
So handsome, so good-natured and very gentle.
It’s so happy to be taken care of by him.
Jiang Jiang looked at him a little thirsty and a little flustered and could not help but lick his dry lips.
Yanshaoqing eyes rested on her shallow rice lips.
Hanging by my side, I couldn’t help but curl up with one hand, holding back my sudden desire
Section 251
Ning Jinxiu came in and saw such a picture.
Looking stunned, I coughed twice and hurried to the bed with a smile. "Why hasn’t Dr. Yan been working yet?"
"Well" YanShaoQing straight body looked at her light way "come and see Jiang Jiang"
"Heart" Ning Jinxiu polite way
Yan Shaoqing smiled faintly "should"
Lying down, Jiang Jiang looked at the two of them and talked to each other. I was still a little depressed and asked, "Mom, how did you come back so soon?"
"…" Ning gave her a splendid look.
I suddenly heard a little bit of disgust in her tone.
The alarm sounded in my heart.
Glancing at Yan Shaoqing, he said with a smile, "There are still some things to ask. Shall we go out and talk?"
"Good" Yanshaoqing glanced at Jiang Jiang and nodded.
Jiang Jiang was a little depressed and flat-mouthed with strength. "Goodbye, Dr. Yan. Remember to come and talk with me someday."
Ning Jinxiu "…"
It’s only been a few minutes, and the two people are familiar with each other again.
She was in a bad mood and went outside to watch Yan Shaoqing see the mountain road. "I have been lying for more than ten days. This girl has some active words. Don’t take her words seriously when you are busy."
Yan Shaoqing smiled without a word.
Ning Jinxiu thought about seeing that scene just now and felt headache.
I feel that Yan Shaoqing seems to have hit the doom of Jiang Jiang.
When two people get along with each other, they feel ambiguous and soft, as if they are about to have feelings for a moment.
Of course she’s going to stop it
Thinking together, Ning Jinxiu simply asked, "Is it convenient to transfer her to another hospital?"
Yan Shaoqing finally recovered and looked at her unexpectedly. "Transfer?"
"It’s a transfer," Ning Jinxiu nodded and explained. "If you say something, it’s a promise to this marriage. I think you should transfer it to the hospital so that you can get it back."
"Are you afraid that she will think of me?" Yan Shaoqing frowned slightly.
"Yes" Ning Jinxiu is also outspoken.
"I don’t agree." Yan Shaoqing hung on his side and held a light hand slightly. "I don’t agree to see her recover when I transfer to another hospital."
"You have promised, haven’t you?"
"Yes," said Yan Shaoqing, "I promised not to get up in front of her, but …"
He intoned "with one additional condition"
Ning Jinxiu leng one.
"I need to watch her recover." Yan Shaoqing was concise.
Ning Jinxiu "…"
Watching her recover?
What if you look at two people and see the feelings?
"I know what you are worried about." Yan Shaoqing looked at her with a solemn face. "If I don’t tell her, I can remember to prove that she is not determined to escape this relationship. She loves me and I love her. They should be together, shouldn’t they?"
Ning Jinxiu "…"
She suddenly felt a little big.
Yan Shaoqing is more calm and prudent than his peers.
Where is it like a junior?
How can she continue to push her luck when she has already pushed her limits?
Ning Jinxiu nodded and looked at him with a solemn face. "I can promise you this thing, but as you said, if she hasn’t remembered you by the time she leaves the hospital, I hope your things can be completely over."
Yan Shaoqing was silent for a long time and whispered "good"
"Then I’ll go in first."
Ning Jinxiu voice fall to the ground turned into the door.
Yan Shaoqing didn’t go outside for the time being. It was very quiet, listening to the ginger chuckle inside.
Listen, listen, feel uncomfortable again, and have some way to bear it.
Although such a ginger has suffered, the whole person seems relaxed and straightforward, and his eyes are clear and still clever. The most important thing is that he is softer and more lively than before.
What can he say?
He said a lot of things when he was deliberately forgotten.
Yan Shaoqing walked slowly away.
As night falls, the street lights outside the hospital are all on.
He felt
It’s like being in a wilderness

He was three years old when he was young. Will you remember her? !

After listening to Ning Luo telling so many things all the way, it is obvious that the night is not good and I don’t know what kind of girl Tang Meng is.
The hand is still gently on the railing, frowning skillfully, and the light in front is getting brighter and brighter.
Ning Luo was staring at the darkness in the stern, and finally he completely put away his cynicism. When he arrived in the lonely city, he was Bai Di calm and very meticulous.
I don’t know this mask before I can really take it off and be him. The paper demon is carefree and concerned about one thing, that is, the history of the magic road …
A few shadows flashed across the banks of the underground river and soon landed on the ship.
Ning Luo frowned and slowly turned around.
It was the spy who respectfully said in the previous step, "All the major mountains on the left side of Long Mai were guarded by the Emperor Tian Frame from the peripheral garrison, and there were also many elite soldiers who entered the mountain forest. The isolated village of Dihu grassland is a stronghold. When Lin Ruo Snow and Jade Evil left Long Mai, they were picked up by a group of mysterious black people, and they were tracked by people."
"Can Lin Ruoxue be safe and sound?" Ning Luo asked faintly
"Both of them walked hand in hand and there was a mysterious woman who seemed to lead the way." The man truthfully told Jade Evil that when she came out of Long Mai, she didn’t immediately join Ningluolian. There must be something wrong here.
"Are you sure you picked it up?" Ning Luo frowned and wondered what had happened in Long Mai. Obviously, naturally, it was sent to ask Tang Ying if it was his word.
I don’t know what the two guys, Flame and Luoshuiji, did!
Ning Luo’s hand thumped on the railing, showing his dissatisfaction.
"Calm down! Day frame emperor constantly to thousands of major mountain surge is fear I don’t know what to enter the retreat "the worship said.
Ningluo didn’t speak heavily, but the hand pressed on the railing gradually loosened the day frame. The emperor sent an army to Wandashan while adding the garrison of Xiqiao in China. This is obviously to surround the whole Bai Di and even leave Wandashan, which is extremely impossible to escape.
It is this result that he wants. When the time comes, the imperial city is very close to the state and county forces, and the evil spirits control De Hu Jun’s temporary defection. When the magic barrier in the western world breaks the return of the seven evil spirits, Ling Si’s night statue can destroy China and proclaim himself emperor in one fell swoop.
After all the dust settled, the seven demons and seven evil powers continued to seal Tang Ying’s magic, and when she fought for it, she found Lingsi Night. The other two souls could avoid a real war!
If Tang Meng is really a magic statue, if she can wake up, it would be better if she knew the truth of the year, and what should she choose?
Looking for and killing Tang Ying again? Maybe the blood clan leader can’t stand him when he really wakes up!
Tang yingqi? But it is necessary to prevent the culprit!
Ning Luo didn’t ask any more questions and waved his hand to the spies to retreat.
And after this group of spies receded, a black shadow appeared behind Ningluo as if by appearance.
"Is there any blood clan movement?" Ningluo asked coldly.
"Back to the master, everything is moving in the north, south and west, and the south hasn’t been searched yet." The shadow is respectfully brought out by Nuningluo in the slave palace. Over the years, I have been paying attention to the blood clan’s movement.
"Continue to search for trouble and report immediately." Ningluo sounds low but full of sharpness.
Although no trace of the blood clan has been found yet, he has to guard against it. If The Hunger is controlled by the magic trend method, then the blood clan is driven by force. How can the blood clan forces be quiet and unfaithful for a long time?
"Yes" The shadow disappears to the large deck, but it is no longer quiet. The water is getting bigger and bigger. The Gucheng dam project has already been completed. The dam is a gate and a huge waterfall is formed, which leads the high lake water to easily pour into the underground river.
Ningluo walked towards the bow and the ship finally dropped anchor and stopped slowly.
From the bow, you can look up at the dumping and the waterfall seems to welcome them back.
"Brother Ningluo … Brother Ningluo …" A sweet voice didn’t know where it came from.
"Nimrod! I am here, hey hey, you can’t see me! "
"What about here? I’ve been here for several days. You’re three days later than expected!"
This sweet sound is getting louder and louder, but the water is getting smaller and smaller, and the waterfall is getting smaller and smaller, and soon it is completely dried up and disappeared.
The waterfall hand is very steep, and the stone steps have spread to the top of the dam. The phoenix dance is high on the stone steps, watching them all wet and laughing.
Ningluonai smiled, but Shu Fei frowned. Is this your husband leaving a daughter with the side princess?
Now, how can Queen Bai Di dance like a wild girl without any self-cultivation? How can Prince Ning be the Regent?
"Empress Dowager, please" Ning Luo respectfully said that the boatman had set up the boat ladder and a sedan chair was already ready.
"This is really a huge project." Shu Fei still looked up and didn’t mean to have a boat
"The Queen Mother’s body and bones are not good, so my father won’t come to wait at the dam." Ning Luo explained that it was really hard to see what the Queen Mother was thinking.
However, Shu Fei still didn’t answer, but her feet suddenly turned over and flew towards the stone steps.
Ning Luo frowned and hurriedly chased it to the root, so he couldn’t come to see Shu Fei. He pulled the phoenix dance and took her straight to the dam.
"Are you a concubine?"
"What do you want to do? You let me go! "
Feng dance is not so quiet and struggling, so she can’t get rid of her. The former Shu Fei is just a weak girl. How can I think that she is so good at martial arts?
Finally, I landed at the dam and waited for a long time. Prince Ning quickly greeted me. "Sister haha, you finally came out!"
"Ok, big brother, I still want you to pick me up in person?" Shu Fei put a phoenix dance with a face of dissatisfaction and walked quickly to Prince Ning.
Brother and sister look at each other but hug to each other heavily!
"I look forward to your rescue day and night. Fortunately, you know I’m not dead!" Shu Fei said with emotion
"Thanks to your nephew, haha!" Prince Ning has a face of excitement but no serious appearance on weekdays. It seems that he saw Ning Luo or Tang Ying before to look like this.
Cherish if aside, Ouyang Qing and thyme drunk are all inwardly sighing. Finally, I see Wang Ye laughing again.
"Cherish if you lose, I will say that Princess Shu will not be too serious," Ouyang Qing said with a smile.
"Don’t you also say that she is a weak woman? Look at how she just came to that flying achievement. Even the three of us can’t compete with each other. "If you are not drunk, you will immediately refute this bet, but you also bet!

