"I’m a woman. How can I have no secrets? I’m afraid of you looking at me like this …"

Joe looked at her coldly in the previous step "poria cocos"
The heavy voice and his serious tone hardly gave Poria room to relax and retreat. "Women do have some secrets, but if they really belong to you, you must get up in front of me." After all, I have a wife. I know exactly what she thinks, and you haven’t answered me. Do you have secrets in your heart with Xiao? "
Poria cocos was scared to take a step back and stared at him.
"So you’d better tell me something. Manager Xiao, I have to be careful."
At this time, she has to say something to calm Qiao Tezhu, and it can’t be something trivial, because Cong is like Qiao Luo, and he won’t believe it.
As time goes by, the parking lot in the open space can obviously hear the rain outside, which seems to hit Poria’s heart.
After a long time, the two men were still deadlocked. Poria fell into the palm of her hand, and her nails were almost punctured. Her heart was like being pressed by a time bomb waiting for the final countdown.
She really wants to slap herself now. Why do you owe her so much?
Shopping malls are like battlefields, and so are colleagues. Although I have worked with Qiaoluo for so long, it is clear what Qiaoluo is, and it is not everyone.
Finally, she couldn’t help tuckahoe biting her teeth with her eyes closed tightly. "I … I like Mr. Xiao. I don’t know when I like it, but I just like it …"
It’s quiet all around. Poria can hear her teeth fighting. She first opened one eye, then slowly opened the other eye and looked up at Qiaoluo with pale face-
Qiao Luo tightened his brow and lips and made a straight line. "Poria, are you serious?"
Poria cocos instantly bowed his head and said nothing.
Qiao Luozhong told "Poria, you and I are working with him. He is a very trusting person. If you are not serious, I can forget what you said just now." Qiao Luo’s voice paused and then continued, "But if you are serious, I advise you to nip this idea in the cradle before it is too late. You know better than me who it is. You can weigh Wei Qinglan and the early Song Dynasty."
"What else won’t let you talk to him recently? I don’t even let you go to the office this time. I think Xiao always has his own considerations. Maybe he knows your mind and advises you to dispel this unrealistic idea as soon as possible."
Poria cocos is still silent with his head down.
"Besides, when I went there just now, Xiao’s general office was about to develop into a love base dedicated to talking about love, and everything was accommodating to her. What chances do you think you have?"
The first volume Chapter 27 Trouble Xiao Zong, please poke my eyes blind.
Some objects belonging to Anyan are put on the sofa without scruple, and they don’t mind the outsiders’ eyes. Let him speak a little less openly. What did these say?
Qiao Luo looked at Poria’s extraordinarily old-fashioned hairstyle. Although he could not bear it, he added, "Besides, Poria doesn’t say Xiao Zong, but just walks around Xiao Zong. None of the other career men may respect you. If you don’t change it, there is no comparability between you and your wife."
When he finished this sentence, Poria was frustrated and looked up with bitterness. His voice was extremely low. "Joe helped me know that I am bad, but it’s not as bad as you said, is it?"
At last, she sighed bitterly. "What you said is too hurtful."
Qiao Luomo immediately said, "Poria cocos should learn to accept the reality. I know the truth is ugly. After all, good medicine tastes bitter and good advice is good for illness."
Poria rolled her eyes and looked at him. "All right, I’ll nip this fantasy in the bud. Thank you, Joe."
Is to belittle her. It’s almost worthless
Qiao Luo lifted his foot and walked to the car, saying, "It’s good that you know." Then he turned and looked at his eyes, and said with a little doubt, "But you said this is the secret?"
Poria’s heart was pounding. Looking at him, he asked, "Don’t you think so?"
He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I mean, since you know how much you weigh, you shouldn’t have this kind of idea about manager Xiao. It’s nothing to keep in your heart and say it. It’s nothing to go looking for trouble."
Is it true or not? Isn’t she allowed to fantasize a little?
After all, regardless of Mr. Xiao’s own conditions or hard conditions, it completely meets all the aesthetic requirements of contemporary women.
It doesn’t matter if he is divorced, which means that he has more experience in love, which is not a big problem.
But ah, how can Mr. Xiao be so infatuated?
Even a fairy can’t get into Xiao Jingfa’s eyes.
An Yan slept for a while, but she couldn’t find anything else to do except sleep. She didn’t wake up naturally, but was woken up.
This man is Xiao Jing.
She almost woke up in an instant. The handsome face of the man with his eyes open was in her positive air, and his hand was resting on her face. Even when she woke up, she started to do it … Pinched it?
An Yan directly reached out and knocked him off in her face. Her voice was extremely cold and hoarse. "What are you doing?"
Xiao Jing’s finger hooked his lip "Go home after work"
She was in a trance. The more she slept, the more her head swelled and she asked, "What time is it?"
"five o’clock in the afternoon"
Five o’clock … "You haven’t arrived at work at five o’clock, have you?"
Xiao Jing has conveniently dug her up from the quilt and said, "Well, if you stay too long, I’m afraid you won’t be comfortable and go home early so that you can eat at noon and see if your appetite will be better."
An Yan grabbed his wrist and smiled. "You are afraid that I will be uncomfortable if you stay too long … why didn’t you think of this when you took me out? Now you have the nerve to tell me … that I’m not comfortable? You’re proud to be late and leave early with me openly, aren’t you? "
"Now I’m afraid I’ve become the target of your company. Maybe … that’s how the femme fatale came from ancient times."
Section 47
Since ancient times, beauty has been in trouble with women, but it is actually a man.
Xiao Jing’s face was not chapped by her words, but he smiled deeply. "I am the boss who is late and leaves early. There is nothing that no one dares to say."
"I’m afraid people have poked your spine behind your back."
It was said that he would put the clothes on her, then the scarf, and then he squatted down to put on her shoes himself.
She looked down at her finger and asked him, "can I take off my hand gauze?" It should be enough to be melodramatic for a day and a night. "
Xiao Jing patted her fingers and stood up and looked at her condescendingly. "Do you think it is hypocritical for me to wrap this gauze for you to protect your hands?"
She looked Xiao Jing in the eye and burst into a smile on her lips. "Don’t you think it’s not melodramatic enough?"
It’s just a rub on the asphalt road. Maybe it’s a little hard. Does he need to wrap her finger into a dumpling in such a big way?
"If you take good care of our snacks, there won’t be these things."
The consequence of Anyan’s stubborn talk with him is that he promised to remove the gauze for her when she got back late.
Unlike at noon, Yan Yan walked quickly this time. Of course, Xiao Jingcheng followed her and wore a black hat, and no one could see her face clearly.

