"There is no shame!" He stretched out his hand to hold her hand and looked at her shy expression thoughtfully. "This is a boudoir interest. How can you lose face if you know me?" And, oh, I heard that it will be better to have a baby when you are in two of a kind and have a high degree of passion. "

"baby?" Shen Xintang paused, stretched out his hand and consciously caressed his belly. He just fought with passion and forgot such an important thing?
I heard that forbidden sex in the first three months of pregnancy may cause miscarriage.
Did they just get so intense?
Shen Xintang frighten hurriedly sat up.
"What’s the matter?" See her nervous expression Hua Wenxuan quickly asked
"I … I’m not sure." She suddenly regretted her carelessness. "I seem to be pregnant …"
"Really?" Hua Wenxuan was overjoyed and couldn’t help looking at her abdomen. "Are you sure?"
She shook her head in dismay.
"I’m not sure it’s because you said in front of your mother yesterday that my period didn’t come. It suddenly occurred to me that it seems that my period didn’t come this month, so I went to buy a pregnancy test and the result was positive, but it’s best to wait for a week and then go to the hospital for a check-up. It will be more reliable after two weeks …"
"auntie auntie!" Hua Wenxuan was so excited that he wanted to touch her face as if he felt wrong. He took back his hand and grabbed her. He put her hand on his face and was overjoyed. "Are we going to have a baby?" I’m going to be a father, too? You are so great and amazing! Do you think it will be a boy or a girl? What’s the name? Oh, by the way, I have to call my mother quickly. She will be so happy when she hears the news. She told me when she sent her away today. She said that if you are pregnant, let us get married early, not because she cares about her grandchildren, but because she thinks it is not easy for every mother. Since I like you so much and have children, she will not stop us from getting married again. "
"Is it true?" This news made Shen Xintang overjoyed and a little touched. "I didn’t expect your mother to cherish the elderly so much. I must be filial to her later."
"I’m so glad to hear that." He grabbed her hand and kissed her on the mouth. His eyes were glowing. "Then I’ll call her!"
"Don’t!" She grabbed him. "Let’s wait another week to make sure it’s really pregnant! Now, after all, it’s still a short time … And I forgot about it just now and told you that "her face is worried now" I don’t know if it will affect … "
"Well, it’s all my fault!" He slapped his forehead and walked around the bed with remorse. "It’s all my fault that I couldn’t help wanting you. I’m so damn dear. Do you feel uncomfortable? Does your stomach hurt? "
"Not yet." She shook her head gently.
"God bless!" He put his hands together and prayed, then knelt on the bed and looked at her eagerly. His voice was so tender that he wanted to drop water. "If you feel a little uncomfortable, tell me what you want to eat and tell me at once!" Don’t move back, just live here. You don’t have to work from day to day. Have a good baby at home and have Chen Yi take care of you during the day. "
"What is this?" She looked at him in distress situation. "Didn’t you say wait another week?"? It’s only been a week now, and I can’t finalize it. Aren’t you going to be disappointed if I find out that I’m pregnant? Besides, even if you are pregnant, how can it be that serious? Several mothers in our company are quite pregnant to give birth, or are they all born naturally? "
"That won’t do. People are people, you are you," he insisted with a serious face. "Anyway, I can’t allow you to make a mistake. Then call your company and ask for a week’s leave, saying that you have something to do, and wait until the result comes out a week later."
"Please don’t do this!" Shen Xintang gently pulled his hand. "Even if I’m really pregnant, it’s nothing. I’m not that delicate. Don’t make me a flower in the greenhouse."
"I won’t make you a flower in the greenhouse," he said, sliding his slender fingers gently across her cheek. "I just want to make you a flower in the palace."
"What bad logic?" Shen Xintang felt funny and retorted, "Is the palace more suitable for flower growth?"
"Anyway, no matter how much you say, just watch me do it." He held her hand in awe and promised, "I will definitely work harder to be a man worthy of your trust and dependence. After waiting for me for a hundred years, I hope to hear you say,’ I will be your wife’; Our children say,’ I will be your child in the next life!’ "
The moment Shen Xintang nose slightly sour eyes also involuntarily moist.
☆ Chapter 14 Ecstasy ☆
Shen Xintang still went to work early the next day.
Pregnant women are excited, and her feelings should be the first consideration. After two people argued for a long time, Hua Wenxuan still compromised.
But he insisted on sending him to class.
Shen Xintang’s class is in Hongkou District, so he has to send her to class first and then back the car.
Shen Xintang repeatedly said that he could take a taxi himself, but he didn’t want to deliver it himself.
She also can endure him to go.
After seeing her off at the company building, he promised to pick her up again in the afternoon.
Shen Xintang nodded and agreed to watch his car leave, and the one in his heart who wanted him to have a baby wanted to go deeper.
In the afternoon, I received several text messages from him asking if she felt particularly hungry, tired or not. Shen Xintang thought he was wordy, but he felt very happy.
Towards noon, she received a greeting from Qing Ye.
"Xintang, when you came to my house yesterday, you didn’t send anything other than the kissing fish, did you?" Qing Ye Huan Yin was a little nervous in the words.
"No, why?" Shen Xintang seemed to realize something and asked tentatively, "Is there anything unusual? I mean, I want to surprise you with something special. "
"There is nothing unusual," Ye Qinghuan denied. "There were a lot of friends at home yesterday. It seems that someone left something behind. Why don’t you call and ask what you lost?"
"No," Shen Xintang was calm, but her intuition told her that Ye Qinghuan must have found something that worried her.
That Lu Bai acted so fast? They just got back from abroad.
What the hell does he want?
Is he in the sea now?
Regret why I didn’t leave him a mobile phone number at that time.
It suddenly occurred to me that she had the key to the little dragon girl’s house in her hand, so she should come back with him, right? If we want to find Little Dragon Girl, can we find Lu Bai?
We must find Liu Bai quickly and try to dissuade him.
This man is really full.
She was already going to give up lobbying the little dragon girl, but he took the initiative to wade into this muddy water.
The lunch break is an hour, and her round trip is just right, but it’s a little tight.
I don’t care so much now. She doesn’t care what the little dragon girl’s past is, but now Zhuang has married Ye Qinghuan. She doesn’t want Ye Qinghuan to get hurt for her own reasons.
Qing Huan is not bad for her.
You see, I gave her a pair of expensive shoes yesterday and kindly found her a spare tire.
Even if she is not a friend, she doesn’t want to cause any accidents by herself.
There are still ten minutes before lunch break. Shen Xintang left early without discipline. He secretly took the stairs through the toilet machine and stopped a taxi outside the building.
Fierce sun, burning fire and hot summer.
Shen Xintang waited by the side of the road with the diabolical sun for a long time and didn’t see a car.
It’s really strange. When you don’t need a car, you often see cars passing by. Now she wants a car, but she can’t stop one.
When she was in a hurry, a Mercedes-Benz commercial car slowly stopped in front of her.

General Zhao said in a low voice, "Beat your hand". She was quite proud and smoked a cigarette. I don’t know whether to appease or find fault.

