again.
I didn’t expect to feel good after trying it today. Maybe there is a "handsome guy cooks delicious" science bonus here?
If you can really learn to cook these days, you may not run to the doctor’s house every day after that, but you may walk less.
After waiting for a while, the number of people in the store gradually increased.
Baishi looked up after sitting at the counter and saw a female high school student leading a primary school boy into the store.
Mao Lilan and Conan habitually look around after entering the store.
Their eyes swept to the front of the bar, and Baishi crouched down and reached for the counter to pretend to find something.
An Shi Tong passed by and he almost tripped. After holding the tray in his hand for a while, he would get the wrong idea and crouch down and ask, "Did you see the target?"
"… I didn’t pick things up," said Baishi, adding in his heart, but Conan is here and the goal is probably not far away.
Bai Shilai wanted to stick a scar, but he felt that the situation in the villa was almost the same as that he and An Shitou had just walked the suspension bridge and were burned down.
I found a chance to explain that the identity of the former scar mask was already dirty …
Think about it carefully. I took off my mask and changed my hairstyle. The confusion is strong enough. I deliberately put on scars before, mainly to prevent face-to-face communication with Mao Lilan.
Now Mao Lilan took Conan to the corner of the store, some distance away from the bar. Even if she came to order food, she could push the bedroom through …
Therefore, Baishi did nothing in the end, eavesdropping on the conversation between the two people and trying to guess what the case was.
Conan is in a very bad mood now.
He felt that there was an indelible green light around his head.
-Today, he rarely slept in. As soon as he got up comfortably, he saw Mao Lilan sneaking out of the door to avoid Richard Moore and writing "I have secrets"
After Conan asked, Mao Lilan mysteriously said that she was going to date Kudou Shinichi.
"Kudou Shinichi" Conan was in a complicated mood and immediately had two conjectures. One was that Kaito Kuroba was going to make trouble again, and the other was that Mao Lilan had lied.

Chapter 34 Breaking the Wind

Sun Yunjian’s face is smug. He has been immersed in this’ Wind Rope Finger’ technique for many years, which can be said to be complete. He not only knows the details of various changes in it, but also swings the power of this technique to the extreme. It is that he is proud of his Juexue, not to mention that Li Feiyang is definitely not an opponent. Even if Feng Zong’s three disciples Xiao is injured, he has the confidence to rely on this technique to give a heavy blow!
The long rope roared and rushed to Li Feiyang. Sun Yunjian snorted and loosened his fingers. Then five long ropes suddenly burst into a net facing Li Feiyang!
Li Feiyang’s figure flashed when the long rope was about to net himself, and his figure was so fast as to draw a string of virtual shadows. The dust was taken up by Gao Gao’s latest chapter to read >
Sun Yunjian stare big eyes unbelievable watching Li Feiyang come out like a ghost, and then he hasn’t waited for him to respond. Li Feiyang’s sword finger stretched out and a lightning strike struck Sun Yun’s blade!
Although the thunder spell is also a L1-level spell, the release rate of the thunder spell is the fastest among the five-element spells. Even if Sun Yunjian practices the popular technique for many years, it is impossible to avoid it! What’s more, Sun Yunjian is worse than the punishment clock. How can he hide if he can’t avoid the punishment clock?
Click ~ ~ Sun Yunjian was experienced and the most critical, but he was slow. He was hit by a thunder spell and his body shook violently. His crown fell to the ground and expanded like a mess.
The fact that the thunder curse has restraint on the wooden line not only makes Sun Yunjian flustered, but also makes him suffer from severe pain and paralysis, which suddenly slows down a lot.
Click ~ ~ Click ~ ~ Click ~ ~
Li Feiyang, of course, won’t give Sun Yunjian a break, and his body will fly and move. At the same time, the thunder curse will be thrown into the Sun Yun blade one by one, and he will be chopped for a while. A burnt smell will gradually spread to the original pistol Feiyunjian, which is like how ugly it is to drill out of coke.