"You are all demons!" Zhuang not far turned supercilious look way

Chapter 1379 Become the person you hate the most
Zhuang didn’t come far to wait for the door, but he left in a hurry after receiving a message.
Now the village is not far away. It’s really busy.
Time disorder and frame jumping caused by the attack of time giant worms have scared all continents.
So far, human beings can cross mountains and rivers, cross the sea and the sky, and even fly to the moon and Mars.
But so far, human beings have not been able to measure the time, whether it is forward or backward, even for a second
not have
Time is an unknown solution to human beings
If there is a change-a disaster occurs somewhere, human beings can escape.
But what if things change?
Nobody knows what to do.
Now all kinds of emergency meetings are called one after another in the virtual city of the intercontinental consortium.
And they also urged Zhuang not far away to allow their government to settle in the manor.
Not far from Zhuang, when a shelter was specially built for all governments to settle in together, they immediately raised their hands to welcome them.
After all, it is also a bad idea for them to put their emergency command center in a manor not far from Zhuang, which is the last kind of "emergency government" in the whole state
But then they got entangled in the problem of location.
Everyone wants this shelter to be closer to their own state, and it is best to go directly to their own land.
In the dispute, they will drag Zhuang away from time to time to seek his advice, put pressure in disguise or sell badly
Zhuang is not far away.
The factory here needs a real factory with a factory owner.
So far, there is a real factory in the manor, that is, the volcano factory or the invasion of the whale manor, and it is found that it is buy one get one free.
But where can he find his factory?
Why don’t you catch one in the era of exile?
But so far, he has not found any factory that is good at carpentry.
If he has time oil, he can try his luck at the back door of all kinds of manor at will, but the probability is too low, and he only uses the time oil to open the shadows.
"Wood factory wood factory … what I don’t have another factory? !” Zhuang has been thinking hard about what to do not far from the venue.
When I went back to my room, I was holding my head and thinking about my brains.
Just then, not far from Zhuang, I heard a sound coming from the side.
"Yes, you do."
Not far from Zhuang, he turned to "Yi you."
Talking is the emperor indigo.
Life in this puppet manor with a left head is really pitiful.
Not only is it put in a cupboard not far from the villa for decoration, but it is also stolen from time to time as a ball kick or as a treasure.
Tortured to tears by various bear children and monkey cubs.
People often find traces from roadside, puddles and tree crowns and don’t know how long they have been left there before they are found.
On the whole, it is helpful and pitiful.
It is estimated that there is also his cousin Indigo in the whole manor, who occasionally remembers to look for him and he is thrown into the cesspit.
Even not far from Zhuang, I almost forgot him.
"You do have a factory, but you have forgotten it yourself," Indigo said. "If you do as I say, I promise I can upgrade you, but I have one condition."

"How about it?"

Meng Che nodded after a bite. "It’s really good. It tastes better than just now."
Fu Junning hurriedly asked the bartender to make another drink.
Naturally, she will have a taste of her own advice.
The bartender adjusted the wine and put it in front of her.
Fu Junning couldn’t wait to take a bite. "Well, it tastes much better than before! I told you, I’m still good at drinking. "
Meng Che looked at the woman. "It seems that you know a lot about wine."
Fu Junning nodded. "My parents are very good at drinking. I’m a relic … I can drink and I’m interested in wine."
Meng Che and Fu Junning talked a lot about wine.
After the two people chatted, the wine was almost the same. Fu Junning’s face was a little reddish, but he was not drunk.
"Are you friends with Gu Jiujiu?"
Fu Junning shook his head. "She is my cousin."
Meng Che know nodded his head.
After drinking, they walked out of the bar together.
"Where do you live? I will send you. "
Fu Junning chuckled with the wave "No, I’m close"
Meng Che looked at Fu Junning and raised his eyebrows slightly. She said that he was not good enough to force her to "be careful yourself."
Fu Junning nodded and walked towards the hotel.
Meng Che watched Fu Junning go far and got out of the car.
"Go home"
The driver nodded and drove the car to Meng’s house.
When Meng Che came home, Meng Xinnian was eating and watching in the living room.
Meng Xin saw him and looked very happy when he saw him smiling. He joked, "You are in a good mood."
Meng Che laughed, "Well, it’s really good."
Meng Xin read the original from his body to move the line of sight and saw his one eye to detect something "like you … what seems to be a little situation?"
Meng Che went over and knocked Meng Xin’s thought, "Don’t speculate about your brother and me at will."
Meng Xin is small? A wrinkly, "I don’t call it guessing whether you are happy or interesting?"
Meng Che is really in a good mood today. "It is very interesting."
He said this and then turned around and went upstairs.
Meng Xinnian looked at his back and muttered, "There must be something wrong with this man!"
Fu Junning stayed in B city for many days, and Gu Jiujiu also found something in these days.
Is Meng Che and Fu Junning situation.
Not only did they become friends, but Meng Che saw that Fu Junning, a bystander, was interesting.
And Meng Che didn’t shy away from it and admitted it generously.

