
Anshun day should be a then gently pushed the ward door.
"Mu flow …" Anshun day gently called a.
Xia Mu flow gently frowned Mao Zheng heavy eyelid said "cousin, what are you doing! I was just about to fall asleep when you called me. !”
"Well …" Anshun day leng said "sorry ha sorry ha! I want you to get up and eat something! "
When I heard Xia Muliu eating, I immediately looked at Anshun and said, "What is it?"
"Preserved egg lean porridge …"
"wow! I like that best. When can I eat it? "Xia Mu pity her eyes become loving and her mouth overflowed with saliva.
"Wait for you!" Anshun Tianrou said
"Well …" Xia Mu flow clever nodded his head.
Looking at her like this, Anshun secretly smiled.
Or her cousin is good, hehe ~
"Cousin, what are you laughing at? I have seen it! " Xia Mu flow a face of inexplicable looking at smile according to sunchon some disgust frowned hair what’s wrong with her silly cousin?
"Ahem, I’m glad to have your lovely and obedient cousin," Anshun said with a smile.
"mental derangement! !” Xia Mu flow turned supercilious look no longer manage Anshun day.
Anshun day didn’t mean anything to Xia Mu flow to talk.
At this moment, he is thinking about that girl.
Lin Zikai! !
It’s still her cousin! Good and obedient, that dead girl …
But when he thought that he held her in his arms at that time, he felt strangely comfortable =3=
Par168 Angry Lin Shengyan (1)
But when he thought that he held her in his arms at that time, he felt strangely comfortable =3=
Thought of here, Anshun Tianbai’s temporary face has a faint blush, and there is a faint sweetness around him.
"Cousin, what do you think! Are you in love? " Xia Mu flow cocked his head with big eyes and looked at this strange Anshun day puzzled.
"How is it possible!" Anshun tianyi recovered from the strange state of righteousness before convergence and coughed a few words and said, "How many girls are there for me?" Just playing with them! !”
"Cousin …" Xia Mu looked at her with pity.
"Ah! I just want to see a woman who looks so beautiful the other day, "said Anshun, pretending to be anthomaniac!" !
He must not let them know that he wants Lin Zixiao! !
He also swore that he wouldn’t think about it again. It must be that he was out of his mind! !
"Cousin …" Xia Mu flow head hung up three black lines and said, "I never knew you were so anthomaniac! ! If you want to talk about a beautiful woman, no one looks better than raining. "
"Lin Zikai?" Anshun was shocked by the day.
"Well, why are you so shocked?"
"Cousin, you don’t think it’s her!" Xia Mu pity corners of the mouth up with a bad smile.
"How is it possible! !” Anshun suddenly got up and clenched his fist and said, "What do I miss her for?"
"What are you excited about!" Xia Mu flow grinning at her beautiful eyes flashed with a color.
"I’m not excited …" Anshun day dropped his eyes to sit in the chair and gently raised his head, so he looked cool.
"You are eager to explain" Su Moxiao cold mouth corners of the mouth with a meaningful smile.
"I don’t want you to pull me off with her?" Anshun Tian psychological chanting tried to suppress the mood of going crazy!
"Cousin, we didn’t pull you off with Xiaoxiao. I was just asking to joke with you. Why are you so excited?" Xia Mu pity koo blinked, mouth overflow with a smile.

Second, if you like to watch it, please collect more recommendations and support in my efforts. Thank you brothers and sisters.

After that, things were much simpler. Song Chang Gung made them swear, so he asked Xu Feiniang to help him protect the law. Together with the female black dragon, they entered the water cave house and found a spacious big house to sit and talk with.
According to the woman, their former names are no longer the same. Now her husband’s name is Long Xuan, and her name is Narcissus. This water cave is the black dragon Long Xuan who forced the sea water to form water by himself.
Then add all kinds of prohibitions. Long Dan’s power source changes freely, and it is extremely difficult to break this water cave house. Its area is thousands of miles, just in the middle of six mountains.
Those six mountains are the six knife-shaped peaks that you can see on the sea. Actually, they are the peaks of the mountains. There are several distant and vast undersea mountains here in Wan Li.
After they lived here for a while, it was only now that there was a sea eye here, and there was a great shortage in the east after the predecessors’ abode of fairies and immortals, Lu Gui, who pointed out that this place used to be the ancient fairy plate’s leading mansion.
She and her husband are scattered immortals, because they fought with the black dragon. Although she killed the black dragon, her husband’s body was destroyed, and she was assassinated in the black dragon’s body and could never get out again.
Later, I learned that there is Dan medicine in the treasure house here that can make heterogeneous people take off their old bodies. I have been waiting for the opportunity here, and now Song Changgeng is willing to help them.
After a few days of preparation, they walked in a wide field. The black dragon showed that its original length was as long as 100 meters and nearly 10 meters. Now Song Chang-geng has insufficient skills.
As a last resort, he stopped being cruel and gave birth to himself. In his mind,’ Chaos Blood God Yuan Zhu’ gave birth to embryos and scattered them, so as to mobilize the three thousand-year-old capability inside.
Song Chang-geng banned the release of five pills of’ Three-Yuan Soul-Condensing and Spirit-refining Dan’ and let the medicine enter the dragon body. With the help of’ Nine-Day Yuan Yang Ruler’, he put his 3,000-year skill into the black dragon body.
This Xu Fei Niang didn’t know what she was. She always felt depressed in front of this man. It turned out that his skill was so advanced that I’m afraid he was a reclusive elder. She was determined to win him over.
Song Chang-gung’s idea about Xu Fei-niang is no longer in charge. He has devoted his mind and skill to controlling the penetration of drugs and trying to wrap Long Xuan Yuan Shen.
For seventeen days later, a three-meter-high-green white ball of light flew out of the black dragon’s body and was suspended in it. Some people’s bodies appeared and gradually showed human shapes.
Although the female’ Narcissus’ was profound, she couldn’t help crying with joy, but Song Changgeng had left all that behind. After the blue and white ball left, he said, "Xu Daoyou protects the law!"
Then he took out the improved’ Daye Honglu’ from the right front waist Gankun bag, sucked the black dragon body in and refined it, and gave all the defenses to Xu Feiniang.
He is gambling. He bet that Xu Feiniang can help him protect the law, otherwise he will be dead. But if Xu Feiniang wants to win him over against Emei Sect, he will certainly help him. He is really right.
Song Chang-geng’s huge sum of money suddenly occurred to him that he was going to make this black dragon into a member, so that he would have two bodies, which not only made him stronger, but also gave him a greater chance of life.
He is so sure because he got three [Life Atlas] in the’ East China Sea Silver Cicada Reef’, which specifically talks about how to breed and refine all kinds of biological surfaces, and there are data of Yulong Department.
There are also all kinds of life information, from their most basic genes to the methods of functional inoculation when they grow up. Although their principles make Song Changgeng’s head big, they are really rich.
This black dragon has been possessed by the man’ Long Xuan’ for nearly 5,000 years, and then practiced for more than 1,000 years. When the man condensed the Yuan God, he took away more than 2,000 years and left nearly 4,000 years.
Song Chang-geng’s smelting of the black dragon’s body in the’ Daye Honglu’ is a year and a half. In this period, his mental vitality is connected with the black dragon’s body in the furnace to form a wonderful cycle.
In the past 7,000 years, Daoxing has been constantly transforming and strengthening the two bodies, and at the same time, it has refined its skills in the flow cycle, making Daoxing more honest.
Looking at Song Chang-geng’s refining method, Xu Fei Niang and the Long Xuan husband and wife are all jumpy. Although they don’t know what magic this is, they can see that this power is not bad.
After a year and a half, Song Changgeng finally finished the transformation and refining. This dragon has become his doppelganger, but it has no soul. It is just a white body controlled by his simple gods.
After refining, this dragon has more than 300 years of skill in its body, maintaining the operation of various functions of its body, while its mind has been condensed into a Dan for 3 thousand years.
Although the skill is less than that of the former black dragon, the ability is far away. Many of the new abilities of the black dragon are that it is a perfect member to join the Yuan God after it is not necessary, but now it has to be sealed in the furnace for warmth.
Recovering the capability Song Changgeng felt that the’ Chaos Blood God Yuan Zhu’ in his mind had become more pure, and even the’ Xuan Yin Blood Flame God Gang’, which was in harmony with the body, seemed to have a capability of about 300 years.
The Taoist elixir in Yu Dantian has also had more than 300 years of skill. Although the pre-conceived real embryo was scattered, the harvest was really great.
Moreover, he is ready to re-nurture himself after the incident, but he has to deal with things here first. After all, there is a treasure at the bottom of the sea waiting for him to get a lot of things.
Xu Fei Niang and the Long Xuan husband and wife came to congratulate him on his success in refining the law, and Song Chang-geng also returned the gift one by one. He was also very happy in his heart. After all, his strength has increased again.
Because their respective goals have been achieved, everyone can sit and talk honestly this time. Song Changgeng first said, "Xu Daoyou helped me protect the law for a year and a half. I remember that I will help you achieve your wish."
After listening to his words, Xu Fei Niang was delighted and pleasantly surprised to have such a mysterious expert to help her succeed. The hope will be even more shocking. How did he know that he was going to deal with Emei Sect? She didn’t tell anyone.
Song Chang Gung then said to Long Xuan and his wife, "Some of my younger brothers will come here to train their virtuous couples. If you want, we can become sworn brothers. Do you live here and help me look after my younger brothers?"
[End of Volume IV]
Chapter 41 The Second Beppu
At the end of the third year, the New Year will wish everyone a happy mood and a wide range of financial resources, and also give me some collections. What do you recommend? Thank you, brothers and sisters.
After hearing what he said, Long Xuan and his wife couldn’t help rejoicing. If they all saw it, they were driven away from Beihai. Now there is such a master who is willing to become sworn.
The most important thing is that they don’t leave here. After all, they have nowhere to go, and they built it themselves. I really don’t want to leave, but there was an agreement before, and now it’s fine.
Narcissus smiled heartily. "My husband and wife really can’t count on it. We have both practiced for about 1,500 years. I don’t know how long it will take for our friends to practice, so that we can line up and call each other later."
Xu Fei Niang suddenly laughed. "How can such a good thing not bring me a little sister to practice? But after a hundred years, it’s better than a few, so I have to pity my sister."
Song Chang Gung smiled. "Since everyone is willing, of course, it’s good. I’m a person from the late Qin Dynasty and the early Han Dynasty who practiced for less than two thousand years. I think I’m a resident and formally introduce it again."
I, Song Chang Gung, am the 12th generation master of Worry Gate, and now I am the official younger brother of the great imperial country. There are more than 40 people, but all of them are newly paid for more than ten years, with good foundation but shallow skills. "
Xu Fei Niang exclaimed, "Eldest brother turned out to be a great imperial Buddhist? Was it the eldest brother who disturbed the secret and saved the great emperor? Little sister admire unceasingly. "
Song Chang-geng smiled proudly, saying that he wanted to be the boss at the end of Qin Dynasty and the beginning of Han Dynasty, so that he could have an absolute place in this small circle.