Princess royal temple smell speech did not speak, buried his face in his arms and seemed to want to hide something.
The villain didn’t feel that something was wrong. She said that the abnormality at this time was due to injury. He denied that there was nothing to lie about.
"Go to sleep. I’ll coax you reluctantly. I’ll talk about it later."
Prince Zhao unconsciously relaxed his tone and gently stroked her warm and delicate back. He yawned himself, but he didn’t go to sleep by himself.
The witch can’t tell that she is anxious, breathing hard, her heart is gradually calming down, and a drowsiness is coming.
She secretly warned herself not to sleep.
It’s a coincidence that Zhao woke up wrong. It was really awakened by my messy breathing, right? Or did he wake up when my gold hairpin stabbed him? "
Princess royal’s reason won’t collapse easily. I’m afraid she’s run out of luck when Zhao thieves fall asleep. There must be a means for Terran torch lighters to stay here.
Once she really fell asleep, the wicked man suddenly broke up and could not stop her. Just then, she suddenly felt that Zhao thief was breathing closer.
She could feel the warm touch on her face. The temperature and shape she was familiar with were nothing more than the gentle kiss on the lips of the little grandfather, which made her mind guard against the melting of ice and snow, and it was difficult to fall asleep in his arms.
"Temple? It’s almost time to get up. Didn’t you agree to cook soup for me? "
Bo Luan Pinellia is sleepy, and a gentle call gradually becomes clear to her ears. Even so, she doesn’t want to get up.
She pursed her lips a little impatiently and turned over in Zhao thief’s arms without lifting her head.
Then she felt the waist and hands moved to the neck and abdomen respectively.
"I didn’t wake you up early in the morning."
The sound of Xiao Gong Ye rang again.
He seems to gently tickle the neck of a Chinese beauty in his arms.
Princess royal Temple didn’t respond. Tall and tender, he snuggled up to his arms and felt sleepy.
"This is noon, you also sleep too long? I’ve been awake for almost two hours. "
He stuck to Xia witch’s ear and spat hot air.
Sleepy lazy cat still ignored her, her delicate eyebrows didn’t move, and her consciousness was still hazy.
General Zhao raised his eyebrows, caressed her white and greasy belly, and gently rubbed his hands, which was unacceptable to the kitten.
"hmm ~"
Sure enough, she let out a low voice as a protest, but she still didn’t mean to wake up.
"It’s lazy injury or not good? At most, you can sleep for half an hour. If you don’t get up then, I will start work. "
Prince Zhao finally whispered to stick to the witch’s ear in her arms and said that she would no longer pinch her. After she curled up, she squeezed out a little belly and waved her fingers to write.
He is probably ill, and he has been fond of princess royal for a long time. All kinds of writing and words are possessive and contemptuous.
It’s a pity that he can paint with his fingers, and one day he will write an immortal chapter with his pen.
"I also go to sleep …"
However, before he got sleepy, his arms suddenly became stiff, and she struggled to sit up without waiting for the little grandfather’s mouth
General Zhao was surprised to open his eyes and look at the enchanting woman in front of him. The dazzling silver hair was messy and her beautiful white face brought out the best in each other. At this time, her cold and cheerless temperament added a little indifference, and her cold and hard face was.
"What’s the matter with you? Something’s wrong since last night. It’s okay. "
Small male ye unconsciously screwed up his brow.
Princess royal raised his hand and rubbed the corner of his eye when he heard his words.
Her gloomy look eased and her eyes returned to their usual dullness, but this was for Zhao Cuo to see.
Calm her heart is overcast. Last night, she secretly mocked Prince Zhao, who was not like a human king, and lost her guard against this enemy princess. Now it’s pot calling the kettle black to see her! After a dark night’s sleep, she stayed in bed after he grabbed her neck and woke her up playing with her abdomen.
"It’s okay? Now the situation is not critical. Don’t try to be brave. Why don’t we go back a day or two later? "
Zhao looked at her in a wrong way, white and clear, and she cared about Boluan Pinellia. It would be in trouble if the road was touched by that tiger demon saint.
"Let’s leave when I’m ill. My brother said he would go back in half a month."
Princess royal temple shook his head and said
"That’s good."
Prince Zhao didn’t say much about the witch’s performance, but he was confused if he didn’t mind it.
"Speaking of which, you said last night that you would cook soup for me this morning. It’s already noon."
General Zhao spoke primly and opened his mouth to hug her delicate and exquisite body in his arms.
"Luan Pinellia" glanced at him lightly for her hug and resistance because she thought it was a wave of strength to push him.
It should be noted that appeasement will encourage the thief’s arrogance. My grandfather is a typical greedy beauty who dares to talk directly if he hugs him.
"Don’t kiss me, haven’t you washed? Go "
Don’t overdo it in princess royal Hall.
"Are you still talking about me?"
Zhao thief suddenly unhappy.
"It’s getting late. Let’s get up, wash and bathe, and cook some fish soup for you later."
The witch didn’t argue with him. She knew that this scourge would never stop having sex when it started.
"This is up at noon, don’t rush to bathe? It will be dark in two or three hours, and it won’t just be finished washing and lying in bed. "
Little Gong Ye crushed princess royal’s fragrance and cut his shoulders.
"I smell like you all over."
She said without being shaken.
"Must be washed off"
Zhao picked an eyebrow by mistake.
"How do you say it’s like you won’t be contaminated with my breath after bathing?"

I tried to get some information from my father-in-law all the way, such as what the emperor wanted him to do, but my father-in-law kept his mouth shut and answered so tightly that I could be angry silently.