Stubby feet snorted again. "Do you see if it’s a pig demon that was beaten by your flying sword just now?"

Xu Gong Ding Qing looked and saw that the fallen grass was actually a silver sharp tusk.
"How is it possible that when my sword goes, I feel a big monster?"
Xu Gong looked at the tusk, and his eyes were indecisive. After he came to that sword, the pig demon turned back into a demon like some monsters, leaving a piece of the toughest debris.
But this tusk doesn’t look like the pig demon that was born just now.
On the other hand, it is possible.
-It was this tusk that gave birth to the pig demon.
"It turned out that it was not a demon, but an evil instrument."
Xu Gong calmed down and asserted, "Even if the monster in the wild pig forest is transformed by the instrument, I will return to my original shape first. This bet will win, or should I say that you two want to blame Datang Jilei Pavilion for witnessing the bet?"
Stubby feet look fiercely. "What’s your hurry? I suspect that this tusk is not the monster body in the wild pig forest …"
"Oh, it would be nice if I went to the forest with you to find a circle. If I can still find the monster, I will naturally continue to fight. If I can’t find him, I will say it is true."
Five elements boxing decisively said, "I will recognize this bet when the time comes."
"Well, let’s go in and have a look."
In the picture, when the three people decided to step into the wild pig forest together, the water mirror suddenly became blurred in the flying ring.
Dragon lady raised her hand and knocked on the edge of the flying ring, and the picture was still stable in several magic water mirrors.
"Huh?" The dragon lady grabbed the flying ring and withdrew the original method. It’s still hazy to try again.
"Wait a minute. I’m not familiar with the round light spell. I’ll try it by changing the mirror."
Dragon lady explained a sentence to YueTianEn around her, but she didn’t get a response. She turned to look horrified.
Yue Tianen doesn’t know when she’s gone.
The gentle old voice sounded "What are you looking at?"
Dragon lady suddenly turned to the other side Yue Tianen and looked at her with a smile inside.
The dragon lady patted her chest. "You scared me, Lao Zhang. Why did you suddenly come around here?"
YueTianEn still smiled and pointed to the front.
Jiang Liuer’s back is dim in the distance, and the forest is faint.
"Ah, yes, we should chase him. Don’t let him get lost."
Dragon lady drove away, and Yue Tianen slowly followed her.
Yue Tianen walked and just listened to the dragon lady’s introduction to the crippled foot. He felt that the struggle between Buddha and nature seemed a little familiar, and the ear sounds faded away intermittently.
He stopped and looked back, and saw the dragon lady stop at a few trees with wet and dark skin, and the pine tree seemed to have just come around from behind the tree.
"What’s the matter? Is there anything strange about these trees? "
"No, I was so busy talking that I almost ran into a tree."
Dragon lady rubbed her forehead and smiled in distress, driving a cloud to come near.
"It’s okay now. After all, the tree is not as hard as my head. Let’s go. Jiang Liuer is almost gone."
Yue Tianen looked ahead and Jiang Liuer’s back tree-lined was like concealed.
Maybe it’s going to rain, and it’s getting dark, and the moisture in the forest is getting thicker and foggy.

Far away, several servants and aunts all pointed and talked.

I heard a collapse and cried in the room.
With the vase landing.
Six o’clock in the afternoon
YanShaoQing out of the operating room.
I didn’t rest for a few minutes, but I went to the conference room to attend an emergency meeting.
Come out at 7: 30 p.m. again.
Look slightly dignified.
He is a backbone of brain surgery with high academic qualifications, short service life and excellent medical skills.
In particular, being single and familiar with several foreign languages, the medical rescue team for Qin ‘an earthquake was set up by the brain surgery representative appointed by the hospital and left for the epicenter with other colleagues in the hospital by special plane at noon.
Recalling the meeting, Yan Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the office with worries.
A woman suddenly came behind "Dr. Yan"
Chu Qiao quickly went to his side to do judo. "I turned around and you disappeared."
"Well hurry home" YanShaoQing light way
"I can’t bear to part with my girlfriend," Chu Qiao said with a look at him. "There’s nothing I can do to save lives. It’s a doctor’s duty to go back and comfort her. She will definitely support it."
"Well, that girl is more clingy." Yan Shaoqing couldn’t help laughing at the thought of Jiang Shao’s appearance.
Eyes bent than gentle.
Chu Qiao looked at him and smiled, sipping his lips and saying nothing.
The number of people going to the epicenter by special plane is limited, because women doctors are not considered very much
The required departments each deploy a male doctor to form a medical team.
She volunteered and strongly requested, and was approved to form a medical team with Yan Shaoqing’s brain surgery representative.
Nervous and excited.
For her, this is really an opportunity to get close to Yan Shaoqing and it comes once in a blue moon.
There’s still a long way to go.
Chu Qiao walked beside him and didn’t mind his indifference. Don’t go to change clothes and prepare for class first.
Compared with her—
Yanshaoqing speed is much slower.
In the process of changing clothes, he has been thinking about Ruxiang Jiangkou.
That girl was a little scared when the earthquake happened today.
If you hear the news that he is going to the epicenter, will you be worried and afraid to cry?
He has a little imagination.
She has the same eyes as the Jiang family.
Is it safe that he’s gone?
It’s good for Jiang Yu to buy that neighborhood in all aspects, but it’s not right for her to live alone with a girl.
He can be long or short when he goes away.
Should she be left alone for the New Year in case she hasn’t come back yet?
Yan Shaoqing’s paranoia is tolerated.
Go out the building with a heavy face and drive back first.
Slow thinking all the time.
It is common for his master to go on business trips when he is old. Why don’t you just keep it from him first?
It’s better for Jiang Jiang not to live for half a mile alone.
He put on headphones to make a phone call to Yan’s mansion and asked Liu Bo, Aunt Li and Xiao Deng to pack their things and go to Evian’s capital later.
Just let that girl live there.
At least three people take care of him, so he can rest assured.
I’m afraid she’ll talk alone
Jiang Jiang is not just twenty years old, but he is still a child.
So dependent on people
Yan Shaoqing thinks about it at will, feels distressed and feels that she is really lonely just leaving her at home.
Holding the steering wheel with one hand and sighing heavily.
It is the first time for him to feel so worried for so many years.
This taste is really uncomfortable.
He thought it over and over again for a long time, and his look suddenly froze.

