Chapter ninety-nine The Emperor

Born in a dark cloud, life is like dirt …
Zhang Lan is certainly not the first rebel ruler in the world, nor is she the first object of social persecution.
People who can’t live in Qian Qian because of the group, the expensive and the weak came to Xiaoyao City by smuggling, picking up cars, selling their bodies or selling their kidneys.
Suddenly, I found that I didn’t have the potential or roots, and I couldn’t get up in this happy city. There was no formal way to enter the city, and the first thing I did was to be pulled out clean.
The only way to live is to sell cheap labor to do the most tiring and dangerous life. This degenerate refugee street has become a ghost floating around.
The whole degenerate refugee street has 1% of the free and unfettered urban area, but it is crowded with 3% of the population. They have to live by committing crimes, begging, plundering and working hard, and the dirtiest trade and the most evil addictive drugs also eat into their lives.
The truly carefree city is too expensive to come here, but the people are afraid to come here. On the contrary, pawns like Xin Bug are frequent visitors here in the wolf camp.
They can also degenerate with the lowest military card, and the street is regarded as a grandfather. The lowest price is even a piece of moldy bread, which can be exchanged for a fairly clean woman to spend the night.
Obviously, it is difficult for a proud soldier sister like nightingale to connect with the degenerate street. Xin Bug naturally doesn’t know why they are coming here.
Looking out the window, the fluorescent paint along the street says "casino", "chicken farm" and "base field", so-called entertainment places and those who insist on wearing coarse linen and fleas. princesa Zhang Lan is in a trance, and there is an illusion of returning to the slums of the third federal city. It should be said that slums are more advanced than here
"What is hidden in the nightingale’s fallen street?" Zhang LAN asked lightly
"A group of walking dead and some big bosses pretending to be dead, some businesses are too conspicuous to do outside, and it is king to bury meat in the rice," explained the nightingale.
"Are you going to take us to see the big brother?" Zhang Lan smiled.
"He doesn’t like people calling him that. Hunters call him’ evil ghost’, a one-year-old master. When I was a child, I found good goods and came to him for a change of food. For hunters, he is the God of Wealth." Nightingale shared her past experience.
"Your god of wealth seems to be respected here."
Zhang Lan looked out of the window, whether it was a roadside beggar or a person enjoying the cool on the balcony of a second-floor tulou not far away, the broad cloak vaguely hidden the "guy", and it was obvious that he had fallen into the eyes of evil spirits when he entered the degenerate street from the truck.
"I’ve heard of that guy, too. It’s said that he and Humber in Xiaoyao City are sworn brothers, and the backstage is as hard as death, but they have never seen a real person." Xin Bug said with relief.
"Evil spirits or good people, we are here to do business, nightingale. Do you know what I want?" Zhang Lan is lazy and leans on the car seat.
"Lan Night Team is growing day by day, and your goal is also the stars and the sea. The demand for weapons and equipment in the future is definitely not a mortgage warehouse in Anle Pavilion. I think it is necessary to take this opportunity to take you to meet him. After all, if heaven is the king of Xiaoyao City, then evil spirits must be regarded as Xiaoyao City Dihuang."
The nightingale looked at Zhang Lan. "But don’t say that I didn’t wake you up. Evil spirits are always unpredictable. You must pay attention to bargaining. If you don’t ask for as much as he says, you won’t be able to leave the degenerate street alive. Everyone here is likely to be his bomber. Even if you are expensive, no one dares to trace him."
"I really want to meet this boss." Zhang Lan didn’t notice the danger in the nightingale’s words at all
Soon, the truck arrived at the dilapidated iron railings in front of a courtyard deep in the degenerate street, and garbage cans piled up in the corner of the courtyard, and waste products and cars piled up like hills, which made Zhang Lan have a kind of intimacy back to her old garbage dump.
Three big men with micro-shocks stopped a big brother in the truck and climbed into the cab. They looked at them coldly and asked, "What are you doing?"
"Hunting outside has got a batch of sharp goods to find evil spirits to disappear," said the nightingale. Only hunters can understand nonsense.
"Evil spirits have long stopped doing this kind of business. Go home." The captain didn’t good the spirit to send a way.
"Don’t accept it?" The nightingale really didn’t expect to be so surprised.
"Friend, since we are here, we might as well inform you that we are bringing all good things!" Xin Bug was sensible enough to take out two hundred-dollar bills and pass them to you. You know, you can find two beautiful women for two hundred dollars in this degenerate street.
"Fuck off! Who is your friend? You official dogs! Get out of here! " The big fellow directly crumpled two bills into garbage and threw them into Xin Bug’s face and jumped off the car.
"Hello, what’s your name?"
Zhang Lan hit the door from the other side and jumped to the ground to keep the door. The other two guards immediately picked up machine guns and aimed at Zhang Lan’s famous bee magnetic submachine gun. Here, however, the launch speed of advanced goods per second can instantly sieve Zhang Lan.
"Who let you car? Get out! Go! Otherwise, I will let you reimburse here! " The big fellow a face of disgust call scold a way
"Since you are not a friend, let’s talk about the law. Just now, you maliciously damaged the federal currency and committed the crime of insulting the currency. It is reasonable to say that you need to go to the security hall with me to accept the interrogation of the seven killers." Zhang Lan said politely when facing the machine gun.
"Breaking the law? What are you? A greedy German shepherd dares to bark here and die? Give you one last chance. Get out of here right now. You can still get out of the degenerate street alive. "
Zhang Lan, a big fellow, was taller than him by a head and muscles, and yelled at Zhang Lan like a knife and stone, as if he had taught his father a lesson.
"I’ll give you one last chance. Come with me now and we can solve this misunderstanding." Zhang Lan said quietly.
"You paralysis! Drink! " The big fellow took a mouthful of thick phlegm in his throat and directly vomited Zhang Lan’s face.
It’s almost the disgusting mucus that comes into contact with Zhang Lan’s skin. Zhang Lan’s 1-degree lateral rotation flies up, which is a foot that looks like a foot with 2 pounds of big fellow. He just got kicked out and slammed the iron fence door behind him and fell heavily in the yard.
"Insulting official personnel …" Zhang Lan waved and wiped her face with thick phlegm and still smiled. "Now it’s no problem to kill you if you are charged with something big."
Chapter one hundred S-class mechanical prosthesis psychic eye
Just in the past second, Zhang Lan was covered with laser sights, and there were as many red dots as a hornet’s nest. The street next to her rushed out of the rags and the undead surrounded the truck and the door.
Their clothes are hung with the most earthy suicide bomber decoration, but the equivalent of mixing and detonating together is enough to blow the surrounding 5 meters into a deep pit and turn the body into a coke shovel, which can’t be shoveled.
"Don’t move! Get back! Stand back! " The nightingale jumped down from the car and pulled the bowstring and quickly posted Zhang Lan’s back.
"We are all brothers! Say something well! Don’t move the knife, the gun and the bomb! Life is precious! Old expensive! Cherish cherish! "
Xin bug jumped out of the car, too. He was a little brain. In this case, no guns were recognized as the most effective. He immediately raised his hands to signal calm.
At one time, the scene was dangerous and embarrassing, and I felt that there was trouble. This group of people was going to reimburse here.

But it’s good for her. Dong Yuling likes Guo’s father-in-law to say "please" as "let" and so on. Anyway, in some places, changing one or two words will completely change the meaning and attitude.

