"Well, I can see that Xuner is very handsome!" Chu Ruxue gave such an evaluation to Xuner’s appearance.

Generally speaking, this sentence is very perfunctory to ordinary people, but many years later, the world gave such an evaluation to Zhong Li’s son Zhong Li Xun-he is probably the most handsome man in the world!
These two children are a combination of Luo’s and Chu’s, and their appearance is natural and unusual. Even if they are so smiling, they can afford a "handsome" word.
As for the moon as early as snow, I didn’t say anything about looking at her.
Because the gauze had just been removed as early as snow, Luo Xiao Hammer took the two children to sleep safely.
The next morning, Churu got up at midnight. They agreed to go to Zangjie Mountain to see the sea of clouds, and it was not very convenient to take them with them. Churu didn’t ask Xuner and Yuer to get up. They left in a carriage.
It is the first time that you can’t see the strong light like snow, so you wear a thin hat and a gauze to keep out the sun.
"I haven’t seen the light for many years, but now I suddenly see it, which is a bit uncomfortable!"
As early as snow, listening to the carriage creaking regularly, the mood seems to have changed, and many people have grown a lot.
"In the future, we will go to all the places we promised to go ―― to see the desert in northern Xinjiang, to go to the Jiange Pavilion in Shushan and to see the fireworks in Yangzhou … Now it is the first place to hide the mountains and the sea of clouds."
Clock from her hand holding the first as snow suddenly feel calm.
All these years, he has felt a sense of wandering, lonely because he has no relatives around, and he feels placed in a place.
He feels very comfortable now that it is like snow at first.
This kind of peace is not indifferent in life, but peace of mind in my heart gives me more motivation to face everything in the future.
"There are probably many things we will do in the future! These are just some of them! "
As early as snow, close your eyes in Zhong Li’s arms and try to keep your eyes away from light.
Although she longs for light and can’t wait to see the limits of this world now, she knows that her light is hard to come by and she can’t squander it casually.
Zhong Liyi nodded. "Well, we still have a lot to do in the future!"
These things, big and small, are kept in their respective minds and will be taken out one day
Zangjie Mountain is lush, like a deep forest in the southwest. At first glance, it is full of green colors and some beautiful flowers.
Chu Ruxue was shocked to see the tomb of Princess Jingnan ―― the tomb of Princess Jingnan is almost a funeral for half the queen. Her tomb is built around the Tibetan Ring Mountain and is very spectacular.
"But it turns out that there was once a princess’s tomb in the Tibetan Ring Mountain, but it is true."
Chu Ruxue has never been to Zangjie Mountain, and he has never seen the tomb of Princess Jingnan. Now he has seen it, and this tomb is folded.
It was during the heyday of the imperial clan that the old prince was establishing military exploits in southern Xinjiang, and both in Kyoto and southern Xinjiang enjoyed a good reputation. At that time, the princess died and the prince promised not to marry the emperor Jiadi again, so it was natural to express it.
It’s better to give kung fu to the dead than to benefit the living. Jiadi has always known this.
So what’s the use of gold to build a tomb for the princess? Besides, it is impossible for King Jingnan to be loyal to Jia Di again when the tombs are repaired.
"It was also at that time that you and I miscalculated, and now it is called Princess Wang, who is separated from each other."
As early as snow, her eyes drooped and her eyes looked serious.
Zhong Liyan’s eyes flashed a trace of sadness but smiled. "Most of these things are beyond your control. Now the ending is not perfect, but it is not the worst!"
"My dad said that she usually doesn’t like drinking very much, so I thought about it and brought some realgar wine, which was just about to be cleared, so she could taste some wine before."
Pour the wine to the ground and the clock will read these words.
"I thought I’d give her a good sacrifice in a few days, but I didn’t want to know what’s going on now. We’ll probably have to leave southern Xinjiang in the next two days."
"But also the original is my unfilial didn’t come to see you over the years! Now that I have brought Cher to see you, you are probably glad that Cher is the love of my life. "
Churuxue knew that he was talking to the people in the grave, so he didn’t interrupt him. Listening to him, Zhong Li said a lot until he spilled the last bowl of wine, and then he slowly got up and pushed Churuxue along the path.
Keep walking up the mountain.
Tibetan ring mountain sea of clouds looks the best at sunrise for half an hour. The color is gorgeous and the fog is rolling beautifully.
As early as snow, I looked at the layers of rolling clouds and waves through the veil dimly, and my mood became calm.
"Generally speaking, being together is nothing more than looking at each other and seeing the most beautiful scenery with each other and then getting old slowly."
As early as snow, I thought it was because she knew that she and Zhong Li had no power to "grow old slowly"
Behind them is the face of the Daxu dynasty, which is full of holes and ruins, and is eyeing the eyes of all countries.
The dust finally settled.
? Spring of the second year of junior high school
The sea of clouds in Zangjie Mountain is really beautiful. At sunrise, the clouds and waves roll and are illuminated by the sun, showing different colors and splendor.
It’s like snow at first in northern Xinjiang, but it’s energy-saving to see mountain fog in late autumn, but it’s never seen such a vast cloud. And it’s like a ladder to surround the mountainside of Zangjie Mountain halfway up the mountain, so that Zangjie Mountain can go straight into the sky.
Occasionally, a few birds rush out of the clouds and waves, and the lark sounds clear and silent, showing the tranquility of the Tibetan ring mountain
"When I was in Yujie Mountain, I was lucky enough to see a cloud and mist that was not as strong as here."
As snow at the beginning in accordance with the light way around the clock from her.
She used to think that it was just a dream between the two of them. Where can there be such a good chance to realize these wishes?
But now it’s really like snow, and I feel that it seems to be a dream without fetters, fetters and responsibilities, just to dream without trying.
This sea of clouds to see fog is probably the first time in my life when I have no burden.
She felt refreshed because she didn’t have to worry about having that person around her for the time being.
Besides, this is the first scene she saw after her reply.
Zhong Liyi finally did not make any grand worship and offered an altar of wine to the princess.
Later generations generally have a lot of complaints about this matter, recognizing that Zhong Li is not filial and disrespectful to his elders.
As early as snow, it is meaningless to know that no matter how much money the deceased spends, the sacrifice is always for the living, but it is not much for the dead.
Even if the fruit of offering sacrifices to the gods is eaten by vagrants at night, it will also be eaten. If the sacrifices are not found, there is probably nothing to do.
In the end, no one has ever heard of any disaster caused by the theft of a sacred object.
Chu Ruxue didn’t express any opinion on Zhong Liyi’s practice. She knew that he knew exactly what to spend his money on.
Zhong Lishi and Chu Ruxue visited Zuwu in Miaojiang, Liu Wei, respectively before leaving southern Xinjiang.
Liu Wei made some preparations for the first recovery as snow. He knew that the clock would not come all the way, so he dedicated it to the princess.
Liu Wei has nothing to teach him about being an emperor, knowing that Zhong Liyan can do it well.
Zuwu looked at the face as thin as snow and said nothing. She was told to bring some tonic medicinal food and told her not to say anything else.

Because there are quite a few giants in heaven who value Jinghai, now several families in Jinghai are all virtual families. Heaven chooses the sideline team. If all the families in Jinghai fall to the dark because of the revenge of the dark decision company at this time, the dark decision company will inevitably become a target.