Sun Yunjian flew into a rage. He was one of the three great disciples in the wind. Even among the five young brothers in the five elements, he was a radiant person. Plus, his appearance was very brave and admired by some younger brothers for a long time. His heart was also full of pride. Now he was beaten by a basket case. Although he was not seriously injured, he felt that he had suffered a great shame and roared. He shook a long sword in one hand and roared at Li Feiyang.
Li Feiyang flickered and hid from Sun Yunjian’s sword, shaking a series of firm but gentle waves. He attacked Li Feiyang from all directions. He practiced popular techniques for many years, and his swordsmanship was high. At this time, the firm but gentle waves are both sharp and fashionable, and the agility is even faster. If you swim, you will draw a series of deep marks on the earth to cover the left and right parts of Li Feiyang.
Sun Yunjian saw that Li Feiyang was extremely fast, so the firm but gentle wave slowly restricted his action and forced him to approach the center. Once Li Feiyang was forced to approach the center, he was bound to be hurt by Sun Yunjian’s firm but gentle wave.
Li Feiyang is surrounded by a firm but gentle center, feeling that all sides are sharp and firm but gentle, but he has not yet felt his face hurt. It is Li Feiyang who retreated Sun Yunjian’s sword and even shook it endlessly. The firm but gentle sword was thrown at Li Feiyang like a tarsal maggot, and the speed of his sword has reached an amazing level. Seeing coils of silver in his hand is like flowing water.
Sun Yunjian’s kendo gave Li Feiyang a great shock and retreated quickly. At the same time, Li Fei raised his hand to pinch the sword tactic, bowed a grenade spell, and used one hand to defend swordsmanship. He hoped to force Sun Yunjian to retreat. At this moment, Sun Yunjian had a defensive thunder spell and was resisted outside the protective qi, but before the swordsmanship, he was broken by Sun Yunjian’s sword and did no harm to it.
Li Feiyang retreated all the way. Sun Yunjian advanced all the way with a grimace of a grin. "I think you can retire! ! Tiger monkey, I’m surprised that your posture can reach such a level! ! But you can’t escape from me just by running! !”
"Brother Sun! Don’t let this bastard get away! !” Ying bong-jen saw Li Feiyang’s tired face and immediately sat on the ground screaming with ecstasy.
"Shut up for me! !” Shi Meng strode to Ying Fengren’s front, picked him up and punched him in the chest!
Shi Meng annoyed that he had been provoking Sun Yunjian, which was a bit cruel. He immediately twisted Ying Fengren’s intestines and stomach. Wow, he spit out an acid water stone and slammed his head against the ground and slammed it into Ying Fengren’s vague screams. A mouthful of water and mud were mixed together, and then Shi Meng’s arms violently drank and threw Ying Fengren at Sun Yunjian.
This stone slammed the external skill stunt, listening to the buzzing, and Ying Fengren smashed it at Sun Yunjian like a boulder!
Shi Meng tried to take this blow to divert Sun Yunjian’s attention. Li Feiyang made an escape opportunity, but he didn’t expect Sun Yunjian to be angered by Li Feiyang. No matter what Ying Fengren’s life or death, he jumped up gently. Ying Fengren flew by and fell to the ground. His sword was still waving towards Li Feiyang continuously.
"Tiger monkey I see where you can run! ! The wind leaves the sword! !” Sun Yunjian drank a long sword and suddenly held it high. The virtual shadow of the long sword in his hand flashed, and the two shaped blades were distributed around. Then a gust of wind roared on both sides of the blade and danced violently. The center of Sun Yunjian was spinning more and more violently. Slowly, a black tornado was generated and pressed against Li Feiyang with momentum and powerful destructive power.
Shi Meng was furious and changed color. He could feel the power contained in this tornado. If Li Feiyang was swept, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable!
At this critical moment, Li Feiyang’s hands and fingers stretched forward to Sun Yunjian’s copper dart skills, and a few golden lights flew out and went straight into the tornado.