"Ling Xin has met the Empress Dowager". Dong Wei is blessed with a blessing, and thanks to the emperor for changing the kneeling ceremony. Generally speaking, it is not a gift to kneel.
"Ha ha, the little spirit is coming. Come and give a quiet look at the house of mourning." The queen mother smiled and waved at Dong Yuling and really liked her.
Not only did Dong Yuling save the emperor and the imperial concubine, but also the emperor’s various aspirations in the past two months.
The queen mother was brought together by the first emperor and the mother princess of Qin Ruwang in those days, and this is where she is today. She is also very concerned and caring for Qin Ruwang.
Now the emperor is the empress dowager, who has been saved by Lian Yan Jiing for many times. She also has a lot of gratitude and guilt, and expressed great kindness and love for the empress dowager Dong Ling.
Dong Yuling replied and walked over and saw that there were already many people in the main hall of Cining Palace. They all looked at 164. Chapter 164 had a foot in it.
In particular, the queen mother sat on the left hand side dressed as a princess and smiled sincerely with gratitude.
If you look closely, isn’t it jade imperial concubine?
"On that day, everyone was so flustered that they couldn’t take a closer look. Now, this girl turned out to be so good!" The queen mother walked over and actually had an accident. She really didn’t know that Dong Yuling was so amazing.
There is no gorgeous and luxurious jewelry to dress up the whole body, but it is rare for the queen mother to read all over Beijing. I can’t help but be amazed.
If I didn’t know the details of Dong Ling, I really couldn’t see that she was born in a peasant family.
"The Empress Dowager Empress praised the table without the gift of the Emperor!" Dong Yuling said modestly
"The queen mother empress, you see the county Lord’s mouth is sweet." Jade imperial concubine smiled and echoed.
"What a talker!" The Empress Dowager was more happy and satisfied. She paid more attention to Dong Yuling when she kept quiet. "Can you get used to being a county magistrate?"
"Lao Empress Dowager Empress’s heart is good, but there are too many rules. Ling Xin and her little sister remember dizziness." Dong Yuling teased the Empress Dowager Dowager’s heart and pulled her sister to the Empress Dowager by the way.
"Palace to see the county master learned very well. I don’t know if the county master needs to raise his mother? Why don’t you let the palace choose one for you? Is to know the rules "ranging from dong ling around words jade imperial concubine is straightforward.
Yu Guifei said very softly, that is, she gave Dong Fengling a chance to refuse at will, and at the same time, she told Dong Fengling that she was not a stopper, but sincerely. She considered a kind heart, and the man sent it over. Naturally, if Dong Fengling was not satisfied, he could dispose of it at will.
Since the birth of your daughter in Beijing, there has been at least one educated mammy, and there are as many as four uneducated mammies. That’s not a nice name.
Dong Yuling naturally understood that he should be full of words. "Thank you, Empress Gui, for loving Lingxin but being disrespectful."
Speaking, Dong Fengling looked at Yu Guifei for a while, and his face was slightly pale. He was fine and radiant, but he didn’t have all kinds of discomforts when he was producing.
And the most surprising thing to Dong Yuling is that the jade imperial concubine doesn’t have makeup, so she doesn’t mind her face being so white.
"Sister Ye, from now on, you can follow the county Lord. She is your Lord." Jade Guifei turned back and said to a woman that she was obviously ready.
Before Dong Yuling, Xie Liyu, the imperial concubine, explained that "Mammy Ye is a distant relative of Mammy Ye, who has been following the palace for many years, and now she has a good place to go with the county magistrate. There is a wave around the palace."
Yu Guifei’s words are a thorough account of Mammy Ye, not to make Dong Yuling fear, but to make her feel at ease.
"It’s the imperial concubine, the handmaiden, Ye’s visit to the Lord." Sister Ye bowed to Dong Yuling and sincerely recognized the new Lord.
"Get up, Lingxin comes from a peasant family and doesn’t know many rules. I hope Mammy Ye will take more care of her." Dong Yuling thought to herself whether this Mammy Ye could be given to her sister?
Sister Ye did not dare to say anything, and then he respected Dong Yuling behind him.
Seeing this, the queen mother laughed. "There is a mother Yu around Ai’s family who is going to put her in the palace for the second time to go home. If the county magistrate doesn’t dislike it, why don’t you give her a bite to eat?"
"The queen mother empress joking ling xin where there is such a thing? But if Sister Yu doesn’t mind the small temple of the county main house, go and live in the house! " Dong Yuling raised her eyebrows and was surprised. Why did the Queen Mother join in the fun? Listen to that tone. It’s also a sincere gift, not a fortress. Cloth eyeliner.

Huang Xuan took good advice and called Kangfu. At this time, he was calm and not childish at the age of 17.

I’m afraid no one will ever treat Huang Xuan as a teenager again, whether he is a home or a plane world.
Kangfu’s reaction is as slow as ever, like eating and drinking the tortoise for a long time before Huang Xuan’s waist is old. "What can I do for those who are limited to level 14?"
As soon as Saeed turned his head, he saw Huang Xuan’s waist green ball, but he nodded. The 14-level limit is quite good. If it is a plane battle, it should be possible to destroy 50,000 mixed mercenary teams alone. Then, considering Huang Xuan’s extremely fast shooting speed and the control of energy fineness, Saeed felt that travelers seemed to be natural enemies of soldiers.
Where did Huang Xuan know that Saeed had habitually evaluated his combat effectiveness? He took out the address just now and "linked here" to Kangfu Road.
It’s another half-minute wait. If it’s your base, it’s long enough to send the materials.
"Hello?" Said was the first middle-aged person to appear on the screen.
Huang Xuantou reveals Saeed behind him. "Biological warships can find you? He said you called water …? "
"My name is Su Shui." The middle-aged man didn’t know Huang Xuan’s identity, but he smiled kindly, but his face was still serious. "Oh, Mr. Said has paid 700 million heat circles in advance, so a total of one 24-level biological warship and one 2-level biological warship is 1.7 billion heat circles."
It’s 400 million less than the standard price in the network, and the hot circle is almost discounted.
Huang Xuan happily paid the money and added, "Is there anything else? I have a total of 4.5 billion hot circles here. "Mr. Comas’ advance payment is the working capital of his department."
Su Shui slightly difficult but soon nodded "then add a level 2 biological warships and a level 24 biological warships, such as? This is a 3.4 billion heat circle and then come back … "
Said came up at this moment and knocked on the screen and said, "Don’t forget it, just add two 24-class warships and 22-class warships totaling 4.5 billion. Num, remember to send me the sightseeing ship, too." He turned to Huang Xuandao and said, "Don’t abandon the tune that you travelers like."
Huang Xuan thought to himself that the level 6 network limiter is really extraordinary, let alone give away the 500 million hot circle. However, he didn’t talk about it first, but asked Ning ‘ao in a dark voice, "What is a sightseeing ship?"
"It’s the same nature as your yacht."
Yachts and planes are a wan ku means of transportation, and the ultimate reality is in line with Huang Xuanxin’s wish that his face will immediately smile sincerely and say to Said, "How dare this sightseeing ship?"
"You gave me a gun, too," said.
Huang Xuan was happy and said, "Then I would be disrespectful." After Nick translated it, he didn’t talk about the extra 500 million hot coils. "This … I can’t go back now and give you another 500 million hot coils for two days."
Said a stare eyes opened Nuts "said to you".
"I’ll take the tour ship, but business is business." Huang Xuan said that he was very skilled. In the final analysis, he said that it was a chance meeting. If both sides were not on the 19th floor of the Green Tower, there would be nothing to pay a Huang Xiaodi. Huang Xuan knows very well how cheap he should or can get. The benefits of 500 million hot circles are not small for himself-it’s like a village branch. Why do you embezzle 10 thousand? Mr. Comas, these risks are unnecessary compared with banknotes.
Said hummed a fact that he was satisfied with Huang Xuan’s words, and no one would like greedy and cheap people too much.
Huang Xuan didn’t say quietly waiting for the compartment Su Shui would have been busy.
In a moment, Su Shui smiled and said, "Have you handled all the seats?"
As soon as Huang Xuan turned his head, he knew that the Ministry said that Saeed saw him nod his head and screened the screen, so he whispered, "What is the Ning’ ao Ministry?"
"I don’t know anything about the post-plane era."
Huang Xuan’s four bases are all like this, and he will no longer ask the Blackwater people to try the gun by this time.
Upon confirmation of Huang Xuan, he said to Kangfu, "Look for Mr. Comas."
Chapter three hundred and sixty-seven Have a hot card life
Roger Comas is sitting in the family office at the moment, mobilizing the Comas family power. The R plane of Wendling family is deeply rooted. If you want to destroy your opponent in a raid, you must have the confidence to bear the loss.
The news of Huang Xuanlai quickly surprised his heart. Comas looked at the messy energy screen and thought unexpectedly whether these things still made sense without glory to help him.
Huang Xuanyin was very relaxed. Mr. Comas was relieved and asked hopefully, "Is there anything wrong with Mr. Huang’s warship?"
"It’s done," Huang Xuan said confidently. "Where are you going to put the warships when they arrive on two standard days?"
Without hesitation, Mr. Comas said, "Our family has a base in the Orfa Nebula." He sent the address through Kangfu.
Huang Xuan glanced at Nick and naturally went to Lianshui.