"My son has seen my father" met the queen and tried to quietly observe the emperor’s face as good as before making preparations.
However, the emperor didn’t give him this opportunity to shift his sight from the table chessboard to the emperor’s body, and his eyes were sharp and his heart was watching the emperor closely, so this should be what happened.
"Recently, there have been many rumors in Beijing and China, especially for you. I don’t know what you think of this matter?" The emperor asked faintly, but there was a dangerous smell.
It doesn’t matter if the rumor that the pupil is too constricted is related to himself, but the problem is that it has actually reached the emperor’s ear, so this matter will be big.
"I don’t know that they leave messages at will. This rumor is the most untrue." I can’t say anything else. After all, there are some things that he doesn’t know how to refute.
And the emperor naturally won’t stop there because this root doesn’t explain, and he is ready to continue to ask, but he heard the imperial secretary inform the queen that she is coming.
"I got up today and wanted to come and have a look at you. I didn’t expect to be here, but it’s unfortunate that I came." The queen walked to the emperor with a decent smile.
Too silently relieved in my heart, now that the queen has come, someone has backed him up, and his pressure can be relieved a lot.
"What’s the matter? Why are you kneeling here? Why don’t you tell me? So that I can share some worries for you. "The queen pretends to know nothing."
The emperor was silent for a moment, so that the eunuch in charge told the queen what happened back and forth. The queen looked at the emperor in surprise after hearing it.
"You just let too kneeling here because of this thing? This is not too much to make a mountain out of a molehill. "The queen looked at her wife in silence and dared not speak.
"You also know that there are the most rumors in Beijing, and it is difficult to be criticized if you sit in this position. It is not a miracle that there will be more rumors, don’t you think?" The queen threw the words back to the emperor.
How can the emperor not know what the queen means? There was silence and no answer, which made the queen feel a little embarrassed, but she quickly adjusted.
"Well, let’s end this matter first. You should pay more attention to it and go home." The emperor waved his hand and motioned for them to leave.
And the queen nature is too close with too away from the emperor also sat in situ after a long time to look at the main eunuch.
"What do you think of Tai?" The emperor seems to ask the eunuch in charge casually, and he is afraid to comment at will even if he is bold one day.
"It’s too natural and wonderful for you to choose, and it may take some time to grow up, so at some point it’s not as good as other emperors." The eunuch in charge leveled this philosopher with a bowl of water to preserve his health
And the emperor is naturally white, thinking about the eunuch in charge with some trepidation and asking what a terrible question.
"I just don’t want to see them fratricidal." The emperor sighed as if to say an impossible sight wish.
Chapter 26 Luzhou Flood
It’s too late to go back to the mansion, and I lost my temper, but for Tai, it’s a good result to expose this matter.
However, I didn’t think that the real storm was still waiting for him early the next day.
"I think I’ve been too arrogant to come to Taiwai’s ancestral home recently, and I didn’t take you seriously!" The two emperors and their ministers were present. Action against Tai was taken.
Too surprised in my heart, I never thought that this group of people would take this kind of thing directly to the surface. After all, this is a tacit thing for everyone.
"I think so, too. In recent days, the yamen has received too many reports from the ancestral home. It can be said that it is rampant and has great scruples about the law!" Another minister immediately seconded it.
One has two, naturally, three has four. The Great God has talked about grievances in succession, and he is very flustered in his heart. He has scolded these people half to death, but he can’t show it on the surface, which can be described as extremely wronged.
Of course, it’s natural that it’s easy to expose too much and don’t worry too much, and the arrangements for the two emperors and ministers are naturally more than that
"It has long been said that no matter what they say, there is no problem, and they will solve these things for them. I think you should pay attention to it or it will be a great disaster for the people!" Ministers pointed the finger at Tai in succession.
At this time, there is a feeling that something unexpected is coming. Although these things are common, now I don’t know what kind of decision the emperor will make when I take them to the court. He feels that he may not be able to afford this accident.
Yesterday, things may not be in the past where the emperor is, but today, this kind of thing comes out again, which makes me feel that someone must have done something.
"It is absolutely unacceptable for officials to protect each other from the wind. If the law breaks the law, the common people should be guilty of the same crime, so as to convince the people and better consolidate our country." Ministers gradually made things more and more serious and tried to get the emperor to deal with this matter seriously.
It seems that if the emperor doesn’t deal with this matter seriously, then I’m sorry. What is the terrible thing for the people? It also makes people feel that it is mixed with some coercion.
"In my opinion, it’s not appropriate to say this. It’s obvious to all of us. It’s natural to believe that he won’t do such a thing." The second emperor’s talk at the moment really shocked everyone
After all, it is impossible for these two people to fight to the death, but the two emperors are very calm and can’t see anything strange, which is even more so.
"I don’t know if those things are displayed by my grandfather’s family. It’s just a name, but I don’t know how it can be implicated?" The second emperor calmly continued to say that he didn’t care about everyone’s eyes. It’s really good to look at himself.
However, Tai didn’t think it was for his own good, but felt that there was a bigger conspiracy. It must be uneasy and kind to wait for him. If he really promised his help, he might not have anything to do. It would be more determined to think of it here.
"Now that things have happened, I naturally have an unshirkable responsibility, and I am not someone who can’t afford it. This matter won’t bother you." The atmosphere between them was tense again and again, and the smoke filled every corner of the court.
However, this situation is just the last thing the emperor wants to see. The emperor chose to brush this matter aside. After all, there are some things that need not be too concerned.
"Since you are all so interested, why don’t we talk about Luzhou boss? This is a recent national disaster." The emperor changed the subject.
"I think you must be quite insightful in this matter, and I hope you can think of a good way together." The emperor continued without changing his face.
No one dares to provoke the Luzhou flood. After all, it has been difficult to deal with it for so many years. Maybe it will endanger itself. No one will pick up this rotten stall.
It was lively just now, but the hall was quiet in an instant, as if it had been something.
And although the emperor won’t allow this to happen, after all, it always takes one or these people’s energy to make these people have no time to engage in those who have to let these emperors stop and don’t do anything that is fratricidal.
"You how all don’t say? What’s your idea? Don’t worry about it. I will never blame you for it. "The emperor continued when he saw that everyone was silent."
The ministers looked at the emperor at this time and felt that he would not give up until he reached his goal. Suddenly, his heart sank and he felt that it would be another hard battle today.
No matter who ends up with this job, it will definitely make people feel headache, and of course, there will be a good show.
However, Taiyi pulse people don’t think so. Isn’t this a good opportunity for them?
Just now, those people of the Second Emperor’s faction were still arrogant against Tai, so now it’s a good time for them to fight back. If the Second Emperor wants to take over this matter, then they can stand on the sidelines.
They don’t think Erhuang is capable of solving this problem, but this doesn’t delay them from recommending Erhuang to push him into this puddle.
"I think it’s better to let the second emperor manage it. I believe that the second emperor will be able to hand over an answer sheet that will satisfy you." Minister Taiyi Pulse proudly looked at the second emperor.
The two emperors gnashed their teeth but couldn’t help it. They couldn’t say that the two emperors didn’t have this ability. Wouldn’t that be a slap in the face?
"I believe that the Second Emperor’s Hall will be able to properly handle this matter to your satisfaction, which is really the best choice." Another minister also hurriedly answered.
In this way, everyone held the second emperor to the forefront, and everyone was staring at him to see if he would take the hard job.
Or he can find something good to get rid of it, but this is obviously unlikely.
Chapter 27 woo

"Deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestors until I teach you a lesson."

I haven’t lost my palm yet.
Step on foot, flying clouds, Miao Hong’s figure twitches and changes unpredictably, and the palm of his hand is shot one moment before and the back the next.
Zhou Yi slashed his body with a knife and tossed around.
A few knives in a row made Miao Hong’s heart jump wildly, not just warning signs.
He knew that even if Zhou Yi was poisoned for a while, he wouldn’t die. This meeting would be very dangerous, but he still had to fight.
Otherwise …
Let Liu Zhen go back to his own work alive. Once it is leaked, the consequences will be unimaginable!
"Good palm"
Comments on Zhou Yi’s entanglement with a knife
"Good footwork, too."
"It’s a pity …"
Said and shook his head gently.
Miao Hong and Qin Lei are not weak in strength, and their skills may be worse than Dong He’s, but they have more experience in fighting.
It’s true that Dong He may not be their opponent yet.
However, when Zhou Yi killed He Dong, it was a great achievement in refining skin. Now it has been refined and dirty, and the strength of the treasure knife can be described as leaps and bounds.
If two people come together prepared, the outcome may be fifty-fifty.
Drink low in the mouth and slash with knife light in Zhou Yi’s hand.
Face cleaver!
Face cleaver!
When flying, pieces of snow-colored knife light gradually wrapped Miao Hong, and Zhou Yi chopped with a knife faster and faster, and the straight knife light became a knife curtain.
"poop-poop …"
The knife light gathered and scattered, and the figure suddenly separated.
Miaohong’s eyes are glazed and his body is slowly covered with messy knife edges, and blood is flowing in his throat and heart.
The body fell headlong.
Zhou Yi moved a pair of long knives with both hands and went back to the sheath.
In poison …
His hands are wearing gloves from the red-violet congregation. Naturally, it is impossible for him to be really poisoned by poisonous gas. At most, he is smoked with a little blood stagnation.
the other side
Liu Zhen gritted his teeth and repeatedly raised my hand with a few cufflink arrows to nail the remaining Danyang bandits to their original places one by one, which was a sigh of relief.
for a long time

Lily looked up at her bitterly and stared at her.