Wu Xiaoqing, the boss of an ordinary company, has almost absolute reason to suspect that this is a huge sum of money embezzled by the company in the name of the search and rescue team’s eating inside and picking outside projects.

"Big Brother, it’s not like your style of work." Wu Xiaoqing didn’t even realize that his way of saying things has also changed subtly. The intellectual leap gave him an unprecedented confidence, and he didn’t talk to the search and rescue team as much as he used to. "Isn’t he a novelist?"
In Wu Xiaoqing’s memory, they invited many people to consult, from astronauts to scientists, from professional soldiers to nuclear bomb engineers …
Wu Xiaoqing is very skeptical about the reality of Qinglan’s consultation. Even if he invited the President of the United States for a meeting, it is not impossible. If he had already taken off for a few minutes, he could have invited several people. A single person like Rao Xin took a large sum of money and went to the richest country in Europe for a turn, and then he continued to stay in a five-star hotel … I have never seen one.
"How to discriminate against writing novels?"
"Does discrimination count … but this treatment … by the way, what project is he going to do?"
"You are so clever now. Guess"
"Big Brother!" Wu Xiaoqing surprised way "how do you speak now …"
"If you change, I will naturally change," the search team said. "Try to guess and let me see how smart you are now."
Being said by Wu Xiaoqing is a little embarrassed. "Even if I am clever, I will only watch the education for half a day."
"It’s not a matter of people’s knowledge and knowledge. It’s a way of thinking. You should feel it yourself-similarly, you must look completely different now."
Wu Xiaoqing carefully recalled a topic that Rao Xin had participated in in. He recalled that … just like when he just woke up and looked at his draft, his brain seemed to be a professional camera at the moment. Everything he needed to remember was clearer than his mind. He could remember every tiny move made by everyone in that scene …
This feeling is very difficult to form. His impression of this memory in his previous memory is just a scene that is blurred. Most of his drowsiness at the meeting is watching several beautiful women among the participants and several experts with the best titles.
When you need to speak for yourself, you will pay attention to the subtitles. At one time, everyone in the venue will try to understand-but this attempt will soon give up as soon as he studies physics.
Most of the time, Wu Xiaoqing seems to be not much different from the scene when he was patiently listening to the teacher in junior high school-if anything, it is that he has a search and rescue team staring at him in this scene, which makes him unable to do some small moves with peace of mind.
It’s like a movie, but it’s heavily mosaiced, and most of the dialogue is about not knowing which country’s bird language
But now the film seems to have been processed.
Instead of the mosaic, Wu Xiaoqing can see the timely close-up of the film almost everywhere who needs to see the details. Not only the Chinese subtitles are given, but also the simple demonstration animation helps to understand.
Those boring numbers in professional vocabulary can almost automatically combine pictures in Wu Xiaoqing’s mind.
And the only thing that hasn’t changed in this movie seems to be that they talk about this Rao Xin
Before he spoke, the context was words, but now it is still words in memory.
But this is not the same as the definition of words.
Former Wu Xiaoqing said that he was talking because he completely relied on intuition to understand Rao Xin’s words and could not understand them; Now Wu Xiaoqing still says that this is because he knows that when writing a novel, the imagination of saying such a thing does not need to be considered-the body is just unrealistic and opportunistic.
The consultation meeting is not a drama creative meeting. Their heart is to solve specific problems, and Rao Xin seems to be better at solving problems
The last time Rao Xin attended the meeting, he discussed the weapons against the flying people with an American, Crander.
At the end of the meeting, Rao Xin showed a surprised attitude, obviously saying that this person’s mentality was not particularly good-he was completely scared by the indifference when Crane described weapons.
Since then, I have never seen Rao Xin Qinglan Consulting.
232 text form
At 2 o’clock in the morning, there are very few vehicles in Ningzhou street, most of which are taxis.
Wu Xiaoqing has been waiting for more than ten minutes by the roadside and has missed three cars with car signs.
Wu Xiaoqing’s body will never appear before this seemingly daze and stupidity. If he sees it, he may even secretly say "stupid" in his heart.
Now others are stupid, but they have no feelings for themselves
It is not a disadvantage to be slow to respond to the surrounding things and stay a little longer to finish the calculation than to be able to finish the state of being addicted to thinking.
Fortunately, Wu Xiaoqing just came to an end when this thought came to an end. When the fourth car was just within reach, he raised his hand to stop.
He used to take the co-pilot, but he regretted it for a moment-yes, he should sit in the back.
"Master Ninggang Hotel, I speak to others" Wu Xiaoqing simply said to the driver and then answered the search and rescue team.
"Eldest brother, if you let me guess, there is a possibility that this person’s description of the logic is very appetizing to you … or do you think he is right?"
Street fortune tellers can also talk, but the biggest possibility of convincing people is that the specific details of this fortune teller have been trusted by others.
As far as the search and rescue team is concerned, it must be that some points in Rao Xin’s description of the state of the text are right, some points or some parts.
These are probably not limited to Rao Xin’s participation in several meetings. Wu Xiaoqing knows the information search ability of the search and rescue team very well-the search and rescue team probably saw something before him-even if he didn’t see it then, he must have seen it now.
Since it’s a novel, it must be specific.
"What’s his pen name?"