But in the street, I can’t see the beautiful scenery in the capital. Tao Zhuo started to play. "Brother Ye, let’s find a highland to sit and watch." I just ate a little food and I was tired and just rested.

Qiye is very familiar with the topographical buildings in Beijing. She looked around and pointed to the right side. "Let’s go to the Drum Tower over there where the location is high and the place is secluded and won’t be seen."
"Good" Tao Zhuo looked up at the drum tower and was eager to try. "Can you go?"
"Neng" This time, Qi Ye stopped bamboo, holding Tao to burn himself, and found a hidden surface at the top of the drum tower, which was hard to find, but the vision was wide and the excellent position was set, and the bamboo and the dark guard followed closely.
Tao Zhuo took a glance at Qiye’s arm and exclaimed, "It’s so high, but it looks so beautiful. Look at the two light towers over there. I don’t know whose house is really beautiful."
You can see the beautiful scenery when you get up high.
And there is no wind at the moment, even high places are not so cold.
Qi Ye looked at her feet, which were fairly smooth, and laid the groundwork for her "sitting on the surface and watching".
Chapter 6 Chapter 6
"People are back?"
Pingyang County Wangfu Room, Pingyang County King sat in a chair and looked at his confidant.
"Back to the king of the county, the two have come back from the back door."
Pingyang County King nodded. "It’s good to come back. Even if there are many people in the Lantern Festival, you can’t take risks. Let them not go out again before leaving the capital."
This time, the two men went to Beijing, and he was very worried. After all, it was not appropriate at this juncture.
"There are still two months to go, and it’s time to start over there on the calculation day. Please send someone to help clean up the front of the mansion, and everything is ready. It’s not suitable for your uncle to live there."
"It’s already been cleaned. I’ll check it again in a couple of days."
"Well, I don’t worry about what you do."
When Pingyang County King looked at it, he "returned to the back house"
Princess Pingyang County is also a worried look. Seeing the king of Pingyang County, he got up and pulled him to the room. "Husband, just let the two live in the house, will that do?" My heart is always unstable. "
Besides, why did my husband come and go there again? "Didn’t you say you wouldn’t trade with them anymore?"
The king of Pingyang County said, "Don’t worry, I’ll be careful about this. Don’t ask more questions. There are many things that you shouldn’t know about."
Princess Pingyang County shook her head. "I’ve tried several times, but I’m still lukewarm about Keqing. You know that it’s time for me to have my right girl. It’s time to take it slowly. If it weren’t for Liu Qian’s stirring up New Year’s Eve, there should be some progress."
The king of Pingyang County said, "You ask your niece to do something. Don’t take it too seriously. Go into the East Palace and plan slowly."
This man, especially a young man, can’t compete with a female figure. "Tell your niece how to do things if she can’t even do this and enter the East Palace."
"It’s my body that knows." Princess Pingyang looked at the candlelight husband near some. "Husband can really …"
She pointed her finger.
"Well, it’s been planned for so many years, and it’s not urgent. You should be more careful when you communicate for a while."
Now he is a weak county king, but how can a man have no ambition? Besides, he has gone this way from the beginning.
With these words, Pingyang County King went into the clean room to bathe.
He just went in with his front foot, and Jinger also reached the roof, but he didn’t listen to what he had just said.
But when I saw the two Turks in Jinger, a former clause, I had already proved that Pingyang County Palace was haunted.
Jing Er will be back in about half an hour.
At this time, Qiye and Tao Zhuo have already returned to the ground to wait in the box of Shizhen Building.
Jing Erxun came and appeared and told what he saw in Pingyang County Wangfu.
"I didn’t expect to really have a problem to write a letter to my brother and let him check it." Qiye asked Jinger to write directly without delay.
"Brother Ye, then let’s go home." Tao Zhuo couldn’t go shopping again after such a thing. "It’s getting late."
"Well, I’ll take you back. If you want to come out and play late, we’ll go shopping with lanterns."
Tao Zhuo felt that Pingyang County Wangfu was going to have problems, and he had to be busy with the sidewalk. "If Brother Ye is busy with business, it is not very rare for me to watch lights every year anyway."
The main thing is that it will be different to have him with you now.
Three days later
Pingyang County Palace was outflanked.
From the county palace, dozens of boxes of rare treasures were found, not to mention other fields, houses, houses, shops, shops and so on. A thick pile was filled with two boxes.
Perhaps the king of Pingyang County didn’t expect things to come to light so quickly. Everything was put in the room and didn’t come to move away. Even if it was put in a secret compartment, Emperor Jinglong’s dark guard had a good eye on the county palace and was naturally dug up on the third day.
In addition to being married, Yunyang County Jun and two concubines, Pingyang County Wang and his wife, and three or two women were imprisoned by Zhao, but the title of Yunyang County Jun was also cut off. It was really Pingyang County Wangfu, who was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason to sell the big Qi Dynasty army to the Turks, but who made Pingyang County Wang an imperial clan and could not be a barbarian?
Emperor jinglong was surprised to think that there was a thief in the army, but he didn’t want to be a county king in the DPRK and an imperial clan.
Knowing that the king of Pingyang County was defeated at the border, his men went to Turkey. Emperor Jinglong almost beheaded the king of Pingyang County on the spot.
"I, the king of Tangtang County in the Great Qi Dynasty, was bought by the Turkish enemy. Treason is really a disgrace to the royal family. I didn’t even know that you had the face to meet my great Qi ancestors!"
Emperor Jinglong looked at the king of Pingyang County, who was kneeling on the ground, and was furious. "People will take Qi Yi as a pulse, except for the clan county palace. Everyone will go to Jue to seize the seal. Fifteen-year-old Qi Yi and his wife will ask the rest of them whether they are men or women."
If it weren’t for the injury caused by the execution in the spring, and Emperor Jinglong really wanted to immediately push people out and behead such scum, it was a great Qi disaster.
King Pingyang’s eyeball contraction
He also thought of this day, but he firmly believed that there was no need to burn firewood in the green hills, but if there was no life, all this planning would be meaningful?
Fortunately, there are still a few months to go, and I hope I can survive.
But at this time, I still cried out, "The guilty minister should say this plainly, but the children didn’t know it. To ask for mercy is to imprison and beg for mercy …"
He didn’t plead with his children for three years and fifteen years, but he was a father.
But the emperor was waving his sleeves in anger and had him taken out to prison.
Let’s take a look at the list that was seized from Pingyang County Wangfu. Emperor Jinglong threw it on the console table. "The moth is greedy and the scum has harmed so many soldiers to die!"
When I was young, the king of Pingyang County patrolled the corridor and knew the state in Huaiyuan for several years. It was at that time that the Turks were involved, which made Emperor Jinglong even more scared. Fortunately, his younger brother and Yuhua County Lord happened to bump into it and found something fishy. Otherwise, Qiyi would betray the Turkish army and even March straight into the road to match Gyeonggi.
I shudder at the thought that Qi Yi still wants to go out for a long time to enter Taidong Palace and want other effects, even the future monarch is calculated to Jinglong Emperor. This Qi Yi cannot stay any longer.
Tao Zhuo learned that these specific matters were told to her personally by Qiye the next day.
At the thought of Ji Xia Ya being imprisoned together now, there were several girls she was not familiar with during Zhu Keqing’s period who were all received in the county palace. I couldn’t help saying, "Originally, I still thought that Princess Pingyang was very supportive of her family and took one niece after another to the palace to find her husband’s family. It turned out that these were just chess for the couple in Pingyang County."
Yeah, it’s just chess. Get close to Taitai and send her over.
But Tao Zhuo also felt that such a thing could not be forced. If these girls were not greedy for wealth, how could they be at the mercy of Qi Yi and his wife? However, it was only a few unqualified people who were married off.
If it weren’t for the leak, Zhu Keqing wouldn’t make the side means enter the East Palace.