The tornado suddenly flashed like a black bug that was burned by a fire, twisted and tumbled to the ground, and the strong wind stirred up dust and sand, and then a bright red burst out in the tornado, and the surrounding area was dyed scarlet as the wind spread to the ground …
Chapter 35 Thunder and lightning
Dust and sediment were swept to the middle by the strong wind, and the surrounding area was suddenly covered with darkness. At this time, two golden lights roared out in tandem and went straight into the center of the storm.
A painful stuffy hum came out from the center of the whirlwind, and the raging wind was out of control, and it rushed wildly in all directions, and Li Feiyang and others rushed out of the distance, even those younger brothers who were beaten to the ground by stones rolled and blew out.
The wind slowly dissipated in the original storm center. Sun Yunjian was lying on the ground covered in dust and pale. Two ferocious wounds on his left shoulder and right abdomen were rolled up and blood gurgled out, which was very penetrating.
Sun Yunjian frowned and looked painful. Just now, his operation method was interrupted by Li Feiyang before it was successfully put into use. Besides being injured, he suffered from a self-inflicted gale force. Fortunately, he had a magic weapon to protect himself, which offset most of the gale force. Otherwise, he might have died by now.
Sun Yunjian’s body qi raged and turned into chaos, stirring his dull pain in the abdomen, and he couldn’t move for a while, so he lay on the ground and recovered from pranayama, but his eyes looked at Li Feiyang with resentment and disbelief.
Sun Yunjian’s heart has been high for a long time, and he thinks that among the young brothers of the Five Elements, one can be regarded as his opponent. Even if there are a few people who are better than him, Sun Yunjian also thinks that he is more qualified and savvy than them. It will take a lot of time for him to be the best brother of the Five Elements. But at this moment, he is injured by a little-known and useless brother, and it is almost fatal. Although the failure is hateful, what makes him most unbearable is this humiliation. Seeing Li Feiyang approaching himself step by step, Sun Yunjian can’t wait to poke 17 holes in his body with his sword, but
Ying Fengren was hit hard by Shi Meng’s throwing force, and was waved by Sun Yunjian’s self-destructive spell. He was far away and motionless like a dead dog. Several other brothers were also injured by the wind, and they hung up their colors and fell beside Sun Yun Jian. At this moment, the only ones left are Li Feiyang and Shi Meng.
Li Feiyang looked at the scene in front of him and felt a little uneasy. Just now, although he defeated Sun Yunjian in the learning mode, the degree of Sun Yunjian’s injury was still beyond his expectation. The reduction of blood groove on Sun Yunjian’s head was much more than he expected. The fixed injury of copper darts for three times obviously won’t cause such a result. So it can be said that one thing I don’t know what’s wrong with this guy is more serious.
The original Li Feiyang is going to make these guys go back to find the punishment clock and then go to the owners and elders to say the situation, but at the moment Sun Yunjian hit Ying Fengren and the rest of his younger brothers are injured … Things are out of control.
Li Feiyang just thought about it and still felt that he couldn’t solve the immediate problem by himself, so he said to Shi Meng, "Brother Shi, please look after Brother Sun here, and I’ll find Master’s report."
Shi Meng looked a little dignified, and obviously he felt that things were a little too big. He thoughtfully said to Li Feiyang, "You go. I’m here. You’d better talk to Elder Bu besides Master."
Li Feiyang nodded, turned around and took up his herbs and walked towards Zongmen. As soon as he got out of two steps, he heard a violent voice in the sky. "Do you still want to run when you are injured?" ! Stay! !”
Click click ~ ~! A few earth-shattering thunderbolts broke out and a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket came out of the sky, striking Li Feiyang as a pledge!
Li Feiyang was paralyzed, but the sense of terror and oppression and Leili had already rushed to him. It felt like a mountain crashing down, which made him feel a strong sense of crisis in his heart, but he broke free.
At this critical moment, a whip rushed from afar, and the light flashed into a red snake, and then it flew to Li Feiyang’s head, and the thunder struck together!