Then it was time for the ladies-in-waiting to wake up …

Maid-in-waiting just ready to open my mouth South Lichuan suddenly skid up "I got up …"
The maid-in-waiting turned pale as paper, staring at the beautiful face in front of her eyes without a flaw, but it was like seeing a ghost!
It took less than half an hour to wake the emperor up, but it was much better when the queen came to wake him up. But this time, she didn’t wake the emperor up. Was she hallucinating?
Before she could react, the emperor had gone to wash and dress himself …
Run barefoot by yourself.
"Emperor-"She got a fright again and ran after her!
Nan Lichuan turned his head and put his hand to his lips. "Yueyue is asleep. If you wake her up, I’ll cut your head off!"
The maid-in-waiting has been scared for three times in the morning, so she glanced back at the empress and saw that she slept soundly, leaving a suspicious silver line on her lips!
She hurriedly relieved, but her hand was still clutching her chest and walking like a cat. She walked softly until she came to South Lichuan and saw that South Lichuan was smiling like a flower. "Ha, ha, ha, I am teasing you. I won’t cut off your head. 97 Chapter 97 Sucks out poisonous blood.
The maid-in-waiting should have some grievances and anger in her heart, but when she saw the emperor’s beautiful and moving smile, she forgot all the grievances and anger. She felt that the emperor’s smile was a gift from God …
-dividing line-
South Lichuan didn’t get up until Zhuge Yue slept on the third pole … One side of the maid-in-waiting was impatient when she was washing. Zhuge Yue recognized at a glance that this maid-in-waiting was the one the Queen Mother planted beside her. She knew that this maid-in-waiting would go to the front of the Queen Mother to report again later!
But it’s the hardest thing to deal with when you call your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and she’s not going to deal with it!
After breakfast, I went to the Imperial Garden, because the former auction house bought some medicinal materials and needed some flowers to put together …
As a result, she suddenly heard a burst of * * * among the flowers.
"Oh … six report come on … um … um …" Actually it was Liu Yaoyao who sounded like she was going to high ha/calling six report, which was self-evident!
Zhuge Yue suddenly stare big eyes, although she shouldn’t care about it, but Nan Haochen always gets sick, and she still feels guilty. If he really gets together with Liu Yaoyao, then she doesn’t need to feel guilty!
She couldn’t resist her curiosity and walked forward step by step …
But who is Nan Haochen? How can you hide it from him?
"who?" Suddenly, a hidden weapons offered Zhuge Yuefei a flash, but was Nan Haochen a provincial oil lamp? Then hidden weapons still brushed Zhuge Yuefei’s skirt!
She "psst-"squatted down and tried to escape, but she didn’t have any strength at all. It turned out that this hidden weapons was poisonous!
Nan Haochen deserves to be well prepared!
At this time, Nanhao Chen has come out with a dark blue robe to foil him. He is as expensive as a god. He lightly picks up the original face with a proud look from his brow, but suddenly he sees Zhuge Yue squatting and sometimes he is shocked!
Before Zhuge Yue knew it, he rushed over like a flash and heard "psst-"!
"Nan Hao Chen, you …" Zhuge Yue looked at him in consternation, but he didn’t explain it at all. After tearing a small piece of her skirt, his heart was slightly stirred up by the fair skin of his calf, but his eyes were not disturbed …
There is a piece of flesh and blood on that white skin that has turned black, which is obviously toxic, but the toxicity is not deep …
Zhuge Yue knew what he was going to do, and quickly grabbed his hair, but even though his scalp was aching faintly, he leaned over and kissed her wound!
Don’t suck hard to suck out the poisonous blood. Zhuge Yue leaned back and pulled his hair, and his hands gradually became stronger …
Liu Yaoyao came out at this moment in a hurry, and her clothes were still a little disheveled. I didn’t know what I meant, but I was interested in hearing the sentence "Empress" and showed it to Zhuge Yue on purpose!
As soon as she came out, her hostile eyes were fixed on Zhuge Yue, but …
She almost screamed when she saw the scene in front of her!
Nan Haochen actually sucked out poisonous blood in this windy and blue month, regardless of life and death. What exactly are they? Chapter 98, 98, The only answer.
Nan Haochen actually sucked out poisonous blood this windy and blue month, regardless of life and death. What are they?
The more she looks at the wind and blue moon in front of her, the more she feels like Zhuge Yue thinking about it. Hatred permeates her eyes and her teeth can’t help shivering!
"Ah … somebody … somebody …" Zhuge Yue heard her sonorous name and naturally knew what Liu Yaoyao was doing!
She wants to attract people to see this ambiguous and suspicious scene so that the queen mother can punish her. But this move of Liu Yaoyao is really stupid, which will hurt not only her but also her favorite man Nan Haochen!