That wonderful doctor

Maybe it’s that Wang Chonggu, the imperial doctor, left a feeling in his hand, and all the people in Fuwei Escort Agency died, but he was fine.
Wei zhong’s binocular contraction
"You are not Liao You. Who are you?"
"Ha ha ….."’ Liao You’ laughed face upwards immediately after one leng.
"It’s worthy that the eagle eye can catch a glimpse of Zhang’s great disguise."
As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and wiped his face. The whole person twisted his body and suddenly grew several inches tall until he let go.
Staring at each other wei heavy stuffy mouth.
"Thousands of people face Zhang Yan!"
"Good" Zhang Yan nodded.
"It is Zhang!"
Zhang Yan, a thousand-faced man, is also a famous master in the Jianghu, even if his strength is slightly inferior to that of Wei Zhong and others.
Moreover, this person is good at being easy, shrinking bones and often pretending to be others, which makes people hard to prevent.
At this moment, after Zhou Yi hit Wang Chonggu, he threw a cloth bag and took out a book from it.
"Is this what you are looking for?"
Chapter 65 Show power
Immortal roll!
Nine times out of ten, if you listen to this name, you will find it in the fairy.
Zhang Yan suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhou Yi. Before he could move, a figure was swept out of the grass next to him.
The speed of the figure is as fast as flashing sound with ecstasy.
"Stop it!" Zhang’s face changed, but he didn’t fly to grab his double sleeves. He shook more than ten black mans and alluded to people.
Wu Mang’s castration is amazing, and the figure with a broken scream has to be improperly stagnant, and the waist is soft and the sword dance is intercepted by the sword curtain.
The heavy cold light of the sword curtain shows that people have achieved a lot in swordsmanship.
"Ding ding … Dangdang …"
Hidden weapons is an exception, landing impressively is a flying needle.
Zhang Yan took the opportunity to fly straight at Zhou Yisuo.
The figure frowns and drinks the shock wave of soft sword’s debut, which also makes Zhang Yan have to keep moving and swing his hand.
The two men fought with Qi Dacheng’s breath for more than ten times and landed together.
The means are even!
"Who is my Tao?"
See the bearer with an open face and an eyebrow.
"It turned out to be the Dragon Master Pavilion in Dragon Sword Villa. It was unexpected that such a person would do such a dangerous thing."
"same to you!" Master Long looks handsome and distinguished. soft sword in his hand is like a snake shaking his eyes.
"Brother Zhang, if you are willing to stop here, Long will remember that there will be a good reward in the future!"
"Hey hey …"
Zhang Yan sneers
"Do you think it’s possible?"
This is something that immortals have heard. I don’t know if I can meet it. How can I miss it after exhausting my luck for generations?
He is easy to change his face and hide himself from all the people in Fuwei Escort Agency. He thinks that a few masters can take advantage of it when they are killed.
Never thought
Unexpectedly, another one came out.
Longjian Mountain Villa is also the top power in Jianghu. A few decades ago, there was a congenital master sitting in it, which was comparable to the Lins.
Did Yu Kouxu, Wei Zhong and others ever think that someone wanted to be a fisherman, even if they did, but once they started, they couldn’t help themselves.
It’s hard to stop even if you guess someone will be behind you.
Just like now
So is he!
Visually, Master Zhang Yanlong shook his head and sighed.

"Well, I’ll arrange it until it’s arranged, and then we’ll start as soon as possible! Brother Feng has just been promoted to the realm of dzogchen, but he hasn’t congratulated him yet. Brother Feng is still consolidating a realm! " Any suspection.i zhantian said with a smile

"Actually, I have to thank the suspection.i bro for his promotion to this level. If it weren’t for the suspection.i bro Huang Jidan, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been promoted to this level so soon. Thank you!" Feng Jingyun is very grateful to Huangfu Zhantian. He didn’t expect that an emperor’s extremely Dan had such a powerful effect, which made Feng Jingyun even more confused about Huangfu Zhantian’s identity, because this Dan medicine was not even available to them, and he didn’t know that Huangfu Zhantian was like getting [
"It’s all right, just lift a finger. Well, I’ll inform Feng Xiong that I’m leaving!" Any suspection.i war day with the wave and then left.
"Xiaotian, what are you talking to Feng Jingyun? Did he make it? " Henaan looked at the suspection.i Zhantian in the distance and the two of them talked there. She didn’t wait until suspection.i Zhantian left before she left.
"Nothing. We’ll go to the protoss in a couple of days. I have something to go to the protoss!" Any suspection.i war days for Henaan did not hide immediately will iron and ghost inn things said it again.
"Yeah, but will the inferno and the protoss be enemies that day?" Henaan worried.
"Nothing will happen then!" Any suspection.i Zhantian grabbed Henaan hand and said with a smile
Henaan didn’t expect any suspection.i Zhantian to suddenly attack and break free.
"There must be a lot of crisis in Xiaotian Shenmo Inn. Do you really want to go?" Henaan looked up and asked.
"Ha-ha, we’ve experienced less danger. Don’t worry, we’ll be careful when the time comes. There’s absolutely nothing, and I know that it’s very important to have a strong soul. Don’t you know my soul?" Any suspection.i zhantian patted Henaan hand way
"yeah!" Henaan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief after thinking about this.
"The two deputy champions, Tianmu Mountain in the south of the city, discovered that a group of unidentified strong people are killing human beings!" Is suspection.i zhantian and Henaan two people talking when a panic sound came out.
Hearing this, suspection.i Zhantian and Henaan looked at each other, and then they flew directly to the place where the sound was made.
"What’s the matter?" Any suspection.i Zhantian asked the man.
"Back to the adults, there are some unidentified strong people who are killing humans. A caravan hopes that adults can go to the rescue!" After seeing Huangfu Zhantian, the man recognized that this was the siege of their city gate, that is, the two deputy champions.
"Well, let’s go and have a look!" Huangfu Zhantian Duihuayu way
"You go and call my teacher. Let’s go and have a look when they come over!" Any suspection.i Zhantian with that, he flew with Henaan towards the place where the man said.
"Should we wait for them?" Henaan asked some concerns.
"It’s okay. Let’s go and see if we meet an irresistible strong person, then we will leave. Who else will keep us?" Any suspection.i war days without any worries directly pull Henaan fly towards the front.
"Boom …!"
The two of them just got there when they heard a roar to feel the roar. The face of Huangfu Zhantian was suddenly a clot. These people are so strong. It seems that things are a bit tricky, but Huangfu Zhantian is not timid [
"These damn guys!" Any suspection.i Zhantian and Henaan immediately after they saw the situation here, their eyes were latosolic red because the caravan had been slaughtered in front of them. No one was left alive and there were more than a dozen black people who knew it was an evil robber.
Say that finish after suspection.i Zhantian and Henaan, the two of them didn’t stop to fly directly to those people, and each of them cast the strongest attack toward these people.
The green silk belt in front of Henaan has become different at this time. The place where waving the green silk is broken and Henaan’s posture is completely different at this time. The whole person is like a dancing butterfly, which makes those black people unable to get close to her. Anyone who is close to her ten feet is directly smashed by the green silk in her hand.
Seeing Henaan’s charm, Huangfu Zhantian certainly refused to lag behind Raytheon Hammer and did not hesitate to bombard these people.
"Hum, where are you from? Get out of here!" Just suspection.i war day when the two of them killed happily, a cold sound came.
Hearing this, suspection.i Zhantian and Henaan are coming with a risk-averse mind.
"Hum, you evil robbers dare to come here. You are not afraid of death!" Any suspection.i war cold hum a way
"Jie jie smelly little you mean you? I admit that you two are very strong, but both of you have not even reached the level of a god, and you are still trying to kill him. This is the funniest joke you have heard this year! " The old man in the black robe laughed. Section 176: Cunning Xiaotian.
"Hum, I don’t know if I can kill you, but I know that you have robbed two venerable masters who are dead. You claim to be venerable in the hands of the young master, and it is estimated that your strength is not much better than theirs. The young master will not have any strength to punish you!" Any suspection.i war day smiling way
"It’s interesting that Xiaoyue said that it’s more and more unreliable. You said that you killed us and robbed the two lords? Well, which two of our lords did you say you killed? " The old man obviously doesn’t believe that the Lord is equal in strength. Although his position in evil robbery is not very high, it is very high in the Lord.