Pa ~ ~! The dazzling Lei Guang crashed and cracked, and the earth followed a violent quiver. The serpent’s light sparkled and crackled and exploded continuously. Around Li Feiyang’s center, it seemed that it was suddenly distorted and then exploded into a blue-light red-light intertwined ring, which spread out like ripples in the lake.
Ring has been a wave of more than ten meters away Shi Meng staggered back a few steps, and his body felt as if he had been stung by a needle, while Sun Yunjian was shocked by a drama. At this moment, he has already suffered a huge trauma and was no longer supported by this powerful spell Yu Weibo. He just fainted when his eyes turned over, and several other brothers repaired higher and barely supported the repair. Some of them fainted directly, twitched and foamed at the mouth, and this strong technical collision was beyond their tolerance.
Li Feiyang, who was in the center of the explosion, was protected by the red serpent by the whip, but Leili still hit him through the whip. Li Feiyang felt a tearing pain everywhere. Wow, a crazy spurt of blood fell to the ground.
Without hesitation, more than a dozen pieces of Dan medicine immediately recovered from the head and the pain gradually disappeared. Li Fei took a sigh of relief and slowly settled down.
"Ray impressive! ! What do you want? !” The punishment clock sprints from a distance and reaches for the whip. It’s like a living whip. Gently roll up Li Feiyang and slowly fly to the punishment clock. Put Li Feiyang on the ground and then roll it back to the punishment clock.
The punishment clock glanced at Li Feiyang. Although his chest was stained with blood, his complexion was very rosy. Obviously, it didn’t matter. At the same time, he was slightly surprised that Li Feiyang’s body was so earth and so strong that his mana collided with him.
In the sky, it is Lei Jingtian, the chief elder of Huzongtang. At this moment, he has a negative hand and stands on a Lei Guang flashing flying sword. The white cassock is also a light winding wind. A long black head is dotted with rays of blue long face, eagle nose and phoenix eye. His face is full of anger and he points a finger at Sun Yunjian. "Punishment elders! ! Didn’t you see it? !”
Punishment clock from bearded pendulum cold hum a "I saw it! I saw that the Chief Elder of the Patriarch Hall was going to use magic to kill the younger brother! ! You don’t know what this charge is, do you? !”

Haikui just stood here as a monk, which means both money and color.

There’s nothing in the house, and things like that are simple. A bed, two futons, a wooden fish and nothing else, even a table and a teacup. If it weren’t for things hanging on the wall, Haikui really felt that the host must be a master of meditation. Please go to more and faster chapters.
"Sit down, please," said the host with his eyes closed but not open.
Haikui hum a pack to force in my heart.
However, this repair is strange. It is likely that Buddhism and Taoism practice different ways, but there is a statue of Falian Haikui who looks at him through the knowledge of gods. This host is over forty years old and sallow and emaciated. Although the temple is short of oil and water, he has reached the next step of practice, even if he doesn’t eat and is nourished by the aura of heaven and earth, he is radiant and red. But is he so malnourished?
"I don’t know if the master knew I was coming to see me." Haikui sat down on the futon and looked at the middle-aged monk.
The monk slowly opened his eyes, and his divine light flashed directly. He didn’t panic when he saw Haikui’s eyes, which made Haikui have some doubts at one time. After all, Buddhism practice is different, and I don’t know if he has passed the then Dan period.
"I wonder if the benefactor has ever heard of Destiny Pass". The host looked at Haikui steadily.
Haikui shook his head slightly. "I’m all ears, please tell the master."
"A few days ago, I felt that someone would meet the evil karma. He walked in this snowy mountain at night. I saw the benefactor because of the Buddha’s saying that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. So I invited the benefactor here to take refuge. Although I broke the evil karma of the benefactor for the first time, I was also condemned by heaven for venting the open-air machine. Naifo said that I don’t go to hell, but whoever goes to hell also looks forward to doing more good deeds to benefit all beings."