Ling Tian didn’t mean to be sick. He directly stopped two people.

Although they didn’t know what he wanted to do, they stopped attacking.
But at the last minute, Joe Five kicked Zhou Shangqiu out with one foot.
"Dog, I’ll see if you are arrogant again!"
Zhou Shangqiu was wronged.
But you can endure it even if you can’t beat it.
Two people back to ling day.
Ling Tianze looked at Zhou Hang.
Zhou Xing closed his eyes and soon recovered calm.
"Just that sentence, you join me, Zhou Jia, and I guarantee that you and I are equal."
"What if I don’t promise?"
"Don’t promise?"
Zhou Xing sneers at Ling Tian’s eyes like watching the dead.
His eyes Yin and complete way
"Then you can die!"
As he spoke, an old man slowly came out of the fog.
See this man Joe four leng one.
Joe five is frowning and thinking expression.
This guy … looks familiar.
I think I’ve seen it somewhere.
No, no
I don’t think I’ve seen a real person. After all, the other person is too old and looks like an old tree root. He’s not the same age.
But it is really familiar.
Where the hell is it …
Joe’s five spirits flashed
And Joe four regardless of shock way
"Grandpa Zhou?"
Say that finish after two people glances are hell expression.
Didn’t Zhou’s grandfather die long ago?
The old man ignored the two men and went straight to Zhou Xing’s side with a kind smile.
"Good grandson, who bullied you?"
Zhou Xing points to Lingtian.
The old man slowly looked up and his eyes rested on Ling Tianshen.
There is no emotion in the eyes, but there is a dead silence.
Ling Tian narrowed his eyes.
It’s not like a living person should have eyes at all!
Chapter 16 Can you beat it?
"So is my lovely grandson. Can you bully me?"
Father Zhou’s family has no habit of talking nonsense with the enemy, so he smiles coldly and comes towards Ling Tian.
The arrogance seems to be eating Ling Tian alive.
When the unexpected is …
A crisp sound.
Grandpa Zhou was slapped by Ling Tianyi and turned three times in situ.
In the end, I failed to stop and flew straight back to Zhou Hang.
This scene directly makes Joe four and Joe five look silly.
Joe five is not endure directly said
"What does Grandpa Zhou think?"
"Zhou Xing is not an opponent of Ling Gong in the middle of shaking heaven."
"He’s so brave at the peak of a god’s realm that he dares to start work on Ling Gong?"
Joe four a silence.
Don’t ask me, I don’t know.
It is said that when Grandpa Zhou died ten years ago, his last regret was that he could not touch the threshold of shaking heaven in his life.
Although I don’t know when to die, Grandpa Zhou appeared here.
But he repaired … is still the peak of god’s realm.

Guo Shaogang almost robbed Yu Xiao, knowing that he was deeply sorry for Yu Shao, turned his ass and said with self-confidence that "I won’t bother you with good things, so I’ll leave first."