Several cabins were like this, and nothing of value was seen by Wang Hao.

I took a look at the map of the spaceship given to me by the industrial department. Wang Hao thought a little and then said, "The reconnaissance team will follow me to the main control room of the spaceship to get all the records of the spaceship. The rest of the members will continue to search the spaceship and report to me as soon as they find anything."
"Yes!" The accompanying team members agreed to one.
The members of the investigation team immediately divided into two teams. One team followed Wang Hao directly to the main control room of the spacecraft, while the other team dispersed to search the whole spacecraft.
Yuyun spacecraft is a heavy transport spacecraft. There are thousands of different cabins in the hull, and there are tens of thousands of maze-like shuttle passages. If there is no map guide or someone who is very familiar with the structure of the spacecraft, Wang Hao will easily get lost here.
Through the dark and narrow corridor, through one heavy hatch after another, through a different cabin … Wang Hao’s thoughts were shrouded in a strange feeling.
This is subordinate to the human language, which does not show the characteristics of human language. At the moment, the spaceship brings Wang Hao and his teammates strange and strange.
The members of the investigation team who followed behind silently grasped the energy guns in their hands and made a warning move, as if some monsters would jump out at any time in front.
Of course, the monster didn’t appear, and Wang Hao went to the general control room of Yuyun spacecraft smoothly. After the special password was given to the general control room, Wang Hao finally made a new discovery.
Wang Hao once again saw a body, which collapsed in the chair in front of the console, leaning back and hanging his arms like the rest of the body, and the body had already been frozen and stiff by extremely low temperature.
Opposite the body is a still-working display screen, which is playing clips that seem to exist in a little girl’s life.
The picture seems to be an amusement park. The little girl and another young woman are leading different amusement facilities. The little girl keeps laughing and is obviously very upset, but the audio playback equipment here seems to be broken and there is no sound.
Chapter three hundred and ninety Isolation
These videos are less than ten minutes in length, but they are repeated and are still being shown until now.
Wang Hao went forward and put his eyes on the body, and found that this body was different from the previous bodies. It is very obvious that the astronaut did not die of suicide. Little Wang Hao did not find anything to kill himself, and his system was different from the rest of the bodies.
An entourage explained in a low voice, "This is the captain system. He is the captain of this ship."
Another soldier said, "I have found out the identity information of the little girl in the picture. She is the captain’s daughter."
Wang Hao nodded silently and said, "Data mining."
The reconnaissance team immediately looked for the information channel to collect the ship’s log information. Wang Hao quietly looked at the body. "If it is said that the pain caused by this ulceration of the body caused those astronauts to end their lives, then what is the intensity of this pain? ….. and would rather endure this pain than live a little more, do you want to see your daughter more? "
Workers are busy with Wang Hao’s heart and have already made a preliminary judgment on the situation here.
"Many diseases that can cause whole body ulceration and cause severe pain have been discovered by human medical institutions, but those diseases are all curable. The Yuyun spacecraft is a heavy transport ship, so the spacecraft has complete medical facilities and specialized medical personnel to accompany it. They are fully capable of solving the diseases that have been found to cause ulceration, but the fact is that all the crew members of the entire spacecraft died of this disease. So it can be said that …"
Wang Hao pondered silently and gradually realized his thoughts.
"It’s not just that the spacecraft equipped with medical equipment, drugs and accompanying medical personnel are helpless."
It is not a big deal for human beings to find new diseases and solve them, but this incident is not the same as in the past. The most important point is that the disease broke out not in the Ministry of Human Resources but in a spaceship, which has just experienced a long interstellar voyage.
This means a lot of things, which may indicate some terrible consequences.
"The universe is vast, and our understanding of the universe is still just a drop in the ocean. I’m afraid it is difficult to get rid of the cosmic environment in this spaceship, and if this disease can spread widely among human beings, it is undoubtedly a disaster, especially for today’s human culture."
Although he is a medical doctor, Wang Hao still knows very well that modern human culture can’t stand too many twists and turns. The long escape has exhausted people’s energy and patience, and the endurance has been brought to the extreme if …
Wang Hao can’t imagine that picture.
"Captain, we have finished the collection." A worker reported to Wang Hao that Wang Hao recovered from meditation and nodded slightly. "Let’s go."
A group of workers walked out with Wang Hao, and after gathering more than the investigators, people once again came to the hall at the door of the spacecraft.
Looking at the ferocious corpse Wang Hao in front of him in the transition cabin, I felt a little heavy in my heart.
"Please rest assured that I will find your killer and get your revenge."
The transition cabin door slowly lowered the bodies and closed them again. Wang Hao and others in the Yuyun spacecraft returned to the reconnaissance spacecraft they had taken before.
The reconnaissance team has just changed the course of the Yuyun spacecraft. At this moment, its tail main engine hull attitude has been adjusted. The engine has been pushing the huge hull to slowly change its direction. When it comes, it will orbit the Phoenix Star for more than 300 years. If it is not investigated clearly, it will enter the star department one day.
There is no return by law. The Yuyun spacecraft has already entered the Spacecraft Department to explore and inspect the base staff, Wang Hao, and his party have returned to the Star Department by law.
A total of three ships waited silently in this virtual space. After about a few hours, a fleet arrived here.
This fleet consists of seventeen ships, fifteen of which have the appearance of battle ships, while the other two are civilian ships.
After arriving here, fifteen combat ships quietly dispersed and surrounded three ships, including the Yuyun spacecraft, while the two civilian ships slowly drove to the reconnaissance spacecraft.
At the same time, a wave entered the communication instrument equipped by Wang Hao. "Hello, Wang Hao, I am the head of the Third Special Warship Team of the Sixth Regiment. From now on, the domain will be blocked by our fleet. Without my permission, the spacecraft will not be allowed to enter or leave here, and all your materials, equipment and personnel needs will be handled by us."
"Roger that," Wang Hao said. "We are firmly following orders."
"We have deployed a medical spaceship for you, which has all the medical research instruments you need. You can analyze and study the targets you have collected in this spaceship, and you can also communicate with the team of blue star medical experts in real time through special communication channels. The team of medical experts will give you real-time support for your research."
"Roger that"
"Now, please evacuate all personnel from our side. You have prepared a life spaceship. You will live in this spaceship until the investigation is over. If you need to board the ship again, you will also carry out on-the-spot investigation."
At the same time, the team members agreed to dock the civilian ship with the reconnaissance ship. Together with Wang Hao, they entered the Yuyun ship. After that, the ship docked with the small ship at the inspection base, and the workers at the inspection base were also admitted to the middle.
Everyone knows that these people will spend their lives in this special spaceship that they are prepared to live in unless the investigation of the incident is over and it is proved that there is not a serious threat to human beings and they are seriously infected with diseases, or that these people who have been in the spaceship are not infected and will be released before they can be free.
The same is true of Wang Hao, but unlike the others, Wang Hao has another mission. Wang Hao is a front-line soldier to fight these potentially deadly diseases. When Wang Hao comes, he will personally study and investigate the truth behind this incident.
Wang Hao doesn’t know what he will face, and he doesn’t know how many dangers are waiting for him. Wang Hao, an expert in infectious diseases, clearly knows that the battlefield of microbiology is not safer than that of guns and warships. There may be people dying here with a slight negligence, and the causes of death are various, and he doesn’t even know how to die.

Second, if you like to watch it, please collect more recommendations and support in my efforts. Thank you brothers and sisters.