"I have to say that it really makes people feel very wronged."
Qin Changfeng feels as if there is a chain wrapped around the dark department, which makes them have to think twice about all their actions.
A moment later, he suddenly stopped talking and said, "Is there an enemy in the mirror sea of Shu Wang clan who is not weak and has not yet taken refuge in darkness?"
Ansang answered, "The virtual clan and the heaven have the intention to provoke Jinghai. All ethnic groups have always been hostile to each other and want to unify the entire Jinghai Shuwang clan. There are many opponents, but one clan is a feud and the clan king has cut the virtual clan fairy department and a statue of the immortal king is not hated by the virtual clan."
Qin Changfeng smiled. "Wonderful Jade Nu, you will take my sword and make a trip to Jinghai every day to visit the deep king. Tell Junli to support him in cracking down on the Shu nationality, so that the Shu nationality can disappear from Jinghai. The Dark Division of Heaven will be his most solid backing!"
For him, King Shu is the most suspicious target, so it is natural to put the breakthrough here. Since it is inconvenient for him to start work, he should find a hatchet man. Now he represents the seven highest institutions of the whole dark department-the deep king can’t be unmoved
Whether King Shu is really wronged is not something he should consider … King Shu needs to prove his innocence!
If he testifies, he deserves to die.
If he can’t get away from it, he will inevitably be stressed out. Only in this way can the water be muddy first to make the lurking monsters show themselves.
At the same time, the white fairy promised without hesitation, "Jade slave brought life."
Qin Changfeng was surprised. "Aren’t you afraid that I will let you die or go back?"
Jade slave made eyes at her temples and brushed her face with a dignified and warm smile. "If you want jade slave to die, you don’t have to go to so much trouble to borrow others’ hands."
Qin Changfeng smiled and said nothing. Ansang noticed that the atmosphere was a little weird and took the initiative to say, "Please rest assured that you will come with the fairy every day unless you are physically dead."
At this time, the monk’s eyes are completely different from those of Jing Mang.
It’s not that they don’t know what to do. They didn’t have the backbone before Qin Changfeng arrived.
Qin Changfeng’s overbearing and arrogant style is also very suitable for their taste. Now it is time for the dark company to show toughness to the world.
Then all the people went to prepare for each other. Qin Changfeng took out the virtual family god body in the ice coffin and prepared to deduce the word fairy operator to deal with the possibility of fighting. He needed this eternal seal to raise his combat power.
Chapter nine hundred and seventy The heavenly sword awed the sea of mirrors
It is not difficult for Qin Changfeng to deduce the seal of God’s character, because he is Fu Daozu’s seal, and saying yes is the key to this seal’s power to achieve his expectations.
First, we must have the power of Shinto hegemony, and second, we must be able to restrain all Shinto monks
In fact, the unity of god and demon seems to be one positive and one negative, but the two extremes are different. Both of them are flesh and blood, and the Lord relies on faith and spirituality, but the power of god tends to be natural in heaven and earth, while the power of magic tends to be negative.
Most of the gods are Fengshen, Rain God and Moon God, while most of the demons are The Hunger, demons, night demons and so on.
The opposite appearances of the two are actually the same root and the same origin.
Therefore, Qin Changfeng’s body of war summoned by Xiao Mo’s fit can be called the symbol of the peak of Shinto. With this, even if Qin Changfeng doesn’t practice the magic of Shinto himself, it is not much more difficult for him to push and perform a symbol representing the strong fighting power of Shinto than the immortal character seal.
What’s really difficult is that this seal should be able to grasp the weakness of Shinto, so as to restrain all gods and demons, especially the imaginary gods, just like the immortal character seals the immortal.
Fortunately, Qin Changfeng now has a virtual body of flesh and blood in his hand, which can greatly help him spy on the physical flaws of the virtual family.
Qin Changfeng sank his heart and deduced the seal of God’s characters. At the same time, Jade Nuxian took Ansan and other dark experts out to cross the sea of mirrors and went straight to the deep territory of the deep clan.
There are many ethnic groups in the vast border of Jinghai, and the forces of heaven are in conflict. Therefore, the situation here is extremely complicated. Relying on the virtual ethnic group to serve the sphere of influence of Jinghai ethnic group is jagged. Most of the brothers in Jinghai are inclined to hunt and treasure the creatures in Jinghai. Only in this way can Jinghai pass.
The secret department knows all about the mysterious nature in China. The guide leads a group of people to hide their identity and keep a low profile. After more than half a month, they finally come to Jinghaiyuan, which is located in the deep sea territory.
Jinghai ethnic groups have islands that live in the water, and the blood habits of each ethnic group are different, while the Yuan ethnic group was born in the abyss of Jinghai and naturally likes to live in the water.
Jade slave in the Abyss Hall met King Wang Yiyuan of Jinghai.
This theory has the power of a fairy king. Sitting on the throne, King Jing Hai looks like a middle-aged man of about 30 years old, with a magnificent figure and a grand expression. He is not angry and arrogant in indifference.
Wearing a gorgeous silver-gray robe, there is a real dragon flowing like water marks, overlooking the steps, and the uninvited guests’ eyes are bare and sharp as an Excalibur, which makes the skin of Taian Sang and others feel stinging, as if there is a firm but gentle beheading.
Jade slave also felt the pressure of demonstration, but saluted calmly, and smiled, "Heaven secretly decided that Si Yu slave had sent a great opportunity from the royal court of our family."
"Yi Qiujun just died when another gentleman came. I’m afraid he didn’t come to give the king a chance but to give him trouble." Deep king cold moreover a dew cold stare at all.
"Yuan Wang doesn’t comment after listening?" Jade slave never smiles, nor does it mean that the coercion of the king of Jinghai won’t make her a true fairy feel fear, but she represents the celestial fairy at the moment, but the imperial ancient emperor behind her. However, the coercion of a giant can tremble and never show the slightest.
"Oh, then tell me about it. Besides … I haven’t asked you who your husband is, a worried gentleman or a sorrowful gentleman?" Deep king toned down and looked at the beautiful steps in amazement.
"The deep king didn’t know that my king was due to the feats of the four great gods of the virtual clan in the final battlefield. Not long ago, he was sealed by the Emperor of Heaven in my body. Presumably, the deep Wang Ge also speculated that it was the accidental fall of Yiqiu Jun …"
Jade slave’s clear voice is like a flowing moon, and she tells things in a proper way, which not only keeps respect for the deep king, but also shows the dignity of the celestial dark division.
A moment later, the deep king listened to his eyes and cried with dignity.
All the strengths in the world of the strong are respected. Although the Xianjun was conferred only recently, he did not dare to despise it in the slightest, because the other side was awarded the title by virtue of his amazing achievements in the fairy battlefield. As far as he knows, this is the most difficult and respected way to promote the giants in heaven, because this title is the most terrible battlefield in the world.
It’s as if the saints in the wild world are stronger than the merits to prove the truth.
"Xianjun’s offer really tempted the king, but can your family really represent the whole dark department?"
Respect belongs to respect, but it is obviously impossible to get the deep king to promise to launch a war against Shu Wang with clan power. After all, he can’t just rush away with a word before the whole clan lives and dies without seeing tangible benefits, even if the deep clan is in a very bad situation now.
"This is your sword, and it’s like seeing you."
Jade slave respectfully took out a small golden sword from the cloud embroidery, and there was a heavenly character in the center, which was obviously Qin Changfeng’s heavenly character sword.
"Is this meaning?" Deep king look a fiercely hall gas suddenly cold and biting … It’s not polite to meet a sword, and do you want him to meet you? But also to a password sword minister.
If that’s what you mean, it’s outrageous!
At this moment, the Fu Jian in the hands of Jade Nu’s snow-white element suddenly vibrates, and then the amount of the rune is instantly golden, rising like a sun, directly breaking through the top cover of the hall, and then rushing out of the water and straight into the sky like a dragon trace in the deep sea.
All the way, the runes in the sky are as magnificent as golden fish and snowflakes.
Soon, this magnificent spectacle was broken, and thunder roared out of the sky, and clouds rolled like the sky suddenly angered. A horrible vortex like the eye of the sky suddenly appeared, and the boundary was composed of golden runes. The vortex was so dense that it was so hot that it could melt everything. It was like rolling magma boiling there!
And frantically devoured the surrounding sky clouds, aura, and avenue power, even the emptiness was involved, and then it was instantly erased by the golden rune. Just in a moment, a thousand-mile hole in Fiona Fang appeared in the mirror sea.
This sudden change quickly attracted the attention of the strong people in the mirror sea, Naidu Bo City and the imaginary fairy department opposite the mirror sea. All kinds of sharp eyes swept away and they did not wonder what caused such a surprising vision.