"Beautiful sister palace will help you find a witness. The palace will definitely let you die."
Liu chenfeng?
It’s not the big bodyguard who is in charge of the young and beautiful bodyguard who is also the object that ladies-in-waiting like to discuss in the harem.
It’s no surprise that Xu Yi called Liu Chen Feng Chu Yu. Xu Yi caught her emperor’s husband’s reaction out of the corner of his eye and lamented in his heart that this guy was too good at acting. Liu Chen Feng was sent to her side. If he didn’t know what Liu Chen Feng had done, he wouldn’t believe that Xu Yi had just cooperated with Lily to tell on him, but Xu Yi really surprised Xu Yi with his acting skills. If he was not an actor in modern times, who would be qualified to be an actor?
Everyone thinks that the figure shakes and takes a look at Liuchen’s wind, which has fallen in front of Chuyu and Xu Yi and is saluting the emperor and queen.
"Yi Er, why did you call Chen Feng out?" Chu Yu is asking when he knows the past.
Xu Yi didn’t answer Chu Yu, but said to Liu Chen Feng, "Liu’s adult, you saw it in Yuxian Palace on the 15th. Say it out. My sister has a bad heart."
Liu Chenfeng respectfully said to Chu Yu, "On the 15th day of my report to the Emperor, you all came to the Fengyi Palace to say hello to the Empress. When the Empress saw that the Empress had a cute little white wolf, she asked for a hug. When the Empress had just hugged the little white wolf, the little white wolf was very docile. The Empress warned that it was not allowed to hurt people. It seemed to understand the words of the Empress, so it would not hurt people easily. However, when everyone was not paying attention, the main wife violently tugged at the little white wolf, and the little white wolf ate pain out of her ability.
Liu Chenfeng likes to hide on the roof, and people can see more from high places.
Others don’t know that the little white wolf’s claws hurt his wife angrily, but Liu Chenfeng saw it.
"Afterwards, the Empress asked Pearl to bring the medicine. The Empress also wanted to help her. The main medicine, the Queen, refused the Empress and excused herself and went back to Yuxian Palace where she lived. The maid-in-waiting Ziying took out a sharp dagger and rowed it into the meat to aggravate the injury of the back of her hand. At that time, even Ziying was frightened by her actions. She asked the Lord what she wanted to do. The Lord said that the small white wolf claw injury was too light. She came to the emperor and told the Empress that there was something wrong.
"Liu’s adult, I’m close to you. You want to set me up like this? The emperor’s male and female servants didn’t have male and female servants and didn’t do those things. "
Liu Chen wind ignored her and continued to say to Chu Yu, "Master Li Ai aggravated the injury on the back of her hand, and then ordered Ziying to call a pot of clear water. Ziying added a lot of salt to the clear water. Master Li Ai then dipped the injured hand into the salt water, which was tantamount to sprinkling salt on the wound. Liu Tai-yi came to help Li Ai with the medicine, which was not very medicinal. She simply didn’t want to put the medicine on the wound so that she could sue the emperor for the sin of Empress Liu Tai-yi later found out.
"Everything the emperor said is true. On the day of the incident, I followed the Lord Li Ai back to Yuxian Palace and hid on the roof to see clearly what the Lord Li Ai, the master and the servant saw."
Liu Chen’s gossip surprised everyone. Seeing that her eyes have changed, I can’t believe that she is so cruel to herself. She sued the queen for self-harm.
And Liu Chenfeng, the best flying bodyguard, is commanded by the emperor to secretly protect the Empress, who likes to hide on the roof and make other people feel sad. However, they’d better hurt the Empress, otherwise they don’t know how to die.
Chapter 119 The first step of Qing harem
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"The emperor’s male and female servants were wronged by Liu’s adult." Lily climbed to the front of Chuyu’s feet and hugged Chuyu’s feet. At this moment, her face was pale and covered with tears. "The emperor’s male and female servants were really wronged. Their hands were hurt by a small white wolf’s paw. They didn’t hurt themselves. The emperor’s male and female servants know that you love the queen, but they are also your women. You can’t be so eccentric."
"Male and female servants are individuals. The white wolf is an animal. How can the emperor be partial to the animal?"
Chu Yu looked down at holding his leg and crying, and there was no pity in his eyes. He looked at Zi Ying, who had collapsed to the ground long ago. Chu Yu coldly asked Zi Ying, "Is Lord Liu telling the truth?"
Ziying’s face was so swollen that it was difficult to speak. She looked at Lily and then suddenly kowtowed to Chuyu.
Chu Yu-li asked again, "What are you asking me, bitch?"
Ziying is even more afraid that she will point to her mouth and Chu Yu will scold her. "You can’t even nod and shake your head?"
"The emperor … ah!" Lieberman’s words haven’t been finished when ChuYu pushed her. According to ChuYu’s personality, he wanted to kick Xu Yi’s presence in Xu Yi. Even if Lieberman really played, she didn’t want to see too bloody scenes, at most, it was a small occasion of slapping her hands.
"Ziying, I’ve always been kind to you, so you must be fair." After being pushed back by Chu Yu, Lily hurriedly said to Ziying that she hoped Ziying would help her deny what she had done.
Ziying kowtowed to her with tears in her eyes.
ChuYu saw Ziying still don’t talk and don’t nod. He was furious when he wanted to tell people to put Ziying up, but he saw Ziying suddenly get up and rushed to a rockery not far away. Xu Yi realized that it was not good to call "Stop her".
Liuchen wind shape flashed, but it was still half a step late. I heard a bang. Ziying had bumped into the rockery and then fell back. The heavy bump made her head break. When she fell, her sight was looking towards Lily.
First, Li Ai was dumbfounded, and then she began to cry.
Ziying didn’t betray her. She would rather die than betray her!
Liu Chenfeng squatted down to explore the purple English breath. Xu Yi came over and asked him, "Are you still alive? Please cure too much Liu, please come and see quickly."
Liu Cure too much replied "Empress is dead" before Liu Chenfeng moved.
Xu Yi stayed for a while. This handmaid is a loyal one. She would rather die if she was not forced by the emperor to betray her master.
At this time, Li Ai came crying to help Ziying, crying "Ziying Ziying, wake up! Ziying"
Ziying’s death made Chu Yu furious. He said angrily, "Drag that bitch out and throw her into a mass grave to see who else in her family dares to conspire with the Lord to frame the Empress. I want to copy her house and destroy her family!"
Xu Yi … That’s how he easily destroys his property.
Have a bad impression on Ziying Lai. Xu Yi was moved by Ziying’s loyalty when Ziying was killed. Ziying is dead, and her family didn’t suffer?
Xu Yi turned back to Chu Yu and tugged at his sleeve to persuade "Huang Ziying, although she didn’t answer, is loyal to her master. Now that she is dead, the emperor will spare her. For her loyalty to the Lord, let her be buried, and her family will not be punished. She is usually a legal person in the deep palace, and everything she does in the palace is her own. Let her do things alone."
"Instrument" ChuYu low call.
Xu Yi’s eyes were clear.
Chu Yu angered, "Yi Er, she helped her master to hurt you. If you hadn’t seen through their plot long ago, you had arranged Liuchen Feng to monitor them. Now you have been framed. I can’t help you in front of the evidence. At that time, your little white wolf will be slaughtered, and you will be grounded by me."
"The emperor’s male and female servants know, but slaves also have slaves. They are slaves. They have to listen to the Lord for everything. It’s not the slave who really blames her." Xu Yi turned and looked at her crying. "Li Zi Ying died because of you."
Lily let Ziying’s body stumble up and glared at Xu Yi, scolding, "I don’t think you’re fake and kind. You’re the one who stole the emperor’s pet and loved you. We are also the emperor’s women. It’s even difficult to see the emperor. What about you? You’re the only one who has the favor of the emperor. You don’t need to fight. You don’t need to rob. You can have everything. What do we do by all means? But Ziying died because of me. What did I do to hurt you? What did Ziying do to help me hurt you? It’s all because you stole the emperor! "
Chu Yu was furious when he wanted to tell someone to take Li Ai.
Xu Yi stopped him. She walked up to her and looked at her with poisoned eyes and said, "I know you hate me, and all the women in the harem hate me. I don’t want to compete with you. I want to live quietly. The emperor doesn’t allow me to change all this, so I can fight for my husband in Xu Yi. I won’t share my man with women. If you want to hate me, hate me. Hate this world is unfair to us women."
"Ha ha ha ….."
Lily laughed sarcastically. "Xu Yi, you are so naive. The emperor is the 95 th statue. He is a monarch with three palaces and six courtyards. How can he have you as a woman? After you can defeat me today, there will be more people entering the palace. Prepare them to fight in your life, and never think about enjoying the emperor alone. "
Xu Yi said word for word, "If the emperor can’t afford it, I want to ask me to leave the palace, and I would like to cut my hair, and I will not share my husband with others."
"Instrument son" ChuYu listened to the willies and quickly came over and pulled Xu Yi into his arms and hugged him tightly for fear that he would not let go until he was thirteen years old and ran away.
His move made Lailai hurt her heart, and Liedi was even more chilling.
Now that she knows that the emperor is really in love with the queen, it’s true love, not a momentary infatuation. It’s ironic that the emperor and the royal family should have true feelings, isn’t it the most loving emperor and royal family? The emperor loves the queen so much. How can they be in her eyes? No matter what they do, the emperor won’t notice them. What is she fighting for? What else are you robbing? In the end, Ziying was hurt, and she herself was in danger.