Three people ordered six courses, although it was not much, but it was more than enough, especially for Mubai Yeran, who had no appetite at all.

Xiao Li sat beside Ye Ran silently and helped Mubai to add tea to his cup from time to time.
At that time, the atmosphere was inexplicable and embarrassing.
Xiao Li regretted that he shouldn’t have forced Ye Ran to look at Ye Ran’s usual appearance of human and animal harm, but launching a hurricane was more terrible than terrible.
After sitting for a while, Xiao Li found an excuse to wash his hands and slipped out of the small box.
Ye Ran lowered his eyes and said nothing.
Finally alone, Mubai said, "When will you get married? Is it convenient to talk to me? "
"I don’t remember, I just pulled the card and lived together." Ye Ran responded at random
Mubai was very depressed when he saw that Ye Ran was so coping with his heart and could not tell whether he was angry or lost.
"Oh, I didn’t know you were married before I was abrupt. If you intentionally do something that hurts your feelings, please forgive me. After that, I will try not to get involved in your happy life. Shall we finish this meal happily today?"
Ye Ran lost his mind in the middle of his mouth. After all, he is also an infatuated good man who has been single for many years and never forgets his first love.
After thinking about it, Ye Ran put away his little emotions, picked up his teacup and said to him, "Let’s drink to letting the past go with the wind. This generation has a long way to go. You have to look forward."
Mubai dazed, listening to Ye Ran’s advice, gently nodded, "Well, look ahead."
"It’s just right for you to work hard at other happy-go-lucky times."
Two people drinking tea but try their best to persuade Mubai.
While Xiao Li in the corridor outside the box is holding up words and reporting to Gu Lengchen what Ye Ran did today.
Just in the car, he was sitting alone in front of a group of bodyguards and didn’t look at his mobile phone all the way.
I didn’t know that Gu Lengchen had called him until I washed my hands.
"Manager Gu, don’t worry, we are in the restaurant now. When the food is ready, I will stare at the boss and tell her to eat more."
"Where is it? Are there two of you in the same industry? " Gu Lengchen’s voice was slightly sleepy, and he fell asleep after chatting with Ye Ran on WeChat.
"It’s quite high-end. I can’t name it, except for me and the boss, and the national male god Mubai, our Xinghai city."
Xiao Li’s smug tone is unnatural and excited. The first close contact with a big-name star excited him to death.
He was happy but didn’t notice Gu Lengchen’s sudden emotional change.
Bed Gu Lengchen heard that the eyebrows were wrinkled into hills and asked, "Mubai?"
"Yes, he also came to the fashion show and said that it was fate to meet in a foreign country. He invited me to dinner with the boss."
Xiao Li didn’t wait for the receiver to say a busy tone, "beep beep …!" "
Take a look at the phone and the other party has hung up.
He had an ominous premonition that the boss was indifferent to Mubai’s love. Gu Lengchen reacted abnormally when he heard Mubai’s name. Xiao Li faintly smelled the contradiction.
He regrets it even more. It’s over. He not only offended the boss, but also offended the boss who is worse than the boss.
Stamp your feet and rub your temples to consider what to do when you pick them up!
In the box, Ye Ran still has a sentence, not a sentence, and Mubai is talking.
Suddenly, a sweet music sounded loud.
Mubai’s eyes turned to her and she smiled. "Sorry, I have to take this."
"Good" Mubai put a cup and sat still.
Ye Ran tilting his head clutching his mobile phone microphone gently asked, "you are not sleeping? What are you doing? "

The original Qi Mengyu doesn’t like fighting, thinking of serving Su Li and getting shelter from the strong, and it is good to live if you drag out an ignoble existence.