"Tonight is to give me juwan practice? Who dares to give it a try? "
Yu Xiao’s eyes suddenly narrowed and shot at Guo Shao, making Guo Shaoxin follow and shake Mr. Yu. That’s not to be taunted. The big shot just sat up and sat down honestly.
"That’s right. It’s rare to be so interested. Learn how to train a woman at least?"
Yu Xiao’s eyes were softened and looked at the woman in her arms. She bit her lip with gray face, but she still stubbornly refused to bow to him. So he did it himself.
Gee … Take off a woman’s clothes. This kind of work has always been easy for Jiang’s color name to spread far and wide.
He smiled and reached out to the blue song. The blue song suddenly shook and said "I’ll do it myself."
"This is good!"
Yu Xiao let her go and let her do it herself.
Eyes secretly looked at her all around, contemptuous and funny, cold and sympathetic, which made her fingertips white.
She trembled slightly and got up slowly. The cold fingertips touched her thick cotton-padded jacket. The metal zipper was also too cold, but she didn’t notice that her teeth were deeply embedded in her lips. It seemed that she was willing to knock out two blood holes.
Yu Xiao looked at her with a smiling face and slowly pulled the zipper with her white fingers. He had seen many women undress stars, elder sisters, tender models and so on in front of him, but he never felt this kind of enjoyable feeling at the moment.
Zip up the clothes, she wears a white seahorse sweater, which is fluffy and soft, just like a little white rabbit waving at him. He really has an impulse to throw herself at her.
Fat and bloated thick cotton-padded jacket. Even though she wears a loose sweater inside, she can vaguely see the figure of this woman. If you think about it, you will know that it is extremely happy.
She took off slowly, and Yu Xiao didn’t rush it, as if she were enjoying such romantic scenery in a pleasing way, but in fact, she couldn’t help waiting for the gun array.
The arm withdrew from the sleeve and took off a coat, so I taught her to take off so hard.
Dian Dian hand coat weight is so heavy that she can’t breathe with a jilt to Yu Xiao.
Cotton-padded jacket spread like a big cloak and winked at him reflexively, raising my hand to catch it.
However, when he picked up her coat, he heard a "bang" that was surprisingly clear. It was a broken bottle.
But in the blink of an eye, Yu Xiao saw that this woman was another gesture of crash and burn in front of him.
His eyes are tightly closed, and she holds a broken bottle in one hand, and her sharp mouth is aimed at her carotid artery. It seems that if she accidentally plunges into it, blood will spill on the spot.
I thought that there might be a hot and foul blood splashing on his face, and the warrior gave a hard twist to his clothes.
This woman is really cunning and deliberately said that she took the initiative to undress so as to get up and get close to the bottle of red wine along the table, and while he caught her, she swung the bottle and broke it, threatening her own life.
Mei Wu told her before that there was no folding stool on the second side of the first wine bottle in the weapons list. Now she can really use the wine bottle as a weapon to protect herself.
A few accompanying women screamed out in horror and went to the men’s arms around them. The men frowned and came out to play, but they didn’t want to make any lives.
The girl wearing a miniskirt outside the door has been waiting outside, and when she heard such a big noise in the box, she was scared.
It was fine just now. There was a song in it, and I laughed from time to time. Why did it seem like there was a fight in it?
The girl is very flustered. Isn’t it that something happened to Miss Lan who just went in? However, this is a VIP box, and she dare not go in and eavesdrop on the door.
"Blue Song, what are you doing?"
The blue song trembled gently, and her clear eyes were thin and red, and she stared at Yu Xiao closely, even her voice trembled.
"Yu Xiao, we used to be passers-by. You don’t attack me, I don’t attack you. I’m only here to find a job, but you have to push me to the wall like those people?"
☆, Chapter 244 Don’t touch her
Blue song also wants to do whatever these uncles ask her to do, but I didn’t expect him to humiliate her like this.
She can bear it herself, and she can put on all the high-profile smiles and sings, but this man is really cruel to others, and he will be willing to completely crush her only pitiful self-esteem.
The girl outside the door turned pale with fear when she heard this. This is going to kill people. Her legs are slightly weak and she bit her teeth. Go and inform me quickly.
At this time, I also have a sister to save the new singer.
The atmosphere in the box was frozen, and everyone dared not even go out of the atmosphere.
Danger less this temper has always been uncompromising and dare not persuade danger less stop one thousand … One thousand this woman really died in front of them is really a headache.
Those people of theirs? Who are there?
Yu Xiao made a hard lip corner. He never wanted to drive her to a dead end. If she bends.
The pale blue meridians on the back of her hand burst out of the bottle, and the red wine in the bottle flowed along her white wrist as if it were going to flow into a river of blood.
What kind of scene has he never seen? There have been several women who loved him to death. Didn’t they all die later?
Women have always been so fond of big issues and small tasks that he doesn’t believe that she really doesn’t even want her life.
Handsome eyes pulled without trace, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don’t just not kiss you? If you don’t kiss, don’t kiss. Is it worthwhile for you to commit suicide? If you commit suicide, you will commit suicide. Do you want to wave my good red wine? "
He didn’t pity the blue song at all, but he looked at a pool of red liquid in disappointment and shook his head. It’s a pity.
Blue song listened to his words slightly, as if he didn’t take her seriously.
Is this man cold-blooded or too calm?
Blue song’s lips are dry and she wants to say let me go. She quit singing here.
Behold, the man across the street looked at her word by word with cold eyes and puffed up. "Blue song, what the hell are you really?" Do I really have to be you? Get out of here now! "
Hearing him say that, Blue Song was relieved.
Fortunately, fortunately, her strong personality finally disgusted the man.
Section 24
Workers can find another life, but there is only one.
As soon as the hand was loosened, I threw it away. The broken bottle turned and walked to the door. Unexpectedly, a cold wind brushed behind her and quickly grabbed her thin shoulder blade.
Shocked, she turned back and bumped into a man’s face with a fierce wheat color.
"Blue song you really I will let you go so easily? I’m here. Do you come and leave whenever you want? Dare to threaten me? Am I scared? "
"I really don’t believe that I can’t cure your blue song?"
Crush one hard and complete like a chicken, pick it up and throw it at the sofa without pity.
Slapped heavily on the sofa and hit the back of the head of the blue song on the hard arm of the sofa, causing her head to buzz.
She really didn’t expect this man who told her to get out of here to go back on his word in shame?
She is always too trusting, especially this one.
But it’s too late to regret it
Her eyes were braved by Venus, and she struggled to open her eyes and vaguely saw the figure of a man coming towards her like a talented wolf, tiger and leopard, and vaguely heard the gnashing of teeth of this beast.

"Well," Ye Wei turned to look at Liuzhuang Lotus. In fact, she knew that she was saving money.