Kan Kan, the middle-aged host, talked about the tone full of kindness to all beings.
Haikui was ashamed for an instant, but he didn’t expect his little heart to cross your belly.
However, when Haikui looked up and saw something hanging on the wall, he wondered whether the monk was putting on an act or whether color was superior.
"You mean you saved me, but I didn’t know I would be in trouble," Haikui said, looking at the middle-aged host.
"It is the Buddha’s saying that you can’t say it," the monk said in a positive tone.
"No matter what the master just said, I’ll thank you first. Anyway, I’m not in a hurry. Then I’ll ask the master to rest here for one night and then go." Haikui made a one-handed salute to the host.
"So good" middle-aged host grinned at Haikui.
"Master, I’d like to ask what three things I want to hang on the wall." Haikui asked, pointing to the naked painting, sword and lucky map behind him.
"People laugh at me because I’m crazy. I laugh at others because I can’t see through it." Although the Chinese language is not standard, the host is still a set of words when communicating.
"If you don’t know more and faster chapters, please go to" Haikui shook his head. "Why can’t you read it?"
"I don’t see anything in my eyes. What you see is what you think," said the host with a sigh.
Haikui stretched out his thumb "Gao Ren"
"I told my disciple to take you to rest," the host shouted at the door, and then another young monk pushed the door and came in. "The disciple took this benefactor to have a good rest."
The young monk promised a couple to say to Haikui, "Please come with me, benefactor."
Haikui followed the young monk to arrange a guest room for him.
When Haikui left, the middle-aged host didn’t sit cross-legged. At the first time, he updated himself and dumped his leg back. "Grandma" took out a bottle of tightly sealed wine from the bed and took two sips of "Let’s have a good drink."
The house expresses that these four things are all there.
The host drank two sips of wine, carefully sealed the wine and hid it under the bed. When he got up, he first turned his attention to the nude female painting, then touched the sword and made a fortune. He said to himself, "Come on, I haven’t touched a woman for a long time. Do you really want me to be strong? I’m a monk and I have to pay attention to my fate."
After muttering to himself for a while, he turned out of the monastery and went to the backyard of the temple.
In the backyard of this temple, there is a statue of King Kong standing here. The middle-aged host definitely hit the statue of King Kong by pinching. The statue of King Kong actually moved up and went to the side to decide where he had stood. A hole slowly appeared, and the host plunged into the statue of King Kong and went back to its original state.
This hole has been going through nine twists and turns until it finally comes to an end. The middle-aged host has made another resolution. At the end of the cave, there is a stone room inside, and he walks in.
There is a man and a baby in this stone room. Yuan Ying is He Bailiang, and He Bailiang said Sato.
After the host entered, he first saluted Sato. "Buddha has come and left him in the temple as you asked."
"Huang Duo did a good job in updating for the first time. This is the incense money of He Zongzhu. Recently, our temple was short of money. He Zongzhu brought it to you after learning about it." Sato threw a bag to the host.
Huang Duo took the bag and took a look at it. There were ugly yuan and Chinese coins in it. "Thank you, Buddha. Thank you, Patriarch."
"Okay, just do what I tell you. Get out of here," Sato ordered to host Huang Duo.
The host promised to go out with a bag in his hand and cling to it for fear of falling off. Generally, after he left, He Bailiang gave another gift to Sato. "Thank you, Buddha."

Water ripple month tiny one zheng then depressed heart cursed is really criticise Lv Dongbin kua she can still have so many rhetoric it seems that this Stuart wan is more difficult than she thought.

She got up and knelt on the ground slowly, supercilious and explained, "I’m afraid the imperial concubine misunderstood the words of my daughter. My daughter knows that she is appreciated by the imperial concubine, and she is also glad to get her appreciation, but not only in the hearts of my daughter, but even the women in Beijing are envious of the imperial concubine. This is absolutely true."