Amir was frightened and fluent in Chinese. "You kill me-that will kill me and kill everyone. You will destroy the believers in your temple. You have to protect believers, don’t you?"

The question is shouting at his parishioners on the rooftop.
Human response
The imam closed his eyes and said, "I don’t know the consequences of letting them in, but I know that 100 million dollars will definitely destroy my temple and my parishioners."
When I look at the Amir again, the 74-year-old imam’s eyes are already sharp.
Chapter one hundred and forty-two Perfect solution
The highest wall of Jiangning Jianshe Road Temple is only 2 meters. Many soldiers can turn in with their bare hands, but even if there are several armed soldiers outside, no one makes a move.
If it is now half a year ago, these ignorant and lucky Arabs will be found out by Chen Heng and Chen Yi, and they will blow up everything-if they can survive the raid.
If it is now half a year later, whether the Chen family will win or lose in the political struggle, the imams will still send the Arabs out at noon after many days of friendly consultations between various forces, although there may be many complicated steps in the process, and perhaps one or two clever ideas will be needed.
But you can’t "if"
In the first hour, both Chen Yi and Chen Heng were ready to take the most severe measures against these kidnappers.
It is possible to save my little sister, but it will definitely cause trouble. Arabs are foreign friends and monasteries represent national feelings
Trouble may or may not wash away-but it will.
Emil is not a vicious gangster. They chose the wrong kidnapper, but they were lucky enough to come to the temple where the mouse was caught.
Mice are not terrible, nor are mice Chen Yi and others. No one cares about their life and death.
If you hit the mouse with a stick, it must be dead and the bottle must be broken.
If there is no way, that’s all.
But what if there’s a way not to get into trouble and it’s necessary to get into trouble?
It is a good way to make the imam bow his head and be willing to send Arabs or allow soldiers to enter.
This may make Chen Xi suffer for three more hours, but to be honest, she fainted and could not feel the difference between those hours.
Level 2 listening scrolls can help Chen Yi hear distant sounds.
He was told by the imam and Arabs for a long time to make sure that the imam would compromise before he shouted, "Emir, you have 30,000 dollars. It is not a big crime to discuss with your partner that attempted kidnapping is not a big crime. I have UAE diplomats around me. You can go back to China or stay with the imam in China …"
He said in a different tone, "Can I go to the temple and wait for the Emir’s decision?"
Chen Yi holds a magic wand dipped in cursing ink in his left hand pocket.
He must first solve the problem of the legality of entering the temple.
Once the imam nodded, religious and national feelings would not be hurt, and the Chen family would not be attacked jointly, so he posted an agile scroll. He could instantly kill three Arabs, and no one could say anything wrong.
This matter will be solved.
But if the imam doesn’t agree, although he can save his little sister, it will bring a new big trouble to the family.
Fu Han is secretly hiding behind his desk, waiting for an opportunity.
The old imam is in the middle of a piece of pressure.
The police commandos became nervous first.
Deputy Director Yan arranged and grabbed the captain who was preparing to assault. "Xiao Wu gave an order when you performed. Do you hear me?"
Xiao Wu, a deputy armed man, gave a military salute and turned to growl at his players.

Feel the change of chakra injected into the blade, and Chu Yun waved his hand again.

Very smooth, very smooth, and I don’t feel any resistance.
This smooth feeling made Chu Yun a little obsessed, so he waved it for a few times and couldn’t help but increase the delivery of chakra
Cut off "cool!"
Chu Yunxin decided to make this sword for himself.
However, when the blade swept across the opposite wall in the middle of the road, it suddenly lit up a spell
Then there was a scratch on the mantra, and then the mantra was broken.
"Uh …"
"It seems that something has been broken …"
Kadong has arranged medical ninja for Chu Yun and is planning to take medical ninja to see Chu Yun.
Suddenly don’t want to see Chu Yun.
I’m afraid to be precise.
So he came to the monitoring room to secretly observe Chu Yun.
However, Chu Yun looked at him with a grimace of a grin, and then the picture was gone
Responsible for the implementation of monitoring workers immediately get up and drink scold a way "depend! What person! Do things, right? "
Turn around and go to that box to deal with things. When I look back, I see them *oos.
"Well, I’ll take care of it right away!" The person in charge of monitoring is cursing in his heart why it happened that something went wrong when the leader inspected it. You are finished and wait to feel my anger.
Card east was just that scared out of consciousness that Chu Yun is deliberately this heart thumping.
Listen to the hand to find trouble again. Kadong almost directly angered and rushed to find something for himself.
"Stop! Sit down for me! "
The employee’s face lost face blink flaccid.
"I’ll go" Kadong dared not stop for a moment and hurried to the box with the medical ninja.
After seeing the boss leave, the employee silently said, "If my anger is over, I will beat you up and pay for it. If the boss goes, you will lose your life. Poor guy."
Chapter one hundred and ten Spoiling Swift is the most beautiful
Pretending to be uchiha madara Uchiha Obito, he left Wuyin Village.
Chu Yun was waiting for Kadong to arrange a medical ninja at the local exchange when he received the news.
"Why at this time?"
Although Chu Yun had predicted that Daitu would leave Wuyin Village in recent days, it was unexpectedly today.
Even in the sky.
The most important thing is that the narcissistic man’s body has not yet been reincarnated.
Chu Yun originally planned to turn the narcissistic male corpse into a five-turn corpse, and then he took back the leaves.
In this way, he also has an extra means of self-protection.
But now … it’s a little urgent.
Turn into ordinary undead? No, I’m going to kill my head this time.
"Knock, knock!" Cardon knocked politely before entering the room.
"Death Pavilion, this is a medical ninja belonging to our exchange department. You can arrange for her to help you do what you can, but she must return to her original post after one month."
A month!
Chu Yun surprised eyes looked down Kadong’s introduction.
At first glance, Chu Yun raised a sentence in his heart, "What a watery little girl."
It’s really beautiful. The height is 1.6 meters, which is shorter than that of Chu Yun. It has short silver hair, dark brown eyes and fair skin. Although it has no chest and no ass, it is graceful and refreshing.
It’s a pity that I won’t be here this month …
Tucao as an idea after Chu Yun nodded a greeting.
"Code name Death is usually called Chu Yun."
The girl is timid, but she is not really shy. She bows 90 degrees to Chu Yun politely. "The code name is paper kite, which is also called paper kite."