For China people who have experienced colonial rule and have not benefited from colonial rule, the new continent is both a pain and a memory.

Finally, he didn’t lose his head and asked, "Chen Yi, what do you want?"
"You’ll know when you see the West China."
Sima Jian was taken away by the students’ inspectors when he had to say anything.
Three days after the goods arrived.
A total of more than two large and small ships were crammed into the subway, with a gross tonnage exceeding 10,000. These are some used old ships bought by Chen Yi, and some of them are river shipping ships. They are too slow to run in Jiangning and are on the verge of elimination, but they are all rare goods in the western mainland.
The big ship docked at Xijiang pier is only 200-300 tons, and the 1 ton seagoing ship is already boasting about 5 tons and 10,000 tons after dinner. The big guy has to go straight to the sea from the canal to be safe.
Sima Jian was well prepared, but he was taken into a ship’s cabin and stuffy for almost two days before he came out of the cabin. What he saw was a pure tropical scenery.
"How do I know this is not a tropical rain forest like Amazon?" His first question drew bursts of laughter.
"You can look for evidence. Maybe you can meet two friends. Do you have to abide by Jiangning city-state laws and China laws here?" The naked bear gave him a shove, and his attitude was quite impolite.
"Know" Sima Jian looked at the surrounding environment like a baby.
Xintong Canal is 4 kilometers wide, and concrete is poured on both sides to install machinery and equipment. There is no doubt that if the dock is on the earth, it will not escape the satellite eyes.
No more words. This canal pier alone is much whiter than him.
Chapter five hundred and fifty-five Facing the country
Sima Jian returned to Jiangning after staying in the west mainland, especially immersed in various shocks for a long time and could not extricate himself.
He was frantic when he heard the news. He touched and asked more like a favorite than a follower, Sima Yun. He was also busy greeting and said, "My master asked to see him as soon as you came back."
"Something happened at home?" Sima Jian immediately drove to the airport.
"Everything is fine at home, and the company is a little unhappy, and the ship rent has risen, and the oil price has soared. Recently, business has become a bit high."
"Well," Sima Jian immediately thought of the 1-kilometer-long port of the West Continental Wharf. If it is full of ships, there must be hundreds of large-tonnage ships. Don’t say that oil prices and rents have risen. After the ship price has risen, the prices of steel and machinery will also rise all the way until the lowest profit in the West Continental is drowned.
This is a series of price increases.
Sima Jian unexpectedly thought that gold bonds are more valuable than issuing unrestricted national trust currency, such as gold, and the devaluation of national trust currency in the inflation pattern will not cause bad money to drive out good money. On the contrary, good money should be sufficient, and people will choose to get good money, which will have a positive effect.
Thinking of this, he suddenly asked, "What is the price of gold?"
Sima Yun fumbled through a notebook and hesitated for a moment, then said, "The week rose by 3%."
"Quite a few"
"Do you want to buy?" It is common for trading companies like them to do futures and currency trading. Although the risks are great, there are many ways to make profits in the loss outside the dike and to make up for the risk.
Sima Jian shook his head and hesitated. "You prepare a plan and we will stock up a batch of shipping steel plates."
Sima Yun glanced at his brain screen and hesitated, saying, "Steel stocks have risen sharply, and both steel prices and iron ore have risen by 1%. Will it be a little late to stock up and ship steel plates now?"
"I’m not afraid that you can buy it at ease." Sima Jian replied calmly. He only went to the West China for a few days, and he could conclude that the price was rising. His Chen family must have planned it long ago.
The 1% increase must also be the result of their deliberate control. Once the price of heavy-duty steel plates soars to 1%, it is not surprising.
How many ships can a western continent alone accommodate? When major shipyards receive numerous orders for emergency work, the price of raw materials will rise sharply.
It’s past evening when the special plane arrived at Xijing airport, but there was a car waiting for it, and the journey was very fast.
Back to my old house, the reception room was unusually quiet in the past, and Sima Jian was directly led to his father’s room.
See Sima Zhong, a member of Sima Committee at the table, upturned his neck and looked out the window at two marble players going round and round as he thought quickly about his brain.
Sima Jian didn’t dare to disturb and gently sat on the sofa opposite the desk.
"went to the west continent?" Sima Zhong suddenly turned the chair and trembled with wrinkles on his cheeks. Even he smiled.
"It was the day I went to Jiangning Jiangbei Wharf that I happened to meet Chen Yi. He invited me to the western mainland but didn’t say why." Sima Jian said with caution that it was a bit of an understatement.
"How do you feel?" SiMaZhong drinking green tea water vapor covered her face expression.
"It’s a bit like a fake". Before Sima Jian came, he had already thought about the words. It’s natural for his family to be strict and afraid of being old, but it’s natural for his grandfather and grandson to laugh more when they meet.
SiMaZhong "well" a meditation and don’t know what to think.
Sima Jian is sitting with his eyes looking straight at him, frowning slightly-he seems to be getting older when he doesn’t see his father in ten-day months, and brown age spots in his eyes always portend something like shadows.
Reminiscent of seeing Chen Yi and depending on Chen Zhongguo’s company Ma Jian this time, I can’t help feeling extremely surprised that the Chen family is ready for the alternation of old and new, but what about the Sima family? Father and many family leaders are indecisive because of similar judgments, right?
"Did Chen Yi ask for it?" In Sima Zhong’s voice, there are two long wrinkles on his lips forever, like a pair of brackets. With the increase of age and workload, the brackets in the small brackets have finally expanded to today’s brackets, and it is often funny when you suddenly see them.
However, since the brackets came to Sima Zhong, I seldom went to see those people who are easy to laugh.
Sima Jian withdrew his elegant thinking and replied, "He didn’t ask for anything."
"I didn’t speak when I met you when I went," added Sima Jian, feeling very embarrassed.
"He’s letting us," Father Sima suddenly sighed. "Do you think the western continent is profitable?"
"It’s absolutely profitable," Sima Jian said firmly. "It’s just that the channel controls their hands a little under the control of people’s feelings."
Sima Zhong, a learned man, gave him a Gherardini look and asked, "Do you agree to join?"
This is the core issue. Sima Jian didn’t hesitate to say, "The western mainland must be the future development trend. I read the report from Xijiang that their order volume this year is almost the same as that of half of the southeast province. The light industry system consumes more than that of a European country. So the problem is solved, and the other mainland has a large agricultural developed population and strong health. Just ploughing farmland can make us have surplus food …"
He gave an organized account of his view for almost two minutes.
Sima Zhong listened quietly, and did not move or leave.
When he had finished, Sima Zhong nodded lightly. "Since you support joining, let’s talk about it in the name of the company first, and we will decide according to the conditions."
"Good" Sima Jian breathed a sigh of relief and knew that it was not easy for Torre to make this decision. If the Sima family entered the western continent, it would be the first non-Chen heavyweight family. What would outsiders think of them and what decisions other forces would make? It is difficult to determine by guessing.
That night, Sima Jian was unable to sleep. When it came to dawn, he got out of bed and fell to the table and listed the outline.
He listed the possible requirements of the other party and the conditions that we can agree to, and the pens with different colors marked the importance and loss of the conditions … It was easier said than done, and it should not be false to others.