"oh? So it’s palace think slanting "? Stuart wan half narrowing her eyes gloomy looking at the water ripple month said
Water ripple month don’t look up also know Stuart wan expression in the mind cold hum a surface but still light way "imperial concubine empress will think wrong is bitter at that time didn’t explain clearly will let the imperial concubine empress have this idea"
"It’s not that the palace is difficult for you, but that the palace pays more attention to words and deeds. It’s that beheading is a big sin in the queen mother’s ear, and the palace doesn’t want you to care about whether your horse is going to be a princess. Wherever you go, the words and manners represent the whole Jinxi dynasty royal family. Now the envoys of Canglan Kingdom and Dongshuo Kingdom will stay here until after your wedding. You will study here in the palace today and you will not make a big mistake in the future."
Stuart wan said with a sigh, but the corner of his eye was marked with a smug look. Just now, the maid-in-waiting came in with a tray and saw that there was a plate of exquisite snacks and a wooden box the size of a palm on the tray. She slowly came to Stuart wan and respectfully said, "Do you need a handmaiden to make camellia now?"
"Well, put it in the palace for a while." Stuart Wan nodded and then looked at the water ripple month with a shallow smile. "You don’t mind if the moon and other palaces invite the best etiquette mother in the palace to teach you not to get into the wedding sunrise, do you?"
Shui Lianyue still hangs his head lightly and says, "My daughter listens to the arrangement of the imperial concubine empress."
Stuart wan saw that she was not in a hurry, and her insipid tone gradually darkened her heart, and pulled out a strange and fleeting look at her mouth. If there was one, her eyes were turning.
It is said that the marriage of Nangong Yu in Shuilian Moon was promoted by Yunfei, who was an unmarried woman. It was a godsend that she could marry the royal prince and be a real princess. However, it was said that she had a bad life in Shuifu these years, but Yunfei has been indifferent to her mother’s bullying in the house. Now, seeing the wedding day, the Queen Mother’s birthday banquet will be held on that day, Yunfei suddenly jumped out to help Shuilian Moon, which makes people feel strange.
However, the Queen Mother Yunfei has always been at odds, and she is not harmonious. Since that day, the Queen Mother’s birthday banquet, she has made a mistake, which made the Queen Mother lose face in front of Yunfei. After the birthday banquet, the Queen Mother has not summoned her for several days, and even paid her respects, which made her feel particularly uneasy.
Although the emperor has concubines in three palaces and six courtyards, the queen mother of rouge and common powder can’t even look at them. Only once did the queen mother hint at her and choose her successor to give birth to the dragon son this time. With the help of the queen mother, ten thousand people will certainly admire Queen Jinxi.
Besides, if she can teach the water ripple month and make Yunfei lose face, the queen mother can pull back her face in front of Yunfei, which may make the queen mother re-note her Chapter one hundred and fifty Severe role.
Taiwan water ripple month although hanging his head, but the eyelid does not leak traces will Stuart Wan thinking expression to see in the eye, even if she is thinking about such as punish yourself? I am thinking about Stuart Wan waved to the big maid-in-waiting Yuan Xiang beside me and whispered, "You go to Changshou Palace and invite Sue Mammy."
"It’s the imperial concubine empress." Yuan Xiang saluted slightly and then walked out of the temple.
"Moon, you should get up first. It’s almost lunch. But today, I have to go to Yu Fei’s restaurant in the palace. It’s already agreed that you should eat some snacks and drink tea first. The palace ordered you to arrange lunch for a while." Stuart Wan said with a gentle smile again.
"It’s my daughter who listens to the imperial concubine empress." Red tassel got up behind her and quickly helped the water ripple on the moon.
It is said that she and the young lady have been kneeling for a long time, and this imperial concubine only got up. Moreover, there are so many rules in this palace that they are ready to kneel. She is so-called poor, and even the lady and the old lady rarely kneel. Now, all this trouble is that the young lady’s knees are bruised [
When Stuart Wan stood up with the help of the maid-in-waiting beside her, she didn’t show her bulging abdomen. As soon as she stepped up, she seemed to think of something with a slight frown. She looked up and said to the water ripple month, "Oh, by the way, Mammy Sue is serving the Queen Mother and the old Mammy on the rules of the palace. No one knows better than her. She will teach you the palace and you can rest assured. Moreover, this is a rare opportunity to return to the palace on the Queen Mother’s Day. On weekdays, please don’t move others. You must learn from Mammy Sue."