Huang Xuanqiang cheered himself up. His running speed is not bad. If the two sides move relative to each other every second, they won’t suffer too much, but the physical exertion of running for a long time is true. Huang Xuan knows that he can’t run 12 more bombs.

Inadvertently slowed down a little bit. Kyle immediately discovered this flaw and shot Huang Xuan’s feet
Huang Xuan was frightened, but he didn’t speed up, but continued to slow down. Although he practiced the peak confrontation for less than a week, he knew very well that he didn’t have an advantage except speed.
Some people are reluctant to end their fourth winning streak and have been fighting for two hours. Huang Xuan’s eyes are red and he applied for energy and tried to move to the trigger.
Note 1 Dolphin’s integral calculation method wins 3 draws and loses 1, plus the scores of both parties plus about 1% integral difference, and several times of winning streak. There are other detailed rules.
There has been an integral in chapter 1, but due to dolphin mistakes, a note has been added in the article, but there is no note later. It is said that this note is now added again. Thank you, reader. Hard Rock 99 pointed out.
Chapter three hundred and forty-nine Traveler’s World (3)
A 24-level traveler gave him enough energy to help his fingers pull the trigger.
However, in the peak matchup, the energy can be pulled directly because the network is decreasing and the amplification has reached a high level.
The problem is also the most extensive problem that travelers should actually encounter-finger energy synchronization problem.
One stroke of the trigger is the process in which the trigger is pressed, the pressure disappears and then the trigger returns. The most basic thing in this process is the negative pressure when the finger is pressed and the finger is loosened. Because of some special requirements at the peak, the minimum pressure of the trigger is determined by a complex number. Therefore, pulling the trigger with energy becomes a problem of energy fineness.
The higher the fineness of the energy, the higher the energy can be when the finger presses, and the higher the pressure can be when the finger is loose, the energy can be reversed or the pressure can be reduced at the same time to simplify the operation.
However, in any case, energy fineness needs to reach a number that makes travelers suffer.
Most travelers will encounter the problem of energy fineness after their fitness-many people may solve this problem perfectly in their lives.
The 3 nanometer level is an energy synchronization grid.
At this level, it is very difficult to try to get the energy fingers together. In plane warfare, the energy may not immediately guide the energy cannon when the traveler puts out his fingers. If it is a few kilometers away from home, the travelers are more concerned about the angle of the fingers. In close combat, when the travelers don’t need to ask for the angle, they encounter another embarrassing precision problem.
Such as instant attack
Peak-to-peak confrontation, once the energy fineness in travelers’ textbooks, is extremely important.
In order to avoid the situation that the finger is still pressing and the energy has been reversed (relatively depressurized) or the opposite embarrassing situation, travelers need to control the energy fineness to 3 nanometers.
This practical consideration is to control the critical time.
Or 1 second or 1 second, the former plus or minus equals no latter, which means energy is not helping.
It is the actual combat ability to have energy up to 1 nanometer level.
Ma is a 16-level traveler. He has no ability to control the energy fineness to 3 nanometers. Actually, he can’t control the 9 nanometers. Kyle, a proud plane traveler, never believes that the opposite R-level traveler may be better than his college-born traveler.
Kyle’s face has smiled. Huang Xuan’s gun firing rate is getting slower and slower, while he is getting better and better. He is ready to take the image back to show off to his fellow people.
Habitually dodging Huang Xuan’s bullet, Kyle raised his gun and aimed at his opponent. The speed of pulling the trigger was about 3 seconds, which just reached the standard. This speed was enough for Kyle to finish aiming shooting in a movement.
Suddenly Kyle’s left leg was numb again, followed by his left chest and head.
Three shots in a row
Actually in just 2 seconds.
Even Huang Xuan was amazed at this effect. Looking at his hand, Colt couldn’t help saying, "This energy is like no trigger."
Kyle didn’t hear what he said, but Mark still left the venue with resentment.
He knew what had happened, and there was a situation that could explain the problem of high firing rate in this kind of battle. Kyle scolded in his heart that the energy control fineness had reached the nanometer level, so why linger?


A crunchy sound
Sword light milli accident was easily broken to reveal a handle blue fly sword directly exploded into a mass of scrap iron.
At the same time, an old man who flew quickly from the horizon suddenly spit out one mouthful blood. He stood in horror and waited to see the scene before him, but his face changed dramatically and he couldn’t help but shout, "A real dragon?"
"Do you want to die?"
Li Xuandao suddenly raised his head for the size of a house, and dzi stared at the old man.
In an instant, the old man is cold
He felt a panic that he had never felt before.
However, the old man’s extraordinary strength soon suppressed his fear. Soon, he took a deep breath and his face was full of fear. "The bold dragon dared to violate the dawn convention. Can we Taibai Jianzong people treat you?"
Said the old man stepped forward and burst into terror.
"I am bullying you Taibai Jianzong people. What can you do to me?"
Li Xuandao narrowed his eyes, eyes flashing with danger.
The old man breathed a little, and immediately his heart rose to the sky with anger. "Today I should behead you to defend my Taibai Jianzong majesty!" "
"Ha ha you?"
Li Xuandao looked at the old man unabashedly disdainful.
"Damn Dragon, I will make you pay for your contempt today!"
The old man stamped his right foot with a furious look.
Suddenly, there were four flying swords rising from the back of the head and coming straight towards Li Xuandao.
These four flying swords are similar to the blue flying swords that have just been destroyed, flashing gold, red, black and yellow halos respectively. Their firm but gentle combination has more than quadrupled their power.
Big five elements fencing!
Li Xuandao corners of the mouth flush sneer at a glance and recognized this type of fencing avatar.
The five elements fencing is the most orthodox fencing avatar, and the five elements are all well prepared for attack and defense. However, now it represents that the wooden blue flying sword has been destroyed and the five elements are not, and the power of this fencing avatar has been greatly weakened.
"Dare to show off fencing in front of me?"
Li Xuandao jerked his huge body up.
Soon, he raised his huge dragon’s tail high and carried it out straight like a anchoring needle.
The talented avatar Shenlong Zhenhai!
Chapter 279 Almost grieve growing old
"Give me a break!"
Li Xuandao led the neck to scream and shook his huge tail and directly collided with four flying swords.
The whole virtual a slight quiver several wind suddenly rose.
This gale is fierce, and nothing grows.
The onlookers were forced back by the wind for hundreds of meters, even the Taibai town owner and the elders of hide the sword could not resist and had to retreat dozens of steps.
For a long time, the wind finally dispersed.
However, when people see Chutian scene, they can’t help but be stunned.
See Li Xuandao proudly entrenched half eyes above arrogance momentum enemy four handle fly sword was swept by his a huge tail suddenly and blue fly sword general light cleared inch by inch fracture into a few scrap metal.
The old man in golden robe was dragged by Qi Qi to spit out four blood in succession, and his face turned white after he wiped the blood from his mouth and stabilized his body.
Whoever loses wins a high verdict!
"My god, Li Xuandao … actually defeated Changlao!"
A stone stirs up a thousand waves!
I don’t know who shouted, and the whole scene was in uproar.
"What? Is this golden robe old? "
"It’s impossible. It’s always a saint. How can a master of seven layers be so unbearable?"
"The company commander elder is no match for Li Xuandao. Isn’t it terrible?"
Listening to many younger brothers talking about their long faces and blushing, I can’t wait to find a crack in the ground.
Damn it!
I blame this real dragon for embarrassing myself today.
He can well foresee that when he was destroyed by a real dragon, the news of five flying swords returned to Taibai Jianzong will cause equal shock.
But Chang Lao has not thought much about it. He looked at Li Xuandao deeply, and his eyes were full of shock.
Long old deep breath with incredible way "you have a saint a layer of strength how can be so fierce? Even a golden dragon with five claws may not be my opponent. What’s worse, you don’t know what kind of hybrid dragon? "
The dragon clan has a strict hierarchy.