Chapter 34 Breaking the Wind

Sun Yunjian’s face is smug. He has been immersed in this’ Wind Rope Finger’ technique for many years, which can be said to be complete. He not only knows the details of various changes in it, but also swings the power of this technique to the extreme. It is that he is proud of his Juexue, not to mention that Li Feiyang is definitely not an opponent. Even if Feng Zong’s three disciples Xiao is injured, he has the confidence to rely on this technique to give a heavy blow!
The long rope roared and rushed to Li Feiyang. Sun Yunjian snorted and loosened his fingers. Then five long ropes suddenly burst into a net facing Li Feiyang!
Li Feiyang’s figure flashed when the long rope was about to net himself, and his figure was so fast as to draw a string of virtual shadows. The dust was taken up by Gao Gao’s latest chapter to read >
Sun Yunjian stare big eyes unbelievable watching Li Feiyang come out like a ghost, and then he hasn’t waited for him to respond. Li Feiyang’s sword finger stretched out and a lightning strike struck Sun Yun’s blade!
Although the thunder spell is also a L1-level spell, the release rate of the thunder spell is the fastest among the five-element spells. Even if Sun Yunjian practices the popular technique for many years, it is impossible to avoid it! What’s more, Sun Yunjian is worse than the punishment clock. How can he hide if he can’t avoid the punishment clock?
Click ~ ~ Sun Yunjian was experienced and the most critical, but he was slow. He was hit by a thunder spell and his body shook violently. His crown fell to the ground and expanded like a mess.
The fact that the thunder curse has restraint on the wooden line not only makes Sun Yunjian flustered, but also makes him suffer from severe pain and paralysis, which suddenly slows down a lot.
Click ~ ~ Click ~ ~ Click ~ ~
Li Feiyang, of course, won’t give Sun Yunjian a break, and his body will fly and move. At the same time, the thunder curse will be thrown into the Sun Yun blade one by one, and he will be chopped for a while. A burnt smell will gradually spread to the original pistol Feiyunjian, which is like how ugly it is to drill out of coke.
Sun Yunjian flew into a rage. He was one of the three great disciples in the wind. Even among the five young brothers in the five elements, he was a radiant person. Plus, his appearance was very brave and admired by some younger brothers for a long time. His heart was also full of pride. Now he was beaten by a basket case. Although he was not seriously injured, he felt that he had suffered a great shame and roared. He shook a long sword in one hand and roared at Li Feiyang.
Li Feiyang flickered and hid from Sun Yunjian’s sword, shaking a series of firm but gentle waves. He attacked Li Feiyang from all directions. He practiced popular techniques for many years, and his swordsmanship was high. At this time, the firm but gentle waves are both sharp and fashionable, and the agility is even faster. If you swim, you will draw a series of deep marks on the earth to cover the left and right parts of Li Feiyang.
Sun Yunjian saw that Li Feiyang was extremely fast, so the firm but gentle wave slowly restricted his action and forced him to approach the center. Once Li Feiyang was forced to approach the center, he was bound to be hurt by Sun Yunjian’s firm but gentle wave.
Li Feiyang is surrounded by a firm but gentle center, feeling that all sides are sharp and firm but gentle, but he has not yet felt his face hurt. It is Li Feiyang who retreated Sun Yunjian’s sword and even shook it endlessly. The firm but gentle sword was thrown at Li Feiyang like a tarsal maggot, and the speed of his sword has reached an amazing level. Seeing coils of silver in his hand is like flowing water.
Sun Yunjian’s kendo gave Li Feiyang a great shock and retreated quickly. At the same time, Li Fei raised his hand to pinch the sword tactic, bowed a grenade spell, and used one hand to defend swordsmanship. He hoped to force Sun Yunjian to retreat. At this moment, Sun Yunjian had a defensive thunder spell and was resisted outside the protective qi, but before the swordsmanship, he was broken by Sun Yunjian’s sword and did no harm to it.
Li Feiyang retreated all the way. Sun Yunjian advanced all the way with a grimace of a grin. "I think you can retire! ! Tiger monkey, I’m surprised that your posture can reach such a level! ! But you can’t escape from me just by running! !”
"Brother Sun! Don’t let this bastard get away! !” Ying bong-jen saw Li Feiyang’s tired face and immediately sat on the ground screaming with ecstasy.
"Shut up for me! !” Shi Meng strode to Ying Fengren’s front, picked him up and punched him in the chest!
Shi Meng annoyed that he had been provoking Sun Yunjian, which was a bit cruel. He immediately twisted Ying Fengren’s intestines and stomach. Wow, he spit out an acid water stone and slammed his head against the ground and slammed it into Ying Fengren’s vague screams. A mouthful of water and mud were mixed together, and then Shi Meng’s arms violently drank and threw Ying Fengren at Sun Yunjian.
This stone slammed the external skill stunt, listening to the buzzing, and Ying Fengren smashed it at Sun Yunjian like a boulder!
Shi Meng tried to take this blow to divert Sun Yunjian’s attention. Li Feiyang made an escape opportunity, but he didn’t expect Sun Yunjian to be angered by Li Feiyang. No matter what Ying Fengren’s life or death, he jumped up gently. Ying Fengren flew by and fell to the ground. His sword was still waving towards Li Feiyang continuously.
"Tiger monkey I see where you can run! ! The wind leaves the sword! !” Sun Yunjian drank a long sword and suddenly held it high. The virtual shadow of the long sword in his hand flashed, and the two shaped blades were distributed around. Then a gust of wind roared on both sides of the blade and danced violently. The center of Sun Yunjian was spinning more and more violently. Slowly, a black tornado was generated and pressed against Li Feiyang with momentum and powerful destructive power.
Shi Meng was furious and changed color. He could feel the power contained in this tornado. If Li Feiyang was swept, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable!
At this critical moment, Li Feiyang’s hands and fingers stretched forward to Sun Yunjian’s copper dart skills, and a few golden lights flew out and went straight into the tornado.
The tornado suddenly flashed like a black bug that was burned by a fire, twisted and tumbled to the ground, and the strong wind stirred up dust and sand, and then a bright red burst out in the tornado, and the surrounding area was dyed scarlet as the wind spread to the ground …
Chapter 35 Thunder and lightning
Dust and sediment were swept to the middle by the strong wind, and the surrounding area was suddenly covered with darkness. At this time, two golden lights roared out in tandem and went straight into the center of the storm.
A painful stuffy hum came out from the center of the whirlwind, and the raging wind was out of control, and it rushed wildly in all directions, and Li Feiyang and others rushed out of the distance, even those younger brothers who were beaten to the ground by stones rolled and blew out.
The wind slowly dissipated in the original storm center. Sun Yunjian was lying on the ground covered in dust and pale. Two ferocious wounds on his left shoulder and right abdomen were rolled up and blood gurgled out, which was very penetrating.
Sun Yunjian frowned and looked painful. Just now, his operation method was interrupted by Li Feiyang before it was successfully put into use. Besides being injured, he suffered from a self-inflicted gale force. Fortunately, he had a magic weapon to protect himself, which offset most of the gale force. Otherwise, he might have died by now.
Sun Yunjian’s body qi raged and turned into chaos, stirring his dull pain in the abdomen, and he couldn’t move for a while, so he lay on the ground and recovered from pranayama, but his eyes looked at Li Feiyang with resentment and disbelief.
Sun Yunjian’s heart has been high for a long time, and he thinks that among the young brothers of the Five Elements, one can be regarded as his opponent. Even if there are a few people who are better than him, Sun Yunjian also thinks that he is more qualified and savvy than them. It will take a lot of time for him to be the best brother of the Five Elements. But at this moment, he is injured by a little-known and useless brother, and it is almost fatal. Although the failure is hateful, what makes him most unbearable is this humiliation. Seeing Li Feiyang approaching himself step by step, Sun Yunjian can’t wait to poke 17 holes in his body with his sword, but
Ying Fengren was hit hard by Shi Meng’s throwing force, and was waved by Sun Yunjian’s self-destructive spell. He was far away and motionless like a dead dog. Several other brothers were also injured by the wind, and they hung up their colors and fell beside Sun Yun Jian. At this moment, the only ones left are Li Feiyang and Shi Meng.
Li Feiyang looked at the scene in front of him and felt a little uneasy. Just now, although he defeated Sun Yunjian in the learning mode, the degree of Sun Yunjian’s injury was still beyond his expectation. The reduction of blood groove on Sun Yunjian’s head was much more than he expected. The fixed injury of copper darts for three times obviously won’t cause such a result. So it can be said that one thing I don’t know what’s wrong with this guy is more serious.
The original Li Feiyang is going to make these guys go back to find the punishment clock and then go to the owners and elders to say the situation, but at the moment Sun Yunjian hit Ying Fengren and the rest of his younger brothers are injured … Things are out of control.
Li Feiyang just thought about it and still felt that he couldn’t solve the immediate problem by himself, so he said to Shi Meng, "Brother Shi, please look after Brother Sun here, and I’ll find Master’s report."
Shi Meng looked a little dignified, and obviously he felt that things were a little too big. He thoughtfully said to Li Feiyang, "You go. I’m here. You’d better talk to Elder Bu besides Master."
Li Feiyang nodded, turned around and took up his herbs and walked towards Zongmen. As soon as he got out of two steps, he heard a violent voice in the sky. "Do you still want to run when you are injured?" ! Stay! !”
Click click ~ ~! A few earth-shattering thunderbolts broke out and a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket came out of the sky, striking Li Feiyang as a pledge!
Li Feiyang was paralyzed, but the sense of terror and oppression and Leili had already rushed to him. It felt like a mountain crashing down, which made him feel a strong sense of crisis in his heart, but he broke free.
At this critical moment, a whip rushed from afar, and the light flashed into a red snake, and then it flew to Li Feiyang’s head, and the thunder struck together!
Pa ~ ~! The dazzling Lei Guang crashed and cracked, and the earth followed a violent quiver. The serpent’s light sparkled and crackled and exploded continuously. Around Li Feiyang’s center, it seemed that it was suddenly distorted and then exploded into a blue-light red-light intertwined ring, which spread out like ripples in the lake.
Ring has been a wave of more than ten meters away Shi Meng staggered back a few steps, and his body felt as if he had been stung by a needle, while Sun Yunjian was shocked by a drama. At this moment, he has already suffered a huge trauma and was no longer supported by this powerful spell Yu Weibo. He just fainted when his eyes turned over, and several other brothers repaired higher and barely supported the repair. Some of them fainted directly, twitched and foamed at the mouth, and this strong technical collision was beyond their tolerance.
Li Feiyang, who was in the center of the explosion, was protected by the red serpent by the whip, but Leili still hit him through the whip. Li Feiyang felt a tearing pain everywhere. Wow, a crazy spurt of blood fell to the ground.
Without hesitation, more than a dozen pieces of Dan medicine immediately recovered from the head and the pain gradually disappeared. Li Fei took a sigh of relief and slowly settled down.
"Ray impressive! ! What do you want? !” The punishment clock sprints from a distance and reaches for the whip. It’s like a living whip. Gently roll up Li Feiyang and slowly fly to the punishment clock. Put Li Feiyang on the ground and then roll it back to the punishment clock.
The punishment clock glanced at Li Feiyang. Although his chest was stained with blood, his complexion was very rosy. Obviously, it didn’t matter. At the same time, he was slightly surprised that Li Feiyang’s body was so earth and so strong that his mana collided with him.
In the sky, it is Lei Jingtian, the chief elder of Huzongtang. At this moment, he has a negative hand and stands on a Lei Guang flashing flying sword. The white cassock is also a light winding wind. A long black head is dotted with rays of blue long face, eagle nose and phoenix eye. His face is full of anger and he points a finger at Sun Yunjian. "Punishment elders! ! Didn’t you see it? !”
Punishment clock from bearded pendulum cold hum a "I saw it! I saw that the Chief Elder of the Patriarch Hall was going to use magic to kill the younger brother! ! You don’t know what this charge is, do you? !”