Just then Liu Zhuanghe’s cell phone rang in his pocket.
Liuzhuang Lotus took out a look at it and hesitated for a long time or hung up.
Today, one night, it was 6: 01 a.m. and 9: 02 a.m. earlier when the fixed update was resumed in Harbin, and I don’t doubt that it was more than ten thousand hours since the day.
Thank you for waiting.
1, planning activities storm 1
The so-called escape is to avoid one’s own fears; And how can I get rid of myself? So I learned to escape my strength to meet the challenge.
Liuzhuang Lotus took out a look at it and hesitated for a long time or hung up.
Ye Wei saw that she didn’t answer the phone and asked strangely, "Who is talking?"
""Ye Wei glanced at Liuzhuang lotus didn’t speak.
Ye Wei helped Liuzhuang Lotus pack up and clapped her hands. "It’s all done."
"Thank you, Ye"
"Why are you so polite to me? Although you can’t bear to move away, I won’t be angry with you when I know that you want to be alone with Manager Gu." Ye Wei said with a smile.
Liuzhuang Lotus reluctantly smiled and changed the subject. "It’s not far from your community. Sometimes it’s over when you think about it."
"Good" Ye Wei stretched out a finger and waved it in front of Liu Zhuanghe. "Then it’s agreed to come to my place when you’re not making out with your family."
Liu Zhuanghe was said to be a little red in the face and pushed her out. "Let’s go. I don’t know who you are. You are always asking for a matchmaker." I really grew up together and now I’m trying to speak for Gu Silang every minute.
"Yes," Ye Weichao waved at Liuzhuang Lotus and walked towards the building.
Looking at this community that doesn’t even have a name behind the building, Ye Wei frowned. This lotus is really not going to enjoy life. It is not as good as her community to live in this broken place with a mansion.
After Ye Wei left, Liu Zhuanghe sat in some flipping sofas and held the sofa cushions in a daze.
Before the tea table, the mobile phone screen lit up. Liuzhuang Lotus glanced at it and called Gu Si Post.
But at this time, she really doesn’t want to answer his words at all, but she knows that if she doesn’t answer them, she will keep calling.
Sighed and reached for the phone to pick up "hello"
"Hey, what are you busy with? You didn’t answer the phone just now." Gu Boshang just flew into the hotel and called Liuzhuang Lotus just now. No one answered the phone after he came out of the shower. He always felt insecure when he couldn’t hear her voice.
"Oh, I didn’t hear it just now during my nap." Liu Zhuanghe bit his lip hard not to let his voice sound strange. Just think that she is selfish. I don’t want to let Gu Si know that Grandma Gu talked to her so quickly. Even if they are in two places now, let her feel this last warmth again.
"Didn’t you sleep well last night?" Gu Si smiled evil. "I didn’t sleep well last night either, but I couldn’t eat you. I was hungry on a business trip."
"Well," Liu Zhuanghe gently replied, "I’m going to do laundry. If I didn’t sleep well last night, go to sleep. It must be very busy."
"I want to sleep with you."
"Stop that now," Liu Zhuanghe wiped his face with tears and quickly said, "I have to hang up."
"I love you in Liuzhuang Lotus" Gu Si said and hung up the phone, so the disgusting words made his ears a little hot though they were separated by words.
In order to avoid embarrassment, he hung up after speaking.
Looking at the screen getting darker and darker, Liu Zhuang buried his head in the sofa cushion and began to cry.
On weekends, Liu Zhuanghe has been groggy and asleep, so she won’t think about it.
On Monday morning, she came to the design department of the company early, and no one looked at it. At 7: 32, her colleagues didn’t start work for nearly an hour.
Liu Zhuanghe sat in his seat and quickly checked the second scheme department of Guggenheim. He planned to ask Guggenheim planners to go to the orphanage to see the venue after work.
Xiao-min Lu walked into the office and saw Liuzhuang Lotus busy reading samples for a long time, and there was a pile of papers on the table.
"Good morning, Sister Zhuang"
"Morning Xiaomin" Liuzhuang Lotus smiled sweetly at Lu Xiaomin.
Xiao-min Lu one leng surprised to ask "ZhuangJie today is what’s the wedding?"
"No" Liuzhuang lotus looked at Xiao-min Lu.
"Then why are you smiling so sweetly?"
"Because of the good weather today," Liu Zhuanghe said and bowed his head.
It is said that people smile more when they are in a bad mood, and their mood will get better.
It is said that being busy will make people forget those worries when they forget.
It is said that people will become happy if they pretend to be happy for a long time.
"Well," Xiao-min Lu looked at me and walked towards his place in Liuzhuang.
"Right, Xiaomin, come to a place with me later." Liuzhuang Holland confessed that he was afraid that Xiaomin Lu would have something to do later.
At nine o’clock, when Liu Zhuanghe called Director Gu Shimo and agreed to go to the orphanage.
Director Mo promised and told her to wait in the morning sun. He would come to pick her up.
Liuzhuang Lotus did not refuse to smile and agreed.
She knew that Mo’s supervisor was so polite to her mainly because of Gu Si Lang.
She stayed up almost all night last night, pretending to be asleep, but she was awake with her eyes closed and waiting for dawn.
The orphanage is in the suburbs, so it is convenient for him to pick them up.
Rubbed his swollen temples, Liu Zhuanghe picked up a cup and walked towards the tea to prepare a cup of coffee.
Just walked to the door of the tea and saw Liu Jinyan in it. As soon as Liuzhuang turned his heel, he wanted to leave, but he didn’t want Liu Jinyan to go out with the cup in his hand.
If you walk again at this time, you can say that she is hiding from her. Liuzhuanghe didn’t look at Liu Jinyan and walked inside with a cup.
After passing by her, Liu Jinyan said softly, "Liuzhuang has a long way to go. We’ll see."
Liuzhuang lotus eyebrows a cu glanced at Liu Jinyan.
Liu Jinyan disdained to look at her and left with a cup.
Liu Zhuanghe looked at her back and really couldn’t figure out where she had offended her. If it was because of the position of deputy manager, it was not for her to make decisions.
In the workplace, regardless of seniority or age, anyone who can live in it will be someone else, even if it is not her today.
After making coffee, Liu Zhuanghe didn’t rush back to the balcony outside the tea and looked out of the window. In recent years, the smog in Xijing has become more and more serious, and the sky is gray, but no matter how serious the smog is, she doesn’t feel popular.
When I got back to my seat, I saw that there was a missed call on my mobile phone. At first glance, Lanli frowned. What did she call herself to do?

"Adjust the turret height to launch!" Before the commander commanded the tank shells to fly out, there was an explosion immediately ahead.