"Ha ha, revenge, you said you and I rule out? Have you forgotten how you humiliated me before? But my adult regardless of the villain asked you to roll, I will no longer pursue it. "At this time, the sound of the moon slowly sounded."

"Hehe, forget it. You have something urgent to do to Brother Ruyue. You’d better leave first. I’m here with Ziling. You can rest assured." With a faint smile, Han Chen slowly stepped forward and looked at the broken enemy. "Brother Xutianyang is my wounded brother. If you are willing to take revenge on me, you can always be with me."
"It’s so small. In that case, I’ll give you some color to see see now, but this is my personal vendetta against you. I hope others will stay out of it."
"Of course, I won’t interfere in your brother Han Chen’s affairs, but do you think you can beat brother Han Chen?" Purple spirit indifferent looked at the broken day hatred.
"Well, in that case, Teacher Han Chen, you can have fun with this guy, but don’t cripple him." Seeing Ziling is a promise that the two men will fight against Ruyue and nod gently when their body flashes, it will disappear.
At this time, this temple attracted a lot of attention because of the sensation just now, but these people are all brothers in the realm of god.
"So small, then I’ll play with you." For the words like Moon, it’s a revenge, but otherwise, before his perception, this small black strength is only in the realm of becoming a god, and there is no threat to himself as a master of becoming a god.
"In that case, let’s have a good time with the pavilion." Han Chen shrugged his shoulders and looked at Ziling immediately.
"Brother Duantianqiu, let’s" shrugged his shoulders. Han Chen glanced around and found that there were a lot of onlookers at this time, but at this time they were watching from a distance because they knew that the battle fluctuation of the master of the realm of god was very large, and they would be injured if they were accidentally swept into it.
"Don’t leave your hand, of course, I will let you do ten tricks because you are just in the realm of god. If I force you to fight, you will be laughed at by others." With a cold smile, I looked at the Han Chen’s vitality slowly.
"Ha ha, thank you for your kindness, but you’d better fight for World War I because I don’t want you to lose too badly." A cold smile Han Chen also released a trace of concentration and a heavy peak.
And Han Chen exposed his own strength, which caused a stir.
"What? This Han Chen was just promoted to the realm of becoming a god a month ago, but now he is promoted to the peak of becoming a god? "
"This guy heard that it was a few years ago before St. Mon’s College or how did the small ants grow so fast in the solid state?"
"Is this really terrible?"
For those who talk about Han Chen, it is a so-called smile. At this time, his eyes looked at the face of surprise and revenge, but he shrugged his shoulders.
"How is that possible? Didn’t you just get promoted to the realm of becoming a god? How did you rise to the peak of becoming a god so quickly? " Staring at Han Chen’s face with a broken day’s hatred is like seeing a ghost. It’s a shame to say that Ruyue has been promoted to the realm of adventure. After all, the former has been a god for ten years, but now this little black dress is so short. Once upon a time, the realm of god soared to the peak of god, which is a bit of a Uber feeling.
"Ha ha, don’t talk too much nonsense. Brother Duantianqiu, let’s solve the battle quickly." For the former, it is undeniable to be surprised by Han Chen, but to laugh at it is to move the body to face the Duantianqiu blaster.
"In that case, I will fight with you. Even if you are promoted to the peak of success, you are still not my opponent." Slowly spit out a sigh of relief and quickly put the surprise behind you. Chapter four hundred and fifty-seven is a fiasco.
"Then let’s try it." With a faint smile, Han Chen’s face crossed with a sneer, but he didn’t respond to the words of the former.
Bang …
The figure is like a mountain, and the surly look at Han Chen is instant. A punch in front of him carries a terrible strong breeze like a bayonet and hits him in the chest.
"Hum" cold hum a Han Chen eyebrows slightly puckered for the former’s offensive. Although this guy is in the early stage of becoming a god, his fighting capacity is also comparable to that of ordinary becoming a god. However, there is no threat for Han Chen to know that his physical strength is comparable to that of becoming a god, and he still has the seven-printed precious weapon to eat the soul stick, but now is not the time, so he is not going to make the soul-eating stick, and he is not worthy to let himself make the soul-eating stick in front of this broken enemy.
A light drink of Han Chen Yuan’s breath in the heart of "Soul Change" is to instill it into the meridians of practicing Soul Change, and then his breath rises and is promoted to the early stage of becoming a god.
"What?" Feel Han Chen a liter of breath, and it’s also very, very trembling in his heart. He didn’t expect this black boy to have such a magical secret method before him.
"Ha ha, now the two of us are almost the same, and you are not afraid of others laughing at you." Han Chen shrugged his shoulders and crossed his face with a sneer. When his right hand suddenly leaned out, he was carrying a wave of terror and shot away at the not-far-off feud.
Whew …
The vitality fluctuates from Han Chen’s palm, and then a lux energy ball is formed, and the instant is the front of the broken enemy.
Nowadays, with the strength rising, Han Chen’s martial arts is at his fingertips for those places, and it is more arbitrary when he displays it.
"Small this just XuanJie wushu also dare to make a fool of yourself" See Han Chen that energy ball to his blaster, but the broken revenge is sneer at a show robe with a wave of his hand, and he slammed into the energy ball, and then the energy ball exploded all over the sky, which was instantaneous explosion.
"If you have this strength, then I don’t have to start work on you." A cold smile turned out to be an indifferent light, which seemed to be very crumbs for Han Chen.
"Ha ha, it was just a warm-up exercise. Now that you want to see my real strength, I’ll let you see it." Shrugged, Han Chen started to work again. Seeing that his right palm suddenly leaned out of the rolling vitality, and the fluctuations of the earth quickly spread, then Han Chen bent his palm into claws, and those vitality also quickly formed a huge white bone claw in front of Han Chen, which suddenly filled people’s hearts with horror.
"It’s like something." Seeing Han Chen’s bone-grasping claw and his face-breaking smile is also a little satisfied. Of course, for the former, he just attacked him and sneered. After all, it’s usually the ground-level Wushu that won the table.
And it was when the revenge of the broken days thought so that the white bone claw appeared not far away.
"Hum crack mountain refers to" seeing the white bone claws scratching at themselves and breaking the revenge is a cold smile. When the heart moves like a raging river, then a three-foot-sized thumb crashes and suddenly rushes at the white bone claws.
The two collided, and the terrible energy scattered like waves, but it was not good that the temple building was strange, so it was not destroyed by this fluctuation, but Rao was so. At this time, those who watched the gathering spirit realm were swept by this earth fluctuation, and their faces were all a little pale. What’s more, some of them were very close, and St. spit out a mouthful of blood, which showed how terrible this master of the realm of god was fighting.