Yan Yun and Mu Chongshan, two great deities, came to escort them. How many guards were killed? They have not made much noise yet. They armed themselves and connected the waist kettle.

"begin! Burn as much as you can. Don’t continue to fight after you get up and go directly to our scheduled place. "Muqingfeng said and poured kerosene in his hand into the towering grain store.
As the torch in Muqingfeng’s hand fell to the ground, a raging fire immediately rose. It didn’t rain in Xiling these days. It was when the sky was dry and the things were dry. The whole grain camp became a huge torch to illuminate the whole camp.
"It’s water!" The guard at the door found something wrong and shouted loudly, at the same time, Siming rang the gong to the realm
At the same time, three girls and a group of them also came to a camp outside. To be honest, it’s a cinch for those cavalry at the end of the kite to let them charge on the battlefield, but it’s not good for them to assassinate, but Muqingfeng didn’t expect them to do anything. It’s just for them to meet the dog eggs and the kite.
* * The kite is a small weapon, so she can carry the Emei thorn with her. When she sees her, she takes a deep breath and leaps high like a dexterous nightingale. She turns into a well-guarded tent. He doesn’t have such dexterity to meet outside.
"General, we just do it, waiting to let the world know that we will let his sister make risks alone and will not tidy up us? Besides, isn’t it ridiculous that we don’t even have a weapon? " An excellent fighter of Xiling asked carefully, knowing that this strong man and the soldiers around his family all paid tribute.
"It’s okay to kill more enemies later. My brother won’t be so petty." The dog egg said that he didn’t believe it either. Think about it. Except for the three girls, they are all unarmed
* * Emei, the kite, stabbed a seam around the tent and went straight into it when people weren’t looking. Before the Nangong army came, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. The last thing he saw before he died was a graceful soldier rummaging through his tent.
The fire in the grain camp soon alarmed all the soldiers. Everyone knows that "the three armed forces have not moved the grain and grass first". If the grain and grass were burned clean, I am afraid this army would not be broken.
Hearing the fire in the grain camp, the general directly rushed out naked and shouted, "Everyone is going to put out the fire without food and grass and always treat you as dry food!" !”
Just as everyone was busy, a general with his own relatives found a group of people sneaking around outside the camp.
"What are you guys doing outside General Wang’s account without sleeping in the middle of the night?" The first general shouted
"Don’t you think this weapon is coming to the door?" Dog egg Han Xiao said, pointing to these people in front of him
engage in a battle of wits
No matter how stupid the general is, he knows that there is something wrong with these people. The whole barracks are dressed in rags. There are those prisoners who have been released. God knows what they are going to do. In their own opinion, they will kill them. No one will say that they are not ideal, but the reality is cruel. The general’s broadsword has just been pulled out, and he feels a strong breeze coming head-on. Before he reacts, he feels that his chest is like being hit by two sledgehammers, and the bones in his chest are trapped at a speed visible to the naked eye. Seeing it, he can’t live.
This time, disguised as a dog’s egg, I can’t take my pride in Wujin Jiandun, but after years of practicing Cangshan strength, I have practiced it perfectly. He really doesn’t need any weapons to kill people. He took the broadsword of the dead general and threw it directly to a Xiling fighters. Although the cavalry didn’t have a horse or a weapon, his excellent military accomplishment was not comparable to these barely first-class army soldiers. After receiving the weapon, the soldiers in Nanyue Wangfu across the street were beheaded, and his weapon became another weapon in the hands of Xiling fighters.
There is a dog egg, the evil spirit, who is here to help. Not long after, this team, together with the general and the pro-guard, will die. If they make such a noise, many people will certainly be alarmed. It’s a pity that Muqingfeng’s fire has made everyone lose their footing and most people are busy fighting the fire. Even if the dog egg is killed here, no one knows.
When * * found the map MuQingFeng wanted, the kite came out from the gap contentedly and saw the bodies all over the floor, but it was a big jump. Then look at this and that, smiling at her, and her heart was released.
"You see, e-mail, I’m not good at doing those meticulous jobs to clean up the periphery for you." The dog’s egg is covered in blood, but look at his face. It’s absolutely unexpected that the man just blocked the killer Buddha from killing the Buddha.
Looking at the dead bodies all over the ground, the kite’s little head turned quickly, and it’s a pity that the saint said that she would be very clever when she came, since the fighting capacity of dog eggs and Xiling fighters is so high.
"The elder brother of the dog egg, you and your brothers quickly change the corpse clothes" * * said the kite.
"What? Wearing dead clothes? Sister and brother, although my clothes are a little worn, I don’t want to rob the body. "The dog egg scratched his head."
"You big idiot let you wear their clothes. Just pretend to be the enemy. In the whole barracks, we are in rags. Others can see the problem at a glance. If you wear their clothes now, you can do something in this camp. Who can find that it is really stupid to say that you are stupid? * * The kite stretched out its green fingers and pointed at the dog’s eggs.
In fact, a master in Xuanjiamen is qualified in martial arts status and human mind. God knows what, he became this virtue as soon as he saw Mu Qingfeng and three girls.
The bodies were quickly stripped clean, and the naked bodies were thrown into the * * kite, which just entered the camp. Anyway, I don’t worry about being seen for a while.
Actually * * the kite is going to set a fire here, too, but it’s a pity that all the kindling things have been handed over to his brother, and it’s a little too ostentatious to light the fire here.
The rest is very simple. Although there is some blood on the clothes, fortunately, it’s getting late and no one pays attention to these details. However, it’s interesting that the dog egg is too tall to wear the general’s armor so that he can continue to play the role of a soldier. When he sees a large number of generals, he bows his head and pretends that he doesn’t know. If a few troops appear around him, he will eat them directly. Anyway, now there are noisy people everywhere. She has already separated herself from them. It is much more convenient for a person to find information than a group, especially in this chaotic situation.
After another general fell to the dog’s paw, the dog’s egg stopped everyone. It was the third team that was wiped out by itself just now.
"General, should we continue to kill them now? Maybe we can kill their marshal with good luck in the depths of their barracks." The cavalry pretending to be a general asked, saying that everyone felt like Mu Chongshan beat them tonight.
"No, we’ll retreat now, according to my eldest brother’s plan, and we’ll act while their camp is disrupted." The stupid words surprised everyone around us
"General, what? I don’t think anyone can resist your three moves. Isn’t it silly not to take advantage of this opportunity to get more military benefits?" Xiling fighters around obviously didn’t kill enough.
It’s almost like two people if the three girls are not here. He whispered, "No, haven’t you noticed that there are fewer and fewer individual teams now? If I didn’t miscalculate, they should all go to my brother’s place now. If we kill in this way, we will encounter large enemy troops sooner or later. If we don’t help them put out the fire or resist, we will get away with it sooner or later."
It’s really reasonable for everyone to think about it. It’s really this reason that they haven’t met a large-scale enemy until now. If they walk, I’m afraid they won’t have such good luck. In fact, it’s rare for Mu Qingfeng and his only 100 people to cause such a big loss to Nanyue Wangfu army. Since they understand this, no one has any objection to retreating.
Muqingfeng, they didn’t continue to fight. They saw that the fire had burned up and didn’t stay. They left the camp directly with Mu Chongshan. Although the fire certainly couldn’t burn all the hay, even if it was rescued, it would be difficult to maintain the Nanyue Wangfu army to continue to advance.
"Brother, I have found you a map of the 67 th branch army. Do you think it is appropriate?" Just when everyone was worried about what the kite had not come back, the pleasant sound of the kite finally made everyone tighten their strings.
You know, a general has one piece of information, which means that * * kite took at least six or seven generals’ lives. It seems that she is really a born assassin.
In the middle of the night, the troops of Nanyue Wangfu finally put out the fire caused by Muqingfeng. It is roughly estimated that at least one third of the food and grass were lost this time.
General Chen Mi’s face is as black and terrible as burnt grain. The problem is that the defeated soldiers in the Nangong have probably fallen to the ground if it weren’t for years of military literacy, but even so, he doesn’t intend to let the Nangong simply spend these things.
In Chen Mi’s view, the commander of the operation tonight must be a resourceful man who has been wandering around the battlefield all the year round. He will retreat immediately after seeing the fire, and he will never be slow. You know, he arranged people to guard the exits at the first moment of fire fighting, but he still got something, which means they got out early.
Haven’t come to deal with the hay camp. The intelligence has made Chen Mi more atmosphere. At least seven generals were killed in chaos. Some people were stabbed in the throat directly. Some people were directly trapped in the sternum. It seems that the enemy didn’t just come for the hay last night.
"General, you look at …" A general said carefully that even an idiot could see that Chen Mi was in a bad mood at this time.
Chen Mi took a deep breath and then said slowly,’ Come and look at some dead generals and see what they are missing, especially maps and intelligence.’
Chen Mi is not the kui is a battle-hardened veteran. Just thinking about it, I will know that this matter is absolutely unusual. Maybe they are not rooted in their own food and grass. I want to go to Chen Mi and feel that I can get something from them.
After all the people searched all the places carefully, they found that all the fallen generals were missing one thing, that is, they were to command the battle map. Chen Mi’s face was finally relieved at the news.
It seems that this battle commands the drunkard’s sake. I have a whole army of 100,000 who want to eat their department. It’s different from wishful thinking. This behemoth can be defeated with food and grass, but after all, there are too many people. Even with the help of kindling yesterday, one-third of them were burned. Although it’s a little difficult to move on, there is still no problem in self-protection. The second step is that they must have made a follow-up idea to cut off food and grass. It’s a pity that the efforts of Nanyue Wangfu for more than ten years will fall apart. Chen Mi found clues from the
"I order everyone to stop pushing forward. Every general draws out half of his troops to ensure that our food and grass can be delivered to the front line continuously. Everyone is equipped with fireworks. There will be a large-scale enemy army, especially the enemy cavalry, and they will ask for support." Chen Mi admitted that he was the most accurate order, and he wanted to slowly and steadily do not believe what Xiling people could come up with.
At the same time, Mu Qingfeng also reached an order: "Now it’s time for all of us to go to Arong City to call Xiling fighters and give these invaders a lifelong lesson."
External humiliation
"From the map, where are you going to attack them first? Is it their camp or their food supply route? According to my idea, we want Xiling fighters to meet to ensure that they can’t transport a grain of food to the front. "Yan Yun is also an experienced commander who knows how to maximize the cavalry effect.
Muqingfeng didn’t say anything. He took out the fire from his arms and slowly lit them in the surprised eyes of everyone. Muqingfeng’s face was very calm with the fire burning. "No, we won’t harass them for providing foodstuff. When our staff are here, I’ll take you around Daliangzhou."
Muqingfeng intends to surprise everyone. Does he have worked so hard to get enemy information, especially when the three girls are unhappy and blind?
"Well, girl, don’t be careless. I asked you to find their map. It’s not that they didn’t pass the map. I know what their military strength is generally distributed. The reason why they don’t attack their grain routes or strongholds is very short. Their strength is too strong. If they give up advancing the defense in disguise, we can hardly get any cheap. Don’t forget that every day of our Xiling war, the people will suffer more. If they break the army into many parts and keep attacking our Xiling town, even if we have four children. I’m afraid my legs are too busy, but since they are so big that Liangzhou guards are bound to be weak, I can’t believe that Nangong Jinyu and his hands will care whether his father lives or dies. "Muqingfeng finally gave everyone a convincing reason that its passive defense is not as good as taking the initiative to attack Muqingfeng, which will save the enemy.
Mu Qingfeng and his party finally arrived in Rongcheng Xietian Boss Shady, the most prosperous town in Xiling, in two days, but despite this, the city people were still worried because the main reason was that Ling Wang could not find the person in charge after being arrested.
The guard at the gate saw Mu Chongshan and Yan Yun coming back, so don’t get excited. He was a little hoarse and shouted, "Come on, the grand marshal of the city gate and General Yan are back! !”