"Is the imperial concubine empress bitter will follow Sue mammy would learn the rules" just got up and knelt on the ground again.
Stuart gave up talking, and the ladies-in-waiting on both sides helped her gracefully and slowly to the bedroom. Now she is the key protected object in the palace. Except Yuan Xiang and Yuanxiao, the two big ladies-in-waiting are her bridesmaids, and the whole foundation of Yong ‘an Palace is taught by the Queen Mother Changshou Palace.
It also says that the queen mother attaches great importance to her. It’s fair to say that the dragon seed in her belly is like this, but she is followed as if watching her, but she doesn’t dare to disobey the queen mother. After all, her throne is still in the hands of the queen mother.
At this time, a maid-in-waiting has come to lead Shui Lianyue to one side. There is a plate of exquisite crystal cake on the front table of the round table. She just made the camellia in northern Hunan. She took a look at the heart of the crystal cake and sank to Stuart Wan. It shouldn’t be stupid enough to poison her in her own palace, should it?
And she dare not touch that cup of steaming camellia. There are so many maids here. She can’t openly take out her silver hairpin to try poison.
Red tassel also thought that this is a palace with too many rules, but if the young lady doesn’t, if this tea cake goes to the imperial concubine’s ear, what storm will it cause?
Just then Stuart Wan changed into a lavender improved harem dress and came out of the bedroom. The dress was gorgeous and showed her noble temperament, and the skirt horn was just on the foot. The only difference was that it highlighted her abdomen.
"Moon, eat some. It’s just a moment when you feel at ease here in the palace. Mammy Sue will come. Then you can wait until lunch to eat. If you are hungry, you can endure that Mammy Sue is very strict. I think she taught the rules when the palace first entered the palace."
Stuart wan said and walked towards the door of the temple, and the corners of his mouth showed a smug look.
Shui Lianyue gathered her phoenix eyes and looked at Stuart Wan’s leaving figure. A cold light flashed through her eyes. Stuart Wan is really a powerful character. She can keep her in the palace without showing emotion, and she can also let her refute the law. It is even more beautiful to find someone to teach her the rules.
Oh, listen, Stuart Wan just said that she was afraid that Mammy Su would be a vicious character in the harem. If she hadn’t thought of Yunfei, she would have broken this layer.
Situ Wan wanted to let the people in Tai Hou Gong teach Shui Lian a lesson through her hand. This is a gesture of Yunfei clamoring that if she can’t wait for Nangong Ling to save her from trouble as Situ Wan wishes, will Nangong Ling come?
At this moment, Shui Lian Yue is really looking forward to seeing the Nangong Ling Queen Mother again. He is the boss and she can leave the palace as soon as possible if he asks him to speak.
Shui Lianyue raised her head and looked at the red tassel. Red tassel looked knowingly at her side and waited on the maids. "Sister, avoid it. My lady doesn’t like others around when she eats."
The maid-in-waiting looked up and turned white with envy, but she didn’t answer. Shui Lian looked at her with a sigh. The maid-in-waiting said angrily, "If I am also a half-master, your princess will be in the future, and you are just a handmaiden in the end. I don’t like others when I eat. Do you even want me to teach this truth when you are in the palace for a long time?"
The maid-in-waiting was slightly surprised that the imperial concubine was not here. How dare this woman teach her such a lesson? At least she came out of the longevity palace. Besides the Queen Mother, even the imperial concubine couldn’t be too difficult. What is she?
"Before leaving, the imperial concubine told me to let the handmaiden serve the young lady, but I hope you will forgive me," said the maid-in-waiting.