After that, things were much simpler. Song Chang Gung made them swear, so he asked Xu Feiniang to help him protect the law. Together with the female black dragon, they entered the water cave house and found a spacious big house to sit and talk with.
According to the woman, their former names are no longer the same. Now her husband’s name is Long Xuan, and her name is Narcissus. This water cave is the black dragon Long Xuan who forced the sea water to form water by himself.
Then add all kinds of prohibitions. Long Dan’s power source changes freely, and it is extremely difficult to break this water cave house. Its area is thousands of miles, just in the middle of six mountains.
Those six mountains are the six knife-shaped peaks that you can see on the sea. Actually, they are the peaks of the mountains. There are several distant and vast undersea mountains here in Wan Li.
After they lived here for a while, it was only now that there was a sea eye here, and there was a great shortage in the east after the predecessors’ abode of fairies and immortals, Lu Gui, who pointed out that this place used to be the ancient fairy plate’s leading mansion.
She and her husband are scattered immortals, because they fought with the black dragon. Although she killed the black dragon, her husband’s body was destroyed, and she was assassinated in the black dragon’s body and could never get out again.
Later, I learned that there is Dan medicine in the treasure house here that can make heterogeneous people take off their old bodies. I have been waiting for the opportunity here, and now Song Changgeng is willing to help them.
After a few days of preparation, they walked in a wide field. The black dragon showed that its original length was as long as 100 meters and nearly 10 meters. Now Song Chang-geng has insufficient skills.
As a last resort, he stopped being cruel and gave birth to himself. In his mind,’ Chaos Blood God Yuan Zhu’ gave birth to embryos and scattered them, so as to mobilize the three thousand-year-old capability inside.
Song Chang-geng banned the release of five pills of’ Three-Yuan Soul-Condensing and Spirit-refining Dan’ and let the medicine enter the dragon body. With the help of’ Nine-Day Yuan Yang Ruler’, he put his 3,000-year skill into the black dragon body.
This Xu Fei Niang didn’t know what she was. She always felt depressed in front of this man. It turned out that his skill was so advanced that I’m afraid he was a reclusive elder. She was determined to win him over.
Song Chang-gung’s idea about Xu Fei-niang is no longer in charge. He has devoted his mind and skill to controlling the penetration of drugs and trying to wrap Long Xuan Yuan Shen.
For seventeen days later, a three-meter-high-green white ball of light flew out of the black dragon’s body and was suspended in it. Some people’s bodies appeared and gradually showed human shapes.
Although the female’ Narcissus’ was profound, she couldn’t help crying with joy, but Song Changgeng had left all that behind. After the blue and white ball left, he said, "Xu Daoyou protects the law!"
Then he took out the improved’ Daye Honglu’ from the right front waist Gankun bag, sucked the black dragon body in and refined it, and gave all the defenses to Xu Feiniang.
He is gambling. He bet that Xu Feiniang can help him protect the law, otherwise he will be dead. But if Xu Feiniang wants to win him over against Emei Sect, he will certainly help him. He is really right.
Song Chang-geng’s huge sum of money suddenly occurred to him that he was going to make this black dragon into a member, so that he would have two bodies, which not only made him stronger, but also gave him a greater chance of life.
He is so sure because he got three [Life Atlas] in the’ East China Sea Silver Cicada Reef’, which specifically talks about how to breed and refine all kinds of biological surfaces, and there are data of Yulong Department.
There are also all kinds of life information, from their most basic genes to the methods of functional inoculation when they grow up. Although their principles make Song Changgeng’s head big, they are really rich.
This black dragon has been possessed by the man’ Long Xuan’ for nearly 5,000 years, and then practiced for more than 1,000 years. When the man condensed the Yuan God, he took away more than 2,000 years and left nearly 4,000 years.
Song Chang-geng’s smelting of the black dragon’s body in the’ Daye Honglu’ is a year and a half. In this period, his mental vitality is connected with the black dragon’s body in the furnace to form a wonderful cycle.
In the past 7,000 years, Daoxing has been constantly transforming and strengthening the two bodies, and at the same time, it has refined its skills in the flow cycle, making Daoxing more honest.
Looking at Song Chang-geng’s refining method, Xu Fei Niang and the Long Xuan husband and wife are all jumpy. Although they don’t know what magic this is, they can see that this power is not bad.
After a year and a half, Song Changgeng finally finished the transformation and refining. This dragon has become his doppelganger, but it has no soul. It is just a white body controlled by his simple gods.
After refining, this dragon has more than 300 years of skill in its body, maintaining the operation of various functions of its body, while its mind has been condensed into a Dan for 3 thousand years.
Although the skill is less than that of the former black dragon, the ability is far away. Many of the new abilities of the black dragon are that it is a perfect member to join the Yuan God after it is not necessary, but now it has to be sealed in the furnace for warmth.
Recovering the capability Song Changgeng felt that the’ Chaos Blood God Yuan Zhu’ in his mind had become more pure, and even the’ Xuan Yin Blood Flame God Gang’, which was in harmony with the body, seemed to have a capability of about 300 years.
The Taoist elixir in Yu Dantian has also had more than 300 years of skill. Although the pre-conceived real embryo was scattered, the harvest was really great.
Moreover, he is ready to re-nurture himself after the incident, but he has to deal with things here first. After all, there is a treasure at the bottom of the sea waiting for him to get a lot of things.
Xu Fei Niang and the Long Xuan husband and wife came to congratulate him on his success in refining the law, and Song Chang-geng also returned the gift one by one. He was also very happy in his heart. After all, his strength has increased again.
Because their respective goals have been achieved, everyone can sit and talk honestly this time. Song Changgeng first said, "Xu Daoyou helped me protect the law for a year and a half. I remember that I will help you achieve your wish."
After listening to his words, Xu Fei Niang was delighted and pleasantly surprised to have such a mysterious expert to help her succeed. The hope will be even more shocking. How did he know that he was going to deal with Emei Sect? She didn’t tell anyone.
Song Chang Gung then said to Long Xuan and his wife, "Some of my younger brothers will come here to train their virtuous couples. If you want, we can become sworn brothers. Do you live here and help me look after my younger brothers?"
[End of Volume IV]
Chapter 41 The Second Beppu
At the end of the third year, the New Year will wish everyone a happy mood and a wide range of financial resources, and also give me some collections. What do you recommend? Thank you, brothers and sisters.
After hearing what he said, Long Xuan and his wife couldn’t help rejoicing. If they all saw it, they were driven away from Beihai. Now there is such a master who is willing to become sworn.
The most important thing is that they don’t leave here. After all, they have nowhere to go, and they built it themselves. I really don’t want to leave, but there was an agreement before, and now it’s fine.
Narcissus smiled heartily. "My husband and wife really can’t count on it. We have both practiced for about 1,500 years. I don’t know how long it will take for our friends to practice, so that we can line up and call each other later."
Xu Fei Niang suddenly laughed. "How can such a good thing not bring me a little sister to practice? But after a hundred years, it’s better than a few, so I have to pity my sister."
Song Chang Gung smiled. "Since everyone is willing, of course, it’s good. I’m a person from the late Qin Dynasty and the early Han Dynasty who practiced for less than two thousand years. I think I’m a resident and formally introduce it again."
I, Song Chang Gung, am the 12th generation master of Worry Gate, and now I am the official younger brother of the great imperial country. There are more than 40 people, but all of them are newly paid for more than ten years, with good foundation but shallow skills. "
Xu Fei Niang exclaimed, "Eldest brother turned out to be a great imperial Buddhist? Was it the eldest brother who disturbed the secret and saved the great emperor? Little sister admire unceasingly. "
Song Chang-geng smiled proudly, saying that he wanted to be the boss at the end of Qin Dynasty and the beginning of Han Dynasty, so that he could have an absolute place in this small circle.

Ah, Li sighed again. You don’t know that a day ago, the demon clan suddenly broke out in war and was sealed. The demon emperor suddenly broke through the seal. In the human world, he called on the demon clans to cultivate immortality and set up a teaching to deal with the famous sects in the human world. At present, the school of cultivating immortality in the human world is in jeopardy, and the spiritual world has to send a large number of these sects to cultivate immortality to help the human world.