When Mao Zao heard the mystery, Dong Lai actually called himself Mr Mao, but he couldn’t help being happy. But he didn’t get carried away. He quickly replied, "Where can I be so called by Mr. Mao? But if Mr. Mao needs anything, just tell the gold, silver, jewelry, beauty, BMW and other important people to take it out and he won’t be appointed."

Make Donglai praise, pointing to Mao Zao’s head and saying, "People want to borrow it because they believe that this is the ability of Master Mao."
Hairy and dry face changes dramatically
His hand is fairly loyal, and he doesn’t talk nonsense. He directly galloped his horse. Four cavalry spears made by fine steel were stabbed straight to the eyes, throat, chest, ribs and other key parts of the East, which showed that they were one in a hundred.
However, Donglai easily evaded all attacks just by taking a little step back.
That is, this step shocked all the elite horse thieves, which made Donglai take a small step back. It was smaller than those small steps of specially trained aristocratic ladies. How did it span a distance of ten feet? Is this to say "shrinking the ground to a foot"?
Chapter 21 Unloading weapons
Chapter 21 Chapter on Unloading Weapons
However, Donglaigen won’t be polite to them. If a gust of wind comes directly to this attack, the elite horse thief will roar away.
The wind snakes around the tree!
This is the most important one in snake boxing, but it makes the East deduce, especially the evolution of the skill of the first armor. Whatever is entangled, whether it is the enemy’s fine steel pike or the enemy’s big hand, it is all twisted out of shape, even hard steel and bones are no exception.
At that time, the screams became more and more prosperous.
A gray track suddenly came out of the crowd and stabbed Donglai in the throat.
If you are an ordinary master, you absolutely don’t know the true meaning of this thorn, but it is not an ordinary master who forcibly recycles the unfinished work "Wind and Snake Around the Tree" and goes to the river’s lake to seize the situation-the total annihilation will go to the gray-white object.
A strong gas explosion shocked the eardrum of the elite horse thieves around, and the gray-white object exploded like a balloon, scattering white silk threads all over the floor.
It turned out to be a hairy and proud weapon
When the sneak attack failed, he lost his favorite weapon. Mao Zao turned around and flew back without thinking. At this time, he no longer had the luck to hope that his so-called "genus" could help him escape this robbery.
"It’s not that easy …"
Make Donglai ignore the new wave of attacks on the elite horse thieves, and rush out of the encirclement with a flying thorn, and thus print his hair and dry his back.
I was so intent on running away that I didn’t want to get my elite hands in name only, and I didn’t expect that the speed of the East would be so fast that I felt that my body would fly away when I shook my back and his consciousness would disappear when my feet left the ground.
Landing is a dead body.
The victim’s hands are covered with blood and have the reputation of "scorched earth and thousands of miles away", so it’s over. It’s over like a child’s play. It’s all a sudden excitement and the most direct thing. All the elite lucky horse thieves are all stupid.
Make the East look at Mao Zao coldly and turn to the remaining horse thieves.
Even Cao Yinglong, who ranks second among the four major bandits, is weak, and the remaining few people are not much better, even if they are born in the magic door. How can this make Donglai interested? And the treasure plundered by the four major bandits over the years is simply dirt for Dongdong. If it were not for this treasure, there would be a big order for those who want to become big businessmen. I really can’t figure out what life value these four major bandits have.
"You didn’t run is right …"
Since you are involved in this matter, the East will naturally handle things properly; Moreover, Mao Zao once said that in half a month, the Pegasus Ranch will be theirs. I believe that the plot of the four tycoons and Shi Biao against the Pegasus Ranch is in full swing.
Whether it’s out of the so-called sense of justice or out of admiration for Lu Miao, who has a high degree of seniority, or out of revenge on Shi Biao, or out of admiration for Shang Xiuxun, a peerless beauty, the East has enough reason to help Pegasus Ranch through this difficult time.
Then there are ready-made gifts so that the east will naturally not wave.
The remaining fifteen can still catch the elite of horse thieves. If they are stared at by poisonous snakes, they dare not move. They finally know what is called absolute strength and absolute gap. The so-called number advantage makes the level of East Asia worthless.
Ling Donglai pointed to more than 30 unusual BMWs and said, "I won’t kill you, but you must help me get these BMWs to Feima Mountain Villa. By the way, I’ll confirm some statements."