"Damn it! What can’t be higher when you hit the foot of the mountain? " The flying shell didn’t hit the building, but hit the surface of the building. The captain of the rock driver opened his mouth and scolded.
"The captain is already the maximum elevation angle!" Our shells can’t hit so high, "replied the gunner Nye in the car.
Soon, more and more armored vehicles found them here, except when the live target was rooted, the ancient city of Pagman was guarded in the northwest of Kabul. On the day when the city was built, it was designed according to the fortress. The fortress was as dense as a spider’s web, easy to defend but difficult to attack. The armored forces were separated by the narrow roads of the city. Soon, they were shot at close range by the enemy. In the narrow tank method, they turned around and took rpg jihadists and fired rockets at armored vehicles at a distance of almost 50 meters. After a while, Soviet and Afghan government armored vehicles were destroyed one after another.
What’s more, with a large number of troops leaving Kabul, they have been hiding in the city for a long time, and the sheng fighters have also taken action. There have been explosions in the city one after another, and the situation is getting out of control.
More and more injured Soviet soldiers and Afghans have been sent here in Jiangshi Hospital. Eva has come to the hospital to accompany him every day. At this moment, her hands are covered with blood. A Soviet soldier who was hit by a car bomb is stopping bleeding, and his comrades are crying.
"What hasn’t the doctor come to see him? He’s dying! " The Soviet soldier looked at his comrade-in-arms convulsed by excessive blood loss and asked angrily, but there were too many injured people and not enough doctors
Eva, who can’t come, seems to have made up her mind and said to Karim and the injured comrades, "I can’t wait any longer. It seems that I can perform the operation. Hold him down for me!"
"How can you operate? Are you a nurse?" Karim asked with a suspicious face.
Eva didn’t answer. She soon started the operation like a doctor. She found the bleeding place from the disinfection knife and sewed up the blood vessels. She performed better than the doctor. Did Karim get scared by the bloody scene of the operation? She had a big question in her heart. How can Eva have such a good medical skill? Who is she? Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w
Chapter 47 Difficult decisions
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC The Soviet Red Army and the Afghan government armored forces were caught in a scuffle in the ancient city of Pagman. More and more tanks were destroyed. There were no strong fortresses in the intricate alleys of the ancient city of Pagman, which made the armored forces helpless. Soon they found that these jihadists not only had rpg but also advanced anti-tank missiles * pop-ups? @++www * c Tanks are stuck in narrow streets and have to bear the enemy’s ceaseless attacks.
The trouble ahead soon arrived at the Kabul Theater Command, and Commander-in-Chief Wan Nai had to let the armored troops who suffered heavy losses retreat to a room first. The senior staff could not do anything about the sand table and the map. If the former sheng fighters only relied on ak47 and rpg, they couldn’t keep Pagman, but now it’s different. sheng fighters don’t know where to get high-grade goods such as heat-tracking missiles and anti-tank missiles, and relying on Pagman terrain, it’s simply a problem to solve. However, the only thing that Chinese troops can do to help armed helicopters for besieged Soviet soldiers is to watch their comrades-in-arms being besieged by more and more sheng fighters.
13 Many wounded armored troops from the front line were sent here in the drop-off hospital. The sudden situation made this hospital a little unprepared, and there were not enough plasma, doctors and even nurses. The corridor was full of wounded soldiers who were crying because of the pain. Karim couldn’t help but feel more and more worried when she saw the terrible situation here. Eva was busy soon. Although she was short of hands, she was too tired. Karim sent her home to take a bath and relax. Now her clothes are full of blood from the wounded. Eva is wooden and went into the bathroom. Karim is outside to prepare.
Karim pushed the bathroom in. Eva sat naked on the ground. She buried her face in her knees and kept shaking. Karim hurried forward to comfort her. Just as her hand was about to touch Eva’s hair, Eva suddenly grabbed him. She cried and said to Karim, "It’s all my fault! Xie took a dead man! It’s all my fault! "
Karim frightened to disgrace hurriedly asked "how! What the hell is going on here, Eva! "
"Xie took trapped by guerrillas in the valley they can’t come back! This is all my fault! " Eva said with a face of guilt
"Eva, what the hell is going on? We have to do something. You like Xie Liaosha so much. Do something!" Karim panicked and said
"There is no way out, Karim! There’s nothing we can do! The only thing I can do now is to take you away from this country with guilt and leave for us now! " Eva said that and immediately went out of the bathroom to pack her bags. Soon he came to the building with Karim, who was struggling constantly, and got into the car prepared in advance.
"Let me go. Where are you taking me? Who the fuck are you ? Let me go! " Eva ignored Karim’s resistance and started the car and left the hospital. Unfortunately, there was chaos and disorder everywhere in Kabul today, and Eva’s car was quickly blocked in the road.
"Where is Xie Liaosha now?" Karim kept asking
"I don’t know, maybe he has died in Pageman Mountain. This fool, I once hinted that he would not take part in this operation. This fool! Doesn’t he want to think that I will quarrel with him inexplicably? " Just as Eva kept blaming herself, Karim accidentally knocked on the door and jumped, and soon disappeared into the street.
Eva quickly looked around the car and shouted, "Karim, come back!" There is no hope for this country … "
When the morning sun rose again on the horizon the next day, it had resisted for a day and a night, and Xie Liaosha felt that hope was getting more and more dim. From time to time, Soviet helicopters shouted to Xie Liaosha and them.
"Heroic soldiers! Hold on one more time! The rescue team will arrive soon! The motherland and the Red Army won’t abandon you … "These words were believed by Xie Liaosha a day ago, but now he feels upset when he hears these words. After a simple inspection, Lebed found that his leg was broken, and the other things are fine. Now Xie Liaosha gave the command to Lebed. Unfortunately, it is a pity that it is difficult to cook with more and more wounded people and less ammunition. Lebed can’t do anything.
There is no way out for this army, even the sheng fighters have seen it. Hafezola has shouted to them more than once to hand over their weapons and surrender. He promised to abide by the Zhiwa Convention. Once the speaker was called back by everyone, but now they are not allowed to continue to be extravagant with hand ammunition.
Lebed sat with his injured leg in his arms. Now he doesn’t want to think about military matters. The helicopter is still hovering over their heads. Although it is close at hand, it is a pity that as soon as it is lowered, the missile in the hands of sheng fighters will hit it without mercy. Most soldiers have been in isolation for a day and a night. They have been brave enough and have long been worthy of the Soviet Union. But what can the Soviet Union do and send a plane to tell them to continue? A battle that should have ended in three hours has been going on for a day and a night. The soldiers didn’t carry enough physical objects and water when they left. Everything was prepared according to the three-hour battle. I didn’t know in advance what the sheng fighters had anti-missile in their hands. There was no intelligence to show that Hafezola had so many soldiers.
Lebed was quickly interrupted by Xie Liaosha. Lebed persisted in spite of his own pain. He wanted to see his comrades who fought with him. He Lebed could personally end his life, but he could not ask his comrades to do so.
"Lebed, you must make a decision." Xie took a hoarse voice and said to Lebed. He knew that Xie took his life and death decision to him. He was very moved and blamed himself. He dragged his injured leg out of the room and everyone was watching him.
Lebed said with tears in his eyes, "comrades-in-arms, thank you for your efforts, but we have run out of ammunition. I am responsible for the failure of this operation. You are brave enough. I will bear it together no matter what happens in the future!"
At noon, a white flag was slowly raised on the roof of the building occupied by Soviet soldiers. Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w
Chapter 40 Ask questions about east and west
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC Hafezola proudly watched the surrendered Soviet soldiers walk out of the house one by one. Their weapons were confiscated and their heads were quickly put on the car with black cloth covers. @++www * c Those dejected comrades are different. Xie Liaosha has been constantly feeling the surrounding environment. With the darkness in front of him, Xie Liaosha feels a little familiar feeling, just like when he was in Lubyanka.