After listening to Li’s words, Guo Xiaosi also fell silent. He didn’t expect such a great event to happen in the human world. He recited the magic emperor’s amazing breakthrough in the seal through the ages. This is what Guo Xiaosi didn’t expect. What is more important is the importance of Guo Xiaosi and the white world to the spiritual world. This is not generally important. You know that the foundation of the spiritual world is that no one in the human world cultivates immortality, so this spiritual world is about to wither.
However, Guo Xiaosi doesn’t care much about these things. It is a faint arch eyebrows figure that floats from my heart, but it is also instantaneous.
At the same time, Guo Xiaosi is also somewhat curious about the rise of the magic emperor. I didn’t expect that the magic emperor broke the seal and didn’t directly kill the spiritual world, but adopted the method of wooing and gathering to kill those famous sects. You know, being excluded from the famous sects, cultivating immortals is a lot of hidden cultivation, so it can be seen that this magic emperor is indeed an able person.
Guo Xiaosi and others don’t know that the magic emperor not only wooed the mortals to join the church, but also cultivated a large number of people who were loyal to teaching, so that these mortals also cultivated immortality rapidly.
Ah, farewell to Li Guo Xiaosi, who stepped into the demon door with great thoughts, but I didn’t expect one person to collide. When Guo Xiaosi hurried to hold the person who was hit, it was Tang Xiaoqian.
The teacher elder sister, I’m sorry to see that Tang Xiaoqian Guo Xiaosi couldn’t help exclaiming, but she was also full of doubts. You should know that you didn’t notice the person in front because you were full of thoughts, but Tang Xiaoqian didn’t notice Guo Xiaosi because of this height.
No, Tang Xiaoqian hurriedly waved his hand and said that his forehead was a little sad. Oh, it’s Teacher Guo. You’re back. Look clearly, it’s Guo Xiaosi. Tang Xiaoqian’s sad forehead is more than a little happy
The teacher elder sister, you look at Guo Xiaosi with a sad face. Tang Xiaoqian also knows what a forced smile is. Carefully worded, are you worried? Guo Xiaosi, although Tang Xiaoqian doesn’t have much contact, she clearly knows that Tang Xiaoqian is always optimistic. When the pressure is too strong, she will choose to rely on it. Tang Xiaoqian has always been very strong until Xiao Datian is now a little relieved.
Nothing. Tang Xiaoqian smiled and immediately said that the spiritual world has been chaotic recently, so you should be more careful.
Thank you, Elder Martial Sister, for waking up, Guo Xiaosi nodded and then looked at Tang Xiaoqian’s back, bleak and walking in front of the mountain gate with countless vicissitudes of life.
Knock, knock, knock.
Suddenly, a violent bell rang in the demon mountain. Guo Xiaosi Tang Xiaoqian was indecisive. Listening to the clock, when the clock struck nine times, Tang Xiaoqian and Guo Xiaosi were suddenly surprised. They both looked at each other and hurried towards the main hall. Nine times in the demon door, the clock represented the most important event. Demon disciples had to go to the General Hall.
During the running, Guo Xiaosi guessed what had happened and would strike nine.
When Guo Xiaosi came to the main hall, there were already many demon brothers in the main hall for a moment, but Xiao Datian took a non-demon brother to cultivate immortality and now he is in the main hall.
It’s good for the head master to meet the demon disciples in the main hall of Xiao Datian. When a major event happens, the younger brothers are all called Xiao Datian. When the head master usually meets Xiao Datian, the younger brothers are called Master. This is also the difference between other sects of the demon clan.
Xiao Datian nodded with satisfaction, and the smile that usually hangs on the corners of his mouth has disappeared. Instead, it is a dignified way. The spiritual world has suffered a lot. We have to work together to overcome the difficulties. Xiao Datian pointed to the young cultivate immortality behind him and said to his younger brother, this is Tianxing Zongdi Xiaoyao Hui. He will tell you about the current spiritual situation.
Brother Hui, who is called Xiaoyao, hurried to the center of the temple and said with a little anxiety that Gankunmen suddenly invaded when a large number of Tianxing sects cultivated immortals and entered the human world to exorcise demons. At present, Tianxing Sect has been surrounded by me and I am desperate to break through, but it is still seen that the alliance can save the danger and Tianxing Sect can eliminate Gankunmen.
Chapter four hundred and thirty-one Rescue Tianxingzong
Hearing Xiaoyao Hui say this sentence, Guo Xiaosi looked at Xiaoyao Hui carefully and found that Xiaoyao Hui was bloodied and tired. Obviously, it was after some hard work that he came to Yaomen for help.
Gankunmen has been eyeing the spiritual veins of the major sects in the spiritual world. Today, Xiao Datian finally said with a little sadness, but I didn’t expect Gankunmen to choose the right time to start when our major sects in the spiritual world were understaffed. Xiao Datian continued, even if we are understaffed, I will send someone to rescue our allies. We can’t fall into a treacherous name.
Thank you, Xiao Zhang Xiaoyao Hui, for plopping down on his knees in the tunnel. I came all the way to visit many sects, but all of them were rejected one by one, or closed the door or made no excuses. Xiao Zhang’s kindness said Xiaoyao Hui drummed three heads on the spot. Thank you, Xiao Zhang Tianxing Zong, for remembering this kindness.
Get up quickly, raise your hand gently, Xiao Datian suddenly feels that he has been lifted by a strong force, and then Xiao Datian said to many demon disciples that at present, not only must we rescue our allies from being hurt by the dry Kun people, but I want to send my disciples to Tianxingzong to have a look. Xiao Datian looked at the demon disciples in the main hall and couldn’t help but focus on Guo Xiaosi Tang Xiaoqian.
Think about Guo Xiaosi Tang Xiaoqian’s current repair of Xiao Datian, and then he made an idea. Tang Xiaoqian and Guo Xiaosi will go to Tianxingzong together with you at Xiaoyao Hui this time, and we will arrive later.
It’s impossible for my brother to point to his own head and refuse. It’s still a serious and solemn occasion. Nai Guo Xiaosi should also scold Gan Kunmen to the skin and do things. It’s bound to make ups and downs.
Xiao Datian nodded and said, Pay attention to Ann all the way and don’t make a move.
Guo Xiaosi nai leaned down and brought life to Tang Xiaoqian, and casually picked up a mountain with Xiaoyao Hui and ran in the direction of Tianxingzong.
On the road, Guo Xiaosi also learned that Yaomen also sent a group of people to the human world to participate in the battle, and the leader was Uncle Tang Xiaoqian. No wonder Guo Xiaosi didn’t see Xu Guang’s figure in the main hall. He has come to the human world and remembered the human world. Guo Xiaosi sighed slightly, shook off his head and followed Xiaoyao Hui in the direction of Tianxingzong.
May be worried about the Star Zongan dangerous Xiaoyao Hui didn’t say anything all the way, but Tang Xiaoqian also hung dignified and anxious in his brow, and Guo Xiaosi was also slightly sad. He could solve Xiaoyao Hui’s mood. After all, the Star Zongzong was suddenly in danger and was surrounded by Gankun Gate. No one would be in a good mood.
But for Tang Xiaoqian, Guo Xiaosi is full of doubts. He doesn’t know what happened in Tang Xiaoqian’s body. What Tang Xiaoqian always has a worried look? It’s not like it is easy to laugh and laugh. In Tang Xiaoqian, Guo Xiaosi wants to know what happened in Tang Xiaoqian’s body, but Guo Xiaosi knows that he can’t ask the parties about it.
Tianxingzong is located in the south of the spiritual world, occupying a mountain body and spiritual vein. Tianxingzong sent a considerable number of immortals in this chaos of the human world, resulting in fewer masters and fewer disciples in the sects. More importantly, Gankun Gate is closer to Tianxingzong. After picking up some sects in the south, Gankun Gate will set its sights on Tianxingzong.
Because there are fewer brothers in the sect, Tianxingzong Sect resisted Gankunmen’s early preparation for attack, and they had to be embarrassed by the baby. Because there are not many brothers in other sects, they are unwilling to help Tianxingzong, and they also don’t want Tianxingzong to escape this disaster. After all, if there is one sect missing, there will be one more spiritual vein to divide up.
Hey, Guo Xiaosi sighs and looks at Xiaoyao Hui’s anxious appearance. Who will be willing to help him in this form? Even if the declining well stone is good, Guo Xiaosi is also curious about the strength of the demon gate. You know, according to the current strength of the demon gate, it can resist the attack of Gankun Gate or launch a counter-attack
After Guo Xiaosi three people left the demon gate, Xiao Datian looked at the direction of Tianxingzong and muttered, finally, this timing is really good enough.
According to Xiao Datian’s plan, it is to rely on Tianxingzong to resist Gankunmen, so that Gankunmen can finally win other spiritual veins, but Xiao Datian didn’t expect such a thing in the human world to make his plan messy
Fortunately, Xiao Datian left his hand behind and didn’t send the demon gate elite force department to the human world, that is, the Star Patriarchal Sect blocked the attack of Gankun Gate. Xiao Datian was also able to resist the attack of Gankun Gate by virtue of the current forces, but the strength of Gankun Gate will develop rapidly if it is allowed to get the Star Zong Ling pulse. It won’t be long before the southern part of the spiritual world can be completely calmed down.