Haikui just stood here as a monk, which means both money and color.

There’s nothing in the house, and things like that are simple. A bed, two futons, a wooden fish and nothing else, even a table and a teacup. If it weren’t for things hanging on the wall, Haikui really felt that the host must be a master of meditation. Please go to more and faster chapters.
"Sit down, please," said the host with his eyes closed but not open.
Haikui hum a pack to force in my heart.
However, this repair is strange. It is likely that Buddhism and Taoism practice different ways, but there is a statue of Falian Haikui who looks at him through the knowledge of gods. This host is over forty years old and sallow and emaciated. Although the temple is short of oil and water, he has reached the next step of practice, even if he doesn’t eat and is nourished by the aura of heaven and earth, he is radiant and red. But is he so malnourished?
"I don’t know if the master knew I was coming to see me." Haikui sat down on the futon and looked at the middle-aged monk.
The monk slowly opened his eyes, and his divine light flashed directly. He didn’t panic when he saw Haikui’s eyes, which made Haikui have some doubts at one time. After all, Buddhism practice is different, and I don’t know if he has passed the then Dan period.
"I wonder if the benefactor has ever heard of Destiny Pass". The host looked at Haikui steadily.
Haikui shook his head slightly. "I’m all ears, please tell the master."
"A few days ago, I felt that someone would meet the evil karma. He walked in this snowy mountain at night. I saw the benefactor because of the Buddha’s saying that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. So I invited the benefactor here to take refuge. Although I broke the evil karma of the benefactor for the first time, I was also condemned by heaven for venting the open-air machine. Naifo said that I don’t go to hell, but whoever goes to hell also looks forward to doing more good deeds to benefit all beings."
Kan Kan, the middle-aged host, talked about the tone full of kindness to all beings.
Haikui was ashamed for an instant, but he didn’t expect his little heart to cross your belly.
However, when Haikui looked up and saw something hanging on the wall, he wondered whether the monk was putting on an act or whether color was superior.
"You mean you saved me, but I didn’t know I would be in trouble," Haikui said, looking at the middle-aged host.
"It is the Buddha’s saying that you can’t say it," the monk said in a positive tone.
"No matter what the master just said, I’ll thank you first. Anyway, I’m not in a hurry. Then I’ll ask the master to rest here for one night and then go." Haikui made a one-handed salute to the host.
"So good" middle-aged host grinned at Haikui.
"Master, I’d like to ask what three things I want to hang on the wall." Haikui asked, pointing to the naked painting, sword and lucky map behind him.
"People laugh at me because I’m crazy. I laugh at others because I can’t see through it." Although the Chinese language is not standard, the host is still a set of words when communicating.
"If you don’t know more and faster chapters, please go to" Haikui shook his head. "Why can’t you read it?"
"I don’t see anything in my eyes. What you see is what you think," said the host with a sigh.
Haikui stretched out his thumb "Gao Ren"
"I told my disciple to take you to rest," the host shouted at the door, and then another young monk pushed the door and came in. "The disciple took this benefactor to have a good rest."
The young monk promised a couple to say to Haikui, "Please come with me, benefactor."
Haikui followed the young monk to arrange a guest room for him.
When Haikui left, the middle-aged host didn’t sit cross-legged. At the first time, he updated himself and dumped his leg back. "Grandma" took out a bottle of tightly sealed wine from the bed and took two sips of "Let’s have a good drink."
The house expresses that these four things are all there.
The host drank two sips of wine, carefully sealed the wine and hid it under the bed. When he got up, he first turned his attention to the nude female painting, then touched the sword and made a fortune. He said to himself, "Come on, I haven’t touched a woman for a long time. Do you really want me to be strong? I’m a monk and I have to pay attention to my fate."
After muttering to himself for a while, he turned out of the monastery and went to the backyard of the temple.
In the backyard of this temple, there is a statue of King Kong standing here. The middle-aged host definitely hit the statue of King Kong by pinching. The statue of King Kong actually moved up and went to the side to decide where he had stood. A hole slowly appeared, and the host plunged into the statue of King Kong and went back to its original state.
This hole has been going through nine twists and turns until it finally comes to an end. The middle-aged host has made another resolution. At the end of the cave, there is a stone room inside, and he walks in.
There is a man and a baby in this stone room. Yuan Ying is He Bailiang, and He Bailiang said Sato.
After the host entered, he first saluted Sato. "Buddha has come and left him in the temple as you asked."
"Huang Duo did a good job in updating for the first time. This is the incense money of He Zongzhu. Recently, our temple was short of money. He Zongzhu brought it to you after learning about it." Sato threw a bag to the host.
Huang Duo took the bag and took a look at it. There were ugly yuan and Chinese coins in it. "Thank you, Buddha. Thank you, Patriarch."
"Okay, just do what I tell you. Get out of here," Sato ordered to host Huang Duo.
The host promised to go out with a bag in his hand and cling to it for fear of falling off. Generally, after he left, He Bailiang gave another gift to Sato. "Thank you, Buddha."

"Shall I give you a name? Shall I call you Kerr? " Feather Qian said with a smile that she really loves chocolate, but it’s a pity that the world can’t eat it and has always missed it.