After a while, I finally got rid of my asthma. Shen He continued, "But I still have to do something. Teacher Fan has to work harder."

After saying that, Shen He got up and made a superficial effort to put a mysterious light into the bottom of the lake. Only then did he collect the smoke and return to the line of sight. From the mountain leader, his face was calm and his eyes were clear. In the distance, Xie Fat and Bai Yu Chengdu, who was near, sincerely admired and cast great magical powers, still kept his face unchanged.
Chapter five hundred and seventy-one Promise
Elder Fan flew 30 miles away first, and Xie Pangyun asked the people in the clouds, "The fog will rise at night and disperse in Lebanon, but you must remember to go to the lake to fish before dusk, otherwise it will be difficult to tell the direction of the fog at night, even if it will be dangerous."
The leader here took two other elders and this younger brother to the front. No, she’s a Moyer. Thank you and say a few words of greetings. Leave a wooden bell and ask her to stay away from the mountain at any time when she is free. If she doesn’t listen, she will be asked to wait patiently.
Words are weird again. Shen He doesn’t ask what he walked over and nodded and greeted Qingyun. After a few words, he no longer stayed away from the town. The townspeople bowed down and Shane disappeared into the sky in an instant.
All the brothers who left the mountain left, but Elder Fan stayed behind and followed the leader. It was a projection of god’s knowledge. He was invisible and quietly watched the town in the distance.
I can’t thank the head of the mountain, but I can thank the beautiful fairy Xie Pangyun for driving back to the town. More than a thousand villagers were shouted by the elders in the town, ready to pay homage to the gift … Everything happened before and after, and everyone could see it. Without this fairy home, it would have been swallowed up by the flood! Don’t leave your hometown and rebuild your life! But no one kneels in front of them, and a soft force holds them so that they can’t kneel again.
Don’t listen, close your eyes for a moment, and then open your eyes to flatter the girl to add to the s-curve! She dispersed the du mu technique.
The townspeople can’t see clearly at the moment, but they can see clearly. They exclaimed and blurted out, "Are you from Moyer? !”
Don’t listen to smile and nod "don’t be surprised"
Xiaojinchan agreed, "If she is malicious, this is already another scene."
This cognition of Moye’s evil spirit has not only been practiced since ancient times, but also the people’s cognition. It is difficult for the people in the town to stir up a commotion when they hear that the fairy is an evil spirit.
But it’s only a moment’s discussion. Ordinary people don’t have such a heavy sense of justice and disaster. Their loved ones are well, I am well, and they are still satisfied at home. It can be said that salvation is a blessing, and it is necessary to care whether the blessing is a deity or a monster. Whoever knows a fairy story seems to really turn against the benefactor.
Thank you after the surprise.
I don’t listen to shaking my head. "If you really thank me, it’s two simple things." She said that she turned over a small bag of flowers in her palm. "The flowers are planted in the corner of the yard, and they are not deliberately taken care of. They look good when they are resistant to living."
At this moment, Xiaojinchan finally realized.
If you want to watch "Laughter" all over this day, don’t listen to good deeds and ask the beneficiaries to plant flowers … There are many kinds of flowers, so the name of Moyer girl will flow. Where is she to plant flowers? She wants to change the name of "Moyer’s evil land" and the attitude of the middle-earth people towards her!
One day, laughter will spread all over the place, and the girl will no longer be an evil spirit. She is a fairy who benefits others.
What is it to plant a few flowers? What’s more, if you don’t take care of the flowers, dig a hole and throw the seeds in, you can forget it. The elders in the town never listen to the flowers and ask respectfully, "What is the second command of the fairy?"
"The second thing is even simpler." I don’t listen to the laughter. "Every morning on the ninth day, I hope that you can look at the heart of Chaoyang in the east and say’ Su, Sunny and Good, and cite Qi Mei’. I will be satisfied if I don’t say it silently. I am even more grateful." Moye didn’t listen to the family name "Sunny"
She felt that many people were relieved to talk about their good deeds with their lovers.
Waiting for that day, the ninth day of the lunar month, laughing and flowers all over the middle earth, lifting her eyes to the east, and the day when she married Su Jing!
She wants red flowers everywhere, and she wants the whole world to look at the East.
She is "Su Qinghao’s joint case of Qi Mei"
Fairy’s request is strange but simple. People in the town dare not ask more curses. They swear that Fairy should be properly commanded not to listen to Yang’s arm and wave to the townspeople. Xiaojinchan didn’t "go to the sky" and didn’t listen to her feet. She flew up side by side and saw the fairy speak before she left. The mayor hurriedly shouted, "Please show me your fairy’s name …"
The girl Moye resolutely refused to say her name and replied with a smile, "That kind of flower is called laughter." The sweet voice echoed and the clouds soared and soon disappeared.
Elder Fan didn’t track it down again. He took a flower seed and chased the leader and his party back to the mountain …
Two young women left the town and walked north. Little Jin Chan suddenly said, "If I were Su Qiangqiang, I would marry you."
If you don’t listen to this kind of "laughter", you will be able to get married, but you don’t want to unload Su Jing’s shoulder-Lu Jiao Lan Qi and Lu Ya Shao Xun have all shouldered the burden.
Planting flowers in the middle of the earth is both her own and Su Jing’s reluctance to listen, not to marry and not to Su Jing’s reluctance to win.
"Su Qiangqiang has no temper and loyalty, but it is better to be friends with him." Qingyun nagged that dozens of children’s mouths were already broken and couldn’t be broken again. I praised this sentence and hurt Su Jing again. "But his small white face coughed. Why do you want to marry him so much?"
Su Jing is relatively handsome, but the goblins seem to be all gigolo if it weren’t for the rough atmosphere and the stubble full of cheeks and fierce eyes.
Don’t listen to laugh and don’t be melodramatic with goblins. Su Jingshi is so flattered that he doesn’t hide that he likes "Su Jingshi’s benefits. Where do you know?"
Xiaojinchan looked at the side of his head and didn’t listen … Then he took a look at "You have a nosebleed"
The little witch reached out her nose and dipped it gently to get it in front of her eyes. She frowned as if she wanted to say something, but suddenly her body fell into the arms of Xiaojinchan.
Xiaojinchan was so surprised that she didn’t listen to a demon at the same time. After a while, she relaxed, and the little witch was exhausted.
Dance a turbulent river as a growth silk for several hours, even if you don’t listen to the exquisite practice, you can’t stand the consumption of drama, and the nosebleed caused by the shock of meridians comes from this.
It’s not an injury. You can recover in a few days.
Don’t listen to nothing, Xiaojinchan can rest assured to laugh again. "Can you stop nosebleeds when Su Qiangqiang starts?" Fine family don’t listen to promise you! "
Don’t listen, bend your eyes and smile. It’s very tiring and willing to plant flowers for the first time!
When the little witch laughed, the slick king looked grim and asked Ah Er before him, "How could she have disappeared?" What is the situation? "
After Su Jing left, Ah Er, Ah Qi entered the Yin and Yang Division, and the young master left seriously. Please ask two corpse evil spirits to protect the young mistress. Ah Er, Ah Qi did not dare to neglect at all, but I didn’t expect that suddenly it was cloudy like ink not long ago, and a Lei Guang crossed the back house of Yin and Yang Division and hurried to see that the young mistress had disappeared.
Ah, Er, Ah, Qi contacted the Ghost King to mobilize their forces to look for it. Although they knew that it was hopeless to find someone like this, there was really no other way.
When the slick king received the news, he immediately ordered the spirit of the city in a bottle to fly, and the detective rode out to cast a net as if to find someone himself. Other kings hurried to the Yin and Yang Department to ask for details. It is more important for the slick kid to lose his brother and sister with loyalty than to lose his daughter-in-law.
Up to now, it has been 16 or 17 hours since the little witch disappeared, and there is still no news. The slick king can’t sit still. He took a few demons who defected to Tianjin and hurried to Tianjin. He directly asked the two corpses stationed in the Yin and Yang Division why they could find more clues and find people conveniently.
Ah Er probably told the story in two sentences. No, the third sentence or two sentences are enough to finish what happened.
Slinky kid’s eyebrows are wrinkled. "It’s so simple … can there be clues to her missing place in the back house?"