Different from quiet time, it is a kind of atmosphere that is suppressed to the extreme. The reason for raising a smile with soy sauce is a little bit stagnant and a little bit stiff, and finally there is no expression.

"Hoof hoof ….." It’s not that Muyun is idle, but that he follows Wan Li to fine.
"Well, the false mother" doesn’t have much to say. Zuo Tangtang knows that she is not asking her to say anything at this time, but she is asking her to listen.
"You … things probably I also white" sunny Wan Li some hesitation said "but anyway hoof hoof cloud idle you two just listen to me quietly"
"Yunxian, you should know that hoofs care about you, right?" Sunny Wan Li seemed to think of something and said slowly, "Hoohoo really likes you."
Word by word also fell in Zuo Tangtang’s heart.
I don’t know what I said, don’t cry. I said I would face all this with a peaceful mind, but I was so humble that a word of injustice came to my face
"Well, I know," Mu Yunxian said faintly after a long time, but it seemed to be more serious than expected. "I always knew."
"Do you like her too?" Like knowing that the result is fine, Wan Li took the place of Zuo Tangtang in a flat tone, and always wondered and asked out the mouth as if it were just to let Zuo Tangtang know.
"Yeah, I like it."
"like it?" Zuo Tangtang couldn’t help it. "Although I may not accept or like this answer, I don’t need your perfunctory answer!"
"Hoof hoof …" Sunny Wan Li attached to shout a.
"Do you really like me?" Zuo Tangtang tilted his head and looked at the vest with tears. There was no green light in front of it.
Sunny Wan Li didn’t say anything more. She kept silent in the frequency channel. Later, Muyun was idle and small mushrooms were all remembered. At that time, she felt depressed every day, which was more sad than sadness. She couldn’t help but surge out.
The whole channel was crying with Zuo Tangtang like a child, which made people almost feel soft.
MuYun idle sighing.
He found that no matter how determined he was to decide, he still couldn’t stand her crying, which was probably why he would agree to sunny Wan Li to help, because there were some things he couldn’t say.
But now I still have to say something.
"Hoohoo-hoo, as I said before, you are a very good girl." At ordinary times, you always have a faint tone. At this time, it is rare to bring a little smile. "I really like you."
"But …" Speaking of which, MuYun idle didn’t go on.
"But do you like someone else?" Zuo Tangtang coldly connected to "just like that little mushroom"
"Having means being swayed by considerations of gain and loss. I was afraid of trouble. If so, don’t have it, but some things are always out of control. I’m still glad to have you." When I didn’t give Muyun a free talk, Zuo Tangtang once again said, "I’m really satisfied. Sometimes I have a little temper or heart jam because you don’t have company, but it’s just something that I can’t talk about. But I don’t know when the distance between us is getting wider and stranger. Even if I say I like each other, you are still very busy, you know? I have seen you playing with that girl more than once. Forgive me for being paranoid, but she is really so close to you except me … "
"Don’t like her …" MuYun idle light said.
Don’t even admit it now? Zuo Tangtang’s eyes are full of disappointment.
That’s all.
"Then I’m suspicious. If you don’t admit it, I’m really tired." Zuo Tangtang said nothing. At this time, his tone was tired. "Sometimes I can feel a little at ease when I see you in the battlefield or sometimes when you can’t go to the map, I always think about you. Who are you with? Your friends? Or the girl with the little mushroom again? I hate it when I think about it. I feel like I’ve changed beyond recognition. I feel terrible, you know? I have already lived in the world you gave me. You gave me all my tears and smiles, but now I’m just tired. I think you’ve been waiting for me. "
Chuckled, thought more, and took a deep breath. Zuo Tangtang ignored one side and tried to say something. Sunny Wan Li said word by word, "Then let’s take care of each other and let’s go."
Zuo Tangtang himself said this sentence very decisively, but it was so difficult that the words gradually became smaller and smaller, accompanied by more and more crying.
Let’s go. Three words, Muyun idle, haven’t expressed how Zuo Tangtang is very unproductive. Burying his face and biting his hand, he tried to swallow all the sounds back.
Thinking that I was full of sweetness and told myself my worries, hooves and hooves were listening to this beautiful girl who had a limit before. Come on, sunny Wan Li couldn’t help crying.
"Then …" MuYun idle want to say something but eventually …
"ah! Mu Yunxian! " Fine Wan Li quickly interrupted Muyun’s gossip and said to Zuo Tangtang, "Just because he didn’t say something about this product doesn’t mean that he thinks so!"
"How else can I say it?" Zuo Tangtang asked sadly that she had just clearly heard Muyun’s idle attitude.
"oh! You two! Yaya! " Sunny Wan Li scratched his hair a little. Although his career makes him good at listening and persuading, what he really wants to do is a Jianghu person who fights around in the game regardless of his children’s affair.
"Listen to me!" Didn’t good the spirit shouted "especially you! Muyun is idle! Don’t say anything after I finish! "
MuYun idle closed wheat again and listened quietly.
"Hoof hooves, you know? MuYun idle this guy is not what you said. "Peace and patience have always been reliable. The false mother succeeded in calming Zuo Tangtang again."
"It’s not what you said, just forget it. In fact, although you said forget it, your heart still vaguely certifies that Muyun is idle without you, right?"
Zuo Tangtang did not speak.
"See MuYun idle you this guy is a real failure" sunny Wan Li so easily laughed jokingly "hoof hoof you know sometimes cloud idle? He won’t say anything. Maybe we usually call it offensive, but we don’t call it normal. We just like to let nature take its course. The second world will always beautify people and make them more beautiful. Maybe this guy Yunxian is like this in your heart. He doesn’t like to change or try to change others, you know? He keeps a so-called’ no’ attitude towards everything. "
"You mean …" Zuo Tangtang vaguely felt that he seemed a little clear.
"I mean, take you and say that your little mushroom thing MuYunXian this guy really didn’t handle it well, but you really misunderstood him. He didn’t like the little mushroom because he felt that no matter how he behaved outside, he had to feel guilty so much that it seemed inappropriate. He called it MuYunXian and just told me that he really liked you in this game." The last sentence was clear. Wan Li almost slowed down the whole tone and made it clear.
Do you really … like me?
Zuo Tangtang already doesn’t know what emotions should be in the complicated heart at this time. To be continued.
[231 Chapter two hundred and thirty-three Injured Hedgehog]
Sunny Wan Li is very considerate to set aside Zuo Tangtang and let her think quietly alone.
Like her?
Zuo Tangtang, who had always believed in this view before, can’t be so sure now.
"Don’t … the false mother doesn’t want you to say" Zuo Tangtang, staring at the full screen pink peach blossom in the game, said slowly "I want him to say …"
Sunny Wan Li is very cooperative and didn’t speak, like a long time has passed, and it’s like a blink of an eye and a cloud.
Zuo Tangtang just stared at the green light in front of him, waiting to listen.
"I ….." Always gentle voice at this time unexpectedly took some awkward paused and continued, "I have never liked little mushrooms"
It’s like I’m not used to this kind of time. Mu Yun is idle and then I quickly closed it. Once again, three people were left embarrassed and boring in the wheat channel.
I don’t know if Zuo Tangtang’s heart is ridiculous. Although Muyun’s idleness has brought her so much suffering and sorrow, she has never been silly about what he said, believing that she is unwilling to doubt it.
She trusts her to bathe.