But later, every night, after hunting with the crowd, she gradually envied Gong Xiao and Jiang Shuijue for their efforts to increase their strength. These days, she has accumulated some combat experience and has risen to level 9, and her skill and strength are not weak.
In particular, her psychic skill is a "liquid body", which is almost immortal in this state, which makes her feel at ease to fight with bold monsters.
On that day, even the horrible god of death failed to slay her, but Zhong Rongrong died unfortunately. It was also because of that stimulus that she was always dependent on others for shelter and was uneasy. Eventually, she had to be strong enough.
Now she is holding the lotus flower whip, which is so powerful in her hand that even the concrete floor can pull out a crack.
In the face of these evil bone beasts, she enters the state of "liquid body" and is not afraid of the evil bone beasts attacking herself. She needs to make Lianhua Whip concentrate on killing the monsters in front of her.
Xu Haishui’s ability is greatly limited because he is in this water for fire control. Well, Su Li gave him a green fire sword, which is as powerful as Su Lilong’s rhinoceros sword. It’s easy to slay evil bones and beasts.
Among them, there is Gu Mingfeng. Because there is no spiritual weapon, the osteotome in his hand is sharp, but it is difficult to slay the evil bone beast with good defense.
Adding his "rock skin" is also a defensive spirit source skill, which makes him the slowest person to slay the evil bone beast among all people.
Although he is full of anger and wants to harvest Lingyuan desperately, he will rise to level 1 as soon as possible, but the ideal reality is just the opposite, and he will harvest Lingyuan the least.
The first breakthrough in the crowd was Ding Longyun.
As the "air missile" enters the third form, it encounters such a large group of evil-boned beasts. The amazing effect of this "air missile" shows that he can harvest spiritual sources quickly, even Su Li can’t compare with it.
After spitting out "air missiles" several times, every time a missile was split, Ding Longyun controlled it to rush into groups of vicious beasts.
He can gain two spiritual sources as soon as he kills the evil bone beast, and soon he will be promoted. It takes 15 spiritual sources to be successfully promoted to a level 1 spiritual source.
Upgrade to level 1, and you will realize that mastering the strength of the second psychic skill will gain a qualitative upgrade.
Ding Longyun’s eyes are glowing with excitement. He has mastered the second spiritual source technique.
Sensing the new spiritual source, Ding Longyun revealed the amazing color, which made him feel shocked by the powerful spiritual source.
He didn’t think he would get such a powerful spiritual source.
Ding Longyun is the fastest reaping spiritual source among all, followed by Jiang Shuixuan and Su Li.
On the number of animals with evil bones killed, she is naturally inferior to Su Li and even Gong Xiao, but she is a level 9 spiritual source. Killing an animal with evil bones can get two spiritual sources, while Su Li and Gong Xiao can get one.
In a short time, Su Li had more than 100 spiritual sources. When he had 12 spiritual sources, Jiang Shuijue finally got enough effective spiritual sources, successfully broke through to level 1, and his strength was greatly improved. At the same time, he realized that he had obtained his second spiritual power.
Mastering the second spiritual source technique, she immediately shook her body, and suddenly a layer of black fog appeared on her body surface, which became a humanoid black fog, which split in two.
Two people in the form of fog rushed towards different evil bone beasts, and the two evil bone beasts could not bear to break up at once.
Jiang Shuixuan’s sudden acquisition of ability has attracted the attention of others, and it seems to her in succession.
That’s why she got the second spiritual source technique, "fog in two places at once". Being in the first form can make her split in two.
The two "fog doppelgangers" have exactly the same fighting power. It can be said that her fighting power is equivalent to a double of the instantaneous rise.
This spiritual source technique is powerful.
Su Li saw Jiang Shuixuan split into two black fog humanoid fighting with different evil bones and beasts. This ability made him secretly nod. Jiang Shuixuan realized that the second spiritual source technique was very powerful.
He is still short of seven spiritual sources. Seeing that there are more and more monsters, he knows that if there is no accident, he will soon get enough spiritual sources to advance successfully.
The third breakthrough is Xu haishui.
Be promoted to the first level, master and comprehend the second spiritual source technique. Xu Haishui’s eyes suddenly turned over and suddenly a fierce flame rose.
The fire in the water will not go out. Obviously, his fire control has reached a more powerful level.
As he used the second spiritual source technique, the burning flame gathered on his back, and soon his back formed two huge flame wings, which reflected a fiery red in this deep water.
Fang Wei, a fierce and vicious beast, saw the flame and showed fear. He was afraid to go near him.
The "fire wing" is the second spiritual source technique that Xu Haishui grasped. This spiritual source technique is much more powerful than the "fire control technique". This "fire wing" cannot be released and has great attack power, and it can be contracted to protect itself and has strong defense.
With the understanding and mastery of the "fire wing", Xu Haishui’s strength immediately made a qualitative leap. It can be said that with the promotion to level 1, it is decisive to understand and master the strength of the spiritual source technique.
Xu Hai-shui’s mastery of fire control is a relatively moderate spiritual source technique, which is neither weak nor strong, which leads to his strength being at the middle level. It is not weak but not top-notch, but this time he realized that the second spiritual source technique is powerful, which made his strength advance by leaps and bounds immediately.
At the moment, Su Li already has 16 effective spiritual sources, and the distance is still short of the last 4 spiritual sources.
Gong Xiao is even worse. Now he has got 12 pieces of spiritual source, and he is 12 pieces short of breakthrough.
And the distance between Xu Xuehui and Qi Mengyu is getting faster. Gu Mingfeng is still a little worse, and there are still five effective spiritual sources, which means that he still needs to kill 25 evil bones.
Su Li silently calculated that the figure of the spiritual source he needed kept flashing and connected to slay the beast with three evil bones. He is short of spiritual source and 37 pieces short.
At this moment, a short evil bone beast suddenly rushed out of the evil bone beast, and the speed was much faster than that of his evil bone beast. In an instant, the twelve ribs in his chest and abdomen tried to clamp Su Li.
Su Li’s heart moved and immediately launched a "ghost step of the shark king". This short evil bone beast crossed the body and avoided the right hand dragon rhinoceros sword, so he drew out and cut a huge wound on the body of this evil bone beast.
At the same moment, he "peeped at the symbol pattern" to capture a new message.