Sitting in a bumpy car, Xie Liaosha pricked up his ears and listened to everything around him. He silently estimated the driving route of the car. Every turn, parking and acceleration Xie Liaosha remembered it. After about an hour, Xie Liaosha suddenly heard running water in his ear and smelled a pungent smell in his nose.
"Cheep" Xie Liao Sha’s car finally stopped, and they were taken outside one by one, and then their hoods were removed. Xie Liao Sha’s eyes changed from darkness to bright environment, and he felt very uncomfortable, but he still forced himself to open his eyes and observe the surrounding environment carefully.
The first thing you see is a huge plane. At first glance, you can tell that it is the hijacked An-22 heavy transport plane. Xie Liaosha’s eyes didn’t stay on this side too much. He looked around at the things outside the plane. He saw a winding river flowing into the distance. In the distance, it looked like drying cloth combined with the pungent smell in the air. Xie Liaosha was sure that it must be a dyeing workshop.
Xie Liao Sha just wanted to see the surrounding environment again, and those who were in charge of guarding them, sheng Warrior, drove them to the plane. Xie Liao Sha felt a little surprised. Why did Xie Liao Sha board the plane with a lot of questions in a place like this? Unexpectedly, there was not one person in the plane, and a blond young man dressed as a pilot was sitting inside.
More than 100 prisoners were quickly driven into the plane. Everyone watched the pilot silently. The pilot got up awkwardly and introduced himself. "My name is Anton, and I am the pilot of this plane, just like you." Anton swallowed the second half of the sentence in everyone’s angry eyes.
"It seems that it is spacious enough for so many of us to live together!" As he spoke, Xie Liaosha walked towards Anton. He held out his hand and said, "Nice to meet you. My name is Xie Liaosha!" "
Anton was moved by Xie took’s enthusiasm, and some tears came to his eyes. In recent days, he has been afraid that he will die here, that he will never return to his hometown, and that he will never see his beloved lover again. He warmly greeted everyone. "I am glad to meet you. I am a little excited and have no malice …"
"Can you tell me something about this neighborhood? It’s best to tell me everything you know! Why did they put us here? " Selyosha didn’t listen to Anton’s nagging. He knew everything here as soon as possible.
"As far as I know, they are afraid that our army will suddenly attack and blow up this plane. After all, there are less than 100 interested people in this plane world, and even if it is disassembled, it can fetch a good price!" A lot of Anton’s words are that he guessed that he didn’t know. In fact, the guerrillas actually thought so. Someone did see the plane. Maybe the Americans didn’t think it was Pakistani, Iranian and China. More and more bidders asked Hafezola to sell it at a good price.
Xie Liaosha thought Anton’s analysis was very reasonable, but he saw something with dangerous chemical marks neatly placed in the middle of the fuselage and covered with canvas, so Xie Liaosha asked again, "What’s that over there?"
"Those are white phosphorus bombs that were shipped to the front, but this time they also fell into the hands of the enemy!" Anton replied.
"White phosphorus bomb? Why don’t the guerrillas get rid of it? " Xie took puzzled asked.
"This kind of thing is very powerful, but it’s just a plane bomb. The guerrillas are not only expensive, but I think they may want to smuggle them to Pakistan to sell them for a good price." Anton said this because the guerrillas asked Anton about the cost of these things. At that time, the answer was about 20,000 rubles. There is almost one here, which is more than two million rubles. This is not a small sum of money.
The principle of the white phosphorus bomb is very simple. When it is dropped, it will disintegrate in the middle of the explosion. In the bomb, white phosphorus will be evenly spread into the air, and once it meets the air, it will burn violently and burn everything he touches. Xie Liaosha saw Boris smoking a cigarette and was with such dangerous things. Xie Liaosha felt that the guerrillas were not afraid of them detonating these white phosphorus bombs at all. If they wanted to die, everyone would not surrender, but they would watch these bombs carefully. These sheng fighters really made a good plan.
Selyosha’s hesitation and help mentality compare with that present, Hafezola is warmly hosting his new ally, Hazayi and Tajik, and the three tribes have won such a great victory for the first time, which no one expected beforehand. Now Hafezola’s name has resounded through the land of Afghanistan, and even as far away as Pakistan, many people know him. He has become the leader of the Coalition forces of the three tribes.
And the worst part is that Hafezola also captured a Soviet heavy transport plane, and more than 100 Soviet prisoners defeated the armored forces in Kabul theater. All this is beyond the expectation of other sheng fighters, but Hafezola is now facing a new problem, that is, he has no money to set up a Coalition in three tribes. Hafezola relies on the Americans to help his soldiers with weapons. Now his defense zone is bigger and more responsible, and he needs more money to exchange better weapons from the Americans. Just like this time, anti-missile and anti-tank missiles are simply guerrilla killers.
Everyone at the banquet was full of hope for the liberation of Afghanistan and confidence in the prospect of the allied forces. Djarrar was a little depressed. He felt sick when he saw those Hazards. These damn pagans Djarrar left the banquet alone regardless of the eyes of the people around him. Then he went straight back to his cave and took out a satellite interview from his luggage when he left home. There was a number. It was not his parents and relatives, but a life mentor who was regarded by Djarrar as a result of jds being expelled from his motherland. A great prophet who dreamed of building a kingdom of God in Afghanistan. Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w.
Chapter 49 Karim life experience
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC "Teacher Hafezola insisted on uniting with Hazare despite our dissuasion …" After the connection, Djarrar reported the situation here to his most trusted teacher. @++www * c Although Djarrar is in his twenties, he has been friends with his teacher for almost ten years. When Djarrar was ten years old, he immigrated from Egypt to the United States with his family. He rebelled and was soon sent to a military school by his family, but he didn’t stay there for long. Soon, he was expelled from school because of violence, except that year when he was sixteen, he met his teacher when he was confused about what he would be like in the future.
Djarrar became more humble and polite when he was taught by his teacher. However, Mr. Djarrar had an unknown secret. He came to the United States after being expelled from his motherland. He always dreamed of building a country that strictly abided by ysl rules and eliminating all military schools that did not conform to God’s will. Djarrar gradually gained the respect of his teacher. He was sent to a special forces school to learn more military knowledge and tactics. After the outbreak of the Afghan war, Djarrar was sent here by his teacher to join him. There are other members who belong to the same organization. Everyone has never been masked on the surface, but in fact, they are under the command of teacher Djarrar. Djarrar is naturally the spokesperson of the teacher here. He wants to ensure that Hafezola is armed into the ideal and faithful executor of the teacher. But now it seems that Hafezola is drifting away from them.
"It seems that we have misjudged the wrong person. Hafezola is really capable and talented, but he is not a qualified sl. Now he has become a stumbling block to our career. I think it is necessary for us to take some actions, Djarrar."
"It was the teacher who gave you the ideal that I would do," Djarrar said devoutly, putting his hand on his chest.
Hafezola sat in a cool place in his residence and accompanied him with a pot of strong tea with Afghan characteristics, which is the only hobby of Hafezola and also the hobby of most Afghans. Unfortunately, Hafezola is getting more and more busy now, and it is a bit extravagant to spend his afternoon drinking tea like this, but today Hafezola has a difficult thing in his heart, that is, he found five people with his brother’s photo among Soviet prisoners.
If only Hafezola had killed them in the past, it would be a pity that he is not a simple soldier now. He is still an anti-Soviet hero in the hearts of Afghans. A politician who has been paid attention to by the United States and the international community can’t just go back on his word and kill his prisoners just after he has promised to abide by the Zhiwa Convention. Not only will Americans refuse, but even their allies will feel disbelief.
Just when Hafezola was in trouble, his bodyguard suddenly came up to him and said, "General, there is a girl who said that you have arrested her husband and he wants to see you."
Hafezola is a little strange. Why do you have to find yourself in such a small matter? He wondered and looked out the door. A thin girl slowly came over. She was dressed in a robe and covered from head to toe. Even so, it can be seen that this is a stunning beauty.