Chapter sixty-one Adventure

_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC. During the period when Niku and rubik fled, the police found some new clues one after another. @++WWW * C case The truck was stolen. The police searched near the place where the truck disappeared and found the place where these people once stayed. According to the memories of the hotel staff where they stayed, there were six of them with strange accents in English, so the police also asked the staff to make portraits of these people according to the memories.
After the incident, these people never came back, and they didn’t know where they were going. The clues were interrupted again, but a police officer dug out the discarded cigarette cases from the garbage bin of these people’s residence, and the labels on them were all in Italian, which further supported the task force’s judgment that the gang might be from Italy.
However, the police were still a step behind. When they arrived at the wanted country, Niku and rubik and others had left Marseille by plane disguised as Mediterranean aircrew.
Rubik sat in silence on the plane. Although he was happy to escape from the French police, there was an unknown fate waiting for him when the plane landed. What was his punishment for these people? Rubik recalled all the actions when Niku appeared. He wanted to guess what a boss had planned for himself through the reaction of these people.
When Niku handed the words to himself, he seemed to say, "Ask yourself! Mr. Nicholas never defaults! "
"Mr Nicholas?"
"It seems that Mogilevich also said this name at the beginning."
Rubik suddenly felt an epiphany. Did he help Mogilevich deal with these people?
In recent days, rubik has completely understood how powerful these gangs are. If they are a gang, it is definitely the most awesome gang that rubik has ever seen. How many gangs in Europe can call a plane without saying a word?
Rubik’s eyes suddenly became tense, frowning and finally relaxed. He thought of one thing, that is, if he was afraid to go back to Hungary to deal with Mogilevich’s own detention in Moscow, he would be afraid that the Hungarian gang would hurt him. If he was not sure, rubik could not go back and reunite with his family. But what if he joined the Nikolai gang and became someone else?
At least this gang has more letters than Mogilevich!
Rubik has been thinking all the way, such as adding Nikolai to organize things unconsciously. Soon it is not far from Marseille to Naples, but it takes two hours.
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g
The airport where the plane landed is a private airport, so the security here is not strict.
Rubik was escorted by a black Mercedes-Benz car in Niku and others. As soon as they got on the bus, they were blindfolded. When they saw the scene outside, everyone suddenly became nervous. I don’t know what to wait for them. rubik woke up. Don’t be nervous.
According to Yakov’s request, these people are to be taken to Yakov’s office, where there is Niku, and only those who have won Yakov’s letter will know.
After about an hour’s drive from the airport, the bus finally arrived at the destination of rubik. These people were taken into a room and then took off their hoods.
Rubik’s eyes suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the light. Just then a voice said, "I think it’s time to teach you a lesson!"
The words sound just fell and a group of people came into the room with baseball bats, and then a vicious beating. rubik was stabbed in the stomach with a stick, and suddenly he fell to his knees in pain, and then he felt that his back was rained with sticks and his bones were about to break.
"Boss, I … I have something to say!" Rubik struggled to be kind.
Yakov heard this sentence, and he raised his hand to stop people from beating these killers. Yakov wanted to hear what this guy had to say.
"Boss, I know Mogilevich. I was once hired by him to pretend to be you to go to Grozny …"
Yakov came over and grabbed rubik before rubik finished and picked him up.
"Where is Mogilevich?" Yakov asked
"I’m not sure, but he’s close to Hungarian gangs," rubik said bitterly.
"What have you done with them?"
"I have done things with them!"
"What do you do?"
"They asked me to go to Grozny and pretend to be Nikolai to assassinate Chechen rebels!"
"What happened later? How did you become our killer again? "
"Mogilevich is going to kill me, too. I ran out and fled all the way!"
At this point, Yakov’s mood eased a little. He loosened rubik and then returned to his seat. At this time, Petrov’s father was asking about Mogilevich and mikhailovich, but he knew that it was not pleasant to learn that these people were mixed up with Hungarian gangs.
"Leave him and the others, cut off one hand and send it back!" Yakov opponent confessed
"No boss! This thing is all because of me. I’ve suffered from Mogilevich’s loss and I’m wary of you! I urge everyone to do the right thing with you according to my idea … "rubik urged.

Those former Stars sent enemies, cried and laughed, and all of them have been corrected and killed directly to the Stars sent general altar.