He is really afraid that this terrible man will hit him in their line of work. In fact, he is most afraid of meeting a horrible guest. Some colleagues saw it yesterday and may be killed today.

The driver took a careful look at the man in the back seat in the rearview mirror. This man is dressed in noble clothes. At first glance, he is rich. Since he doesn’t want to drive, he can accompany him. Anyway, he can give money.
Quiet. I heard the timer tick in the taxi
Suddenly Gu Si’s cell phone rang and startled them.
The driver turned his head and looked at him nervously. He wouldn’t be his partner to help him clean up. It wouldn’t be so rampant in broad daylight, would it?
The driver’s brain is filled with Gu Si’s ravages on him. Obviously, he thinks too much.
Words are calling from Zhang Jiaping gu post hurriedly picked up.
"I said gu boss post how your woman was cold Qiao Chen" Zhang Jiaping poking fun at while wearing a white coat.
Although he was surprised, he still planned to go to the operating room to rescue Liu Zhuanghe himself. Before that, he felt it necessary to call his friends, or he wouldn’t know if his head was green.
"What’s wrong with Liuzhuang Lotus?" Gu Si frowned and asked Leng Qiaochen how to send her to the hospital. Did she pass out after playing too hard?
Gu Si’s face is getting darker and colder.
"I still don’t know what I’m going to call you when my horse enters the operating room." Zhang Jiaping hung up and walked towards the operating room.
Gu post held his mobile phone for a long time without moving. He didn’t know if he should go to the hospital at this time.
When he arrived at the hotel anxiously just now, he didn’t expect to see this scene.
Liu Zhuanghe has been indifferent to him these days and has never taken the initiative to contact him.
Whether he calls or sends a text message, he always feels that she has a perfunctory feeling.
She ignored him because she was too busy with her activities, but obviously not.
Maybe I’ve been with Leng Qiao Chen these days. Isn’t that the best proof just now?
Gu Boshang just answered the phone, and the driver’s master also heard it. It can be seen that he is a little anxious if he doesn’t say goodbye for a long time, and he is busy doing business.
"Sir, will you return the car?" The driver asked carefully, afraid to touch the man’s anger.
Gu Boshang seems to be surprised by the driver. He takes a deep breath and "goes to a private hospital".
"All right, sit tight." The driver woke up and headed for the private hospital.
Gu Boshang got off at the gate of a private hospital and looked at the people coming and going at the door, but he didn’t walk in for a long time.
He was afraid to hear Liuzhuang He tell him later that she was with Leng Qiaochen and wanted to break up with him.
He was afraid to see the picture of Leng Qiaochen with Liu Zhuanghe, which made his heart unbearable. He was afraid that he would be tempted to beat Leng Qiaochen again.
The cell phone rang in my pocket and I picked up "hello" without looking at it.
"Gu always found out that Leng Qiaochen took Miss Liu to Doctor Zhang’s hospital." Nianbo said carefully that he not only found out that Leng Qiaochen took Liu Zhuanghe to the hospital, but also found out that they came out of Jinhao Hotel together.
He doesn’t know about it. Gu always doesn’t know about it, but a man can accept it.
How do you think about your own woman having sex with another man? How do you feel wronged? Now you can imagine how ugly General Gu’s face will be.
"Well," Gu Si replied, and hung up his words. He raised his feet and walked slowly towards the hospital.
The intensive care room is on the floor, watching the ladder numbers change constantly, and Gu Si’s heart is also pulling tightly.
"Ding" floor to Gu Si post has been slow to go out. People in the ladder looked at him strangely.
Then others looked at him sympathetically. There were dead people in the hospital every day, and the building was the emergency room. Presumably, this man’s relatives were being rescued inside.
The people inside the ladder didn’t urge him to look at him quietly.
A man came to sit on the ladder and looked at it. No one came out and asked strangely, "Is this ladder broken?"
Gu boss post seems to react and look at the people outside the ladder to lift their feet and come out.
Leng Qiao Chen was sitting in the chair outside the operating room and saw Gu Si post coming up.

"Hey, young man, look at you. Which one is it?"