Watching Chen Zhong rush away, Li Yuanqing narrowed his eyes slightly and slowly vomited an one mouthful polluted air.

Zhenjiang Guard Battle Although Li Yuanqing made a very careful plan to "attack the enemy camp at night" and escaped from the world, Mao Wenlong Jing would not guess that it was tricky
If Li Yuanqing escapes alone, Mao Wenlong will not punish Li Yuanqing, but I’m afraid there will be a knot in my heart.
But Chen Zhong also escaped, and this matter changed.
This is not that Li Yuanqing is afraid of death, but that the governor can’t make a choice unless he has to.
Just as Mao Wenlong made a choice at that time.
For Chen Zhong’s side, Li Yuanqing doesn’t want to charge anything. Mao Wenlong’s understanding of Chen Zhong’s sexuality is probably much deeper than that of Li Yuanqing’s. It is beneficial for him to say more about this lean man.
Chen Zhong prepared the boat in the evening, and Li Yuanqing did not refuse Chen Zhong to go straight to the vast sea through the night …
Two days later, Chen Zhonghe Li Yuanqing arrived at the temporary residence in Mao Wenlong.
The station is located in a valley not far from the sea. The entrance is made of thatch and branches. Although there are many people, this dilapidated appearance is almost worse than that of later African refugee camps. Many people are still surrounded by light clothes and shivering in the cold wind.
Although I didn’t go to Longchuan in Li Yuanqing before, Longchuan has been gathered by Mao Wenlong as a follow-up fulcrum since Zhenjiang. Many refugees and young people are not ten thousand people.
After Chen Jisheng and Mao Chenglu took over, they absorbed many armed forces and’ guerrillas’ who retreated from the northern battlefield, and the number further expanded. But at this time …
Neither Li Yuanqing nor Chen Zhong looks good.
Although I don’t know the casualties in Longchuan, I can guess it only by looking at this station.
Zhang Pan learned that the two men arrived and quickly came out to meet them in person. It was three people who looked at each other for a long time and had nothing to say.
Since Mao Wenlong came from Quang Ninh, it has reached the freezing point of the Mao Wenlong Military Corps.
"General Chen Yuanqing is glad to hear that you are here. Let’s go there waiting for you." The three men were silent for a while and Zhang Pan took the lead in breaking the silence.
He would like to invite two old brothers, Chen Zhonghe and Li Yuanqing, to have a drink, but the conditions are unrealistic now.
Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong also understand Zhang Pan’s situation. Li Yuanqing shook Zhang Pan’s hand heavily. "Zhang Dage, let’s go to see the general first. Everything will be fine."
Zhang Pan nodded heavily and said nothing more.
Mao Wenlong lived in a shack. On that day, most of his ordnance materials were left in Longchuan, Zhenjiang City, and the limited tents left were given priority to the wounded.
The shack Mao Wenlong is staring at the wall map carefully.
Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong came in and quickly kowtowed to Mao Wenlong.
Mao Wenlong turned to look at the two men, and his face was full of the sea, showing a gentle smile. "It’s good to see you come over, Chen Zhongyuan."
Chen Zhong can’t help crying. "General …"
Mao Wenlong smiled and waved his hand. "It’s common for a military commander to cry about what wins or loses this time. We’ll call back this time."
Looking at Mao Wenlong’s old face, Li Yuanqing couldn’t help secretly nodding his head. Lean is lean, but strong force did not defeat Mao Wenlong. His mind remained as firm as ever, even in such a dilemma.
Mao Wenlong asked the two men a few words of household words and asked about the Zhenjiang war situation that day. He didn’t know what happened after he left Zhenjiang.
Li Yuanqing didn’t have a mouth but let Chen Zhonglai describe it.
Chen Zhong’s mood has been better. He is busy recounting the follow-up situation of Zhenjiang Guard War to Mao Wenlong. The facts are different, but Chen Zhong is not a stupid place or a hidden place. Some authentic things have not been hidden, but they have become raids.
Mao Wenlong smell speech long spit out a mouthful of polluted air. "It’s my fault. If I had been more decisive at that time, maybe our army wouldn’t have such a big failure and there wouldn’t have been another Longchuan defeat. Chen Zhongyuanqing, it’s a pity that you did nothing wrong, but Zhang Yuan Zhijun …"
Chen Zhong’s tears came out again. "The general has a great potential to build slaves, and our army is really unable to compete with them now. Only when we have accumulated enough strength can we get back this blood debt with them."
After the battle in Zhenjiang, Chen Zhongxian has matured a lot and is no longer as reckless as before.
Mao Wenlong nodded and looked at Li Yuanqing again. "You won’t blame me for being sorry for you, will you?"
Looking at Mao Wenlong’s sincere and elder-like vision, Li Yuanqing was dissatisfied with Mao Wenlong before, but at this time it melted away and quickly knelt down and said, "How can General Yuan Qing blame you? Can you blame the slaves for being too strong and our army is too weak? If we are evenly matched, how can we allow slaves to be so rampant? "
Mao Wenlong long spit out one mouthful polluted air "Yuan Qing you and Chen Zhong are good boys who wronged you these days".
Two people can’t help but cry.
Even though there are thousands of things wrong with Mao Wenlong, he created the army of Zhenjiang, just like the flesh and blood. How can Zhenjiang break him without heartache?
It is this man who is as firm as a rock, but he never shows this emotion.
The same man is facing this man who is under great pressure, facing this man who is almost single-handedly shouldering the great national luck, and facing this man who is single-handedly shouldering the fate of the entire Han nation. The last bad feelings in Li Yuanqing’s heart are slowly dissipating.
Mao Wenlong is not easy.
Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, the officers, can just March and fight, but he has to face the sky, the court, the officers, the soldiers and other people.
After all, Mao Wenlong is not a fairy. How can he never get tired? Make sure that every decision he makes is correct?
"Ha ha Chen Zhongyuan celebration you are all my hero crying? Where did you go when you told me about this period when you came to Yuanqing? " Mao Wenlong smiled at Li Yuanqing way
Mao Wenlong has apologized to the two men. How can Li Yuanqing be ungrateful? Busy will these days in GuangLu island accomplishment things to Mao Wenlong narrative again.
After that, Li Yuanqing carefully explored: "The general’s potential to build slaves at this time is irreversible. If our army wants to build slaves, even if it retakes Zhenjiang, it will still be the same as Zhenjiang’s guard war. Chen Dage and I were deeply impressed by the fact that the general’s slave cavalry is strong but not good at water warfare, and the slave construction in southern Liaoning and western Liaoning has implemented a sea ban policy. This is a great opportunity for our army."
Li Yuanqing said, carefully looking at Mao Wenlong’s face, and seeing Mao Wenlong’s frown, Li Yuanqing carefully said: "After all, the general’s attitude towards the Longchuan campaign will surely shift the decision-making attitude of the high-level officials of the DPRK ~ fresh. It’s really unwise to leave our main force in the DPRK ~ fresh and pin our fate on other people’s hands. It’s the root to keep the vitality in the eyes of the general."
Li Yuanqing said, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing desperately to Mao Wenlong.
Chen Zhong is also white. Li Yuanqing means kneeling on the ground and kowtowing desperately with Li Yuanqing.
Looking at the front two love Mao Wenlong long spit out a mouthful of polluted air "Yuan Qing Chen Zhong, you get up and talk first"
And he personally came to help two people.
Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong dare not stand up with great power.
Mao Wenlong said, "In fact, some people have thought about this for a long time. It’s the imperial court … and the people’s hearts in Liaoning. We can’t just walk away and leave them alone."
Li Yuanqing said, "General, it’s already a cold winter, and our army’s ordnance trench is uneven. It’s really not a good opportunity to fight. If we rush like this, I don’t know how many brave men will be bloodied on the battlefield. I want the general to truthfully report our army’s situation to the governor’s adult, who will certainly understand the general’s difficulties, and we will have a stronger foundation for the people. They will have a direction to go to. We will survive the cold winter and make a comeback next spring. It’s unknown how many talents General Jiang Dongdi will make a comeback."
Mao Wenlong one leng looking at Li Yuanqing eyes for a moment he suddenly smiled "yuan qing this poem is good should be Du Mu, du thirteen poems? Good, very good. "
Li Yuanqing looked a little relieved at Mao Wenlong’s expression, saying it was so white. Even if Mao Wenlong can’t be urged to move to Pidao now, I’m afraid there should be a core adjustment in his strategy after him.
"General, this is exactly Du Mu’s poem."


Zhang Guan cold hum didn’t give him any good looks.
"Ryukyu and Ying yard, although small, also occupies the mid-levels terrain, so it is impossible to sit and eat mountains." Zhang Xian said with his hands.
"Relying on the mountain and the ebony in the mountain is valuable, what we have to do is to escort a batch of goods to the Lins’ freight yard in the north of the city at intervals."
"Brother Zhou, just come and take a trip. Be familiar with the journey."
"This …"
Zhou yi hesitated a way
"Senior Zhang Chen arranged for me to come here just to mix an errand, and Zhang Xiong has always been responsible for me to do it, even if it is not good."
He looked at Zhang Guan diffuseness.
"Why don’t you continue to bother Brother Zhang?"
Just after the medicated bath, it was time to take the opportunity to lay a solid foundation. Zhou Yi naturally didn’t want to waste time.
And it’s not good to steal people’s business.
Anyway, there is no need to get into trouble if you just muddle along. It is better to practice honestly and continue to be inconspicuous.
Smell speech Zhang Jiafu one leng glances at each other at the same time eyes flashing.
"This ….." Zhang Xian frowned.
"I’m afraid it’s not right."
"Brother Zhou, after all, is a deputy. If he does nothing, it may make people gossip more and say that our father is xenophobic."
Zhang Guan face pan anxious can’t help but shook hands.
Zhou yi shake head a way
"It’s that Zhou doesn’t like trifles. Compared with him, he prefers to stay in the house and practice Dingyang pile. It’s even harder."
Said the hand a deep ceremony.
"Well …"
Zhang xian’s face is full of thoughtfully.
"It is no wonder that the Zhou brothers have achieved the goal of refining dirty and being so devout at a young age. Can they not gain anything unlike me?"
As if thinking of something, he hung his head and sighed with loneliness.
Zhang Guan nasty mouth.
"Since Brother Zhou doesn’t want to escort, just continue as before and save trouble, don’t you think so?"