Zhang Hao said goodbye to her roommate in a hurry and ran to the financial gate, while secretly scolding this Song Ren for being too obscene. When did he call himself to eat, and now he dares to deceive Jingyu? It is definitely a bad intention.

"Hi Jingyu" Zhang Hao rushed to the school gate and saw a beautiful woman in white. Naturally, Jingyu was late, and today’s dinner was specially made up.
"Well, let’s go. It’s just ahead of the Dynasty Hotel."
Zhang Hao didn’t tell Jingyu the truth. He wanted to see what Song Ren was playing. Fortunately, Song Ren and several people were talking at the gate of the hotel before he arrived at the hotel.
Seeing Jingyu’s arrival, Song Ren’s eyes lit up, but looking back, Zhang Hao’s appearance made him instantly confused. He didn’t tell Zhang Hao.
"What?" Song Ren was in a hurry. Zhang Hao appeared, but he destroyed his plan, but he was ready to meet him.
"Song monitor told us to come."
"Nothing, nothing, have dinner, meet new friends."
Looking at Song Ren’s hypocrisy, Zhang Hao despised Song Renzhen for calling Zhang Hao because Jingyu didn’t know the situation.
A very imposing western man looked at Jingyu and asked Song Ren, "This is your friend. It’s beautiful. Then this is."
"I’m Song Ren’s classmate and Jingyu’s boyfriend." Zhang Hao said it without thinking, making Song Ren have something to say.
Jingyu didn’t react well. One more boyfriend also widened his eyes. I don’t know what’s wrong with Zhang Hao, but I’m embarrassed to say anything when I look at so many people I don’t know. This makes others think it’s the default, and it makes the west man look at Song Ren meaningfully.
This meal is very inexplicable and interesting. However, during the chat, Zhang Hao learned that this western man turned out to be Huang Haobo, president of the student union of Caida University, which shocked Zhang Hao. It was a bit interesting for Song Ren to sign a long-term meeting after learning.
"When will you and Jingyu find that Zhang Hao?" Song Ren really can’t stand it. Finally, he has to be prepared to debunk Zhang Hao.
Zhang Hao’s face is not red and he doesn’t jump. "Yesterday!"
"Yesterday was so fast"
"Why do you still need Song Ban’s consent?" Zhang Hao listened to Song Ren’s questioning and showed it as realistic as he was looking for Jing Yu.
"Jingyu didn’t inform me that it was too secret." Song Ren was very unwilling. He couldn’t figure it out. It really shouldn’t be.
"Things haven’t come yet last night. Besides, it’s nothing new, so I didn’t say anything." It’s hard to ride a tiger and Jingyu has to act with Zhang Hao.
After eating this meal, Zhang Hao was very proud to pull Jingyu away and leave a pack of people to continue drinking. Song Renxian pulled a long face.
At this time, Huang Haobo, the president of the student union, looked at Song Ren and wondered, "That’s not to say that I brought a pure one. I found you and told me what."
"Brother Huang really didn’t do it before."
"Forget it, forget it." Huang Haobo was disappointed and waved his hand. Song Renxiao, who had no social experience, saw the extreme in his heart.
Song Ren was called Jingyu because Huang Haobo said that he wanted to meet a pure girl and let him introduce him. He promised to give Song Ren a small position in the student union.
Although Song Ren had a good impression on Jingyu, Jingyu’s lukewarm attitude made Song Ren uncomfortable. When Huang Haobo spoke, he thought of Jingyu and coaxed that Zhang Hao would also be there, so there was a scene where Jingyu called Zhang Hao.
Out of the gate of the Dynasty Hotel, it was already dark, and Jingyu pursed her mouth and walked forward at losing. Zhang Hao chased her and just wanted to talk, but she was dragged down by Jingyu and walked on.
"Hey, hey, don’t be angry. What’s the matter?"
"What did you say you were my boyfriend? I agreed, bad guy."
"That you listen to me."
"Don’t" Jingyu walked on. Zhang Hao Nai Avenue was out of the truth
"Song Rengen didn’t call me."
Hearing that Jingyu stopped instantly, he wondered, "I didn’t call you, so what did you say, I called you, and you still went?"
"You’re stupid. You didn’t call me. I told you that I didn’t just want you to let your guard down and go to the party. There must be something wrong with that Huang Haobo, a financial student. I don’t think he is normal.
Zhang Hao analyzed everything, and Jing Yu stopped talking. Song Ren was really a bit odd, but he was still very upset about Zhang Hao’s self-styled boyfriend.
"Hey, I heard that overseas beaches are beautiful. Let’s go and have a look."
"Who wants to go with you?"
"Well," Zhang Hao was slightly lost.
"Hey, where is it? Take me there."
The rhythm of the twists and turns made Zhang Hao’s little heart a little overwhelmed. I heard that Jingyu promised to go around Zhang Hao with him and just jumped into the Huangpu River to thank God. That’s half the battle.
After all, the narrative is pale. When Zhang Hao and Jingyu went to the Bund in person, the shock in their hearts came to life. At night, the lights on overseas beaches were glittering and the whole people were intoxicated by the breeze blowing on the riverside.
The night scenery is dressed in white, which makes Zhang Hao infatuated with it like a fireworks fairy who doesn’t eat people.
Looking at the scenery on the Bund, Jingyu couldn’t help exclaiming, "It’s so beautiful."
"Yes, it’s beautiful."
"Hee hee Zhang Hao, you think so, too. The sea is so nice."
"I said it was you, Jingyu. You are charming."
Emotional words, eyes and eyes hammered hard in Jingyu’s heart. She didn’t expect Zhang Hao to be so outspoken. Although she had thought about it, it was difficult to panic when the day really came.
"Why do you say so disgusting?" Jingyu quickly left aside to ease her nervousness, but the words still made her messy.
"Jingyu, are we going to have a good relationship?" Zhang Hao swore that he had put the next two years of cheekiness on tonight before saying this sentence. His heart thumped and thumped, and he had already reached the speeding range. He confessed for the first time in his life and regretted it in an overseas beach.
Now every second is suffering. Zhang Hao is uneasy and waiting for a response. Jing Yu thinks fiercely. At this moment, at night, a pair of young people on the Bund face a trial and a choice needs to be made.
The breeze brushed Jingyu’s cheek and brought up a few strands of floating hair. Zhang Hao looked at Jingyu’s pretty face for a moment and bit her red lips. She had never been confessed. Jingyu was also hesitant. This tall boy was so affectionate before him.
Zhang Hao’s right hand stretched out a big hand and covered Jingyuyu’s hand, holding a soft and silky little hand, which made people linger.
"Yu promised me"
Zhang Hao knew that if he failed tonight, I’m afraid it would be difficult for both of them to face it. Zhang Hao also gave up enough courage to speak his mind tonight.
Looking back, I have known Jingyu for so many years, and I feel that I have always been in my heart. Finally, today, this situation makes him confess.
Jingyu has already felt that Zhang Hao seems to be interesting, but when it comes to facing it, she is also scared to death, just like doing bad things and being afraid of being discovered.
Looking at Zhang Hao’s tender eyes seems to melt everything. Jingyu is afraid that she will fall into Zhang Hao’s enthusiasm.
"Hao, can you give me some time? I’m not prepared to calm me down."
"Don’t think about promising me now."
Although Zhang Hao is stupid, he also knows that once he calms down, he will no longer be in control. Now it seems that he has to press hard.
There was a moment in the offensive in Zhang Hao when Jingyu almost gave up her line of defense and promised Zhang Hao, but she was still reserved in her heart, and after all, she failed to make up her mind and still hesitated.
"The ice bucket challenge is popular in Zhang Hao recently."
"Well, yes," Zhang Hao wondered why he said this at this time.
"Jingyu, do you want me to do it again? No problem. I’ll do it. Don’t say one barrel. I want you to promise me ten barrels." Zhang Hao instantly felt hopeful.
"No, ten buckets is too much, or you can challenge it with a bucket of water."
"Monitor Jing, this may not be so good."
"Hee hee tease you" looking at Zhang Hao some become speechless Jingyu smile quickly adjust mentality.