Pazhuo is preparing to see a young man wondering outside the crowd.
It is really that the temperament of the other party is different from that of ordinary people, which is very eye-catching, giving people a feeling of being as dazzling as the sun.
Chapter seven hundred and twenty-five Looking for Ye Fan’s parents
"I’m just passing by and curious to see."
The man explained that he wanted to leave him and didn’t want to have too much contact with ordinary people.
Pazhuo stopped the young man frowning. "Your clothes look a little familiar …"
He stepped closer. "This seems to be my clothes when I was young. Why are you wearing them?"
His eyes were suddenly a little wary, but when he wanted to ask, he found that the man had disappeared.
He suddenly remembered that his daughter had told himself more than a month ago that he had met a fruit man with amnesia. Is this the guy?
It’s a few months later, and this grassland has gradually flourished, and one said,
It is said that there is a young boy who is the incarnation of a god, and someone is destined to meet him, but don’t try to talk to him because he will disappear in an instant.
If you want to meet the gods, everything will go well this year.
And the source of rumors wandering in the grassland will return to the original place every night.
He sat watching the sky and muttered "I am … Liu Chen" in the night wind.
He gradually remembered the past, mainly because he was spiritually lacking. This world is difficult to recover, and he can slowly recover with the help of the essence of the sun and the moon.
Since he remembered his name, his memory has flooded in and recovered surprisingly quickly.
After Lu Chen woke up for half a year, he sat on the moon and his whole body was full of blood, and the sun bible rumbled, and a pair of red and golden eyes were shining. He finally remembered everything in the roar of the avenue.
Memories go back to the moment before she died. In her eyes, the peerless female emperor’s hands gradually enlarged the reality and hit her soul.
At this critical juncture, he finally launched a campaign for the dead doll to help himself block the death robbery.
It’s better to say that he is greedy and will take it out earlier than to sleep for ten years.
When the dead doll was taken out and started, his spirit was broken, and most of it protected himself for the dead doll’s special power. Finally, the true spirit sent him away.
It also happened that when the Armageddon was about to disperse, he was alive after the Armageddon ended.
Lu Chen never thought that this kind of thing would happen for a dead doll, and it has not yet played a perfect role. You know, this may be a miracle that can stop the emperor from hitting his life.
Liu Chen looked at her and there were two life-saving things left. Finally, she smiled with relief. Living is better than everything.
He is not perfect. People always make mistakes, but the terrible thing about people is that they don’t make mistakes, but they don’t reflect and gain after making mistakes.
Although he was shattered this time, it took him ten years to recover his mind. When he was asleep, he had a deeper understanding of the forty-nine road marks. It can be said that without the forty-nine road marks, he would wake up later, perhaps directly to the world.
The pioneer’s mark or the explorer’s mark is a very magical thing. Even if his body is broken and his spirit is incomplete, he is still accompanied by his true spirit and moves with his consciousness, so nothing is lost.
It’s powerful for the dead doll, and it’s not very deceptive. Sending yourself to a bird-less ancient star at random did send yourself to a place of life.
But this randomness made Lu Chen a little suspicious.
It happened that it was sent to the earth to make him wonder if he was influenced by Ye Fan’s cause and effect.
There are countless sources of life in the universe, such as dust and sand. The earth is now in the end of the Dharma era, and the aura is exhausted. It is hard to say that the cultivation environment is not as good as the ancient star he had with the sun, the emperor and the gods.
And the earth this place … There are quite a lot of hidden dangers, of course, all hidden deep, if it weren’t for bad luck, it should be out of reach.
Now he has broken through the fate, but it is not the first time to enter the four poles. Perhaps it is that the four poles and four small secrets have been opened in the process of remolding the body by conscious action, but he has not yet carefully realized that it is not a great perfection.
Lu Chen took out one of the only two drug kings left, swallowed it up, refined it, and removed too much blood from his body. He used up all the sources and bases in World War I in Du Jie, and now it is still not complete to recast his body. It will take some time to recuperate and replenish it.
One thing that hurts Lu Chen is that he can’t kill the king.
As he thought before, a lot of "humanized intelligence" in this world has been temporarily hidden. For example, explorers will automatically return to things when their equipment is bound to a certain range.
Now he can’t do it. On the contrary, he can directly rob others of weapons or props and earn his own things.
But now regicide, the last vicious person in his Du Jie and the emperor’s humanoid flash teamed up to blow him away. Most regicide naturally flew out. How can he take care of his knife when he is busy?
At the moment, I can also hope that Ye Fan and others have helped themselves to take good care of it. At least don’t lose it for me even if it is a relic.
Liu Chen, who survived the disaster, is naturally in an excellent mood. Although the earth is in the last legal era, there are still many opportunities for him to find and continue to practice.
It’s too long to go back to Beidou on Xinggu Road, and he has read novels and doesn’t know the way to toss, so it’s better to practice at ease first.
Ten years later, Ye Fan should soon become a great power at this time, and I don’t know if Beidou is waiting for the changes now.
Liu Chen shook his head, don’t want to comb themselves first.
In the end, he didn’t survive the robbery of the Nine Emperors, but Ye Fan did. Is it true that he is not as good as the protagonist of destiny?
Lu Chen never belittles himself, and he knows the key by thinking a little.
It was still too short for him to practice without his own method, but when Ye Fan crossed the road and robbed, he practiced nearly 30 kinds of ancient scriptures, which was a waste of the ancient Eucharist. He survived through the past, the present and the future.
Other methods are temporary, and he doesn’t think it’s his own method
It’s a defensive holy law for him to combine the meaning of Yin and Yang with the meaning of life and death, but that’s Nai, which doesn’t conform to his fighting style.
Moreover, this method was still very rough at the beginning, which can be said to be an advanced way for him to benefit himself.
He was very embarrassed when he was robbed by the Nine Emperors for the first time, but he felt that it would be much better to deal with it again.
For the presentation form of Yin and Yang Circle, Lu Chen feels that the mystery is by no means a simple way.
It is better to say that this is the root of heaven and earth, and everything is born of yin and yang. It is also discovered that this truth cannot be said that this road was created by him. This sage has a deep understanding.
Think back to the wonderful games, images and videos such as computer theory in modern society. In the final analysis, it’s just a combination of two numbers: 1 and 1. Isn’t it just the way of Yin and Yang?
If you think about it carefully, it will really change the poor people’s minds, and maybe it is unknown to do something like creation.
But Lu Chen is not satisfied with his first creation, or he doesn’t like playing like a turtle shell.
Yin-yang circle is an excellent method, but it doesn’t conform to other ways