The impact of Chongyang’s attack on Ding Chunqiu will not be completely subsided in the next few years or even decades.
All the horses and chariots really taught the disciples who stopped at the front of the mountain to guard these things.
General manager Lu took a pair of new wooden crutches and the white ape went up the steps together.
Although you can’t walk with your legs, even a third-rate expert in the Jianghu has a thousand pounds of strength when he swings with one arm. It’s easy for someone like Chief Lu to support his weight with crutches.
If you don’t want to keep your manners, even if you let him use crutches instead of his legs, it’s meddling to run across ten steps.
However, after they passed the two hundred stone steps, they were not surprised to see the crumbled gravel road ahead.
There is a mountain man next to him, muttering, "How can you repair six or seven hundred steps even if the World War I was destroyed that day?"
A jack beside a white crane said, "You are underestimating the real people’s wishes."
The first whisper that the man turned to look was a fiercely slightly back.
The white old ape also looked at the student. "It was him."
This guy named De looks like he has a round face in his forties, but there is a vicious title in Ningzhou area. His set of bone swordsmanship is so deep that his sword is biased.
What’s even more rare is that Disheng’s thoughtful mind is often able to react quickly and see the unknown deep meaning of others first, claiming to see "three mountains in one mountain"
The first person didn’t want to talk to him, but some people didn’t care about his title and asked, "Brother Di, I think you have a good idea. Why don’t you give us a little advice?"
Dishengshi likes to explain the details to others most, and thinks that these places that highlight his wisdom are more comfortable than the praise he gets from swordsmanship, and he doesn’t refuse much at this time
"It’s important to know that all kinds of gangs have some strength, but they all love to build a broad style in their own altar. This is also the first time to seize people and let others know that they are strong and can’t be underestimated."
"However, it is also said that if the mountain is not high, there will be a fairy. For example, when Zhuge Wuhou plowed Nanyang, he called it Wolong Hall."
Disheng looked at the palaces faintly visible on the top of the mountain and said with emotion, "Does anyone dare to be disrespectful even if this long step of rubble falls?"
The man suddenly asked, "It turns out that this is so true, and his master is not very interested in this matter of repairing the mountaineering road."
"What’s careless is deliberate."
Dixon shook his head and reached a finger in front and said, "Look closely at this collapsed mountain road."
They looked around for Dixon’s explanation.
"The deepest ravine slides straight down from the center line and extends all the way from the top of the mountain to our eyes. The cracked lines extend from this ravine."
"Such traces can be said that the collapse of stone steps was destroyed by people in the great war that day."
In fact, on the day of the great war, all the people got some news, and some people were watching from the hills a few miles away
However, a stone step with more than 900 steps and a width of 20 steps does not feel anything when viewed from a distance. At this time, you can really feel the width and length when you are in it.
If you look closely at such damage marks, you can’t help but feel something again.
"I see," said the white ape. "This scene is kept to let us know how amazing the strength of the Johnson in the stars is."
Di Sheng said, "It’s also to let us have a more real and touching awe-inspiring mind before meeting the real Chongyang."
This is deterrence!
On the same day, those who coveted the Mu family treasures in Zhongnanshan confirmed this in their hearts.
"If Brother Di hadn’t pointed it out, we were afraid that we would have to go to the top of the mountain to understand this meaning in hindsight."
Dixon is quite complacent when listening to other people’s praise.
His eyes scanned from side to side, and he felt that the real people who welcomed guests on both sides of the mountain road all cast admiring eyes on him.
Actually, those Taoist priests are ashamed of themselves.
In recent days, everyone has gathered in the mountains to listen to Chongyang’s real story about the essence of swordsmanship, meridians and qi. From time to time, someone has made inferences and asked everyone that they have forgotten three meals.
If the old boss hadn’t woken up today, he was afraid that even the banquet kitchen utensils were not ready for maintenance after the ceremony, what would have been forgotten earlier’
It’s a good thing that this Dixon helped us make an interpretation.’
These Taoist priests exchanged glances and then looked at the Disheng with a little gratitude in admiration.
Even a young Taoist wondered if the reality of Chongyang realized this …

That’s what she was going to give to Munan.

The door was suddenly hit from the outside. "It’s time for Mubei to get up. Dr. Chen is coming today …"
The sound came to an abrupt end. Yang Qiang’s words were like being suddenly cut off. She stared at the two voices in the room and suddenly became sharp. "What are you two doing? Qiao Huan, why are you in Mubei Room? Mubei, do you know that you can’t do strenuous luck? Qiao Huan, do you want to kill Mubei? Where’s Munan? Are you worthy of Munan? "
Yang Qiang asked Qiao Huan a series of questions. Qiao Huan’s brain "exploded" and the whole person was completely stupid. The color in her face faded. She had an idea in her mind.
She and Munan are finished.
At the gate of Mujia Villa yesterday evening.
Qiao Huan was a little restrained and tugged at Muna’s arm tightly. When she first met Muna’s parents, she was nervous.
"Munan, do you think my uncle and aunt will like me?" Qiao Huan asked Muna in a small way
Muna patted Qiao Huan gently and looked at Qiao Huan with a spoiled face. "Of course I will like you. You are so clever and sensible. Anyone who sees you will like you."
"Really?" Qiao Huan looks up at Muna’s eyes and can’t hide his joy.
"Don’t you believe me? Go in! Don’t worry, "Muna gently kissed Qiao Huan on the forehead and gave her an encouraging smile.
Joe’s heart slowly calmed down and her face slowly smiled. She took a deep breath and Muna walked into the house together.
The heart is also settled a lot.
She thought Munan’s parents would like her.
On the second floor balcony, Mubei leaned against the railing and put this scene under her eyes. The corners of her mouth slightly raised her hand and put it in her pocket and headed for the building.
Mu Jia is very busy today. This is the first time Munan has brought his girlfriend back. Yang Qiang told the servant to prepare and called Mu Lean early in the morning. He specially told his class to come back early. Yang Qiang looked at it at six o’clock and Munan should be back at this time.
The door rang with the key, and Muna and Qiao Huan appeared at the door.
"Mom, we are back." Muna came in holding Qiao Huan’s hand.
Yang Qiang greeted Qiao Huan with a smile. "You are Qiao Huan, right? I often hear that you are really a beautiful baby from Munan. "Yang Qiang’s eyes are satisfied.
"Good aunt" Qiao Huan politely greeted Yang Qiang and looked at Yang Qiang with a slightly shy face.
Not the kui is the first lady of the city, although she has passed the age of no doubt, she is still well maintained. Her skin is white and tender, her body is slender, and her face is charming and colorful. It is no exaggeration to say that she is sinking fish and losing geese.
"Stop talking and come and sit" Yang Qiang greeted Qiao Huan sitting on the sofa and ordered the servant to bring a plate of fruit and make three cups of tea.
"Have some fruit first!" Yang Qiang pushed the fruit bowl to Qiao Huan.
"Thank you, Aunt!" Qiao Huan body moved some constraint.
"Qiao Huan, what do your parents do?" After a salutation, Yang Qiang casually asked Qiao Huan.
"My parents are …"
"Mom, is this your investigation? Be careful to scare away your prospective daughter-in-law. "
Qiao Huan just said a few words when she was interrupted by a strange sound. She looked at the sound and saw a man with a slender body, Munan, who was somewhat like a man, coming from the second floor with his hands in his pockets.
He is about one meter tall, thin face, thin lips, phoenix eyes and heavy eyebrows, almost exactly like Yang Qiang. At first sight, Qiao Huan is amazing.
It is the first time for her to see a man who looks so amazing that his skin is a little white and morbid.
"This is?" Qiao Huan eyes looked at Muna eyes doubt.
"Hello, sister-in-law, I’m Mubei Munan’s younger brother." Mubei smiled meaningfully at Joe and went to Qiao Huan and reached out to him.
Qiao Huan hesitated for a moment and then got up with a smile on his face, holding Mu Bei’s hand. "Hello, my name is Qiao Huan."
"Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful!" Mu Bei looked at Qiao Huanzan.
"Thank you!" Qiao Huan face slightly fever to retract a hand MuBei has been holding her hand tightly, she leng a look up at MuBei some at a loss.
Muna got up and put his hand on Qiao Huan’s shoulder. Qiao Huan fell into his arms. Qiao Huan longed for North to split up.
"Xiaobei, when will you come back?" Muna looked at Mubei and asked her eyes to flash.
"Noon" Mubei simply said, go to the sofa and sit down, pick up a piece of fruit and feed it to your mouth. "It’s still comfortable at home." Mubei praised the sentence and looked up to see Munan and Qiao Huan still there and smiled. "Brother, don’t you welcome me back?"
"What are you talking about, boy?" Yang Qiang lightly chastising glanced at MuBei "how could your brother not welcome you back? He misses you all the time! Munan, you take Qiao Huan to visit the building for a while and I’ll call you to dinner when your dad comes back. "
"hmm!" Muna gently took a sip of his lip and didn’t say anything. He hugged Qiao Huan and headed for the building.
Qiao Huan some puzzling glanced at Munan Munan seems to be not so good with Mubei.
Munan took Qiao Huan to the bedroom on the second floor. As soon as she entered the bedroom door, Munan held Qiao Huan tightly in her arms and bowed her head to her lips.
Joe’s heart jumped up with a jerk, and his hands involuntarily hugged Muna’s waist, and he fell softly in Muna’s arms, narrowing his eyes and eagerly responding to the instantaneous rise of the room temperature for several degrees.
"Ah, I can’t breathe." I don’t know how long it took before Qiao Huan jerked Muna, panting and blushing.
"Silly girl" Munan looked at Qiao Huan with a funny face. "I don’t know if I need to breathe when kissing?"
"Hate is not because of you" Qiao Huan picking up a small fist in Muna chest gently lamented a pursed mouth.
"Marry me!" Muna suddenly knelt in front of Qiao Huan and took out a ring like magic and handed it to him.