Mrs. Baishi is still very casual

She met an explosive friend in Hawaii, who couldn’t contact her daughter for several days. He was worried that her daughter would be addicted to writing about forgetting to eat and sleep again, hoping to take some food with Tokyo Baishi to have a look.
Take out the address of Baishi, take out the mobile phone in the backpack, call the mailbox and check the text message. There is no new news in it. It seems that there is no shift today.
He went to the supermarket to buy some fresh water and rented a car to feed the novelist named Nakamura Zhen at the address given by Mrs. Baishi.
Following the map route, the car drifted further and further, and finally arrived in the suburbs.
When you stop, you can see that the place where Nakamura Zhen lives is an exquisitely renovated old villa that looks a few years old.
The suburb+villa Baishi is alert. This looks too much like a future murder scene.
Baishi wants to call the police directly.
But not saying that the case will be regarded as harassing the police.
Plus, sometimes the police will get in the way. He didn’t dial after all, so let’s see where it can be triggered first.
It is most likely that you have a flat tire or get lost during your trip to Richard Moore and then come here to stay.
Baishi looked around and found no broken down vehicles.
After thinking for a moment, he parked his car in the nearby trees and took the food with him.
I wanted to ring the doorbell, but the white stone doorbell hung for a while and then let it go.
He turned, squatted and pushed a flowerpot on the crooked porch, picked up the pressed surface for the key, and let the fox out to explore the road.
Chapter 162 Don’t let the villain put the malicious words.
The fox sniffed at the crack of the door twice and wagged his tail around the foot of Baishi, showing nothing unusual.
Baishi just knocked on the door with the key and entered the room.
The room is clean, but it looks a little crowded. The living room is not small, but the walls on both sides are covered with various clock racks, which are also filled with layers of clocks. Most clocks and furniture are carved with animal shapes.
Animal clocks …
Baishi gradually recalled several pictures in his mind.
At the same time, the clock will ring all over the house, and when it arrives, it will spit out the ugly Goblin cuckoo clock … An eye in the hole in the attic door.
Just thinking about the fox, he ran to the stairs.
Although the way the eyes appear in Baishi’s impression is scary, it seems that the attic is not a bad person.
Hesitate for a moment and he followed.
The first and second floors are exquisitely decorated, and there is a staircase leading to the top in the corner room on the second floor.
Baishi climbed down the stairs to the end and saw an old door. There was a breach near the door.
He looked down for two seconds and couldn’t resist looking close to the hole.
There are no "terrible eyes" in the cave.
However, near the door, he saw a tall woman lying unconscious with her hands and feet tied and her mouth gagged, and she didn’t know whether she hit the door halfway and fainted or was sleeping.
She seems to have been here for a while, and the smell coming through the crack of the door is not very good. It is mixed with the smell of wood, dust and mildew, and some … people can produce physiological smells that are not very good.
The fox’s nose was close to the crack of the door, and he sneezed a few times, frowning and taking two steps back.
My inner sister is really miserable, but her state is just right with the fact that she can’t be connected for several days.
This should be the daughter of Mrs. Baishi’s friend, Nakamura Zhen.
Seeing so many details, the Baishi memory case is a little fresher.
From the perspective of Conan in the original work, it seems that there are two gunmen who occupy the magpie’s nest and put the original owner Nakamura Zhen into the attic, and then pretend that the owner wants to send Richard Moore to help solve the puzzle.
Now it seems that my luck is not bad, and I am driving the gangsters away.
I don’t know how long they will be away. We have to get the lock as soon as possible, take the novelist away and call the police to arrest him.
The door lock looks quite strong. Baishi took the gun out of his backpack and glanced at it. Suddenly he thought of something and took it back into his backpack.
This publisher is strictly with Nakamura’s parents.
If Nakamura Zhen wants to find out after being saved, it is not difficult to know that it is Baishi who came to see her today.
The gun can’t be used by himself. He didn’t bring his laundry. In case someone reports him for illegal gun possession after calling the police, the forensic department will find that he is covered with gunpowder, which will cause trouble.
Besides, it’s hard to guarantee that the bullet won’t jump back to itself at close range. Once it’s hit by ricochet, it’s a big deal whether it’s hospitalization or finding a system to repair it …
Baishi was about to put on a mask and let this illegal vest do illegal things, but then the fox behind him suddenly "squeaked!" Liaoyi
Whitehead Zheng didn’t wait to turn around, and the wooden board creaked behind him, followed by his feeling that his back was resisted by something hard.
The gunman smiled darkly. "Someone can find you here …"