Jiang Yu asked

Ling day shook his head.
Where can I understand these words without thinking?
"Look again and see if there are any other handwriting."
Look for it separately.
But I searched the whole room and didn’t see any other handwriting.
There is only one entrance to the room, and there is no darkroom.
"Let’s go"
Ling Tian Ji’s name and Jiang Yu leave the pit together.
As soon as they came out, they felt a gust of wind suddenly coming from behind.
Jiang Yu’s reaction is half a beat slow.
Ling day is the first time to turn around and cut the sword.
The sneak attack on them was beheaded and flew out more than ten meters.
Smash a big hole in the ground
Ling was about to jump out of the pit again and a man shouted at his neck.
"LingGong misunderstanding misunderstanding …"
Ling Tian looked intently at the man.
Look unfamiliar is not an acquaintance.
The man seemed to have expected that Ling Tian would be this reaction and quickly introduced himself.
"My name is Hong Qing Bai Hong’s family."
"Ling Gong should not know me, but I have seen Ling Gong’s charm."
Hong family?
Ling Tian looked at his eyes. He was dressed like a Hong family.
But he didn’t believe it directly.
Ginger surly asked.
"You attacked us?"
"I am aware of.
The man smiled naively and showed guilt.
Ginger cold hum a pair of this answer is not satisfied.
I was about to give each other a lesson when I was stopped by Ling Tian.
Ling day narrowing her eyes and said
"Since it’s a misunderstanding, let’s leave it at that."
"Ling Gong and I are separated from the Hong family. Why don’t we be together?"
"Are you afraid that I will find something good and not hand it over to the Hong family?"
"Where does Ling Gong say that you are not an outsider? If you find something, you naturally don’t have to pay Hong’s family."
Hongqingbai grinned
But I don’t know that his words made Ling Tian more vigilant.
Previously, although his sword was rushed, it was a sword.
Even the peak of god’s realm can’t pick him up and get sick safely.
But this man is a little embarrassed but not injured.
It is sufficient to prove that the strength of the other side is stronger than the peak of the realm of God, and the realm that can be displayed has the late stage of the realm of God.
Ling Tianhe doesn’t have much contact with the Hong family, but he also knows that the Hong family never hides it.
For them, dressing up as a pig and eating a tiger is a villain’s behavior.
But this man not only hides Xiu’s words, but also is wrong.
Ling Tian agreed with Master Hong that he would not take anything from the ruins.
It is impossible for the Hong family not to know.
This man, however, found something that he and Hong Jiahao didn’t pay.
Ling day did not puncture each other so meditation after a long time said
"A lot of people also have more care."
"Ling Gong says it’s a good thing that we touch this relic here. It’s too dangerous. You don’t know …"
I don’t know if this self-proclaimed Hong Qing cypress is telling the truth or faking it.
It’s never over.
Jiang Yu has sensed something wrong from the previous conversation between the two people.
But since Ling Tian didn’t say anything, she just ignored it.
But it is really can’t stand this noisy unbearable roared.
"Will you shut up!"
Chapter 92 What you said makes sense


"Ouch …"
After fatigue, I couldn’t get muscle aches the next day, especially yesterday when I was too excited. two dog’s expression was distorted.
"two dog"
Aunt Bai cut her face
"Otherwise, don’t go today?"
"no!" Two dog teeth bite a way
"Mushroom picking day is so much. If you go to one day, you will earn less money. When I stop getting porridge, I will go to pick mushrooms first."
Said and touched the chest position.
I didn’t have to wait in line to get the meat pie yesterday. It was soup porridge.
Zhou Yi rubbed his legs as if thinking of something, rummaging through his pile of sundries and rummaging through a tattered book.
Then his eyes lit up.
After receiving the porridge, he came to a middle-aged man with a pointed mouth and a monkey face with a bowl.
"Mr Zhao"
He is a refugee, and a middle-aged man is wearing a gown. Although this dress is inconvenient to move and shabby, he still wears it and has not changed it.
Is the hard to drink porridge men smell up consciousness to protect their bowl slow way
"What is it, Xiao Yi?"
"Mr. Zhao" Zhou Yi squatted down and handed his porridge to the other party, then took out the book from his arms and laughed
"I want to ask a few words."
After reading his eyes, Zhou Yi, a wooden face, was funny. Then he finished his porridge in his bowl and poured it into his bowl. At the same time, he slowly mouthed a preaching gesture.
"It’s too old to think of learning to read, but it’s never too late to learn such things. As the old saying goes, it’s never too old to learn."
"Yes" Zhou Yi nodded and did not argue.
"Please ask Mr. Zhao to read this side again."
"Read it again?" Mr. Zhao raised his eyebrows and showed disdain.
"You can remember it by reading it once?"
Said and grabbed the book and swept the eye cover.
"You are not a part of a medicine or a small part of it."
"hinder" Zhou Jia from her pocket and took out a sharpened charcoal way
"Mr. Zhao, please speak."
"Well," Mr. Zhao adjusted his clothes and took a sip of gruel to slow down.
"Flat-headed Pleurotus ostreatus is beneficial to the stomach, resolving phlegm and regulating qi …"
Zhou Yi marked the other person with a simplified word "charcoal pen" in his hand. He spoke slowly and he could barely keep up.
"Truffle-shaped qi and blood, nourishing essence …"
While reading, Mr. Zhao looked at him curiously, wondering what all those ghost paintings were.
Fortunately, I don’t understand it.
There are six sheets of paper and a simple outline of the images and words, which have been read in just a few cups of tea.
"A total of 17 kinds of herbs are mostly mushroom truffles."
Gently stroke your beard. Mr. Zhao smiles lightly.
"I’m a little tired after reading today. If I can’t remember the day there, I can’t come here for nothing."
Said and pointed to the Zhou Yi bowl.
"Yes, yes"
Zhou Yi closed the book with a smile.
"I am white"
No more times!
Perhaps it was yesterday’s harvest that stimulated the mushroom gatherers to enter the mountains today, and more and more people flocked to the mountains like ants out of their holes than yesterday.
The number of people is endless.
Zhou Yi looked back at his face and it was white.
"It seems that the good day for picking mushrooms is shorter than expected." Uncle Zheng chopped the vines in front of him with a machete.
"Tens of thousands of people can chew up a mountain bark in a few days, so few mushroom roots are not enough unless they go inside."
Zhou Yi nodded silently.
He also escaped from the disaster area, but he saw the refugees gnawing at the top of the mountain, drinking dry river water and sometimes even eating soil.
There is nothing left over from the refugees.
If you go deeper for more than half a day, you will come and go once, that is, one day, there will be no mushroom picking.
Unless people dare to go to cliffs.