Small voice?

A man’s eyes slipped with disdain.
How dare you be so shameless and so affectionate after doing such a dirty thing!
The woman in front of me is really disgusting!
Night Jinze lightly glanced at the side of his head and looked at the night behind him, and his eyes signaled his return.
On whether a woman is a Tathagata, he doesn’t even have it here.
He has a sound in his heart and is worried about it.
At eleven o’clock at night, I realized that I was about to let the cab return through the intercom, but suddenly I heard the yacht girl coming from the other side.
"Would you like me to have a chat?"
Night eleven body suddenly a hysteresis side eyes eyes and looked in front of the man.
Night JinZeXun and light glance to say nothing.
Sang Mian couldn’t help but raise her mouth when she saw it. "Don’t you want to know why so many things have happened in the temple?"
The man did not move his eyes and looked at the distant sea as if he were looking for something.
Silence for a moment
Sang mian’s eyes drooped, and then he looked up at the man. The light flashed slightly. "Will the temple really like you?"
Chapter 477 Over the heart (3)
She hasn’t heard from anyone since she was rescued.
She knew that Xiaoyin must have been saved, too.
If it’s not Si Yunling, it can be the wild fox.
So she made people keep an eye on the whereabouts of two people all the time, and even if a fly flew into their residence, it was necessary to report to her day and night.
But in the past two months, there are only a handful of people coming in and out of the wild fox’s private house, and Si Yunling’s door is closed.
She almost collapsed.
Until she sent someone to suddenly find out that the princess of the sea had privately asked about repairing biochemical personnel.
The servants of the open sea princess will rush to do what they want, but she just secretly asked, not only in detail, but also in detail, especially in the orthodox knowledge of the school.
She got up from her seat when the man reported the urgent matter to her.
Looking back at that time, she was ecstatic, and she can’t fade away for a long time.
Xiaoyin sure enough, the wild fox is there!
It will be much easier if you determine the target position and get it.
Yes, she didn’t expect the sea princess to behave like that, er, in a subtle way.
It would be so daring to drive people away, as if afraid of not knowing that people are missing, just like her, without leaving a way out for themselves.
She followed all the way to the seaside and watched the sea princess put the car into the cabin, then she reported everything to her.
After receiving the news, she hurried to the sea without saying anything, trying to see Xiaoyin.
She knows that Xiaoyin doesn’t want to see her, but she may be able to save something.
After all, Xiaoyin has always been soft on her friends. Over the years, they have lived under the same roof. Even if she is not sure Xiaoyin will regard her as a friend again, it is certainly possible to live in peace.
Isn’t it time for two people to get along calmly and make up?
On, for example, she must see Xiaoyin!
She wants to make sure that Xiaoyin has recovered from the shot she shot, and that the toxin in the bullet has been completely removed.
She always vows to see Xiaoyin!
On the way to the sea, she has done her homework in the sea, knowing that the sea has little contact with foreigners and has a strong sense of vigilance and xenophobia.
So when she asked to see the king of the sea, she made no secret of her original human appearance and identity.
The world of primitive human beings has unparalleled status and status. Although it is sometimes unbearable, the same treatment will surprise everyone.
It’s a pity that the sea king was not in the palace at that time.
After hearing the news, Lebeda, the king of the sea clan, came almost non-stop to meet her.
Lebeda is the eldest son of the sea and the father of the sea princess Jue.
Look at each other, look at her, and then you will know that the other person is destined for her.
Sure enough, when they got along, the main hall flattered her more than the topic. After hearing that she wanted to enjoy the scenery of the sea, she had a yacht prepared and wanted to take her to enjoy it in person.
Without chengxiang, I bumped into the night Jinze on the way.
What a coincidence!
Chapter 47 Over the heart (4)
"The temple will not whisper and really like you, will it?"
Men always glance at Sang Mian’s sarcastic remarks slowly and coldly.
quite a while
Men’s thin lips are slightly cold and cold, just like the cold snow in winter. "Even if I don’t like you, I can never like you."
If he once knew nothing about Sang Mian, he learned something about Sang Mian’s means after a painful lesson.
At present, people don’t think that the law now controls the sound and wants to turn around and deal with him directly.
Wrong person.
Sure enough, I heard the same irony that Jinze was neither too cold nor too light at night. Sang Mian’s eyes were cold and cold.
But then the female corners of the mouth turned pale and followed the words. "It’s also after the past. I also have some people and some things that I can’t force, but I’m worried that Xiaoyin won’t understand and will go her own way. I’ll come to her specially to think about meeting her and persuade her to say a few words. Otherwise, it would be bad if I broke out of a big disaster and hurt myself."
At night, Jinze smells words, and his eyes move slightly.
What do you mean by people talking in front of you?
The first half of the sentence also reflects on why the second half of the sentence is related to the sound body.
What do you want to do?
After what, you make a big mistake and hurt yourself?
As the saying goes, the heart is chaotic, even if you know that the other party is deliberately saying this to attract your attention, Jinze doesn’t want to miss it.
See a man so quietly looked at his SangMian deliberately face palpitation and then a face of surprise "? You saved Xiaoyin for such a big event. Didn’t Xiaoyin tell you that? "
At night, Jinze’s eyebrows were slightly twisted and twisted.
This woman never forgets to provoke.
"Ah" Sang Mian suddenly smiled. A pair of dark and bright eyes are more elegant than looking at the man. "Maybe the temple wants me to talk alone now?"
Talk alone?