"Chloe? Come on, sister, can’t you give me a name? Like a child! " Chloe’s face is a little unhappy, and his mind has matured with his body, so he is no longer a baby.
"It’s so picky that you come as a child. You can call Chloe if it’s a deal," Feather said flatly
Look at the fierce little vampire of Feather, so raise your hand and surrender. Chloe, Chloe!
But how can you and Chloe escape from this deep well? Chloe said that wellhead is a very powerful barrier, looking for opportunities.
Feather gazes at the surrounding environment. At the bottom of this well are many animal and human bones, and I don’t know how many years have accumulated glistening.
Covering your mouth in fear, it’s hard to hide your nausea and fear. Chloe saw that the expression of the feather was tightly attached to the feather like a little man, and felt the temperature of Chloe’s body. The tension of the feather eased a lot.
The bottom of the well is very wide, about three feet. Fiona Fang’s feathers carefully avoid those bones and remains, and his head keeps thinking about ways to get out.
Suddenly Chloe pulled the feather sleeve "Sister, look"
Follow the direction of Kerr’s fingers. Finally, there is a small secret door in the east cave wall. You can’t see it if you don’t pay attention to the root.
Feather Zhen surprised and curiously dialed the scattered bones next to the secret door and tried his best to pull the door, but the door did not move.
Feather Qian almost put his whole body against the cave wall and pulled the door handle, but there was still no way.
"I want to see our male Han when I come here," Kerr said with a kiss from Hankou.
Feather pastor good flash aside Chloe hands pull the door and a wrestling feather pastor heard a loud noise in the ear "click" small secret door was pulled by Chloe.
An evil wind blew and the feather jumped up happily. "Chloe, look at the wind. There must be an exit there!"
She climbed in from the secret door first, and Chloe followed the feather pastor to climb in.
The secret door is a long passage. Feather and Chloe climbed for a long time and were still in a narrow passage.
Feather pastor jiao panting can’t help complaining "how far is it? I don’t know how long it will take? "
Chloe blinked her red eyes and said seriously, "Sister, we must persist!" So feather Zhen summoned up courage to climb forward again.
Hey, there was a glimmer of light in the line of sight, and finally I saw the dawn. Feather Zhen excitedly accelerated his crawling speed.
It turns out that at the other end of the passage is a bigger cave. Feather and Kerr jump out of the passage and now they are in a colder cave.
In the cave, the air is cold and pressing, and the feather can’t help shrinking his shoulders and relying on Chloe tightly.
Chloe looked warily at all the surrounding cave walls with several priceless night beads while relying on the feather, and the whole cave was clearly visible with soft light.
In the middle of the cave, embedded in the ice of ten thousand years, it turned out to be a sword with brilliance shining like a rainbow. The sword seems to have exhausted magic, and I believe that the sun and the moon will dim before it.
"Hey? A sword? " Chloe jumped over and tried to pull out the sword, but the hand didn’t touch the hilt. The sword suddenly showed a powerful force to fly Chloe out and flop.
Feather pastor helped Chloe quickly. It’s okay. Feather pastor walked around the magic sword several times. She bravely walked over and grabbed the hilt. It’s strange that this magic sword didn’t repel her. Feather pastor pulled the sword out of the ice.
This magic sword accepted her?
Chloe was surprised to open her mouth to see the feather’s eyes immediately turned into worship.
Chapter one hundred and thirty-five Life memories have you enough.
———-please keep it.
Feather Zhen held this shining Guanghua sword in her hand and looked at it carefully. She saw four words engraved on the hilt of the sword, "Goddess Rapier". Feather Zhen gasped. So this is the Goddess Jing Xuan sword? No wonder it chose itself. It seems that it is really the reincarnation of Jing Xuan. Rapier returned to his master.
Was she really that beautiful and tall girl in her previous life? I really had an unforgettable love affair with The Hunger Fengluo in my previous life?
Feather stroke the cold, smooth and dazzling blade. Why is this sword here?
Why didn’t Jing Xuan cut off Feng Luo’s head three thousand years ago?
Now that this sword has returned to its own hands, what fate does it bring to itself?
Rapier, Rapier, what are you telling yourself?
Feather Zhen was thinking about the slender finger accidentally scraping the sword, and the finger was cut, and a drop of blood rolled down the blood groove of the sword.
Feather bow shrank in pain and the sword "crashed" fell to the ground
Feather Zhen shook her head and bent down to pick up Rapier again, but strange things gave birth to a light smoke rising from Ran Ran, Rapier, and a figure gradually became clear in the thick smoke.
Feather pastor and Kerr both opened their eyes in surprise, especially feather pastor. What the hell is the sword doing alone?
The figure is getting clearer and clearer, as if a crystal figure appeared in front of Yu Zhen and Kerr, and a gentle and clear voice sounded in his ear, "Jingxuan, you finally came to see me again?"
Feather Zhen looked at the man in front of him in surprise. It was a face that people forgot. He had a pair of thick eyebrows and melancholy eyes that flew obliquely into his temples. A silver-white light shirt set off him even more, making him as cold as flowers and beautiful snow. The faintly sad eyes made people feel very distressed.
Who is this young man? What comes out of the sword?

When it comes to this Su orange, all kinds of things are pulled. Yes! She just can’t get used to the wool left pig. This dead girl is flying in the game one day. She watches a soap opera and sometimes she doesn’t feel at ease.

"Uh-huh" is very clever for the rise of Su Orange Zuo Tangtang. He nodded one by one and didn’t directly push Su Mama away like the past.
Until Su Orange’s speech ended as usual, she looked at her eyes and listened carefully. Zuo Tangtang hesitated and swallowed and asked, "Tangtang, what happened to you today?"
"Nothing." Zuo Tangtang smiled naively and waved his hand. "It’s nothing. Why don’t you believe it?"
"So …" Looking at Su Orange with suspicious eyes, he said with some uncertainty, "So come out with me now?"
"No, I’m waiting for someone."
"Wait for someone?" Sue orange some scratching their heads "wait here? Is anyone coming? Wait a minute? "
"No, it’s not," Zuo Tangtang said. "When the Internet says something, oh, you always leave me alone today."
"But you …" Sue orange also want to say something.
⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ 931
"Okay, okay, it’s okay. Why don’t you get out of here?" Zuo Tangtang found that Su Orange had to be sent away as usual, otherwise it would really nag.
"Oh, oh," Sue orange didn’t react and felt that she always had any questions. She took a step back and walked towards the door.
"So I’m leaving?" Almost at the moment when the door was closed, Su Orange turned around and shouted.
Zuo Tangtang really didn’t want to talk to her this time.
I really don’t know how she can find a boyfriend with this sex.
Just that … If she’s not dazzled, Zuo Zhu, this is going to …
Sue orange can’t stop worrying about the thought behind the door. Anyway, from now on, pay more attention to this girl’s behavior, just in case …
The desktop alarm clock is walking bit by bit. Zuo Tangtang looks out of the window from time to time or looks at the black screen from time to time. Let’s end it today.
He cried, he laughed and lived in the world he gave. She let today have a result. Should she go on and let go? She wants an answer.
Holding it in her hand all the time, the mobile phone records her determination
Let’s talk alone today.
Responding to her is short, and I can’t see a word of feelings.
Okay, to be continued
[223] Chapter two hundred and twenty-five My heart never dies]
Or the peach tree.
In front of me, the peach blossoms are flying and the flowers are dazzling. Zuo Tangtang is in a tree, and the pink look on his screen is not trance.
This used to be a place where she hid in the bottom of her heart.
At first, when they were so close, they were flustered and found that his goal was aimed at her, which made them blush and ambiguous. Finally, he told her that he would be by her side, and he could not help but be shy and ignore his heart …
Probably at that time, she had already planted it.
Zuo Tangtang smiled bitterly.
Isn’t there a saying like that?
It’s always good that you end up in it.
Little by little, the past is like a shadow, and it is so clear that people are scared. There is still a big circle of new players around the tree. Players are meditating, practicing martial arts or playing the piano in front of him, or bending over and grinding herbs.
Look at these familiar scenes, Zuo Tangtang couldn’t help but smile. At that time, she heard about it and smelled it everywhere. What about grinding bean curd every day? She just got the favor of "Mr. Feng Si" and disappeared into the Jianghu for a long time. But what happened later? It seems that you are impatient or want to revolve around him? She is not interested in the so-called adventure, and Xiaofeng thinks that she is not willing to brush it.
What did she think at that time?
Oh, by the way, what did she want to brush a np favor for? Why don’t you be a little tail that sticks to her house and washes his favor?
She can’t forget her sly smile when she thought about this question, and her heart secretly throbbed.
Zuo Tangtang’s memory is the same. He is very picky. He likes not only good weapons and clothes, but also food that he can’t usually eat.
Perhaps these new players who have come here haven’t tried it one by one as she did at the beginning, and figured it out. One after another, they complained on the nearby channels and left Zuo Tangtang one after another. They also smiled indifferently and couldn’t see a trace of expression.
Take it out and throw it in the package, and there are still soybeans left. The farmer’s skills are like this. From the end to the end, the physical strength is reduced a little, and the tofu in the package is increased a little.
When the last soybean was ground into tofu, Zuo Tangtang ordered the tofu he had just made and gave it to Feng Si in one breath.
Looking at Feng Si’s smiling face rising above his head, his goodwill increased.
Zuo Tangtang is slightly dazed.
Xiao Fengsi has not changed, and she still likes to eat tofu made by her as before.
But I liked her at the beginning, but now it has become like this?
Keep one’s original heart
I suddenly thought of the word Zuo Tangtang, but I felt that my eyes were sour at this time.
It seems that the golden beans are going to be dropped again.
Pat on the cheek and slow down. Let yourself turn pale and ruddy. Zuo Tangtang glanced at the screen and turned away from the peach tree that came back to the house again.
One-step two-step jump
One-step two-step jump
Ah ….. It’s falling again. Zuo Tangtang shook his head. It’s very kind of him. I couldn’t jump at the beginning. I still can’t jump now. I’ve become much worse than before. What would happen …

Ah, Li sighed again. You don’t know that a day ago, the demon clan suddenly broke out in war and was sealed. The demon emperor suddenly broke through the seal. In the human world, he called on the demon clans to cultivate immortality and set up a teaching to deal with the famous sects in the human world. At present, the school of cultivating immortality in the human world is in jeopardy, and the spiritual world has to send a large number of these sects to cultivate immortality to help the human world.