"oh? Did the imperial concubine ever tell you that you are a handmaiden? " Water ripple month gave her a cold look light way [
The maid-in-waiting figure froze, then her face turned white and blue, and she simply stopped answering the water.
"You’d better get out of here before the lady gets angry, or you’ll have to stop trying if I hurt you. Anyway, I’m half the master and you’re just a handmaiden. I don’t believe that the imperial concubine turned against a handmaiden."
"Miss handmaiden excused herself first, what’s the command to call handmaiden?" The maid-in-waiting looked more and more ugly, but she respectfully said a sentence and walked away slowly, but she kept cursing the water in her heart.
Red tassel Japanese lifted her jaw, then took out a silver needle from the cuff and quickly turned it in the crystal cake teacup. Then she looked at it without trace and hid it back in the cuff. She shook her head slightly at the water ripple month and smiled. "Miss handmaiden serves your tea."
After seeing the red tassel expression in the water, I was relieved to eat the crystal cake tea with the red tassel handed me.
Don’t want to eat to a half has just been driven away by her maid-in-waiting coming in a hurry slightly blue way "miss Sue mammy to chapter one hundred and sixty bear a angry flame.
Water ripple month frowned slightly and let go of the half piece of crystal cake. Red tassel got up slowly and hurried to help miss arrange her dress makeup.
Outside the temple gate, a 40-year-old maid-in-waiting came in at a steady pace. She was not angry, but her eyebrows faintly showed a malicious color. At the sight of her, the ladies-in-waiting flashed in horror and turned their heads.
Sue mammy came in and looked around, only to see the water ripple, and the anger in her heart grew stronger and stronger. darling daughter, an ordinary official, went out to meet her, but she didn’t come out to meet her, so she was so calm over there.
"You are Miss Shuijiasi"? Sue mammy domineering tone also mixed with a hint of disdain.
Water ripple month by red tassel to assist the leisurely before slightly upon light way "presumably this is Sue mammy, today thanks to the imperial concubine empress please Sue mammy guidance etiquette is the moon’s blessing" talking aside red tassel handed over two silver tickets from the pocket [
Sue Mammy disdained to look at her eyes and didn’t stretch out her hand to pick up the cold hum. "The imperial concubine, virtuous and virtuous, thanks to the emperor’s kindness, ordered the old slave to teach the young lady the rules. The old slave naturally didn’t dare to violate them, but it was too rude for the young lady to do so. Is it possible to buy off the young lady with two silver tickets?"
Water ripple month light swept the jealous tassel hand two silver tickets and heard Sue mammy’s words. I also knew in my heart that I wanted to come to Sue mammy’s side to serve the queen mother. I had never seen anything strange, and I was afraid that my purse was full. Naturally, I couldn’t see the two hundred and twenty silver tickets, and the money was not enough to fill her teeth.
She made a wink at the red tassel and motioned for her to put away the silver ticket. This was only a shallow smile. "I didn’t want to hurry today. Since Sue’s mother is here, let’s start."
Mammy Sue’s face is a little worried when she sees that there is no text in the water. She has spoken plainly enough. What is the daughter of an ordinary official? In the end, she didn’t take out her best treasure to honor her. Why is this woman so rude?
Seeing Su Mammy’s angry face in Shuilian Moon doesn’t urge her to wait quietly. Su Mammy is the Queen Mother, and even if she spends more money, she can’t fill the gap between the Queen Mother and Princess Yun, and she is doomed to bear the anger.
Even if Mammy Sue received her silver ticket today, it would not necessarily make her feel better, and her mind would be even worse. These silver tickets were not many, and they were given to her to take care of herself when Master left that day.
"Since the young lady has just had tea, she is not in a hurry to learn the rules of physical strength, so let’s start with the manners." Mother Sue waited for a while to see that there was no more confusion in the water ripple month, but after all, she was the queen mother’s side to serve the old man, and she was the most good at it.
Shui Lianyue followed Mammy Su to the center of the main hall. Mammy Su turned around and said, "Let’s start with laughter."