After listening to Li’s words, Guo Xiaosi also fell silent. He didn’t expect such a great event to happen in the human world. He recited the magic emperor’s amazing breakthrough in the seal through the ages. This is what Guo Xiaosi didn’t expect. What is more important is the importance of Guo Xiaosi and the white world to the spiritual world. This is not generally important. You know that the foundation of the spiritual world is that no one in the human world cultivates immortality, so this spiritual world is about to wither.
However, Guo Xiaosi doesn’t care much about these things. It is a faint arch eyebrows figure that floats from my heart, but it is also instantaneous.
At the same time, Guo Xiaosi is also somewhat curious about the rise of the magic emperor. I didn’t expect that the magic emperor broke the seal and didn’t directly kill the spiritual world, but adopted the method of wooing and gathering to kill those famous sects. You know, being excluded from the famous sects, cultivating immortals is a lot of hidden cultivation, so it can be seen that this magic emperor is indeed an able person.
Guo Xiaosi and others don’t know that the magic emperor not only wooed the mortals to join the church, but also cultivated a large number of people who were loyal to teaching, so that these mortals also cultivated immortality rapidly.
Ah, farewell to Li Guo Xiaosi, who stepped into the demon door with great thoughts, but I didn’t expect one person to collide. When Guo Xiaosi hurried to hold the person who was hit, it was Tang Xiaoqian.
The teacher elder sister, I’m sorry to see that Tang Xiaoqian Guo Xiaosi couldn’t help exclaiming, but she was also full of doubts. You should know that you didn’t notice the person in front because you were full of thoughts, but Tang Xiaoqian didn’t notice Guo Xiaosi because of this height.
No, Tang Xiaoqian hurriedly waved his hand and said that his forehead was a little sad. Oh, it’s Teacher Guo. You’re back. Look clearly, it’s Guo Xiaosi. Tang Xiaoqian’s sad forehead is more than a little happy
The teacher elder sister, you look at Guo Xiaosi with a sad face. Tang Xiaoqian also knows what a forced smile is. Carefully worded, are you worried? Guo Xiaosi, although Tang Xiaoqian doesn’t have much contact, she clearly knows that Tang Xiaoqian is always optimistic. When the pressure is too strong, she will choose to rely on it. Tang Xiaoqian has always been very strong until Xiao Datian is now a little relieved.
Nothing. Tang Xiaoqian smiled and immediately said that the spiritual world has been chaotic recently, so you should be more careful.
Thank you, Elder Martial Sister, for waking up, Guo Xiaosi nodded and then looked at Tang Xiaoqian’s back, bleak and walking in front of the mountain gate with countless vicissitudes of life.
Knock, knock, knock.
Suddenly, a violent bell rang in the demon mountain. Guo Xiaosi Tang Xiaoqian was indecisive. Listening to the clock, when the clock struck nine times, Tang Xiaoqian and Guo Xiaosi were suddenly surprised. They both looked at each other and hurried towards the main hall. Nine times in the demon door, the clock represented the most important event. Demon disciples had to go to the General Hall.
During the running, Guo Xiaosi guessed what had happened and would strike nine.
When Guo Xiaosi came to the main hall, there were already many demon brothers in the main hall for a moment, but Xiao Datian took a non-demon brother to cultivate immortality and now he is in the main hall.
It’s good for the head master to meet the demon disciples in the main hall of Xiao Datian. When a major event happens, the younger brothers are all called Xiao Datian. When the head master usually meets Xiao Datian, the younger brothers are called Master. This is also the difference between other sects of the demon clan.
Xiao Datian nodded with satisfaction, and the smile that usually hangs on the corners of his mouth has disappeared. Instead, it is a dignified way. The spiritual world has suffered a lot. We have to work together to overcome the difficulties. Xiao Datian pointed to the young cultivate immortality behind him and said to his younger brother, this is Tianxing Zongdi Xiaoyao Hui. He will tell you about the current spiritual situation.
Brother Hui, who is called Xiaoyao, hurried to the center of the temple and said with a little anxiety that Gankunmen suddenly invaded when a large number of Tianxing sects cultivated immortals and entered the human world to exorcise demons. At present, Tianxing Sect has been surrounded by me and I am desperate to break through, but it is still seen that the alliance can save the danger and Tianxing Sect can eliminate Gankunmen.
Chapter four hundred and thirty-one Rescue Tianxingzong
Hearing Xiaoyao Hui say this sentence, Guo Xiaosi looked at Xiaoyao Hui carefully and found that Xiaoyao Hui was bloodied and tired. Obviously, it was after some hard work that he came to Yaomen for help.
Gankunmen has been eyeing the spiritual veins of the major sects in the spiritual world. Today, Xiao Datian finally said with a little sadness, but I didn’t expect Gankunmen to choose the right time to start when our major sects in the spiritual world were understaffed. Xiao Datian continued, even if we are understaffed, I will send someone to rescue our allies. We can’t fall into a treacherous name.
Thank you, Xiao Zhang Xiaoyao Hui, for plopping down on his knees in the tunnel. I came all the way to visit many sects, but all of them were rejected one by one, or closed the door or made no excuses. Xiao Zhang’s kindness said Xiaoyao Hui drummed three heads on the spot. Thank you, Xiao Zhang Tianxing Zong, for remembering this kindness.
Get up quickly, raise your hand gently, Xiao Datian suddenly feels that he has been lifted by a strong force, and then Xiao Datian said to many demon disciples that at present, not only must we rescue our allies from being hurt by the dry Kun people, but I want to send my disciples to Tianxingzong to have a look. Xiao Datian looked at the demon disciples in the main hall and couldn’t help but focus on Guo Xiaosi Tang Xiaoqian.
Think about Guo Xiaosi Tang Xiaoqian’s current repair of Xiao Datian, and then he made an idea. Tang Xiaoqian and Guo Xiaosi will go to Tianxingzong together with you at Xiaoyao Hui this time, and we will arrive later.
It’s impossible for my brother to point to his own head and refuse. It’s still a serious and solemn occasion. Nai Guo Xiaosi should also scold Gan Kunmen to the skin and do things. It’s bound to make ups and downs.
Xiao Datian nodded and said, Pay attention to Ann all the way and don’t make a move.
Guo Xiaosi nai leaned down and brought life to Tang Xiaoqian, and casually picked up a mountain with Xiaoyao Hui and ran in the direction of Tianxingzong.
On the road, Guo Xiaosi also learned that Yaomen also sent a group of people to the human world to participate in the battle, and the leader was Uncle Tang Xiaoqian. No wonder Guo Xiaosi didn’t see Xu Guang’s figure in the main hall. He has come to the human world and remembered the human world. Guo Xiaosi sighed slightly, shook off his head and followed Xiaoyao Hui in the direction of Tianxingzong.
May be worried about the Star Zongan dangerous Xiaoyao Hui didn’t say anything all the way, but Tang Xiaoqian also hung dignified and anxious in his brow, and Guo Xiaosi was also slightly sad. He could solve Xiaoyao Hui’s mood. After all, the Star Zongzong was suddenly in danger and was surrounded by Gankun Gate. No one would be in a good mood.
But for Tang Xiaoqian, Guo Xiaosi is full of doubts. He doesn’t know what happened in Tang Xiaoqian’s body. What Tang Xiaoqian always has a worried look? It’s not like it is easy to laugh and laugh. In Tang Xiaoqian, Guo Xiaosi wants to know what happened in Tang Xiaoqian’s body, but Guo Xiaosi knows that he can’t ask the parties about it.
Tianxingzong is located in the south of the spiritual world, occupying a mountain body and spiritual vein. Tianxingzong sent a considerable number of immortals in this chaos of the human world, resulting in fewer masters and fewer disciples in the sects. More importantly, Gankun Gate is closer to Tianxingzong. After picking up some sects in the south, Gankun Gate will set its sights on Tianxingzong.
Because there are fewer brothers in the sect, Tianxingzong Sect resisted Gankunmen’s early preparation for attack, and they had to be embarrassed by the baby. Because there are not many brothers in other sects, they are unwilling to help Tianxingzong, and they also don’t want Tianxingzong to escape this disaster. After all, if there is one sect missing, there will be one more spiritual vein to divide up.
Hey, Guo Xiaosi sighs and looks at Xiaoyao Hui’s anxious appearance. Who will be willing to help him in this form? Even if the declining well stone is good, Guo Xiaosi is also curious about the strength of the demon gate. You know, according to the current strength of the demon gate, it can resist the attack of Gankun Gate or launch a counter-attack
After Guo Xiaosi three people left the demon gate, Xiao Datian looked at the direction of Tianxingzong and muttered, finally, this timing is really good enough.
According to Xiao Datian’s plan, it is to rely on Tianxingzong to resist Gankunmen, so that Gankunmen can finally win other spiritual veins, but Xiao Datian didn’t expect such a thing in the human world to make his plan messy
Fortunately, Xiao Datian left his hand behind and didn’t send the demon gate elite force department to the human world, that is, the Star Patriarchal Sect blocked the attack of Gankun Gate. Xiao Datian was also able to resist the attack of Gankun Gate by virtue of the current forces, but the strength of Gankun Gate will develop rapidly if it is allowed to get the Star Zong Ling pulse. It won’t be long before the southern part of the spiritual world can be completely calmed down.